Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Don't Take No For An Answer ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Risho threw Jin on the floor in the hallway close to where their rooms were located, placing his foot harshly on the back of his head. “All of that crap you said was just so you could see that little runt of a human girl!” He yelled, bringing his foot down harder on Jin's red hair. “What is it you want from her?”
The wind demon's eyes managed to meet with Touya's as he silently told his partner that he was going to reveal to Risho why he wanted to come as well as the expression he held.
The ice master shook his head, not agreeing with what was about to come out of his mouth mouthing `no' over and over again while nobody was looking his way but that didn't stop Jin from saying it.
“I-” Jin began, struggling to get up from underneath his leader. “-I love her…”
Touya shook his head, as he covered his face with his hand knowing Risho would kill him for sure now.
“What did you say?” Risho growled. The earth demon finally took his foot off of his head but reached down and grabbed him by his red hair causing Jin to bit his lower lip, as he was forced upward this way. When he refused to reiterate what he had said, Risho asked again, “What did you say about that wench?”
Growling, Jin glared at his leader, knocking his hand away from his hair. “I said I love her!”
All Risho did was smirk at what Jin at to say. “I see. What could I expect when your worthless mother was human?”
“My mother was a wonderful woman!” Jin shouted, standing his ground with his fists at ready if Risho wanted to attack him once more. “I will not let you speak ill of her or of Aeka!”
Risho's fist collided with Jin's cheek, causing him to fall towards the floor once again. “You are a weak, spineless Shinobi! One little human girl can make you turn your head and have you lose your concentration! You're pathetic!”
“Risho!” Touya begged, wanting this to stop.
The earth master shot an angry look at Touya, causing the ice master to stop dead in his tracks. “As for you! You support Jin's delusional ideas of being with that worthless girl! I should destroy you both!”
Everyone was silent after he suggested this, wondering why he didn't just kill them.
“But I won't—unfortunately I need you both for this tournament.”
Jin got back to his feet, staring down Risho, showing how unimpressed he currently was since he didn't want to be branded a coward and he wasn't scared of Risho—merely annoyed.
“But when this tournament is over…I will destroy you, Jin. Like I promised before, you will watch that human wench wriggle in pain and suffering before I kill her.” With that said, Risho went to his room, leaving his team members in the hallway to think about what Jin had done.
“You're really asking to be killed, aren't you, Jin?” Bakken laughed.
“Leave me alone,” Jin demanded angrily with a growl, narrowing his eyes at Bakken.
“You're flirting with death, Jin,” Bakken reminded his team member as Jin retreated into his hotel room with Touya behind him.
Jin was glad to be in his room, so he wouldn't feel the need to pound Bakken into the ground. He hated the miserable bastard and was much stronger than he but Bakken was a necessity at the moment to help him win Aeka.
“Well now,” Touya began, standing in front of the wind master. “You love Aeka don't you? Then why the hell are you telling Risho all of this?! He is going to kill her now, no matter what you do!”
“No, he won't,” Jin said, walking towards the window once he gently pushed his way past his friend.
Touya latched onto Jin's arm, causing him to look over at the short ice master. “What are you doing?”
“I don't give a damn what Risho has to say about Aeka and me—I came here to see her and see her, I shall!”
Touya refused to release Jin's arm. “You're crazy, you know that? You are going to get her killed!”
Jin stood there in the windowsill waiting for his friend to release him so he could go see Aeka, but Touya showed he was not about to let Jin go be the airhead he was.
However, once Jin gave him that puppy dog pout, Touya groaned to show he was caving, “Fine-if you go out there, I suggest you get back here before daybreak.”
“I won't be long,” Jin said with a cheesy smile as he slipped out the window quickly.
Touya stuck his head out the windowpane to watch Jin glide out to the entrance of the hotel. Why do I help him? Risho will have my head…
I can't believe you said that! Why can't I see Jin?! Aeka signed angrily up at Kurama.
Kurama stopped at Aeka's hotel room, sighing. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he looked her in the eyes with sympathy. “Aeka, I am sorry. But Jin's leader would have taken your life to teach Jin a lesson. Just wait and soon you will be with Jin.”
