Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Jin's Wooden Flute ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kurama knocked on the Urameshi's door hoping for the best as he stood there waiting for someone to answer as he kept his hair out of his face when the spring breeze saw fit to blow it into his face. It had been at least two months or so after Jin and Touya left and the young demon had not seen Aeka around Yuske, let alone in her usual hideout places away from school and it was starting to worry him concerning what all happened.
The door opened slowly and a weary Atsuko stood behind it. “Oh, Shuichi. It's you.” Atsuko's voice carried praise and hope as she stepped aside to allow him inside her home.
Seeing he was being allowed in, Kurama walked inside the small apartment slowly with his school bag in front of him. He could feel that there was something still wrong with the place and he feared to ask the same question he had been asking for a good while now. Turing to face Atsuko again, a smile eventually spread over Kurama's worried expression. “How is Aeka?”
Atsuko sighed, pointing to Aeka's room door. “She's still not well enough to go to school,” she answered, brushing her hair off to the side. “I wish she'd get over whatever it is that is eating her alive. She refuses to tell me anything lately.”
“Is Yuske here as well?” Kurama pried as his worried frown consumed his face.
Atsuko nodded as she headed towards the TV set so she could keep from consuming herself in misery. “Take Yuske those cookies right there and see if Aeka will eat them. Hopefully you can get her to eat before she dies.”
Kurama frowned a bit looking over at the cookies sitting on the kitchen table. Taking them, he opened the door that led into Aeka's dark room slowly, peaking around inside first seeing Yuske sitting on his bed leaning forward on the side of it and his arms resting on his legs. “Yuske,” Kurama called softly.
Yuske's brown eyes looked over at the door where the demon was standing and he eventually smiled upon seeing who it was. “Hey, Kurama.”
Kurama's eyes looked over at Aeka, whose body was curled up under the covers, shaking violently from the cold that was attacking her. “How is she?” His eyes narrowed slightly in sorrow as he watched Aeka's body movements.
Yuske kept his eyes on his elder sister with an angered expression. “Nothing's changed. She is still so weak that she cannot sign much anymore.” Sighing and clutching his fists, Yuske thought back on how normal she used to be till Jin and Touya changed her life. “Aeka still refuses to eat and since she has nothing inside of her-”
“-She has no strength,” Kurama interrupted, placing the plate of cookies on the nightstand in between the two, “I am aware.” Kurama was silent for awhile as he continued to look up and down Aeka's covered body. “What did the doctor say?”
Yuske looked slowly up at Kurama before looking back at his sister as he shook his head slowly. “If she doesn't eat something soon, she will have to be fed through a feeding tube. Aeka hates needles more than anything—I doubt she'd take that one sitting down.”
“Your mother made cookies for you two to eat. Why don't you eat some as well?” The redhead suggested looking at Yuske's tired expression.
“You're leaving?” Yuske questioned watching Kurama head towards the door once more.
“If Aeka finds me here, she will be cross with me,” Kurama answered, closing his eyes. He could remember the slap she gave him and the furious expression she held when yelling at him with her hands. “And I don't want her to lose anymore of her strength.”
Neglecting to say goodbye to Atsuko, Kurama exited the building to find Botan just outside the door he opened. “Oh, hello, Kurama. I see you've returned to check on Aeka.” Botan was trying her hardest to sound cheery for everybody else's sake even if it was a bit hard.
Kurama's kind smile returned seeing the chipper Grim Reaper in her human form. “Hello, Botan. What brings you here?”
“Aeka and Yuske of course,” Botan answered, smiling brightly. “Now if you'll excuse me, I have to speak with Yuske. You can stay and listen in if you wish. I know how much Aeka means to you.”
Kurama's red hair shook from side to side as he laughed silently. “That is why I am leaving for a bit. Aeka needs to heal and she doesn't need my help in doing so.” Looking over his shoulder he waved goodbye to Botan before heading off to his home further downtown, “Goodbye Botan.”
Botan frowned, moaning a bit in disappointment as she watched Kurama slowly disappear from sight. “Poor thing,” She said to herself. The door soon opened and Yuske stood there, a bit surprised to see Koenma's messenger girl standing in front of his door and yet disappointed. “Oh, hello, Yuske! I came here to-”
“No since in sounding cheery about it, Botan,” Yuske remarked sourly, closing the door behind him. “Why has Koenma sent you here? I know it can't be good regarding what has happened lately.”
The Spirit Detective listened to Botan's story, frowning at what news she brought with her. “I see,” Yuske sighed a few minutes later, looking down over the railing of the apartment's sixth floor.
