Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ The Punishment ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Aeka followed Yuske and the rest of them up to Spirit World after Yuske's long explanation of what he had been doing after his death and return to the Human World. The young girl felt it necessary to see off Jin and Touya at least regardless of what they were. Tapping Yuske nervously on the shoulder as they headed down the long hallway towards Koenma's room, Aeka asked, what's going to happen to them…?
Looking over his shoulder beyond his sister, he watched as Jin walked with his hands in his pockets and head lowered in disappointment while Touya walked beside him with his arms crossed expressing that he didn't want this to happen. Yuske shrugged slightly once he looked back at his sister, as he kept his hands in his pockets. “I dunno. Maybe the toddler will be in a forgiving mood today.”
The long hallway ended and there at the very end were two giant doors with a young girl standing in front of them. Her long sky blue hair was tied back while her pink eyes looked at the on coming group with all sadness. Everybody stopped in front of her as the girl sighed with her hands in front of her kimono. “I see everybody is finally here.” Her eyes looked over at the two demons that passed over into the Human World with pity though they didn't eye her. They graced onto Aeka's as well with the same pity engulfing them. As Aeka looked into them, her eyes seem to show that she knew what was wrong and if she had the power, or if it was her choice she wouldn't punish the demons. “Alright—follow me…”
Who's she? Aeka asked Yuske once again.
“Botan,” He answered right away, watching as Botan opened the doors that lead to Koenma's room.
All that was behind those doors was a small office like area that contained just a desk and a chair that was facing the large windows in the place. “Lord Koenma,” The young girl said with a slight bow, “Yuske has brought the two demons that managed to slip into the Human World to you.”
Aeka pushed away from her brother's side that was obviously used to seeing this type of stuff. Frightened on Jin and Touya's behalf, the human girl moved back where the demons were so she could hold onto Jin's opened hand. The demon felt her fingers slip into his own, causing him to look quickly down at Aeka. Enclosing his fingers around her hand he looked back over at the desk awaiting his punishment.
The chair swung around slowly, revealing a teenager with brown hair and eyes with a blue pacifier in his mouth. Overlapping his fingers, he eyed the two demons that were bold enough to break the rules of Spirit World and of the Shinobi. “I am sure you know the severity of what you two have just done.”
Jin and Touya looked at one another for a second before looking back at Koenma.
“These actions cannot go without consequences.” Koenma stopped here for a second as everybody wondered what it was going to be. As he sighed, reaching for a piece of paper, he read over it that obviously had all they had done written upon it. “I am happy to tell you that I will not do much. I will leave it to the leader of the Shinobi who is waiting for you outside to give you your punishments. But if I catch you in the Human World again, I will be forced to do something drastic.” With that said, Koenma stamped the piece of paper, placing it on the other side of the desk.
Aeka was confused for she couldn't read Koenma's lips with that pacifier in his mouth. Looking up at the wind master she saw that he didn't look too happy and neither did the ice master. She could feel Jin's grip around her hand loosening as he turned to head out of the doors. Not wanting him to go without an explanation, Aeka tightened her grip so he wouldn't leave her.
Feeling her grip tighten, he looked down at her he asked softly, “What is it, Aeka?”
What's going on? She asked, while following beside him back out into the hallway.
Touya tapped Aeka on the shoulder after seeing her hand motions. “We're in trouble. Our leader is not so forgiving. He's not an honorable fighter or an honorable leader…”
“This way,” Botan insisted in a sad tone, walking down the hallway to another set of double doors.
Aeka kept her hand in Jin's refusing to let go of it as the exited the huge castle that was supported by the clouds in the night sky. Only a little ways down the narrow walkway, stood somebody in a black cape that looked similar to what the KKK wore. “Jin! Touya!” The man bellowed angrily from behind the outfit. “Come! We have—much to discuss.”
Jin sighed, as a displeased expression consumed his once cheery face. The young girl had never seen him look this angered before and it frightened her to see a demon so mad. Regardless of how much his expression scared her, Aeka kept her hand firmly around Jin's.
Knowing that she wouldn't release his hand no matter what happened Jin used his other hand to pry loose her hand from his own. “I have to go now, Aeka. I am sorry.”
Touya was already heading towards their leader with his hands at his sides. Once there, he looked over at his partner who was still trying to comfort the human girl. “Jin, come on,” Touya urged.
