Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Touya the Ice Master ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Man, Aeka thought, not able to move from where her torso was hanging off the side of her bed. My head…HURTS! The next morning had really gotten to Aeka and though she wished she could call Totoya for the hangover cure he spoke of, but it hurt just to think about it.
Atsuko heard the doorbell ring as she was sitting in front of the TV and munching on some of the cookies she made for the ill-fallen Aeka who was surprisingly clueless about what was ailing her daughter. Getting to her feet and having one cookie still in her mouth, she answered the door. “Oh, hello, again,” She said, finishing the cookie quickly so she could continue talking to the redhead before her. “Shouldn't you be in school? Don't tell me my daughter's bad habits are rubbing off on you!”
“No, no,” Kurama answered with a laugh, raising his hands at chest level. “I just came by to check on Aeka since I heard she wasn't feeling well.”
“But—what about school?” She asked, squinting to see past the bright light since she was wasted again. “Is it Saturday?”
“No, I am ahead so it will be alright. My mother knows I am here,” Kurama answered honestly still standing outside the door. “So, may I come in, Atsuko?”
“Oh, sure!” She said, standing aside, letting him enter. “Aeka's room is in there.” She replied pointing to the door in the back beyond the kitchen.
Kurama followed where she was pointing to see the door slightly opened. “What is the matter with her, do you know?”
Atsuko shook her head as she drank some water that she had on the kitchen counter. “She came in looking and feeling fine then this morning…she felt sick,” She explained, sitting back down in front of the TV. “I hope she clears up.”
Kurama smiled with a hint of nervousness in it somewhere. “I'll see what I can do.” Atsuko nodded as the redheaded teen walked slowly towards Aeka's bedroom. Gripping the edge of the door, he opened it a bit further, peeking into the dark room where Aeka was lying in misery.
Aeka felt someone sitting on her bed once it shifted and she was ready to tell her mother she was fine but stopped signing when she saw it was Kurama. What are you doing here? She signed in misery.
“Well, hello to you as well,” Kurama laughed and signed. “I heard you were ill and decided to stop by and see what the problem was.”

What is wrong with me is none of your business! Aeka scolded with her hands and expression before covering her eyes for a second with her hands.
Kurama shrugged not budging from where he sat as he listened to her groan and moan in misery. He did move over a bit once Aeka bent over her bed and threw up. “Emmm,” Kurama hummed, pulling back Aeka's long flowing white hair so it wouldn't mingle with what her body didn't agree with. Once she was through, Kurama helped her back up, grabbing the tissues she had on her nightstand. “Here,” He signed, “wipe your mouth. I'm sure you don't want me doing that.”
Aeka took the tissue and did as he suggested before lying back down on her bed feeling her head pounding once more. Just go away, she begged signing weakly.
“What did you do last-”
Please, just talk… don't sign…
Kurama smiled weakly as he asked once again, “What did you do last night?”
I don't remember, Aeka lied looking away from him not in for him telling her mother or getting a double lecture from both.
Kurama placed his hand on her cheek and gently forced her to look at him. “I'll give you a hint…I smell alcohol on your breath.”
What?! Aeka thought jerking back her head. How can he smell that when it should be completely gone?
Knowing that she was surprised and caught, he eyed her scoldingly. “Mind telling me what you did last night so I won't have to get your mother in on this?”
Aeka sighed irritably. I went to a bar last night with two friends of mine because they wanted to have some fun and so did I…
“And they brought you home afterwards?”
Straight afterwards, mommy, Aeka mocked. Totoya didn't want to stay out when Jiro and I were a bit out of it, she answered, massaging her forehead afterwards.
“Do you need something to drink? Maybe I can grab you some Tylenol to take for that headache of yours.”
Aeka was too prideful to say thank you so she just waved him away with a: Sure.
Kurama left her room to get what he promised to as he thought back on what he saw and heard last night. That is odd…I would have thought that demons would have used her for something after they got her drunk. I am surprised they didn't rape her or at least threaten her. Grabbing a glass of water and two Tylenol, Kurama headed back to her room, handing it to her.
Taking them from his hands, Aeka was quick to swallow them hoping it would make everything better. Tylenol takes forever to work, Aeka complained with her hands. Is there anything else you can get me that may work faster?
“Aeka, I don't want to over drug you,” He said with a laugh.
There has to be something to make me feel better! Please find something for me, Shuichi, Aeka asked.
When Kurama didn't say or do anything, she lightly grabbed onto his school uniform, looking into his eyes with a pleaded expression obviously about to cry. The redhead shook his head side to side with a smile on his face. “Fine—I think I know of a cure that will help you. Wait here.” Kurama left the room once more to retrieve a glass of orange juice. Looking to make sure Atsuko wasn't watching him the fox demon pulled a flower from his hair and took off two of the pedals to put in the orange juice. This should work…
The door soon opened, having Yuske enter the apartment room and Kurama to hide what he was doing until he realized who it was. “Couldn't stand school, mom, though I'd come—hi, Kurama,” Yuske replied, grabbing an apple. “I didn't see you there.”
