Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ An Eager Demon ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

As soon as Aeka awoke, she found that she was alone. Thinking maybe Jin just got up out of the bed to wonder around, she looked around the room a little bit but to find his Shinobi clothing was gone. Where did he go? He just left me? Aeka questioned.
Before she could think about how rude that was of him, she looked over at the nightstand to find Jin's wooden flute there, lying on top of a folded up piece of paper. What's this? Taking the flute back into her hands, she unfolded the piece of paper to find it was a note from Jin.
Since I hold your life higher than my own, I cannot be caught being with you. I took off early this morning to watch the Dark Tournament with my team. I will return tomorrow night to see you again. Until that time, keep my mother's flute.
Jin Kaze Tsukai
She smiled to herself reading the note but hid it quickly when she saw the door to her room being opened.
“Oh, I didn't know you were here, Aeka,” Botan said entering the room with Kuwabara's elder sister and Keiko following right behind her.
What are you guys doing here?? Aeka signed, folding up the piece of paper knowing they wouldn't bother asking about something so trivial.
Botan laughed nervously as she began to sweat a little, “Well, Keiko and Shizuru pressured me into bringing them. Where are the boys?”
Aeka shrugged slightly wishing they would leave her be, I don't know. Maybe watching the Dark Tournament.
“Come on, Botan,” Aeka saw Keiko urge. “We need to go check on Yuske!”
“Okay, okay!” Botan hurried to the door behind Shizuru and Keiko but stopped noticing that Aeka had yet to budge. Seeing a disappointed look upon the young girls face, Botan hurry back over to Aeka to check and see if she was doing okay. Placing her hand on Aeka's shoulder prompted her to look into Botan's cherry eyes. “Are you coming? Your brother is fighting for his life out there and I am sure he would want you there.”
Aeka shook her head remembering what she had promised Kurama on the boat after their demon slaughter.
Aeka remembered embracing her sleeping brother after witnessing all the demons onboard torn apart and dead. This was new to her and to avoid having to look at their bodies, she closer her eyes, burying her face in Yuske's black hair. The smell of blood filled her nose, turning her sensitive stomach.
Kurama could see her discomfort and it caused the fox demon to come to her side. Kneeling in front of her and the sleeping Yuske, he placed his hand on her back, causing Aeka to look into his eyes alone praying that she could avoid looking at the massacre that way. “This is new to you, Aeka and I know how disturbing this must seem to you.”
The young girl bit her lower lip trying to just stay focused on his green eyes and not look elsewhere.
“Promise me you won't watch the Dark Tournament. I will watch over Yuske for you as will Hiei and Kuwabara but I cannot afford one, such as you, to witness this senseless slaughter.”
Aeka nodded quickly as she had no taste in seeing others killed. I promise, she signed while her hand shook.
After watching Yuske manage with the Rokuyukai team, Jin got up to leave through the booing demons that wanted to see Yuske die.
Touya watched his team mate do this, a bit confused before the ice master got to his feet quickly to follow behind him. “Jin, what are you doing? Another fight is coming up!”
Jin looked over his shoulder at Touya, smiling a bit. “I just wanted to see how strong Urameshi was and now that I know I don't need to watch anything else.”
“Jin,” Touya began with seriousness in his tone once the two made their way down the hall and to the front doors, “Do you honestly think that if we do succeed in winning the Dark Tournament that Risho will let you take Aeka in the end?”
The tall demon looked forward, folding his arms across his chest waiting for the automatic doors to open for them so he could step outside beyond the dome. “Well,” He sighed, “If we win, I will take on Risho myself. If I have to kill him to get Aeka at my side, so be it!”
Before Touya could protest that, Yuske's team was soon spotted walking towards the hotel as well as if following right behind the talkative Shinobis. Yuske saw the wind and ice master and recognized them even though it had been a year that they had been gone. “Hey, Jin,” Yuske said walking up to the wind master with a smile. “I see you did make it here as Kurama told me.”
Jin turned around to greet the Spirit Detective and he grinned, taking the hand that Yuske had extended for the wind master. “Saw you beat Chuu in the final match after your napping near the ring. Impressive.”
