Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Jin's Way of Saying Goodbye ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“If you knew he was the wind master, why didn't you stop him, Hiei?” Yuske asked furiously.
“I didn't see the point,” Hiei answered, looking over at the Spirit Detective from where they all now stood in the kitchen. “I searched his mind and there was nothing there that involved harming your sister so why should I waste my time on someone such as that?”

”I promise that Jin will not hurt her,” Touya assured from the doorway of the bedroom from whence everybody came from to confront Hiei. “He just wants to say goodbye to her.”
“What exactly will he do with her?” Kurama asked the ice master. It had been awhile since they left and it worried him. “Are you sure he won't run off with her?”
Touya looked out at the darkening sky, sighing. Knowing Jin…he's probably saying `goodbye' to Aeka his own way…
Jin took off his sleeveless white shirt, allowing Aeka to see his body underneath that was well built but somewhat emaciated. Oh my God, She signed, breaking the kiss that he caught her into as she looked at his firm body. Her hand reached over and touched his ribcage that was revealed so well thanks to his tight skin. You are so deadly thin! Don't you eat much??
Jin's spasms of laughter shook the hand that was still touching his chest. “I eat. I just can't eat a lot if I am to fly. A fat wind master can't get himself air born, now can he?” Jin answered with a chuckle.
You can fly?! Aeka asked, surprised.
The redheaded demon nodded. “I'm a Wind Master, love—note the wind part in there.” Lowering his head a bit, Jin gripped lightly onto her wrists, bringing her hands together. “When you were younger, I flew around Japan with you in my arms…I guess you were too young to remember.”
Aeka took back her hands slowly. You flew with me in your arms…when? How old was I?
“Probably five. I honestly don't know,” Jin answered.
Aeka looked off to the side, wrinkling her expression into a worried frown at the events that were to come. She had just even now shared her first kiss with a demon and that demon could not be allowed to see her anymore.
The wind master could see she was dwelling on his departure and he felt horrible that there was nothing much he could do to get her mind off of it. Embracing her once more, Jin tilted her chin upward. “I promise I will find a way back to you again…I promise.”
Aeka scrunched up her nose, Promises can easily be broken and I have had too many of those given to me and shattered…I have learned to never get my hopes up.
Resting his forehead on hers, he smiled slightly. “You trust me, don't you?” When Aeka didn't answer him, Jin kissed her back on the mouth, placing his hands lightly on her sides.
Aeka took in her breath sharply when she felt him parting her mouth with his tongue. Never had she felt a kiss that deep in her life and it caused her to pull away quickly, wiping her mouth with her fingers.
“I'm sorry,” Jin apologized seeing her reaction. “I didn't mean to-”
Its okay, Aeka assured, with her hands and expression. I have just never been kissed by another…guy before…
Jin was in a way relieved to see this for he wanted to be her first right now more than ever and apparently he was going to be the first for a few things. “I'd like to do more with you if…you'll let me,” Jin pried, squeezing her sides lightly.
Jin, Aeka signed slowly. Lowering her hand for a moment, Aeka sighed heavily looking away from him. I can't…I can't do it knowing you'll be leaving me, she signed, keeping her eyes off of him. I shouldn't even be kissing you knowing that you're going to leave me!
Directing her face back at him again, Jin's azure eyes filled with want stared into hers. He had wanted her for twelve years and he wasn't going to let her get away. “But I promised I would return…I know I will find a way to do it!”
Aeka's face still concealed the doubt of his word. She had trusted so many before him and they all let her down. Afterwards, they were fearful to come near her because of Yuske beating them for hurting his elder sister.
“Aeka,” Jin continued, “I really want to be with you…for twelve years I have thought about you and nothing else! I am being honest when I tell you I want you to be my wife…”
But I can't right now! Aeka signed frantically. Maybe when I'm at least twenty-one, I can be your wife but I am only seventeen! I don't-
Jin didn't let her complete what she was about to say not wishing to witness it by pressing his mouth back on hers, surprising Aeka and making her stop. She was even more surprised when she felt his fingers digging into her back a bit for she could now feel his desire and want to keep holding onto her as he was. I want her to stay with me…I want her to be with me…is this how my father felt? Releasing her mouth, Jin moved from her quivering lips to her neck planting his lips there. Sliding his hands from her back to her front, Jin's hands nervously rolled over Aeka's B sized breasts.