“Hello, Yuske,” Kurama replied what a soft smile.
“So, why are you here?” He asked, biting out of the apple before tossing it up a few times.
“Yuske,” Kurama began his softly with his tone expressing seriousness, “I need to speak to you about the two demons I have sensed here.”
Yuske looked over his shoulder from where the living room was where his mother was sitting, watching TV still, and ignoring Yuske's arrival. Yuske laughed shortly, looking back at Kurama, “Normally she yells at me. It's amazing that she hasn't. Well, my sister woke up sick today so we don't really have a place to talk since we share a room.”
“Not necessarily. Come on,” Kurama beckoned, walking back into Aeka's room with the drink he held. Shaking her gently, the young girl opened her eyes to see the orange juice that was now being handed over to her. “Take this. It will make you feel better.”
Feel better? She signed angrily, Shuichi, its orange juice! How can this make me feel better?
“Clam down,” Kurama said, trying to stop her from signing. “Trust me when I tell you it will make you feel better, okay, Aeka?”
Aeka sighed, taking the drink and taking it like he asked her to since she was obviously getting desperate to feel better. Once she was through, Kurama took the glass back as she sat in bed waiting for something to happen. I don't feel any different…only tired…
Kurama put the empty glass on the nightstand and helped her get situated in bed a bit more comfortably knowing she would be too exhausted to care to fight him. “Go to sleep and when you wake up, you will feel better.”
Yuske watched as his sister's whole body finally just fell limp. “You drugged her with your herbs and flowers, didn't you?” Yuske asked with a laugh watching Kurama tuck her in under the covers.
“Yes. Now we can talk about these two guys your sister is hanging around with lately.”
“You mean the stalkers?” He asked since that was what the detective so affectionately named them. Yuske sat down on his bed, waiting to hear what Kurama had to say.
Kurama went to shut the door first just to make sure Atsuko would not walk in on their conversation before he could explain. “I came to your house too late and Aeka had already left with them so I waited on top of the roof of the apartment complex to see if everything would be alright if and when she came home.”
“Obviously she came home,” Yuske interrupted, lying back on his bed. “So what did you find out about the guys?”
“Well, the redhead was drunk beyond belief and Aeka is obviously suffering from a hangover but the shorter friend of the redhead was sober and mad at their decisions so it made little since to me.” Kurama crossed his arms biting his lower lip as he continued to try to piece together what he saw and heard last night. “Obviously they did nothing to her that harmed her for I can not see nor smell anything that would suggest so…however, I did get one of their names and it rings a bell.”
“What was it?” Yuske pried with the rise of his thin brow.
“The redhead slipped and said that his friend's name was Touya.”
“Touya?” Yuske asked, cocking his brow. “Where does this name ring a bell?”
“I have heard of a Touya the Ice Master who works for the Shinobi in Makai.” The redhead narrowed his eyes thinking about the Shinobi and struggling to remember the others. “I don't know for certain if that is him for the Shinobi have never been seen in daylight or by other demons. They are ninja mercenaries of Demon World.”
“What would the Shinobi want with Aeka though?” Yuske asked, looking over at his sleeping sister. “Did someone hire them to kill her?!”
Kurama followed Yuske's eyes, sighing. “I don't know Yuske but I highly doubt someone would want her dead. They are mercenaries but they mostly settle disputes in Demon World privately to keep everything composed. If this Touya is indeed part of the Shinobi and his friend is as well, I don't even understand why they are here to begin with. The Shinobi are not allowed to walk about in daylight, let alone walk about the Human World unless something was happening on the surface that they were hired to take care of. But being around Aeka…well…I just don't understand it unless it's personal for them.”
“Well, then-” Yuske got to his feet and headed towards the door, reaching for the doorknob.
Kurama gripped onto Yuske's wrist asking quickly not wishing for someone such as him to leave so brashly, “What are you doing?”
“I am going to go talk to those guys! I don't want these demons hanging around my sister without knowing what the hell they are doing here!”
“Yuske, you shouldn't! The Shinobi are not demons you should fight with right now! I am sure they are not bothering you because they feel you as no threat, but if you go over there and tell them you know they are demons and are going to send them back, they will attack. You are not strong enough to fight these demons.”
Yuske drew back his hand so Kurama was release his wrist. “Then come with me and get Hiei's ass down here!!” Yuske demanded not wanting this to go on any longer. Kurama was about to say something but Yuske interrupted, “I am not going to sit by and let these demons possibly kill my sister!”
“Yuske, we don't know for certain they-”
Yuske opened the door and headed out the apartment room with Kurama close behind him making the demon cease in speaking before hurrying after the rash detective. “If you're going to help, then come with me! If you are not coming, at least watch over my sister!”
“You can't go alone,” Kurama sighed, gripping onto Yuske's shoulder. “But if I send Hiei, I know all he will do is instigate a fight. I cannot risk that.”
“So what do you want him to do? Watch my sister?” Yuske laughed sarcastically, getting Kurama's hand off of his shoulder. “Like I can trust three eyes to do that!”