Yuske grinned, matching that of the one on Jin's expression. “Thanks. So when do you and shorty here fight?”
Touya avoided Yuske's eyes upon that comment alone wondering what Jin would say about that since he knew Jin wanted to have the upper hand.
The wind master closed his eyes laughing shortly upon hearing him ask that. “Now, what fun would that be? When I fight you myself, Urameshi, I plan to surprise you.”
“Sounds like fun,” Yuske smirked. When the two fighters just seemed to stare at one another Yuske, put his thumb up to the side of his nose. “Well, I can guess why you're here.”
Jin hummed hearing him say that, not denying it with his expression that he was here for Aeka. “And I plan on leaving with my prize.”
Feeling that if Risho caught them talking to Yuske he would punish them greatly, Touya elbowed Jin in the abdomen to get his attention. “Jin, we need to go.”
Jin nodded once down at Touya before looking back at Yuske. “I want our fight to be fun, Urameshi.”
Yuske continued to stare at Jin in a competitive yet friendly manner knowing if anything before the fight with Toguro, this would be an interesting yet difficult match.
“But I will win and I will get your sister,” the wind master assured with a serious expression upon his features now.
Yuske cleared his throat as he smiled with confidence. “I will fight to keep my sister where she is. You are not the only thing she needs. She needs her family as well.”
Looking over his shoulder one more time, he grinned, his ears pointed a little bit. The challenge in his tone was so tempting to take on right then and there but he decided against it as Touya continued to urge him onward. “My team maybe fighting for something else but I intend to win Aeka. If that means destroying her only brother to get her hand then I will do it,” Jin almost threatened.
“I don't think Aeka would take my death too kindly,” Yuske joked placing his hands on his hips. “What about your leader? I hear he hates the thought of you two together.”
Jin smiled yet again as he turned his back to Yuske. “I will destroy my leader if he tries to take Aeka's life.” Waving over his shoulder, Jin took off towards the hotel with Touya. “See ya around, Urameshi. I'm looking forward to our fight.”
Even if the demon was fighting for his sister's attention, Yuske couldn't help but smile at him and the attitude he carried. He knew what it meant to be in love with someone you fight for and so all he could do was say, “Same here, Jin.”
Aeka waited outside her hotel room for Yuske and the others to show up. If she couldn't watch her brother, she wanted to at least know he was okay. It was slow torture having to wait in the room for his return and being outside wasn't making things any better. Looking at her watch, Aeka sighed realizing it had been at least twelve hours or so since they left. Where are they? Is Yuske okay?
Something pushed Aeka to go find Yuske as another part told her to keep Kurama's promise. Sighing, the young girl finally got enough courage to walk down the hallway a little bit so she could go find her little brother. As she did this, however, some smaller class demons were heading her way; eyeing her like she was a piece of meat. Trying to act like she didn't see them, Aeka attempted to walk past them without any trouble. However, these demons wouldn't hear of it. Grabbing onto her wrist, it caused Aeka to be thrown backward towards the hideous looking demons. What the fuck? She thought angrily.
“What have we here?” One of them asked, keeping the struggling girl's wrist in his hands. “A little thing like you shouldn't be wondering around the hallways without a bodyguard.”
Aeka kept trying to get away from these two demons but was failing miserably since they were not only twice her size but pretty strong. Let me go, she signed angrily.
The two demons looked at one another confused as to way she was merely making throating sounds while moving her hands like crazy. “What an odd one she is,” the other remarked, grinning evilly down at her. “Since she cannot scream too well, I vote we take her and have some fun. Why spoil a good day?”
Aeka was really starting to panic. What were they planning on doing with her? As she struggled to escape, the demon's grip on her wrists got tighter as they dragged her back down the hallway.
“Hey!!” An Irish voice growled.
The two demons stopped pulling the young girl down the hallway once they saw who was furious with their actions.
“Let the girl go!” Jin ordered once heading after the two with a furious look upon his face.
Not wanting to anger a high class demon any further, the two demons dropped Aeka on her rear before retreating to their room.
Aeka got to her feet slowly with the help of Jin. Pulling her white hair out of her face, he placed his hands on her cheeks. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you at all?”
