Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Jin the Wind Master ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jin arrived at Aeka's apartment room and knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. He waited for a minute or so before knocking again calling out to Atsuko, but no answer came from the other side of the door. Maybe Atsuko is passed out somewhere and she left Aeka home.
As Jin was about to knock once more the door suddenly creaked open slowly. “Hello?” He called, stepping into the apartment just a little bit to take a peek at what was inside of the apartment. It looked as though nobody was home but Jin sniffed around the air that filled the apartment room just to make sure. “Two people are here and one of them is Aeka but the other—.”
Since that was the only reason he was there, he found it ok to just walk inside of the building and go to Aeka's room. Jin opened the door that lead to Aeka and Yuske's bedroom to take a peek inside. His sapphire eyes darted across the room a bit on edge for he didn't recognize the other scent he was picking up and it got a bit stronger in Aeka's room. Jin's attention shifted to Aeka's body which was lying on her bed, tucked in comfortably where Kurama left her. Hurrying over to her bedside, Jin shook her lightly. “Aeka, wake up,” He whispered, knowing she couldn't hear him but said things out loud out of habit.
While the demon was trying to wake up the sleeping girl, a sudden surge of power caught his attention. Turning around to where he could feel it coming from, he managed to just in time bring up a wall of wind to stop the attack and spare himself and Aeka from being hurt. A black fiery light collided against Jin's wall of wind and both attacks were called back by their masters. “What are you doing here, Wind Master?” A dark, hateful tone asked from the corner of the darkened room.
Jin squinted to see who it was sitting in the corner where all he could see was burgundy eyes glaring at him. “Who are you?” He asked.
“Hiei,” He answered shortly, getting to his feet, and walking into the light to reveal himself.
“A fire demon,” Jin said aloud, frowning at these turn of events. Looking over at Aeka's body, he looked back up at the fire demon with a furious look upon his face. “Did you hurt her?”
The black haired fire demon smiled sourly, “I didn't touch her. Kurama drugged her and she will be out for awhile.”
Hiei continued to walk forward, making the wind master nervous even if he was slightly more powerful than him. Jin's eyes fell back onto Aeka's body wondering what he should do. I can't fight this guy here. If I do, not only may I hurt Aeka, but she may wake up and see me using my wind powers and get frightened! I want to at least explain myself to her…
“Tell me, Jin,” Hiei said, knowing his name. “What is it you find so intriguing about that human girl? Why do you like her so much that you felt you had to make a deal to get over here?”

Jin growled, clutching his fist tightly at his side. “I just came here to speak with Aeka,” the redheaded demon announced. “Exactly who are you working for? That human boy Urameshi?”
“I work for nobody,” Hiei answered crossly. Raising his hand, the demon narrowed his eyes at the wind master. “Get out.”
Jin began flexing out his hands, gathering what he should do all in his head quickly. “Alright, then…I'll leave…” He said hinting that he was planning something in that head of his.
The bandage that concealed Hiei's Jagan Eye started to glow so he could find out what he was planning. “Not with the girl, you're not!” Hiei grumbled getting out his sword.
Hiei tried to attack the wind demon but once again Jin brought up his wind barrier to knock back the fire demon before grabbed the sleeping Aeka. “If I have to go back to Makai thanks to you and your friends, I want to at least speak with her one last time! Tell Urameshi that his sister will be alright.” With that said, the wind master left through Aeka's window to find a suitable place to take her to.
Hiei stood at the window where Jin exited and just stayed there, not taking after him even though he had the speed to beat him and the power to destroy him.
Kurama readied his Rose Whip while Touya powered up his Shards of Winter. “Tell me at least one thing-” Kurama begged softly, pushing Yuske behind him since he felt he could handle this unlike the Spirit Detective.
Touya cocked his brow to show he was listening.
“Why are you so interested in Aeka Urameshi? I would like the truth.”
“I would give you the truth but I don't want your friend to hear it,” Touya answered staring at Yuske who was still furious behind the fox demon.
“Why?” Kurama pried trying to keep Yuske behind him regardless of how many times the rambunctious teen tried to come out to face the ice demon.
“Send the boy outside, and I'll answer that.”
Yuske was about to answer that with his anger but Kurama shut his mouth with the rise of his hand. “Excuse my friend's brashness but I just want to know why you are here. Why have you taken a sudden interest in Aeka Urameshi?”
Touya could see that the fox demon was lowering his whip but would keep it at his side just in case he attacked. The ice demon powered down wondering if it would be a good idea to tell Yuske that his sister was indeed not his blood sister. Concerning the day, he doubted it would be a good idea to break that kind of news to him.
Kurama saw that the demon's light blue eyes were fixed on Yuske's brown and it made him wonder what was going through the demon's mind. “Yuske, wait outside,” Kurama finally demanded in a quiet tone.
