Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Life Brings ❯ Gone ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own YYH or any of the characters. But for those ficlets who contain my original character Mai (see `With Every Drop of Blood' and `Fire Dancer')—I do own her.
a/n: I'm just going to give you all a little sampler of all the ideas I couldn't fit into my other stories. Some of these may be AU, some may not, and some might even contain Mai—it's all a surprise!
I'm going to try and make sure that these stories run no longer than 600 words or less (if I really have to, I'll stretch the word count, but only if it's necessary)
What Life Brings
Silence filled the quiet hospital room…a silence that filled its occupants with a deep dread and sorrow. It was so thick in the air that anyone could touch it…and break down into tears. Quiet sobs were heard from along the bedside while the others within the room stared unblinking into the void around them.
It almost seemed impossible…
None of them ever thought it would really happen—at least not a second or third time.
The young teen lay motionless beneath the pale bed sheets, his black hair fell in strands over his placid face; permanently frozen in time.
Kuwabara glanced blankly towards the bed, “…Who would have thought…the great Urameshi would die in a coma…” he mused bitterly as if he found the situation ironic. Everyone could tell that even he was close to tears. But the silence remained…as if no one even believed it had really happened…
As he could never really die…
Keiko gripped the bed sheets in her fists weakly as the tears continued to stream down her face. He…he couldn't die; he couldn't just leave her! She had seen him come back from the dead before; he could do it again, couldn't he?
Her bottom lip trembled. He had always been so strong…but…but that last fight must have been too much for him. The bleeding of his internal organs killed him, and it wasn't even as though he could fight against it—defend himself like all the others…
He had just been too weak…
“Y-Yusuke…you jerk…” she whispered. He had made a promise to her; a promise that he would come back to her. She laughed at herself bitterly; she had been an idiot to believe him. Hell, she had even started planning what they would do together…how they would live the rest of their lives.
But when she got the news, she almost waited for a dream to come to her like the last time. As time went by, she knew it wasn't coming; Botan had even told them that this was his time…
This time he was supposed to die.
Keiko took in a shuddering breath and shook her head. Slowly, she rose from her knees and stood above Yusuke's lifeless body. She found herself leaning towards him; leaning until she felt her lips against his.
A tear trickled down her cheek as she slowly pulled away. The girl waited as if expecting him to sit up and put on that goofy grin of his and say `Nice kiss'…but he only stayed as he was before. His body was now cold and lifeless…
The great Yusuke Urameshi was gone.
a/n: this inspiration came when I thought about how it would suck if Yusuke really did die in something so simple as a coma and he couldn't even fight back.