Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Life Brings ❯ Upside Down ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own YYH or any of the characters. But for those ficlets who contain my original character Mai (see `With Every Drop of Blood' and `Fire Dancer')—I do own her.
a/n: I'm just going to give you all a little sampler of all the ideas I couldn't fit into my other stories. Some of these may be AU, some may not, and some might even contain Mai—it's all a surprise!
I'm going to try and make sure that these stories run no longer than 600 words or less (if I really have to, I'll stretch the word count, but only if it's necessary)
NOTE: just for this chapter, if you guys are Mai/Kurama fans, I apologize in advance.
What Life Brings
The wind blew past him with a quiet moan as it swept over the hillside. Blades of grass brushed against his face, but he wiped them away absently.
With a sigh, Yusuke stared up at the sky above him. But by the way his head faced the bottom of the hill, it appeared to him as though the clouds had become the ground itself. He frowned at his own reasoning; that sounded kind of stupid.
He placed his hands behind his head and squinted down at the city beyond the forest. Far off, he could hear cars honking and whizzing through intersections. The detective thought for a moment as he stared at the clouds drifting along the ground and the buildings hanging upside-down from the sky. You know…he might have liked to see the world like that; switched around…
A breeze swept over him and ruffled his t-shirt while he sighed again. In a sense…his own life had been turned upside-down…at least ever since she came along. He found himself laughing inwardly; she had changed a lot of things that was for sure. Maybe it was just him, but he could have sworn that Kuwabara was even acting slightly smarter…
There was just something about her that almost had a certain effect on people…
Or maybe it was just him she had affected.
He frowned momentarily and stared back at the city hanging in the sky. It was weird how these things seemed to tie into his life. Or that might have just been the aftermath of coming back to life—whatever it was, it was kind of creepy.
Lazily, Urameshi ran his fingers through his hair. It only occurred to him what might have happened if they had never bumped into one another that day; if they had never crossed paths…
A lot of things would have never happened, he decided. But most of all, he could almost feel that something more would be missing from him. She seemed to fill that void…but what it was exactly, he didn't really know; ever since she had turned their lives around, he couldn't understand what it was about her that made such a difference—
“There you are!”
Yusuke lifted his head off the ground to find Mai jogging down the slope towards him, her bright red ponytail bouncing behind her. She grinned and plopped onto the ground next to him. Her cheeks were flushed—probably from trudging up all the slopes looking for him.
“You've been up here all day?” she wanted to know rather cheerfully.
He shrugged and laid his head back on the grass, “Pretty much,” he answered simply. The guardian beamed and fell backwards so that she too stared up at the sky.
Her violet-speckled eyes shimmered beneath the sunlight, “It's nice up here,” she smiled contently, “And it's a pretty day too…”
Urameshi turned his head towards her and stared for a moment. As he was watching her smile, a thought occurred to him…
…Maybe living upside-down wasn't all too bad…