Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Life Brings ❯ Hi ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own YYH or any of the characters. But for those ficlets who contain my original character Mai (see `With Every Drop of Blood' and `Fire Dancer')—I do own her.
a/n: I'm just going to give you all a little sampler of all the ideas I couldn't fit into my other stories. Some of these may be AU, some may not, and some might even contain Mai—it's all a surprise!
I'm going to try and make sure that these stories run no longer than 600 words or less (if I really have to, I'll stretch the word count, but only if it's necessary)
What Life Brings
The redhead tapped his pencil impatiently along the tabletop as the café buzzed excitedly with visitors. This was just perfect; entrance exams were coming up soon and he had hardly opened a single text book. He just couldn't help it; his mind kept wandering from his studies. His thoughts kept finding their way back to her.
“Don't worry! Kazuma Kuwabara—warrior of love—will make sure no harm comes to my precious Yukina!”
His eye ticked slightly. Jeeze, no wonder she went back to the ice realm he thought bitterly; he had acted like such an idiot…who would like someone like him?
Kazuma sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. There was just something about her that made him act that way; almost as if he knew she wouldn't care if he acted like a goofball all the time. Yukina was different than all the other girls he had met before…
She…she was special…
It was as if she really cared about him for who he really was. Then a thought occurred to him: what if she was just being nice? What if she acted like that to everyone else? He felt his heart plummet to the pit of his stomach; he couldn't bear it if that was the case; he loved Yukina—he would do anything for her! Hadn't he proven that before when they had rescued her from Tarukane?
Against his own fill, he felt tears coming on.
No. Kazuma Kuwabara you are a man! He told himself, and men don't cry!
But it didn't very well matter now anyway, now that he thought about it; she was gone for good. They had made sure of that after the Dark Tournament; they had said their goodbyes and that was it…
Just like that she was gone. And while he and the others were fighting Sensui and the other physics, he hadn't heard a single word from her since. He thought he was lonely then, but now with Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama gone too, it was as if the whole world had deserted him—
He shook his head; he couldn't think about that now. It was now his job to pass those exams. He had to start studying; he had made a promise to himself that he would make it to college, with or without the others' help.
There was the tinkling of bells as someone new stepped into the café. Out of curiosity, Kuwabara lifted his head to see who it was.
He had to do a double-take.
The young girl glanced around the busy restaurant uncertainly as she tried to look for a seat. Kazuma couldn't help but stare. It…it was as if he was looking into a dream. Her crystal-blue hair was tied high upon her head with a bright red ribbon and she wore a cerulean-colored t-shirt and jeans.
He almost shot out from his seat, “Y-Yukina!”
The rest of the café looked at him as if he were insane, but the girl didn't even look up…that is until she had made her way closer towards his booth. She continued to look around for a seat, but then turned to find Kazuma sitting alone.
“Is…is anyone sitting here?” she asked and gestured towards the empty seat. Without saying a word, the redhead shook his head. The girl smiled gratefully and nimbly scooted into the seat across from him.
She extended her hand towards him, “Hi, my name is Yuki,” she greeted.
Kuwabara took it gently, unsure for a moment. But then he grinned proudly, “Kazuma Kuwabara.”
a/n: it's just a coincidence everyone (I was going to make it a bit more complicated, but I was kind of running out of words ::nervous laugh::)