“Please—I don't think these demons are going to hurt Aeka. Just go back and check on Hiei and Aeka. I want to speak with Touya alone,” The redhead begged.
Yuske frowned with irritation, looking from the ice master to the demonic fox knowing either way they had him numbered. Figuring that it would only make things worse if he said anything, he shook his head, heading out the door with grumbling.
The slamming of the door made Touya flinch a bit. “He's protective of his sister,” Touya said, stating the obvious. “Too bad someone else feels the same.”
The disappointed sigh that the demon made, caught Kurama's attention. “Who else cares for her? Is that way you are around all the time? Is it because you care for Aeka?”
Touya raised his hands, trying to make him stop asking questions he would get to if given the chance. “There was a reason I wanted that boy out of the room. I didn't know whether or not his mother told him that Aeka is not his blood related sister.”

Kurama was not aware of this but he stood there looking and acting as though he knew or he wasn't interested. “Really?”
“Jin and I were sent to the human world to stop a group of demons who managed to escape to the human world twelve years ago. However, we arrived too late.” Touya looked down at the ground feeling guilty that he wasn't able to save a good many of them at least and the remembrance of their bodies made his heart flinch. “The whole town was destroyed and there was nothing left. All we found was her—Aeka, lying underneath the rubble, bleeding a bit from part of the house collapsing on her. Jin heard her crying and found her before we left.”
Kurama inhaled slowly and heavily hearing this wondering if Yuske truly did know if his sister was not really his blood sister. “And so you dropped her off at Atsuko's doorstep?”
Touya laughed, crossing his arms as he continued to avoid Kurama's gaze. “You make it sound like it was so easy. Jin didn't want to let her go and wanted to keep her.”
“Yes, Jiro is Jin the Wind Master. He wanted to keep Aeka and raise her.” Touya rubbed the back of his neck as he hummed in thought. “I guess I could understand. Someone as rambunctious as Jin tends to get bored with the same people and get tired with training. He wanted to do something else. So I guess he wanted to raise a little human girl.”
“But, you didn't-”
“I couldn't let him,” Touya interrupted, finally looking into Kurama's emerald eyes. “As you know, humans aren't allowed in Makai. Not to mention with Jin and myself being part of the Shinobi were not allowed to surface.”
Both were quiet for awhile. Kurama waited for Touya to continue, interested on knowing how the got where they are now, in the human world. “So why is Jin interested in Aeka? Why are you here now?”
“Jin just admitted to me that he wants to be with Aeka one way or another. And if that means being her boyfriend, I guess, then so be it.”
Kurama looked off to the side, biting his lower lip hearing this. “I see…”
“He doesn't want to hurt, Aeka,” Touya stated, sitting on the edge of his bed in attempts to defend his friend that these people obviously wanted to hurt. “He just wants to be with her! Can't you see that?”
“What about you?” Kurama asked sounding a bit protective this time.
“I've always had a problem with intimacy,” Touya answered with a laugh.
The door soon flung open and a furious Yuske reentered the room not caring what the two were speaking about as he shouted, “She's gone! That redhead took her!”
Touya lowered his head, shaking it, Jin, you big idiot!
Jin's eyes looked up and down Aeka's sleeping body that he placed gently down on the cave floor. His body was close to her own in attempts to keep her warm as he was looking about her facial features. Taking his finger he moved some of her white lavender tented hair out of her way as her face still showed that she was peacefully asleep. “Wake up, Aeka,” He whispered, outlining her features with his finger. “Come on-this may be the last chance I get to be with you…”
After he kissed her forehead, Aeka began to stir and moan a bit. Jin got out of her way as she rubbed her eyes, yawning while sitting upright. Once her eyes focused, she looked around the cave confused as to what happened while she was sleeping. Where am I? She thought, looking around. My handover is gone?
Jin placed his hand on her shoulder, making the young teen, turn around about to fight as she threw a right punch at whomever it was. “Whoa-calm down!” Jin begged, grabbing onto her fists before it collided with his face.
Jiro? What am I doing here?? Aeka asked, looking angry.
Jin sighed heavily, scratching the back of his neck. “I brought you here because—I don't think I'll be able to stay much longer and I wanted to say goodbye.”
Why?! She asked feeling her heart sink, turning to face him. Where are you going?
Jin smiled slightly glad to know she looked like she was going to miss him. “That's why I brought you here…I need to tell you a few things.” Taking her hands into his own for a moment he held onto them until Aeka took them back to sign with.
Aeka shrugged slightly shaking her head wondering what could possibly be so important that he needed to drag her to a cave. What is it, Jiro?
“First of all-my name's not Jiro…its Jin Kaze Tsukai.”
Jin Kaze Tsukai? She asked trying to see if she could sign it all. Why did you not tell me your real name? What's the problem?