Aeka wanted to pull away but she stayed put as her hands somehow ended up in his red hair almost eager for him to continue since her body was anticipating it. Her body was just reacting to his hands gently messaging her chest as her breathing began to get a bit heavier and her cheeks a darker shade of pink. No, She thought, closing her eyes tightly and closing her mouth not wishing to encourage him at the moment, Iwe shouldn't be doing this!
Jin stopped touching her chest as he pulled back to look into her expression to see she was fighting with herself. Aeka eventually opened her eyes and tried to slow her breathing once she felt the wind master stop. “Do you want me to continue?” He asked.

She didn't know what came over her body. It was an experience that made her feel like she was heaven. The fires of pleasure she received from his treatment had not yet left and it was craving for more. She raised her hand to give her answer but she hesitated when signing her reply. I-I do…
“Okay-” Jin slipped his fingers under the rim of her shirt and pulled it gently over her head so he could witness what her aged body now looked like. His eyes saw her reach up towards her chest but watched her lower them slowly back down to her side. “It's okay,” He assured her, reaching for her bra straps and gliding them downward, revealing her womanly breasts.
Aeka closed her eyes, not wanting to see how Jin would react to seeing them since she knew they were not her best feature, but instead of seeing, she felt it. Jin began massaging her nipples with his thumbs to make them erect before taking one of them into his mouth. All she could seem to do was wrap her arms around his head a bit as she started breathing a bit labored once more. The young girl released her shaky cry of pleasure allowing it to caress Jin's wiggling ear as she could feel him sucking heavily on her breast while he refused to neglect the other one by pinching the nub. I am sweating…I feel hot…why do I feel so hot? She asked herself as she gazed down at the top of the demon's head. Seeing his horn, Aeka started to wonder exactly how sharp it was, or even if it was sharp at all. Taking her shaky hand, she touched the top of his horn, but pulled back flinching in pain.
Jin felt her sudden jolt, and he pulled away from her breasts breaking the string of saliva that mated with her pink nipple to see what was wrong. He saw her gazing at her finger wondering what was wrong with it. Once he got her attention he asked, “What's wrong?”
It's just bleeding, she signed, placing it in her mouth. Don't worry about it…
Jin pulled her finger out of her mouth and looked at the cut. His head still lowered slightly, the wind demon placed his eyes on hers, already showing that he was aware of what she did. “Don't touch the top of my horn. It's sharper than it looks,” He said, touching the side of it with his fingers.
Sorry, Aeka signed. Looking down at his jeans, Aeka reached for them and tugged at them lightly. Will you let me do it…? She asked seeming a bit eager for once.
The wind master nodded, as his long pointy ears were wiggling up and down a bit faster while Aeka began to unbutton his jeans slowly. Seeing he would have to at least stand up to get his jeans off, Jin got to his feet and kicked them off with the rest of what he had on underneath. “That should do it,” He said aloud knowing Aeka wouldn't hear him as he got down on his knees.
Nervously Aeka reached for his manhood that was now revealed to her. With the help of an impatient Jin helping her situate her hands on him just right, Aeka tensed up a bit starting to have second thoughts when remembering what was to happen to the demon she was making love to. Should I even be doing this? I told myself no and yet I am sitting here about to show that I want him to come inside of me! Feeling, for some reason, she shouldn't disappoint him, Aeka took in the head of his member.
Jin bit his lower lip to prevent himself from saying unpleasant words even though it was from the pure heat of the moment. All he could do was run his fingers through her hair and massage her scalp a bit in attempts to encourage her onward. He could feel his body reacting to her mouth touching him and it drove Jin to push himself further into her throat.
Aeka could feel it as well causing her to pull back and stop since it was swelling too large for her to handle and keep in her mouth. The saliva she had coated his member with dripped a bit from his hardening member while she wiped the lingering bit from her mouth. You're—you're so large! Are all demons that huge?
Realizing she stopped, he looked down at her through his sexual high that was so rudely interrupted by her ceasing. “Aeka, I was just swelling. That is normal for humans and demons alike I am sure once they are aroused. As for the size, most demons are that big if not bigger—we are demons—not humans. Nothing about us is really normal.”