Shaking her head, she opened the door to her room, leaving Kurama outside in the hallway to think about how mad he made her. Stupid fox! She thought, taking her shirt off and throwing it on the bed since she had a room to herself. He makes me so mad! Just watching him, makes me wanna hurl!
After the young girl managed to get the rest of her clothing off, she slipped into the bathroom, and turned on the shower. Aeka hoped that bathing in hot water would make all of her current troubles fade away quickly. Not to mention the sudden urge to want to throw Kurama out the nearest window.
When the water felt right enough, Aeka stepped inside the shower, leaning against the tiled walls with a slight hiss since the water was a bit hotter than expected but she accepted it concerning the circumstances. I was so close to being with him again, Aeka thought, pushing her face into the hot water for a little bit before pulling back out. If only I could have touched him one more time…
Once Jin found out the room Aeka was given, he flew towards the window of that room and slipped inside without being noticed by anyone special. The wind master looked about the room to see her clothes thrown on the bed and the shower running. Seeing this made his ears turn to a point quickly and start wiggling slightly as he headed towards the bathroom door. Just to make sure if he could walk on inside, he turned the doorknob to see that the door was indeed unlocked.
Grinning at this he took his Shinobi outfit off, just tossing it all on the floor before walking into the bathroom in hopes to join her. She'll probably whack me for doing this but- Jin gathered up what courage he had and pulled back the shower curtain to find Aeka sitting down with her eyes closed as the water hit her naked body. Is she sleeping in the shower? Poor thing must be tired.
Jin reached for her body that was lying against the tub but pulled back once the hot water touched his hands. “God, that's hot! What is she trying to do? I know a human such as her cannot handle such a temperature without blistering!” Reaching over he turned the water off quickly.
Aeka felt the water not touching her any longer and this prompted her to open her eyes. She jerked her head a bit when she felt someone touching her cheeks and was unaware who it was since she was supposed to be alone and she feared it was Kurama again. Slowly her eyes began to focus as Jin's thumbs massaged her cheeks gently. With her eyes all the way open, Jin smiled as his palm slid over the top of her wet white hair. J-I-N…? She signed slowly, trying to keep her eyes opened.
“Shhh-its okay, Aeka,” He whispered, trying to help her up. When he saw that she couldn't get to her feet too well, Jin picked her up bridal style and carried her into her bedroom once he let the water drain. Sitting on her bed, he kept her wet body close to his own. Looking at her with a soft smile on his face he asked, “What were you doing in there? That water would have left blisters on your body it was so hot.”
I thought I wouldn't be able to see you again, she signed, nuzzling into his bare chest thinking that would be the best way to hide her tears. I wanted the pain to leave…
Jin gripped gently onto her hand that was signing, holding it close to his chest. “Hey,” He whispered yet, again, situating her body better in his lap as he sat on the bed. “I thought I told you to stay alive for me…Didn't I?”
I'm sorry, Aeka signed before wiping her tears away. But what-what are you doing here? That leader of yours will be mad!
Jin scrunched up his nose seeing her sign that. “Nah, he'll live. I just have to sneak out here at night and I will be fine. I promised you I would see you again, and I meant that.”
Aeka couldn't help but cry into his chest again, making the wind master feel bad.
“No, no, no,” He softly replied, trying to get her to look at him. When her eyes finally met his, Jin put a concerned smile on his face as he begged, “Don't cry. You know I hate to see you so melancholy.”
The young human girl placed her right hand on his left cheek, stroking it softly. You're really here…
Jin smiled, moving her wet hair away from her face that it had mated with. “Yeah. I'm here now.” Trying to help her stop crying, he bent downward and touched her mouth gently with his own.
Aeka accepted his quick and gentle kiss eventually deepening it herself by pushing her tongue inside of his mouth like he showed her before.
Trying to play around with her, Jin nipped at her wet muscle, causing Aeka to take back her tongue so she could pop him in the side. Laughing quietly, Jin placed her still dripping wet body on her hotel bed from where it once was in his lap, hovering above her just a little bit. Taking the palm of his hand, he slid it softly down between her breasts. Before looking into her eyes once more, Jin looked at where his hand was placed. “I keep forgetting how fragile human beings are. Last time I forgot that, but this time I promise to be gentler.”