Aeka shook her head, placing her hands on top of his showing that she was fine. They just—threatened to do something with me is all.
“Probably going to rape you. But I am relieved they didn't get a hold of you,” Jin said softly with a good bit of relief. “Come with me.”
Aeka stopped for a second confused as to why he wanted to take off so quickly. When he sensed she was being resistant, Jin looked over his shoulder confused. I want to know if my brother is okay, she signed releasing his hand.
“Did you not watch the tournament today?” Jin asked confused.
Aeka shook her head signing, I promised Kurama I wouldn't watch it…but I want to even though I am not fond of bloodshed.
The redheaded wind master smiled, showing his teeth as he laughed, “Well, Urameshi is fine. His team beat the Rokuyukai team.”
What about you? Aren't you supposed to fight today? Aeka asked, staying close to his side since she was spying more demons coming in for the night.
“We already did. The rounds didn't last long but my team has already won their first match,” Jin said, flaunting how strong he and his members were.
Aeka had never seen Jin use his powers now that she thought about it. She only saw him fly and that wasn't really an attack power.
As she continued to think about how wind could possibly be dangerous to use in a fight, Jin gripped onto her wrist quickly and hurried into her room. Once she was inside the room, she looked up at Jin confused and startled by his sudden actions. What is it, Jin??
“I can't be caught with you, remember?” He said, picking her up bridle style. “Come with me and we will go outside.”
Aeka really couldn't argue with that as she saw him heading for the window in her hotel room. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held onto her stomach as Jin jumped out the window flying away from the hotel towards the thick woods that surrounded the island.
Eventually he landed close to a lake that was far from the hotel and he put Aeka down before sitting on his backside. Sitting down next to Jin, she wrapped her arms around his left arm, nuzzling into it closing her eyes for a bit to take in his scent. When she felt him comply by resting his cheek on the top of her head she signed, I missed you a lot when you were away…I don't want to lose you again…
Jin kissed the top of her head, stroking her chin with his thumb once he saw her sign that. Taking his arm back, Jin put it behind Aeka's body as he began to lower her to the ground. Hovering over her a little bit, he smiled through his shaggy red hair. “I won't leave again. I promise by the end of this tournament, I will find a way to take you with me no matter where I go.”
Before Aeka could say anything about that, Jin pressed his mouth against hers as he lowered his body gently down on top of hers so they could feel one another. Aeka let out a noise to show that he came down a little too fast. When he pulled up off of her, the young girl shook her head while she signed, You got me by surprise is all. I'm okay. In all honesty, Aeka wanted to feel his weight on her real bad. It was comforting to know he was there and it wasn't her imagination again.
“Let me know if I am hurting you with my weight,” Jin said as he sat on her stomach. It did kind of hurt when he sat there but she said nothing knowing he wouldn't be sitting there for long and he was putting most of his weight on his knees that were on either side of her.
She lied out underneath him and watched him take off his, rather revealing, outfit. His white outfit only had two semi-large strips of clothing that crisscrossed over his bare chest and back. He had a blue sash that held up his white pants and it contained in the center, a red circular jewel. Touching the jewel she realized how different he looked and she questioned it with her expression as he was taking it off.
“It's my Shinobi outfit,” He answered, touching her hand gently.
It looks different. The jewels are pretty, She signed looking up at him. Aeka pretty much had to stop signing after that for Jin just grinned his normal cheesy grin before he pressed his mouth back on hers. He lifted his body off of her a little bit as he continued to kiss her, gradually parting her mouth with his tongue so he could taste her once more.
Aeka smiled in the kiss as she touched his tongue with her own, placing it on top of his so she could take in some of his saliva. Ever since he had entered inside of her and broke her hymen, she had craved for him to come back inside of her and her body was now trembling with anticipation.
Jin could feel her anxiousness but ignored it to tease her orgasm out of her. As he moved his lips down to her neck, he began to rub against her small body causing her to moan a little bit before she complied back. Pulling back a bit, he tugged on her shirt. “Take it off.”