“Aeka is dying, Yuske,” Botan sighed sorrowfully, trying to look into his eyes. “I can sense her spirit calling to the Spirit World. Yuske-if something doesn't happen soon-”
“You think I don't know that??” Yuske growled, banging his fist on the railing. “Dammit-it's that entire damn demon's fault!” Having his body finally face Botan, Yuske's frown creased even further to show he wasn't going to take this any longer. “I want to see Jin again!”
Botan inhaled sharply at his request, “Yuske, that's impossible! Jin is part of the Shinobi and as part of their code, they cannot see the light!”
“But they can see the dark, right?” Yuske's anger was rising with every word that escaped from his mouth. Botan's expression didn't change to anything Yuske was hoping to see which caused him to crash down to his knees while holding his head in his hands. “I don't want to see my sister die right before my eyes like she did me a year ago. There has to be something I can do to make Jin come back here and make things better for her!”
Botan's eyes gazed out at the scenery feeling helpless that she could not do anything to make things better for Yuske. “Oh, Yuske…,” she whispered getting down on her knees to try and console the hurting detective.
Jin sat in the back of the cavern still shackled down with his arms resting on the side of his legs. He could hear the bars being unchained, causing the wind demon to look up angrily at Risho who was now coming towards him again. “Have you gotten all of that nonsense out of your head yet?” He asked quietly knowing the demon would be able to hear him.
Jin's once sweet, gentle expression was now consumed with anger and coldness. For what seemed like an eternity to him, Jin had been beaten every night he refused to say otherwise not wishing to give up how he felt about Aeka for Risho's satisfaction. But knowing if he wanted to at least get out training, Jin knew he had better say some thing different. “Yes…” He growled, looking down at his intertwined fingers.
The black haired Risho placed his hand under Jin's chin, raising his beaten face so the wind demon could look him in the eyes. “You are stubborn, aren't you?” Calling forth his earth powers, Risho brought down his fist, breaking the chains that bound Jin. The coldhearted leader watched as Jin got to his feet, rubbing his wrists which were once bound seeing that the once happy fool was now broken yet again. “I'd advise that you forget your weak human mother and that worthless girl. It doesn't suit a Shinobi Demon to dwell on garbage.”
Jin said nothing as Risho left him in peace though he wanted to go after him and beat his face into the ground to let him feel how it felt for him. Walking out of the cavern and into the dark night Jin's indigo eyes looked up at the full moon that lit up the night never able to imagine he was happy to see such a thing. Trying to shake what Risho said about his mother and the one he loved, he sighed a bit. “No sense in thinking about it now,” Jin said aloud, stretching upward glad to be free. “Better go find Touya and train like I had planned.”
As Jin took one step forward, he heard the bushes rustle a little bit making him wonder who it was that felt they had to sneak around someone like him. Tensing up his right hand, powering up his wind attacks, Jin rushed towards the bushes that shook recently. “Come out of there!”
“Goodness!” Botan shouted, raising her hands upward. “Calm down, it's just me!”
Jin relaxed his hand, allowing the wind to calm about him making the bushes and trees about him unwind as well. “I remember you,” He said quietly. “But what are you doing here?”
Botan stepped out of the bushes that were holding her back due to her kimono being caught in the branches. Getting herself free, she fell forward into Jin's arms that caught her. “Sorry about that,” Botan apologized, getting to her feet and wiping her kimono free from stray leaves and twigs. The young girl's eyes looked at Jin's face to see scratches and open gashes all around it. “Oh dear—what happened?”
“It's nothing,” Jin answered, bringing his thumb up to the side of his nose. “So, why did Koenma send you here? Is our punishment not over?”
Botan could hear his tone was changing into sorrow and she began to pity him once more. “Jin-”
The wind master looked away from the cheery grim reaper, his heart felling as though it would stop beating for him any minute now. “Not having Aeka at my side is torment enough…”
“The reason I came here, is about Aeka,” Botan managed to get out before Jin could spill his guts anymore. “Aeka is slowly dying without you there.”
Jin quickly spun around upon hearing this with worry and fear in his expression.
“She isn't eating and she won't sign anymore due to her not having enough strength in her body. Aeka's soul calls for the Spirit World louder every passing day. If something doesn't happen soon, Aeka will die…”
Jin closed his eyes as he clutched his fists tighter, almost making his palms bleed. “Fuck it!” He swore angrily trying to release his frustration in those words. “I told her to wait on me,” Jin said aloud, his eyes looking off to the side. “If she dies, I won't be able to be with her. But I can't leave here either!”
