Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What If... ❯ Denial, Sweet Denial ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What If…
Chapter five

Thanks to my lovely reviewers for your nice comments on my little story.
After I wrote my H/K one shot and posted it here and only got one reaction back from Altar (Later one other nice review along hers), I thought first that not very much people seem to like this couple.
But I have a thing for this two; I find they look really cute together and wanted to write one other.
Even if I would not retrieve as much reviews as I have it for my Y/H fik so far!
This couple has hooked me from the first time I read a story about them, if I remember it right, it was Halos and Horns.
Well, enough from my thoughts for today.
Here is the fifth chapter.
After this one this will certainly have more juicy stuff and some lemons, but I like to give my stories a background, so…

Denial, Sweet Denial

Dammed! What you are thinking you are talking of??!
This is ridicule!
I am not attached to her in the slightest!!
She is only a ningen that confuses my brain!
Have you ever seen my sorry person give away the slightest impression that I would like your race very much?
And she is Yusukes Girl. The last time I checked this!”

That was all what could be heard, ringing through the wood around Genkai´s formerly peaceful temple grounds.

The old spirit watched calmly the next to her glaring and snarling demon in her bedroom.
Personally she thought that Hiei and Yusuke had a lot more in common as everybody else of the group, especially the demi god thought.
The two were stubborn, excellent fighters (personally she thought that it was a wonder that the dimwit had overpowered the hi-yokai, but c’mon) and sometimes both could be a little clueless.

She would never dare to tell the dangerous demon this, but right at the moment, he looked much alike to Yusuke when the dimwit of her heir was too stubborn to see the oblivious because it could hurt him.
Or in Hiei's case, come too near to him!
She had mused before that the small and compact demon had a thing for the temperamental young girl; it was clearly to see for you if you looked at the right signs.

But then again, Hiei even managed to foul Kurama!
And that was something not many people had tried with success so fare.

There was something on the human girl that seems to drown all the males around her to Keiko like the honey the bee!
And Genkai had the bad foreboding feeling that this would grow into serous troubles with time.
For now she was sure the short demon would not go against his own unique code of honour and simply take what he wanted, but what was later, in a few years?

What would be then?

Hiei was dangerous, aggressive and stubborn and to choose from what the old lady knew about him so fare, Hiei ever got what he what he was after!
He was a deadly combination of allotting dangerous things from what she knew, and not known for his patience. More for the opposite of that!

Genkai could have sworn she saw shortly a glint of murder in his eyes when she told him finally her conclusions out of his questions and musings.
And what Hiei has told her into the last one hour was more then interesting to hear to say at last.
Genkai understood why this quite and aloof yokai had not asked Kurama instead; he would never live his teasing down.
She only asked herself what that would do to her stubborn dimwit in the future.
And more so, to the girl!
But in the now she had to deal with an equally stubborn and dangerous fire yokai next to her bed and as it seems to her this was going to be a looong night!

The next morning found the very pissed of yokai in the tree outside the window of an equally confused looking red head who idly asked himself what must have gotten on Hiei's bad side this night!
The short sword master looked ready to kill something and Kurama had the uneasy feeling that it could be he instead of the right thing, if he chooses his next words not very carefully today.
Silently shaking his long mane, the fox spirit tried to convince the demon on the tree branch to come in to eat something; maybe, Kurama thought, it would lighten up his dark mood. But inwardly he was more then only curios about this all.

Six days later Hiei and Kurama watched with dark glinting eyes the detective wobbles out on shaking legs of a totally destroyed building.
Toguro had punched it into oblivion with ease to scare the youth and told him his invitation to the dark tournament.

The two yokai had to come with him as his team members and found that not very good.
Hiei disliked the most that he was called a traitor.
Their chances to get out of this all alive where rather bad!
Hiei watched together with Kurama the detective gather up Keiko from the street crowed and then went away to sort his thoughts out.

Since the dammed night he had asked the old hag out about a few things and got her smuck answer back; Hiei had done nothing other as to think about this new aspect more closely.
Maybe he was not much of a talker, like the kit was it, but he was used to think about himself allot and did that mostly when he came to a death end in his live like this.