Aeka was beginning to wonder if she could truly fit it into her mouth let alone her body. If anything, there was only one way to find out and it prompted the human girl to take it back into her mouth even though she could only get halfway there without feeling like she was going to choke on his size.
Releasing her hair, Jin reached downward and gripped onto her shoulders tightly letting her continue onward praying she wouldn't stop this round. Feeling her warm breath on him and her tongue tickling his swollen flesh, he couldn't help but forget she was only human and puncture her skin with his nails.
Feeling his sharp nails digging into her flesh, caused Aeka to release his swelling manhood once more and cry out in pain. That hurts! Aeka thought, as the crimson liquid bubbled to the surface to spill over allowing some to mate with Jin's fingers.
When he saw the blood trickling down from where he had his nails embedded, Jin pulled away, placing the side of his hand underneath her chin. “I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that!” He said breathlessly, once she looked at him.
It's okay, she signed slowly, still trying to relax her body from the sexual and painful high it was going through.
Feeling a bit exhausted and wanting her pounding heart to stop racing, Aeka lied out her body on the cave floor, hoping that with time, what she was experiencing would eventually vanish. It's not that it wasn't good…Aeka's body just couldn't handle the pleasure stress that was on her body and it was making her feel faint.
While she was resting on her back, Aeka could feel Jin situating her legs apart from one another, causing the young girl to look between her legs and through her straight as a board pale lavender tresses that were mating with her warm face. “If I hurt you,” Jin began, “I'm sorry. I really can't do much about it from this point onward.”
She wanted to ask what he meant but before she could, Jin entered her for the first time.
Aeka didn't like the feel of his large member inside of her tight opening causing her to thrust her head side to side, screaming best she could in more pain than pleasure. Being unable to speak, made things worse for Aeka at this point since she couldn't tell Jin to stop or slow down. It felt as though someone was taking her insides and tearing them brutally apart. This hurts! I wish he'd stop! Unable to sign it to him, Aeka dug her nails into his arms, dragging them a little bit trying to show him that it hurt as she tried to force a scream from her throat.
Jin continued to go in and out of her a bit faster, feeling himself about to release his love into her, her virginity slowly leaving her as he did this in trickles of red. I have to break it-I have to break it first, he thought, trying his hardest to destroy her virginity and mark her.
With the smell of human blood filled Jin's nose, he released inside of Aeka's body heavily. Throwing back his red hair, sweat and tears fell from the wind master's face since the satisfaction of having her was wonderful but he would have to leave her come the morning. I should be satisfied, but I'm not…I'm going to be leaving her, he thought as his body rested on top of hers, his chest pressing against hers as they panted heavily. Father, were you this destroyed inside once you left mother after you showed how much you loved her?
Pulling himself off of Aeka, Jin picked up the sleeping, bleeding girl, holding her close to his bare body. Is this a curse…? Is this some curse my family must live through? To leave the ones we love? Jin buried his face into Aeka's lavender white hair, trying not to show how unhappy he was becoming.
The morning light filled the cave as the early noises filled Jin's elf ears, causing them to twitch slightly. Opening his eyes, he found that he had fallen asleep underneath Aeka somehow. Not questioning it, Jin reached up and started stroking her hair softly. I need to take her back, he thought as a frown made its way over his face.
Jin gradually sat up, waking up the sleeping Aeka as she felt her blanket leaving her. Rubbing one of her eyes, Aeka looked outside the cave to see that it was morning. What time is it? She asked wearily, looking back at Jin.
“Its morning,” He answered, showing that he didn't know exactly.
Smart ass, she signed, before punching him in the arm.
All the wind master did was sit there, looking at where she punched him. “Was that a punch?” He teased, looking from where she hit him back in her eyes.
All Aeka could find to do was stick her tongue out at him since she knew he was just playing around with her.
“Get dressed, love,” Jin sighed, looking for his clothes. “We have to get back to your house and I need to get back to Touya.”
Nodding forlornly, Aeka grabbed her clothes that were lying close to her at the time. Flinching a bit once she bothered to move her legs, she reached down and rubbed her opening when Jin wasn't watching. Pulling her fingers back up, she saw that she was still bleeding as the blood dripped from her finger tips. I'm still bleeding? She questioned looking down at herself now.
