Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ The Reasons We Fight ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Risho crossed his arms hearing Jin's excuses as to why he wanted to attend this Dark Tournament. “Jin, there is nothing you can or will say that will make me change my decision!” Truth be known, he was starting to get irritated with the wind master's persistent attitude. It was unlike Jin to want to go fight for the heck of it. He wanted to have fun in a fight and there was a zero percent chance of that happening when it came to this tournament type.
Jin looked behind him at Touya showing he was drowning and wanted help when it came to this.
Touya shrugged not knowing what to say in this matter that would make Risho say anything different. “I don't know,” Touya pretty much mouthed.
As he stood there feeling his chances for being with Aeka slowly slip away, Jin finally had an idea that may work. “Come with me to the Human World, Risho.”
Risho glared at Jin's suggestion as did the rest of the group. It was against their rules to surface and having Jin suggest this was angering to those who had not witness life outside the darkness.
Touya tried to resist the urge to run up and smack Jin in the back of his head as he heard those words slip from his mouth.
“Obviously you are asking to be beaten once again. Have you learned nothing?” Risho asked angrily.
“Just listen to me!” Jin pretty much ordered, making everybody quiet.
Risho was not about to take this from somebody on his team that he despised as much as the human race and he felt was below him on the demon chain.
Jin could see he was fixing to let him have it again so he tried to save himself, “While I was with that… `Human girl' Touya and I witnessed something you may be interested in.”
“What is possibly on the surface that I may find interesting?” Risho asked, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Come with me again to the surface and I will show you what we should fight for,” Jin pleaded seriously with his hands crossed over his broad chest.
Jin had never sounded this serious in the 1000 year span to Touya who was still listening. Mostly Jin is a big goofball who never takes anything seriously…He must really care about getting closer to Aeka once again. I am amazed…
Everybody was silent, waiting for Risho's reply since their interest was caught as well. The earth demon eventually answered, “Fine-show me what it is that is worth fighting for.”
Aeka sat down, trying to understand exactly what Yuske had to do. She was told he was a Spirit Detective and with that role came quite the responsibility, she could imagine. But, did it always involve fighting demons? Was Yuske even that strong? So, Aeka signed slowly, thinking on this, You, Kurama, Hiei, and Kuwabara have to go fight in some demon tournament?
Yuske nodded, plopping down on the side of his bed. “Some guy I thought I beat down is back and he wants me to go to this tournament.”
Who is it? Aeka asked curiously. Who is this guy?
Yuske began to tremble inside remembering Toguro's powers. He's a powerful maniac that just won't fucking die! He thought, biting his lower lip. When a pillow ended up meeting with the side of Yuske's head, he knew Aeka was trying to get an answer from him causing him to laugh softly, “He's nothing special. Don't worry about it.”
When do you leave…?
Scratching the back of his black hair, he shrugged with that goofy thinking look on his face. “In a few months I think.”
So, how powerful are you? Aeka asked, trying to press a smile on her face. She didn't want her brother to go against demons that may be able to pound the little brother she felt was her duty to protect.
Laughing quietly Yuske pointing his firing finger at her, “I am strong enough to win.”
Aeka laughed, getting to her feet. I'll go make lunch for us, eh?
Yuske nodded, “Sounds good to me.”
Aeka left the room and headed towards the kitchen to put together something for the family since she was starving and figured the others were as well. Upon entering the kitchen, the young girl saw her mother passed out drunk on the dining table. Tying back her long lavender tented white hair so it wouldn't be in her way, she rolled her eyes before trying to help her mother get a bit more comfortable.
Atsuko opened her eyes a little bit once she felt her daughter trying to get her snug, “Hu…? Aeka…?” Trying to focus, Atsuko looked around the kitchen wondering what time it was since the sun was still out and about. “What time is it, dear?”
Aeka flipped over her right hand, looking at her watch to check the time. Its 2:37, mom. I need to make lunch. Is there something you want to have?
Atsuko stretched upward, yawning a bit, “If you could…get me some water or something, Aeka.”
While Aeka was trying to satisfy everyone in the household, herself included, the doorbell rang. Atsuko began to suffer from the loud noise that was echoing in her head. As she gave her mother her water, Aeka saw her suffering expression wondering what was the matter until Atsuko voiced it, “Aeka—please get the door.”
She could understand what her mother was suffering through as she hurried to the door to ask whoever was there to politely go away. Of course, her politeness left her once she saw Kurama standing there with Kuwabara right behind him. What do you two want? Aeka signed with a mean look upon her face.
“What kind of greeting is that?!” Kuwabara asked, crossing his arms while glaring at Aeka.
The greeting you two deserve, she explained. Looking over her shoulder she made sure her mother was doing okay since she was suffering through a hangover yet again. Look, my mother is in bad shape…again. Can this wait?
“We are here to talk to Yuske about the Dark Tournament,” Kurama informed politely. “If it's possible, we would like to speak with him.”
Sighing, Aeka nodded over her shoulder. Come on in.
“Man,” Kuwabara said, placing his hands in his pockets, “What did you do to get on her bad side?”
Kurama laughed quietly, looking over his shoulder at Kuwabara as he traveled inside the apartment behind Aeka. “A lot of things, I suppose.”
Aeka grabbed the sandwich she made for Yuske while the boys followed behind her into Yuske's room. Yuske looked up at the door as soon as he heard it open and he gave that sarcastic look at Aeka as he signed, “When I asked for lunch that was all I wanted.”
