Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Alernative? ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Aeka stared at the flute in her hands that Jin was kind enough to give to her as a memento. I didn't know he could play the flute, she remarked in a dreamy state as she continued to think about him to keep her content and happy regardless of the many needles and bags of liquid food that surrounded her dreary hospital room. Sighing a bit, she placed the flute to her lips and blew in it briefly. Sadly, I won't be able to hear him play it…
The door to Aeka's hospital room soon slowly opened once a knock could be heard from the other side. The once semi dark room was lit up with light, causing Aeka to look over at the door since that was her only cue that someone was entering the room. Clutching onto the flute tightly, Aeka's green eyes narrowed at the redhead who now graced her presents. “Hi, Aeka,” Kurama said softly coming closer to her bedside to sit in the chair that was placed by her bed. “I was wondering if you were feeling better now.”
I'm fine, Aeka answered with a frown still upon her face.
Kurama's green eyes gazed at the flute she currently held and remembered what Yuske said to him about Jin's gift to his sister. “I see you still have Jin's flute. Yuske told me about it. It was thoughtful of Jin, wasn't it?”
Aeka kept her eyes on Kurama's movements wondering why he was still acting kind…even after the things she said to him.
Kurama pulled up the chair he was sitting in after changing the dead flowers that were on her nightstand. “May I see it?” Kurama asked, extending his hand.
Aeka was protective of the flute Jin was kind enough to hand over to her and she was hesitant to hand it over. Be careful with it, Aeka ordered with her hands, giving it to Kurama.
Kurama took the flute and looked it up and down while his hands scrolled over the craftsmanship. “It's a very old flute,” The demon remarked, blowing into it for a minute or two.
Yes, Aeka signed thinking back on that night Jin said goodbye to her. Jin told me he was over 1000 years old. And that flute did come from his mother.
“It's a miracle that it hasn't fallen apart yet. But-” Kurama played a few more notes before pulling it away from his mouth again. “-it still plays nicely.”
Aeka took back the flute when Kurama was through messing with it. I wish I could hear Jin play it. Looking out her hospital window she sighed slightly. That is when I see him again…
The fox demon's hand landed boldly on Aeka's shoulder causing the young girl to look back into his eyes. “Jin will come back. He promised he would and I don't think he is one to break a promise to the one he cares for.”
Aeka looked back down at the flute, running her thumb up and down it. He wanted me to be his wife, she signed before running her fingers through her hair.
“Oh—what did you say to that?” Kurama asked a bit interested and yet heartbroken.
Nothing really, she answered, sitting upright in her bed. Seeing that she was having difficulty getting up, Kurama's hands reached for her but Aeka jerked away. I'm fine-I can do this. Aeka thought back on Jin's brief and to the point proposal, smiling a bit inside but a bit nervous about it just the same. It would be nice to be with someone who loves me
Kurama raised his hand slightly about to say something to that but stopped once he heard the door open behind him. He smiled as he saw Yuske and Botan coming into the room to check on Aeka as well.
“Hey, Kurama, it's not a surprise to see you here again,” Yuske remarked with a quick wink.
Again? Aeka questioned, looking over at her brother.
“Yes,” Botan added smiling as she folded her hands in front of her. “Kurama has been coming to the hospital to see if you were alright for awhile now. He was very worried about you.”
Aeka watched as the now embarrassed Kurama got to his feet. “Well, I better get going. I promised my mother I wouldn't be long.” Turning his attention back to Aeka, he gently placed his hand on top of the girl's white hair. “I hope you will get all your strength back and get better soon.”
Aeka jerked her head away allowing Kurama to catch a hint she didn't want to be touched there by him before Botan and Yuske waved goodbye to Kurama once he passed by them. When Botan noticed that Aeka was looking back down at the flute, she turned her attention to Yuske. “Poor, Kurama.”
Yuske looked over at Botan wondering what she meant since he was blind to what was going on believing Kurama was just being caring is all to his sister since she was so sick.
“Don't tell me you don't see it!” Botan hissed seeing the stupidity in his expression.
Yuske shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets, “I know he's seemed down lately but what about it?”
“Well, aren't you sensitive?” Botan scolded in Yuske's ear. “Can't you see the poor boy is broken up over Aeka?!”
“Aeka is healing,” Yuske remarked not catching on to what Botan had to say.
Slumping over slightly, Botan shook her head and sighed not realizing how dimwitted Yuske could at times seem. Her eyes quickly caught a glance at what Aeka was doing to make sure it would be safe to continue. “Kurama is in love with Aeka but she keeps pushing him away!”
Scratching the inside of his ear with his nail, Yuske shrugged. “So, what can I do about it? Aeka is in love with that wind master guy. Besides, Kurama's been on her case ever since they started school together. I doubt she would be willing to go with it.”
Botan waved for Yuske to follow her back outside in the hallway for a bit and the young spirit detective complied. “I am worried, Yuske. Jin may have promised he will come back for Aeka but by what means will he do it? I am curious to know how he will, concerning all the boundaries that restrict him.”
“What's your point?”
“Boy you are dense!” The messenger girl shouted, raising her fists in the air. “What I mean is you and I both know there's at least a one percent chance of Jin being able to get back over here. If Jin never makes it…Aeka will be heartbroken again.”
Yuske knew Botan was right. But he wasn't about to rule anything out considering all that had happened to him recently. Anything was possible. “And---where does Kurama come in to play in all of this?”
“Why not give Aeka a boyfriend who is already here? As romantic as it is that Aeka loves Jin, I never thought love would hurt her this much.” Yuske followed her gaze back into his sister's room. “If Jin never returns, Aeka may die next time.”