Jin nodded, looking back over at Aeka. “Remember what I promised?” He whispered, holding onto her hands with one of his hands while the other explored her white hair.
Aeka nodded, trying not to brake down in front of the others who were watching them at the time.
“Okay then-I'll see you some other time,” Jin promised once more.
“Jin, move it now!” His leader ordered once again.
Jin released Aeka's hands slowly and headed over to his leader and partner with his hands intertwined behind his red shaggy hair. “I'm coming,” His Irish tone said full of annoyance.
Aeka stood there watching as the three disappeared into the thick fog that covered the rest of the walkway a few feet up not able to believe he was now gone. Turning around swiftly, Aeka eyed her little brother angrily as well as Kurama and Hiei. Why did you not tell me any of this, Yuske? Her hand motions and expression conveyed how furious she was. I'm your sister, couldn't you trust me?
“Aeka,” Kurama sighed, reaching for her shoulder.
As soon as the fox demon's hand touched her milky white skin, Aeka's palm met with Kurama's cheek, causing a loud slap to echo throughout the heavens. If you're a demon as well, why didn't you and Hiei go back to Makai instead of Jin and Touya? After her outburst, Aeka shoved her way past the four hoping to go back home alone if need be.
Seeing Yuske's frustrated expression, cued Botan to hurry after his sister. “I'll talk to her and get her to calm down.”
Rubbing his cheek, Kurama tried to act okay with what occurred but failed miserably. “Well that hurt,” He sighed, looking at his hand making sure her nails didn't tare off some of his skin.
“Sorry-she hits hard,” Yuske noted, placing his hands in his pockets.
“I didn't mean the slap hurt,” Kurama corrected, placing his hands on his sides.
“She's just a human girl,” Hiei remarked, looking at the redhead from the corner of his eye. “You'll get over it like you did before.”
Botan hurried in her pink kimono towards the angry Aeka, reaching out for her shoulder to make her stop. Upon gripping onto it, the angry teen spun around, about to attack again with her red hand forcing Botan to raise her hands, showing it was her and wasn't Kurama. “Calm down, it's just me!” She urged, backing away a bit.
What do you want? Aeka asked still as angry as ever.
“I know what happened between you and the wind master,” Botan announced, placing her hands in front of her. “I saw you and him together and I am sorry about what happened.”
Why did he have to go? He didn't mean any harm, Aeka signed, starting to cry for the first time in what felt like forever. Jin and Touya weren't going to hurt anybody!
“I know but demons aren't allowed in the Human World. It would throw things for a loop. You yourself shouldn't have been told of their existence.” Her eyes looked down at Aeka's crotch quickly before looking back into her watery eyes. “You shouldn't even been making love if you knew what it would bring…”
Aeka looked down to see she was still bleeding. Cursing herself for not at least grabbing a pad or something, she rubbed her forehead with the palm of her hand. Then why is Shuichi-or Kurama aloud? It's not fair! She cried, throwing her hands down at her side after signing her frustration.
“Jin and Touya are part of the Shinobi,” Botan reminded her as she joined her side, embracing her kindly. “They aren't supposed to witness the light and they did that which broke their code.”
What's going to happen to them…? Aeka asked a bit frightened.
“I don't know…” Botan sighed, guiding Aeka down the hallway. “It's best you try and forget about them.”
Risho looked at the two demons with anger rising in his body due to them breaking their code and worse of all, taking care of a human girl. Taking back his fists he punched Jin hard across the face, causing the wind demon's face to fly to the right. “What the hell is the matter with you?” Risho asked angrily.
Jin gripped onto his lower jaw, trying to pop it after Risho's demonstration. “Risho, I was just—.”
“Holding that filthy human girl's hand!” The earth began to tremble to convey Risho's disapproval to those others in the Shinobi sect. In his mind he could recall Jin holding her hands and touching her hair affectionately. It disgusted him and his fists started to cover up with rock as it continued to play over and over in his mind. “You have to be near humans, don't you? All because your filthy mother was human and that horrid blood runs in your veins!”
Jin's cerulean eyes shot a cold stare of anger at Risho when he said that about his fragile, loving mother. “You have no right to talk about my mother that way!”
Risho wasn't going to take this from one of his team members as he punched Jin first in the abdomen before punching downward on the back of his skull.