Yeah, well, your buddies want to chat with you about that Tournament thing, Aeka clarified, excusing herself from the room. She didn't enjoy feeling flushed when Kurama was around and she hated the big idiot, Kuwabara who Yuske beat in front of her a few times. The things he said at times drove her to the end of her line. After grabbing something to drink, Aeka stepped outside of the apartment building so she could go for a walk alone.
Risho stood on top of one of the city buildings in Japan as Jin tried to explain to the selfish, unrighteous Risho what they `should' be fighting for in the Dark Tournament. “Such a bright light,” Risho said almost in a trance like state as he felt the sun's raze for the first time on his body. So-this is what the sun feels like.
Jin stood there waiting eagerly for Risho's say in what they would do about the Tournament as did Touya who stood beside him. We've been standing here for an hour now, Jin thought impatiently. Will he decide or what! As he stood there waiting for his leader's decision, the wind master's attention went elsewhere. He could see her from where he was standing and he recognized that long silky white hair that the wind was caressing. “Aeka!” He said quietly, tempted to dive down after her.
Touya heard what Jin said under his breath and though he wanted him to be happy with Aeka, the ice master knew that his partner would have to wait. Not wanting him to do something stupid in front of Risho once again, he nudged Jin with his elbow quickly before anyone would notice. Shaking his head, he mouthed `no'.
“It's decided!” Risho's sudden announcement startled the two, causing them to jump a bit before looking at their leader. “We will participate in the Dark Tournament and fight for this—the light.”
Jin and Touya looked at one another before nodding at their leader's decision.
“Now come-we must prepare to win,” Risho replied walking past the two misfits and beyond his team to head back to Makai to prepare.
When Risho, Bakken, and Gama's backs were turned, Jin looked back down at the streets at the young girl he still kept close to his heart in the dark world he lived in. Touya could feel what Jin was about to do and he grabbed onto his wrist to prevent him from doing so. “Don't—not yet, Jin.”
Jin looked from Touya's icy blue eyes down to the girl he wanted to speak to again. “But—she's right there! I promise this won't take long!” He pleaded trying to get free from his friend's grip.
When Touya felt Jin's fist tighten a little bit, he latched on tighter to his wrist not wanting his partner to blow it just yet. “You will get to see her later!” He whispered. “Just wait a few more months…”
“Fine,” Jin said, jerking away from Touya. “I waited twelve years…I can wait a few more months.”
“Good.” Touya headed slowly after Risho and the others with Jin following behind him at the same pace. “It's good to know you can keep your hormones under control every once and awhile.”
With how he put that, it prompted Jin to pound the short ice master in the head playfully for that smart remark before they caught up with Risho to go back to Makai.
Aeka eventually returned home to find that Kurama was about to leave. Not wanting to speak with him, she looked down at her feet as she headed towards the apartment.
However, Kurama wasn't going to let her walk on by him so he stopped her by gently gripping onto her shoulder. Feeling her heart suddenly pick up pace, Aeka avoided eye-contact with him. Not understanding why she had to be this way, Kurama gently directed her face towards his so she could see what he was about to say. “I am afraid your brother has left to go train with the old woman named Genkai. He will not return.”
Aeka sighed, jerking away from his grasp as she asked, Why won't he come home?
“After he is through training, he will head to the boat with Hiei, Kuwabara, and me to go to Hanging Neck Island where the Dark Tournament will be held. I am sorry you won't be able to see him for awhile.”
Why is he doing this, Kurama…? I want the truth! She glared up at him wanting the truth from him for once knowing he kept many secrets from her and though she understood they were for her own well being, she was a bit sick of it now and wanted to be granted at least this one answer.
Kurama was silent before finally giving in to her request. “Toguro is a powerful demon that Yuske and Kuwabara fought before. Thinking they had won, they left with Hiei's sister who was being abused by humans,” Kurama confessed, placing his hands in his pockets. “These humans, Toguro was paid to protect. He faked his death and now wants to fight Yuske in a fair fight.”
Why didn't he decline that bastard's offer? Aeka asked keeping her eyes on Kurama's with anger building up inside of her.
“He said he would have to destroy those he held dear to him…” Kurama answered, closing his eyes for a little bit. “And among those people closest to Yuske, are you, Aeka.”
Aeka stomped her foot downward as she glared up at Kurama with her hands firmly at her sides. That's not fair! My own little brother is going away to fight in some tournament and I don't know if he'll ever come back to me!
Is it not a big sister's job to protect her younger siblings?! Aeka asked with her hands furiously. She was starting to sign so fast it was becoming hard for Kurama to understand her hand motions. If it's my job to protect Yuske, why is he protecting me? Kurama, he's going to throw his life away for me!
“Aeka,” Kurama said once more, gripping lightly onto her shoulders as she struggled to get away from him. When she refused to settle down, the young demon placed his hands on her cheeks. “Listen to me, please!” Aeka's tears began to fall from her eyes and down to his hands that were still placed on her burning cheeks. “I will watch Yuske and make sure he will be okay, alright?”
All Aeka could do was nod as she gripped onto his wrists, trying to make him release her.
“I know you have already lost someone close to you and I won't let it happen again,” the fox demon promised softly so only she could hear.
Aeka knew she had no choice but to put faith in this demon she didn't know too well. But she couldn't stand being at home not knowing what would happen to her baby brother. Please, Kurama, Aeka signed keeping her pitiful expression on her face, please take me with you when you go to the tournament…