“Hiei will do it,” Kurama assured. “He has no reason to hurt Aeka. He may not like it but it will be best he does.”
Yuske frowned, placing his hands on his hips, looking off to the side for a moment.
“I will contact Hiei and get him to watch Aeka while we find Touya. Just please promise me you won't go over there without me,” Kurama whispered softly before heading off to look for the fire demon.
“Aeka told me they live in the apartment complexes over there.” Yuske nodded across the street with the frown still pressed on his face and his arms across his chest. “So are we going?”
Kurama raised his hands, trying to calm down Yuske. “We'll go tonight, okay? I need to get Hiei down here first to agree to watch Aeka.”
Jin stretched upward in his bed, yawning slightly with Touya resting on the same bed since he was too tired to heft himself over to the other that was across from Jin's thanks to working with him almost all day. “Well, I feel better!” Looking down at the tired Touya he smiled. “Thanks for helping me with my hangover, Touya.”
Touya grumbled through the sheets since he was lying face down in them before he looked up at the wind master who was now messing up his hair. “I should have just let you suffer through it.” He remarked as he sat up on the bed, glaring at Jin who was still grinning.
“I know you wouldn't do that to me.” Looking about the room he noticed it was starting to get dark out. “What time is it?” He asked with a lion like yawn.
Touya looked over at the clock, trying to fix his hair. “It's close to seven,” He answered, sitting on the side of the bed. “What do you have planned now?”
Jin pulled the covers off of him and hopped out of bed with another stretch as he headed towards the bathroom to change. “I am going over to see how Aeka's doing.”

Touya rolled his eyes, grabbing the brush that was on the nightstand so he could fix his hair. “When she was five, you wanted to take care of her…now you want to date her? What is going through your mind right about now?”
Jin sighed a bit, grabbing his cap to put on over his abnormal features. “Because she already has a home…and a mother and brother who care for her. I might as well be something else to her—if I can, that is.”
The ice master said nothing to that as he stayed on the side of the bed. In a way it was more or less true but what would he do when they had to return to Makai? It was bound to happen sooner or later.
Once Jin was finished getting ready, he waved goodbye to his partner and exited through the window, using his wind to fly over since he wasn't really thinking clearly at the moment and in too much of a hurry to care to walk. “Dammit, Jin,” Touya swore to himself, shaking his head. “We are going to get caught because of his airhead!” The ice demon didn't have time to sit and dwell on how brainless Jin was being for there was a knock at the door that prompted him to his feet. Wondering who it could be, Touya opened it only to frown to himself. Dammit…
“Totoya?” Kurama questioned, looking at the ice demon trying to act as non-threatening as possible.
“Yes…What is it?” Touya asked trying not to lose his composure in front of the fox demon.
“We need to talk about my sister,” Yuske interrupted causing Kurama to shake his head.
Not wanting to make a scene out in front of a bunch of humans, Touya nodded into his apartment room regardless of what may come. “Come in.”
The two of them walked in and Yuske got straight to the point not wishing to beat around the bush anymore. “Why do you want my sister?”
“Yuske-” Kurama tried to stop him by placing his hand on his shoulder but the boy continued by jerking away.
“What do you mean?” Touya asked trying to stay calm.
“Don't fuck with me! I know you're a demon—now admit it!” Yuske ordered, pounding his fists together.
Touya's eyes glanced over at the fox demon seeing that his expression was suggesting that Yuske was saying what he wanted to all along. “Last night I heard you and your friend talking to one another,” Kurama admitted, trying to let Yuske cool off for a bit. “Jiro said your name was Touya…are you Touya the Ice Master I have heard about that works for the Shinobi?”
Touya closed his eyes for a bit and slowly reopened them knowing that the cat was indeed out of the bag. “Why have you come here? Is it about Aeka? We have done nothing to her so why are you so crossed?”
“Why do you want her to begin with?” Yuske demanded to know.
Touya didn't answer his question for his reasons for staying had nothing to do with Aeka but what he witnessed when he first saved the child. He just stood there, staring at Yuske with a neutral expression on his face and his hands clutched tightly at his sides.
“Answer me, ice boy!” Yuske grabbed onto Touya by his shirt collar regardless of how many times Kurama begged him to back down.
Touya closed his eyes in a calm manner once more, as he reached up and touched Yuske's bare arm tightening his grip in a threatening conduct, causing Yuske to flinch in pain, releasing the demon's shirt.
“Shit! What was that, freezer burn?! His touch is cold!” Yuske swore backing away and waving his arm about that got the cold degree.
“I don't want to fight…but if it means I can stay here awhile longer with Jin, then so be it,” Touya growled, calling up his ice powers. His ice spread throughout the small apartment room freezing everything it touched excluding the bodies that were in the room at the moment.
“Now what?” Yuske asked, feeling how strong this guy's powers were not able to believe it.
Kurama sighed, looking over at Yuske as he pulled a rose from his red hair, “What else? We have to fight thanks to your conversational skills.”