Jin smiled a bit more seeing her sign his name for once. “I lied about it…because I am not supposed to be here on the Human World.” When Aeka looked even more baffled than before, he elaborated. “I'm a demon…from Makai.” When he could see that she was having a hard time believing in demons, Jin reached up and took off his hat revealing his pointy ears and the horn that was on top of his head.
Aeka took in her breath sharply, backing up quickly away from him. A demon?? She signed shakily. As a human she had been told many stories about demons be them by fictional books or movies and none of them placed demons in a flattering light. But if there was one thing that was true about them, it was that they hated humans and this made her very uncomfortable at the time.
“I told you my father left my mother but never said why. Do you want to know why?” He asked trying to come closer even as she backed away on her hands every time he made a move towards her. “My father, Raizen, eats humans and he couldn't stay around her after he took his vow never to eat another human again. My mother was human.”
You eat humans?? Aeka asked, backing up into the cave wall and running out of a place to escape to. Finding that she was trapped, she tried to run from him only to be grabbed by her wrist making her whimper in fear that he was going to devour her.
Jin shook his head with a smile on his face again keeping a solid grip on her so she wouldn't run from him, “No-I taught myself to eat animals so humans wouldn't be appealing.”
Realizing now he wasn't going to eat her, she stopped fighting him and looked down into his pleading expression that seemed to beg her to sit down and listen. Once he released her hand, she did just that but with her back against the cave since her trust in him was suddenly destroyed. You said you taken away from your mother when you were five, Aeka remembered from that night they were ate together. Why were you…? Because you were a demon?
“I was taken away to train for 1000 years under the Shinobi.”
You're a-
“I'm over 1000 years old, yes,” Jin interrupted.
Jin headed closer to the frightened Aeka who had her shaky arms wrapped around her trembling legs now. When he reached for her, he watched as she squinted in fear of what his touch may do to her. All he did was run his fingers through her long silky hair, trying to show he was not going to harm her. Aeka eventually opened her eyes, and looked over at the redheaded demon causing her to notice that his pointed ears looked normal now and she was starting to wonder if she was going crazy. I thought your ears were pointy… She signed nervously.
“They only point when I am happy or excited,” He answered, continuing to play around with her hair.
Aeka laughed softly, Wrong appendage don't you think? She was trying to make herself feel a bit more comfortable being around a demon.
Jin raised his eyebrows and laughed nervously nodding a bit. “Yeah, well—my other appendage does that too.”
Silence consumed the area about them as they both wondered what would happen now. Why do you have to leave…? Aeka finally asked.
“I'm part of the Shinobi and so is Touya, my friend who you know as Totoya. And we're not supposed to be here…we're not supposed to see the sun's light either but we have been found out and when I take you back—I will be punished for what I have done. So I broke a lot of rules and risked my life just to come and see you…”
How do you even know me? Aeka asked, looking confused.
Jin shook his head with a worried frown on his face, “I can't tell you that. I'm sorry, Aeka. It's a long story and it may reveal a few things that could hurt you.”
Deciding she should respect that, the young girl nodded, placing some of her hair behind her ears. Do you have to leave…? Jin rubbed her arm lightly seeing that she didn't want him to wishing he could comfort her. I-I don't want you to leave…
“Why don't you not want me to leave?” Jin asked, trying to look into her sea green eyes.
Aeka always did follow after her street wise brother and he never spilled his guts to other people at least not to her knowledge. Regardless of whether he cared for them or not. Taking in a shaky breath she finally signed slowly, because…I care about you…and Touya.
Taking a risk, Jin leaned over and kissed her on the cheek softly. “Aeka, I need to tell you something before I have to leave with Touya. I really wanted to be with you…that was why I risked so much. At first I wanted to raise you as my daughter—but now I see you have a mother and brother who love you a lot and I don't want to take their world away from them.” The wind demon reached over and placed his hands on her cheeks. “And when I saw you were all grown up, I needed to find another way to be with you. So I thought-why not be your husband?”
Husband?! Aeka asked with her hands, Jin, you can't be my husband when for one, you haven't even told me you loved me! Two, I am too young to be a wife, and when for three... Aeka stopped signing for a minute as she embraced herself for a bit. And for three…you're going to be leaving me…
Jin could see that she was threatening to cry and that could have been the worse thing she could ever do in front of him. “No, don't cry,” Jin begged, guiding her into his opened arms.
Aeka nuzzled against his rough chest as she looked up at him with her arms making their way around his figure. She never having touched a man like this before much less a demon.
“I'm so use to you acting angry or tough that I thought you'd be able to handle it. I really love you, Aeka.”
Nobody's told me, they've loved me before…hardly my own mother tells me… Aeka signed sadly.
Jin gently placed his hands on her cheeks while Aeka kept her arms around his body. Deciding to risk it, Jin got closer to her mouth and pressed his mouth gently on hers.
No, Aeka thought letting him kiss her with her eyes open so she could allow the tears to flow freely now. You weren't supposed to love me…don't love me…