Aeka nodded, as she kissed him greedily, missing him for the year he had been away from her. Her fingers ran through his shaggy red hair as she guided his body down to hers.
Jin pulled back again, not trusting his size and weight being on her small body.
It's okay, she signed so quickly that Jin almost was unable to translate it. I will be fine, I promise!
Jin sighed, hesitating to lie on top of her. “I don't want to hurt you, Aeka. My body is pretty heavy compared to yours…”
I'll be okay, Aeka assured, kissing his mouth quickly. Jin started to lower his body back down on top of her own. He was pretty heavy and boney due to all of his muscles he had on his body, but Aeka wanted to feel his body weight on top of her regardless of how heavy he was. He's back…I finally have him back, She thought, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling into the nape of his neck.
Aeka curled up next to Jin, intertwining her fingers with his. “You've lost a lot of weight,” Jin pointed out as he gazed into her sea green eyes. “Are you still not eating well?”
She felt guilty seeing him say that. Aeka avoided his gaze for a minute or so before answering, I've been trying to eat but the food won't stay down.
“You keep throwing up?” Jin asked a bit concerned.
Aeka merely shrugged, not knowing what to say to that. When she received Jin's flute, she tried her hardest to keep her food down but it wouldn't regardless. Speaking of his flute, She thought getting out from under the covers.
Jin stayed under the covers, just admiring her body that was still unclothed and being outlined by the moonlight. Keeping his eyes on her body a moment, he noticed a scar on her right side around her ribcage area and wondered what happened there since he didn't recall seeing it before. “Hmmm.”
Aeka knelt in front of the only bag she brought with her and began to toss things around to find the flute case she brought with her. When she found it, Aeka hurried back over to the bedside, handing the flute case over to Jin. Here you go, she signed with a smile before getting back in bed with him.
“What happened there?” Jin asked pointing to the scar he noticed earlier before touching it. “I never noticed that the last time I made love to you.”
Aeka looked down at the scar that she kept forgetting was there herself but kept from remembering it due to the horrible time she had to endure with it. Maybe because you were so eager last time, Aeka smirked before answering. I got into a bad fight with a couple of guys when I was sixteen and one of them busted up my ribs. Yuske taught them the lesson before rushing me to the hospital and they had to mess with that area since they did some damage but I survived most of the torture the doctors put me through to get me better.
Scrunching up his nose angrily at the thought, he took a better look at the scar. “I cannot believe some boys would do that to a woman no less.” Taking the case Aeka handed to him earlier, Jin opened it to find his wooden flute inside. “Hey, it's my flute,” He said softly, taking it out of the case.
Aeka got back under the covers nodding. Tapping on his shoulder she signed, I kept it in a case since it looked real delicate and old. I didn't want it to get destroyed.
Jin placed his arm around Aeka as he continued to examine his mother's flute. When she was looking up at him, the wind master explained the history behind the flute, “This was my mother's flute. When I was little, I used to listen to her play it over and over again. My mother gave it to me and I taught myself to play that one melody she played to me ever so often and sung to me as well.” Jin swallowed hard and sighed, continuing to look at it in his hand. “But then my master took me away to train. The training took at least 450 years to complete, and when I was able to go and see my mother…”
Aeka felt the tear hit her bare chest and roll down in between her breasts able to tell Jin was now upset since she couldn't see that well into the dark room. Oh, Jin, She thought, placing her hand on his cheek once more.
“I found only her grave,” He managed to get out. “I loved her so much—but I left her alone to train, leaving her alone to die. I hope she will forgive me…”
Aeka got the wind master to look her way as her eyes, filling with tears, stared up at him. Jin, don't blame yourself like that! She signed slowly for him. Your mother loved you with all her heart!
“You don't understand, Aeka,” Jin replied, gripping onto her wrist lightly. “I live in Hell while her soul resides in Heaven…I cannot see her and it pains me so.”
Jin, Aeka signed, tears streaming down her cheeks unable to believe the happy-go-lucky demon was now feeling so miserable. Please don't—I know I can't take the place of your mother but…can't I be good for something?
The wind master smiled through his tears, kissing her hand. “You are good for many things, Aeka. Right now, you are the one keeping me alive.”