As Jin was putting his shirt back on, he saw her looking at the blood on her fingers and the blood that was on the cave floor. He could smell where it was coming from and he could understand her concern. Tapping on her shoulder to get her attention he shrugged slightly, “Don't worry about it. It will bleed for awhile and hurt just the same. I'd give it a week?”
Jin, she signed before he could look away. You said you could fly…I want to know what it's like to fly. Aeka got her shirt on quickly so she could continue. It's pretty much everybody's dream to be able to fly and I would like to know. It's a silly thing, I know. Laughing softly, she pressed her finger to her mouth, winking. Just don't tell Yuske this for I don't want to seem soft.
“Hmmm,” Jin thought aloud, resting his hands behind his wild red hair, wiggling his ears up and down. It was a big risk, especially in broad daylight but he had done it before, right? “Of course I will. Come here then-” Jin opened his arms to her, causing Aeka to run towards him like a little girl excitedly. Picking her up he smiled his same cheesy smile, “Just like when you were little girl, I will fly you over Japan for a little while.”
Aeka was excited as the wind master, walked out of the cave with her in his arms.
Once he was outside, he jumped upward and the winds around him, picked up his body helping him bolt upward into the sky. Aeka got nervous seeing that he wasn't joking when he said he could fly as she looked beyond them to see the world move below them. Oh my God! She thought, looking downward at the city that was once so big get so small as he continued to ascend. We're actually flying!
It felt amazing to have the wind blowing through her long hair and have her body feel as free as it did. Her heart leapt into her throat once Jin started to fly downward, sharply almost like being in one of those wild rollercoaster rides. The embrace she had around his neck tightened and Jin could sense she was freaking out. But he couldn't say anything to her while he was flying and he didn't want her to sign for she could fall. We're almost back at her home…I am going to get an earful from Touya and Urameshi I bet.
It took awhile but Jin and Aeka were soon at Aeka's apartment. Aeka sighed slightly never able to imagine she would be so depressed that she had to be back at this door. Jin looked down at her, and rubbed the top of her head, messing up her hair more. “It's okay. We have to face it sooner or later.”
Before Jin could touch the doorknob, it turned itself and Kurama stood there a bit surprised as he wasn't expecting the two but rather going to go search for them. Not knowing what to say to Jin at the time, Kurama looked down at Aeka who was awake but looking down at his feet. “Aeka,” Kurama said softly, kneeling down and placing his hands on her shoulders. “Are you okay?”
Jerking her shoulders backward away from Kurama she nodded, I'm okay.
“God dammit, where'd you take my sister??” Yuske's voice asked from inside the house angrily. He didn't see Aeka standing there until Kurama moved out of his way. “Aeka, are you-”
I'm fine! She signed, showing how irritated she was getting at the same question being handed to her.
Touya soon showed up and rushed to his partner's side, gripping onto his arm. “They know, Jin. Yuske and that boy Kurama know who and what we are.”
Jin nodded, taking off his cap to reveal the abnormal features he had been hiding from them all along. Touya shot glares at him for doing that thinking Aeka had not known. “Aeka knows what we are too.”
“Aeka knows you're a demon??” Yuske grumbled, glaring at Jin now.
Why? Aeka pushed her fingers against Yuske's chest, making her younger brother look at her. Why is it such a bad thing for me to know he's a demon? Something's wrong here, Yuske…What are you hiding? When her younger brother refused to say anything she noticed that some thing did seem off. The people in the room all knew something and nobody was really saying anything making her furious and left in the dark. Why are you so buddy buddy with Shuichi lately? What, are you guys becoming friends or something? And who the hell is that?? She asked, pointing to Hiei.
Jin bit his lower lip, raising his brows, “This should be interesting.”
Touya jabbed Jin in the abdomen, ordering him to be quiet with his expression. Yuske looked over at Kurama and Hiei for help on this matter. Of course Hiei just shrugged, thinking it was time to tell his elder sister that he was a Spirit Detective who worked with demons. When his brown eyes met with Kurama however, his expression was pleading for him not to say anything for reasons unknown to anyone other than the fox demon himself. “Where do I start?” Yuske asked aloud, rubbing the back of his head.