Touya watched in anger with his arms crossed where his fingers embedded into the fishnet on his arms while his friend fell to his face, coughing harshly and gagging on his own blood.
“Your filthy human mother died because she got old,” Risho continued, forcing his foot on Jin's head. “And now you want a wretched human girl to be with?”
“Risho, stop this!” Touya finally begged from the sidelines.
Risho lifted his foot off of Jin's red hair after thrusting it downward real hard so Jin could taste the dirt underneath him before feeling he had done enough to the disobedient wind master.
Touya rushed over to Jin and tried to help him at least get up off his side so the blood he was about to choke on would come out.
Risho smirked, keeping his cold eyes on them both. Pointing at Jin he laughed sourly, “I'm not through with you yet. Take him to the cavern.”
Bakken pushed Touya out of the way as he reached down and grabbed the weary Jin knowing the demon wouldn't fight with him now, dragging him towards the cavern Risho spoke about.
“He just wanted to see Aeka,” Touya announced getting to his feet quickly. “What was wrong with that?”
“Shut up, Touya, or you shall join him!” Risho looked over his shoulder at the now obedient ice master who felt it necessary to remain quiet now. “Now, get back to training.”
Once he got the chance, Touya hurried over to the cavern to hear Jin's cries of pain echoing from within the barred entrance. Gripping onto the cold iron bars, Touya pressed his face against them, barely seeing Jin's body thanks to the darkness about them now and a bit of the moonlight hiding behind the clouds. “Jin,” Touya called quietly in attempts to get his attention.
Chains rattled as Jin's body turned to look at his only way to escape to see his partner's dark outline at the exit. The cavern was a place Risho would tie down his team members if they disobeyed his orders and beat them till sense rose within them. Though Jin was the second strongest, there was only so much he could take from rocks pummeling him.
“Risho's right you know. Like your mother, Aeka will age and die if you choose to give your heart over to her,” Touya confessed forlornly.
Jin's bruised and bleeding body moved slightly into the dim moonlight so Touya could see what Risho had done to him. Blood continued to fall from the open wounds as Jin limped towards the bars that Touya was holding onto. Leaning on them, his tired azure eyes fell upon Touya's ice blue, looking him over quickly. “My mother was a loving woman. I lived in that small village with my mother and she defended me against all the people who thought I was a freak of nature. I looked at her and wondered why demons couldn't be that way. It made me hate what I was inside, Touya.” Jin placed his right arm above his head, resting it on the bars letting him see a bit more of his bruises and cuts. “I hated myself so much, it hurt. And when I was taken away at the age of five…I had to train for so long that my mother died…alone.”
Touya was silent for a little bit as he looked down at his feet for a minute knowing how that went all too well.
“Do you not what it must have been like for her to die alone without somebody there to hold onto her hand and let her know it was okay?”
“And you're hoping Aeka will fill that gap where your mother used to be?” Touya asked in a whisper.
“I don't know what it is, Touya,” Jin answered, as his bleeding fingers gripped onto the bars tightly. Looking around to make sure nobody was listening, he continued, “I asked her to be my wife.”
“Jin!” Touya scolded quietly.
“She didn't say no,” Jin said with a soft laugh as hope filled his expression before it was overrun with sadness once again. “Touya, I want to be with her and get out of this dirt hole! I promised her I would come be with her…there has to be a way to do it!”
“As long as you and I are part of the Shinobi, we can't do that!” The ice master reminded Jin coldly.
“Then I'll find a way out of the Shinobi!” Jin growled quietly. “Just please-you need to help me, Touya. I can't do this alone…”
Touya sighed, looking off to his left before looking back into Jin's pleading expression. Rolling his eyes real quick he nodded, “Fine. I'll train harder while you rest up. You look like death the way Risho beat you with his earth magic.”
“Thanks,” Jin said with a toothy smile. “For helping me that is, not about the remark. I'll see you once Risho feels forgiving.” The wind master watched as Touya disappeared into the thick forest that surrounded the cavern to get back to his training. The young demon's eyes looked up at the moonlight that broke through the bars as he smiled a bit. “I'll see you someday soon, Aeka. Please don't die on me while I am not there or hand your heart to someone else.” Feeling tired from the `sense beating' he got, Jin lied out on the hard ground and closed his eyes so he could sleep from the long day and night he had endured.