What Genkai told him was not much, but it made sense!
Even for Hiei.
And that was it what angered him this much on this that it made sense!
Hiei did not like the thought to be that *much* attached to Keiko.

His entire live the short demon was used to live only for his own and more so; never he wanted to have too much to do with others.

It brought only troubles with the time just like the detective has brought him in now.
But then again, he never had felt so much alive as the last half year in his entire live.
And his powers had improved a lot along with his fighting skills!

But was Genkai really right?

Was he really in the age for something like that?
Since he had met this human girl, his feelings and emotions drove him slowly mad.
He found himself more then often back onto her windowsill and watching the ningen.
And if that wasn’t enough, he longs for more and more each day that passed by; to hold her or to be just near to her.

Hiei did not like it to be attached to something, it slowed a warrior down and made him invincible to harm!

If only one of his enemies ever found out that he had a soft spot for this girl, she would be death in minutes.
But then again he could not stop himself from his longing for her.
The short demon knew he was about to lose it slowly and that would be dangerous for him and her!

Sighting Hiei got up from his porch and went to find the old woman; he needed a secret place to train and the old spirit certainly knew one for him, Hiei was sure.
Suddenly a move aside Hiei got his awareness.
The red-haired fox demon was on his way to him, with Koenma right on his heels.

Silently cursing on the demi god to get him in this mess and his bad luck in general, Hiei gave up and waited impatiently for the two to arrive.

Only the devil could know what the two could want from him this time!

Keiko was just on her way home when suddenly she was accompanied from a certain frame of a silent fire demon called, Hiei.

Where Hiei had come from or why he did that was a miracle for her.
Since Yusuke had gone to Genkai to train for three months, she was mostly alone to find on her way to school and back. Lately some idiots had dared to follow her to anger Yusuke.
But before something nasty could have happened to the girl, Hiei suddenly appeared out of nowhere and scarred them away from her.

Since then he seem to follow her wherever she walked, to made sure that she holds herself out of trouble.
Not that she would have done that anyway. But the strange yokai seem to be determined to made sure that she where save.
Somehow it soothed her to know he was near the entire time somehow, but it scared her to see him so near to her.

She was confused to no end from Hiei. Wasn’t Yusuke normally supposed to do that?

But the strangest on this was that she found him more and more often with her at her home, sitting on Keiko’s windowsill and watch her.
She even spotted him sometimes in the branches of the trees across the street of her school!
Keiko was never sure why but she could feel him near to her more and more often.

What confused her in this the most was the fact that she seems not to mind him doing so! Keiko found herself more and more often enjoying the silent company of the normally solitary yokai and was contend to just stay silent with him when he was around.

With Yusuke she had arguments most of the time but Hiei was silent and quite in his behave; he never said something in a loud way or jelled at her for nothing.
Ok, Keiko thought, Hiei was cold like a fish around others, sometimes even cruel and rude and his voice sounded emotionless most of the time when he chooses to speak, but if you tried to look behind his distancing facade; you could find a lot more on him as just that.

It was his voice what she liked mostly on the so silent demon.

When Hiei spoke, his voice sounded deep rich and smooth.
Keiko found herself more and more often back to try to bring him to talk to her a little, only to hear the demons voice.
And to her utter surprise, slowly the yokai began to take her offers for that after some time.
She found out that way that he knew a lot more as the others gave him credit and never spoke a word to anyone of this. Not that Hiei talked with her that much, but sometimes the teen caught the yokai by telling her more as she thought he wanted to tell her.
She treasured these rare moments and never spoke about this.

On the other hand, Hiei could also piss her of like none other before!
Not even Yusuke had managed it to get her anger high wire like he did it and the small demon mastered this task with ease!

He even dared to set her skirt at fire one day, only to anger her!
Right in the middle of the frond yard of her school, only to piss her of!
She had called him a dwarf for being rude to her that day in the morning hours and only some hours later she found herself back in the middle of the full yard at midday with her skirt suddenly on fire.

After this unhappy event she went home fuming and bright red with a silently chuckling fire demon as her company in the trees out of her reach! Who had dared to look longer as necessary on certain parts of her anatomy all the way back!
She had thrown a bucked cold water out of her window at him later when he was asleep in the tree near her window. But to her anger he only catches the bucked before it could soak him and smirk at her.