“If it were up to me, Jin, you could stay with Aeka…but I don't make the rules,” Botan said with a heavy sigh.
Jin stood there, not being able to bare the thought of Aeka dying just because she was waiting for his return. She will die alone just like my mother did and I can't bear to think about that. Aeka… Jin pulled out a wooden flute that he had hidden away in his pant's pockets since it was something he kept on him since he was with his mother. Holding it out in his hands like it were a precious life, he walked closer to Botan, pressing it to his mouth. Blowing into it and allowing his fingers to dance across it, Jin began to play a soft dreamy like moldy that he recalled his mother playing since he was a baby.
Botan closed her eyes as the wind seemed to blow about them softly, caressing her body and blowing her sky blue hair gently forward. “That sounds so beautiful,” Botan remarked, once he finished.
Jin handed over the wooden flute to Botan with a serious expression upon his face before pointing to it. “My mother taught me that song and I keep it close to me. Give Aeka this flute and tell her to stay alive for me.”
Botan looked down at the wooden flute before looking back at the wind master wondering how it survived so many years.
“Tell her I will want it back when I see her again,” He concluded with a quick wink and an attempt to smile.
Botan nodded with a smile of her own as she summoned her ore and sailed off into the night holding something that may help the poor sick Aeka stay alive.
Atsuko tried to pull the exhausted Aeka out of her bed regardless of how many times the girl refused to budge or complained it hurt to move. “Aeka, don't do this to me now,” Atsuko begged, releasing her weak daughter's hands. Aeka's hands fell over the side of the bed, looking as though she was dead causing Atsuko to shake her head at what she had to witness. “Aeka,” She cried, laying her head on Aeka's chest.
Yuske was running home since he promised his mother he would help drag Aeka to the hospital that afternoon. “Yuske!” Botan called from up in the air in her spirit form.
Turning around quickly at the sound of Botan's frantic voice, Yuske saw her flying downward on her ore. “Botan?” He questioned.
“I have something for Aeka!” She announced, landing on the ground causing her ore to disappear.
“Botan, I don't have time for this-!”
Knowing the brash Spirit Detective wouldn't listen to her, Botan quickly pulled out the wooden flute that she had hidden away in her kimono. “I must give this to Aeka and a message to her—both are from Jin.”
Yuske narrowed his eyes at Botan who quickly looked off to the side. “You went to speak with Jin and didn't even tell me?!”
Botan began to sweat a little as she laughed nervously. “That's beside the point, Yuske. Right now, we need to help Aeka. If you want your sister alive, I have to give this to her and the message Jin gave to me.”
Atsuko was still inside of Aeka and Yuske's room waiting for her son to return so he could help her drag Aeka to the hospital. She had given up trying to move the stubborn child and was now sitting on the bed with her head in her hands. Once the door opened she was relieved to see him walk in with Botan at his side once she removed her hands from her face. “Thank God you're here, Yuske. Help me get Aeka to her feet.”
“Excuse me,” Botan interrupted, with a soft smile to Atsuko, “But I would like to give this to Aeka first if that is alright. I think it may help her heal.”
Atsuko was unsure of what Botan may have that could do what seemed like the impossible, but she waved for her to go ahead since she wanted to save her daughter.
Aeka's weary green eyes eventually set on Botan's pink once she felt someone touching her shoulder again. Seeing it was only Botan, Aeka managed to feel herself relax a bit. “I have something for you,” Botan whispered.
What, was all Aeka could manage to sign before lowering her hand back down over her body.
Botan handed over the wooden flute, causing Aeka to wonder what kind of a gift this was since she couldn't play any instrument. Once she was through looking up and down the flute, Botan continued, “It's a gift from Jin.”
The starved girl's eyes widened a bit as Botan's lips formed Jin's name. J—Jin…?
Botan nodded, placing her hand on Aeka's forehead, “He also wanted me to tell you that he wants you to stay alive for him.”
How…does he know…? Aeka asked wearily.
“I told him your predicament,” Botan answered with a quick smile. “He said he wants that flute back once he sees you again so don't go losing it.”
Aeka looked back at the wooden flute through her tears before holding it close to her chest in her baggy sleeping wear that she wore to hide how skeletal she was and to keep the cold away from her body. Just by holding it she could remember the few times she spent with him and how he made her feel needed when others didn't. Oh Jin, She thought while continuing to cry, I am sorry…I am acting like such a baby…Jin, please forgive me…