Aeka did as he asked, revealing her B sized breasts to him once more covered by her lacy white bra. The young girl inhaled sharply, biting her lower lip as she felt his hands massaging her neglected breasts that craved to feel his touch once again. It was a bit rough for her but wanting to be touched by him again she would endure anything no matter how painful. She laid her head to the right side once she felt his fingers dig into her bra so he could at least move it out of the way and could get to the supple flesh. Aeka let out a soft moan as she felt his warm tongue glide slowly over her erect nipple once he got a firmer grip on her breasts.
She looked up at him to see his ears wiggling up and down with excitement as Jin continued to pay attention to her breasts. Reaching upward, Aeka ran her fingers up and down his moving ears as she shivered from his touch. The wind master halted in what he was doing so Aeka could sit up and touch his ears better. Do you like your ears to be touched? She signed pointing to ears.
“Depends on who's touching them,” He answered lowering his head for her so she could touch them better. Placing his head on her breasts, Aeka continued to run her fingers up and down his elf ears that were getting bigger and moving faster oddly enough. Replacing her fingers with her tongue, Aeka licked his wiggling appendages causing Jin to get a little aroused as he felt her warm breath fill his ear. The wind demon closed his eyes as he felt her nip and bite gently down on them, breathing heavily as she continued to do so. Kissing her chest gently to let her know she could stop now, he pushed against her so he could look into her eyes. “Alright, baby, take your jeans off.”
Aeka nodded, fumbling with trying to unbutton her jeans wanting him to come inside of her since it had been so long. Once she got them unbuttoned and unzipped, Jin helped her take it off as he slipped his fingers into her white panties, checking to see how wet she was. Her white panties were dampened with her milky white need from all the affection her body was getting from the demon she loved. He felt her cum that was mated with her folds a little bit more just with his fingers touching and massaging her opening. Aeka felt her body heating up as she became aggressive by rocking into his prying fingers wishing he would come inside already. Placing her hands on his cheeks, she crushed her lips on his, forcing her tongue inside of him hungrily.
Jin continued to move his fingers around inside of her wet walls as he grinned through the kiss Aeka put on him. Parting from the kiss slowly he looked into her green eyes. “You really are hungry for me. Even more so than I am for you.”
Aeka bit her lower lip and looked down a little embarrassed. Sorry, she apologized keeping her eyes on him. I have just missed you so much. Every time I closed my eyes, I dreamt of spending time with you. Those dreams seemed so real…but I would awaken merely to find myself alone…
“Shhh,” Jin begged pressing his index finger to his lips. “It's okay. I am here now. Lie down, love.”
Aeka nodded, lying down on her back. She watched as Jin hovered over her after he situated in between her legs.
Not warning her or telling her, the demon entered inside of the human girl slowly causing Aeka to inhale sharply letting out a cry of pleasure. As he started to rock slowly inside of her, Jin heard Aeka's pleasure turn to a bit of pain which caused him to stop. Moving her hair out of her face, he got the deaf teen to look at him. “Are you okay…?”
Flinching Aeka managed to move her hands, you're so big! It kinda hurts…
“You are a little tight,” Jin grunted, pushing in a little bit and pulling back out trying to control himself but it was hard when her scent was wafting his senses.
Aeka arched her back crying out softly in pleasure as she gripped onto Jin's arms tightly for support. This was what she had been waiting for for a long time and she could have cried realizing that it wasn't a dream this time.
Hearing her pleasure filled cries caused Jin to pick up pace a little bit making Aeka release a bit more as she tried to keep up with Jin's rhythm. As he continued to thrust into her, he wrapped his arms around her body, holding her close to his own. My love, he thought going a lot faster. If I have to kill everyone at the Dark Tournament, I will do it just to have you come to Makai with me!
Aeka could feel his sudden quickening pace and she had a difficult time keeping up with him. But it didn't matter for shortly after he increased his speed, he released inside of Aeka yet again making the young girl arch her back even more while managing what scream she could.
Feeling weak now, Jin lowered himself gently on top of the one he loved, resting his head on her bare chest. Whatever strength was left within Aeka, she used it to embrace Jin before closing her eyes for the time being. Jin nuzzled into her warm soft human skin taking in her sent with a soft smile on his face. I will take Aeka with me one way or another. Even if I have to kill Urameshi to do it…