“But what if he does return?” Yuske asked, narrowing his eyes at Botan. “There is that one percent chance of him making it back and that means there is still a chance.”
Botan threw her arms down in defeat. “I can only hope that he will return for her like he promised…”
“Jin doesn't strike me as the guy to break promises,” Yuske added, about to enter his sister's hospital room again. “We will see if anything happens, won't we?” With that said, Yuske walked back into his elder sister's room to watch her for a bit.
It took three months for Aeka to get use to eating again and gain the weight needed for one her size. Yuske helped her home since Atsuko decided to go out on her own and celebrate and there was no way in hell Yuske would trust his drunken mother with his sister. “Welcome home,” Yuske signed after opening the door to their apartment before tossing his bag to the side.
Thanks, Aeka signed, walking inside the freezing apartment room. I was getting sick of that damn food at the hospital and being poked and jabbed every minute or two.
“Guess maybe this time you'll think twice before pulling something that stupid, eh?” Yuske joked lightly with his expression.
Aeka stuck her tongue out at Yuske playfully as she pulled out the flute she had wrapped carefully in a blanket. I need to find a case for this if I am to keep it safe for Jin.
Grabbing an apple from the fridge Yuske looked at her with a worried expression. “Are you sure you should? I mean, you just got back from the hospital,” He asked with his hands while biting the apple.
Aeka rolled her eyes, I'll be fine. It's just a flute case. I can hop down at the music store and grab one. Putting down her bag, Aeka walked back toward the door with the flute in her hands. I'll be back soon, Yuske.
As soon as she reached the music store, she looked around for what she had in mind for the wooden flute. While her hands skimmed the shelves, her hand accidentally bumped into someone else's prompting her to bring back her delicate, bruised hand quickly. Aeka was about to apologize but refrained from doing so upon seeing Kurama there. You little stalker! Aeka growled while signing in rage. What are you doing here?
Kurama smiled softly, ignoring her question. “Why are you here, Aeka? Shouldn't you be at home resting up?” Before Aeka could answer that with one of her smart-alecky remarks, he saw the flute being held close between her breasts. “You are looking for a case, aren't you?” Kurama's green eyes gazed about the shelves and he pulled a case that looked fine to him and was of fine glossy wood. “Here.”

Aeka took the case away from Kurama slowly wondering if there was some catch involved. You didn't answer my question, Kurama, Aeka signed narrowing her eyes at him.
“I'm just spending a day with my mother and happened to come across the music store. She loves music,” Kurama answered, looking back at the shelves.
Where's your mother? Aeka questioned, tugging on his school uniform while looking beyond Kurama and not seeing anyone.
Kurama's finger pointed behind Aeka and the girl spun around to see a woman heading towards her and Kurama. “Shuichi,” She said softly and slowly. “I feel it's time for us to head home.”
“Yes mother,” Kurama answered, heading towards his mother. Looking back at Aeka who held the flute case Kurama waved goodbye. “See you later, Aeka.”
“Oh, is this Aeka Urameshi?” Kurama's mother asked her son. Once he nodded, Shiori walked passed him and over to Aeka. “Hello, Aeka. Shuichi talks a lot about you. I am hoping you are feeling alright after your ordeal in the hospital.”
I am feeling fine, Aeka answered with a smile as she signed not wanting to be rude to Mrs. Minamino.
It's good to know she has some manors, Kurama thought to himself as a smile spread across his face.
Well, it was nice meeting you, Aeka signed bowing slightly afterwards, as she headed towards the register. I need to pay for this and be on my way.
Mrs. Minamino gently placed her hand on Aeka's shoulder, causing the girl to turn around. She really wanted to get back to Yuske but didn't want to be disrespectful to a nice person such as Shiori. Yes, ma'am?
“I was wondering if you would like to come over for dinner. Hearing of what happened for you to fall into the hospital, I would be more than happy to fix you something to eat. Your brother, Yuske can come as well,” Shiori invited.
Aeka didn't wish to have dinner with a guy that literally made her ill. Kurama was a nice guy and all but it seemed lately he wanted to care for her too much…in a way, it reminded her of Jin and she didn't want to break her promise to Jin by falling for another man. I don't know, Mrs. Minamino, Aeka signed slowly. I did promise my brother I would return home…
“I could call Yuske for you,” Kurama interrupted before his mother would allow Aeka on her way. “Come on, Aeka. You need to gain more weight and not fall back under it again.”
Knowing it would be best not to argue with Kurama right in front of his mother, Aeka finally agreed, trying to look cheery about it. Alright then, Aeka signed, clutching the flute, begging Jin to give her strength. I will have dinner with you but I need someone to contact Yuske to let him know I didn't get kidnapped or keeled over somewhere.
“I told you I will do that,” Kurama assured her as he guided her over to the counter so she could get the flute case she wanted so bad. “Now come on-let's get the case so we can go have dinner.”
Aeka moved forward, narrowing her eyes at Kurama's, wishing he'd move where his hand was currently placed. Even though he could understand her body language, Kurama lead her from the counter to the walkway with his mother following behind him. I wish you'd stop getting fresh with me, Aeka signed quickly while Mrs. Minamino wasn't looking.
Kurama obviously couldn't say anything since he was walking behind her but all he did was laugh nervously while sweating a little. Looking up at the clear blue sky, Kurama's expression creased into a slight frown. Jin, I know I can't take your place in Aeka's heart…but-I don't want to see Aeka suffer any further than she already has. Since you are unable to be here for her, let me be here for her…