She hated it when he did that!

His laughs had followed her on the entire next day when she had to meet her schoolmates again.
Luckily for Keiko the weekend just started after this day.

And then the story first with the birthday cake of her aunt!
Not that Keiko liked her that much; this woman could drive the devil itself insane, but has that dammed demon to hatch the entire cake right in the frond of the poor woman on her birthday party and to vanish with it?!?

Her aunt needed her therapist at that day more then on time!
And her entire family, who knows about the delusive demon companion of Keiko and her friends, had a hard day of lectures for her to live down!

Meaning in fact, Kurama and her!

And first one was not amused about Hiei's strange behave the slightest!
He was invited from Keiko along his mother who knew her aunt and so the two had spoken and laughter in each others company for the entire afternoon along with her stupid aunt who tried to set the two up with each other; she did not like Yusuke very much.

He never told the two why he did this stupid act, well not her at least but Keiko got the impression Genkai knew and she told her nothing.

And then there was the day when a nice classmate of her came with flowers to her doorstep suddenly and asked she for a date.
His question had not even left his lips for two seconds as the flowers in his hands suddenly burned to ash right before the eyes of her startled mother and her and him.
The poor boy never knew what has happened to them.
And if that wasn’t enough, his trousers suddenly also began to smoke slightly.

Keiko took it as her clue to declines his question hastily and to sent the boy home as fast as possible; because she feared Hiei would burn him alive if she did not!
After this she went fuming to her room to tell the yokai that he could go to hell she cared.
Only to find herself suddenly pinned to the wall and an angry looking apparition in front of her.

He told her very quietly and with a strange glint in his red eyes, that he would set the next one who tried this on fire instead, Koenma or not!

Then Hiei vanished for a few days without a trace.
The startled young girl found never out why the demon had acted that violent he has. But since then she made sure that no one tried to go out with her again.
Not that she ever had wanted in the first place, but she was not sure if it would be healthy for her class members.
Not to mention her sanity.

Sometimes he could act more violently as Yusuke and sometimes Hiei surprised her with a tenderness she never thought he could inhabit inside himself!

One night not a month ago she woke up in the middle of the night, only to find next to her a glowing flower pot, she never saw before in her live.
Blue and greenish light filled the room along with a wonderful scent; Keiko knew it must have been Hiei's way to say sorry to her.
She was impressed that he even did something like that!
She knew somehow that it wasn’t normal for the aloof apparition.
She did her best to tend it and never said about it to anyone else because Keiko knew he would not like it very much if she did so.

Today she felt worn out and very much tired; she had learned the last days and nights for a very important set of school tests and not slept for days!
And if this wasn’t enough, some gang members from another school had come and started a fight right in the schoolyard with Kuwabara`s friends and even tried to hit her and her friends!

But they never even came anywhere near to her.
Somehow every one of them who had tried it seems magically to vanish for two or three seconds only to be found suddenly laying on the floor; beaten up and out of it.
Keiko knew why, but she only smirked at the last one, before she hit him that hard that the poor guy flew some metres away from the angry brunette!

Nobody tried to come near to the fuming teen after that again.
Even her school teachers where shocked from Keiko`s aggressive hit.
They let her go a few hours earlier to cool down and after she passed with ease her tests.

Now Keiko was on her way back home with Hiei as her company, both silent on the entire way.

When she finally arrived at her door, the demon vanished suddenly without a word spoken and she went tired to her bed.

Later this night she woke up again from something cold that lay on her forehead, and she was burning up from the inside and felt slightly nauseated the entire time; She had caught a cold!

Groaning the girl went to her bathroom to fulfil her needs only to collapse from the fever on her way back out of the room.

Before her head could hit the tiles on the floor, someone caught her and brought her back in her bed.

The rest of the night the ill girl found herself accompanied with someone who holds her near and somehow subdued her fever; ever purring comforting in her ears lowly what soothed the ill feeling teen immensely and brought her the much needed sleep.

She dreamed the entire night of tongues made out of fire and ice that seem to dance along each other and protected her from any harm possible.

Hope you all liked it!
Don’t forget to tell me what you all think!
Until next time,