Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ What Will You Do? ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Aeka stirred a bit once the sun began to make its way through the thick forest she and Jin were resting in still come the following morning. Feeling her move a bit and moan on his bare body prompted Jin to open his eyes wondering if something was wrong. Her eyes were still closed and she looked alright from what her sleeping face conveyed so that made the demon relax with a soft sigh. Taking his hand, he reached up and started stroking her silky white hair gently.
Feeling him touching her, caused Aeka to awake and look into Jin's azure eyes from where she positioned herself on top of his body. Taking her hand she wearily signed, good morning.
“Good morning,” Jin echoed, rubbing her back. “How do you feel?”
Good, Aeka signed, rolling off of Jin so she could be next to him. Rolling up next to the demon she snuggled against his body and placed her head close to his. I am glad to see you didn't just leave me in the middle of the night like last time.
The wind demon scrunched up his face seeing her sign that. “Sorry about that. But you know if Risho sees you with me he will kill you.”
Aeka sighed, sitting up beside him not embarrassed that she was still sitting there naked in front of him. What does your leader have against me anyways? I didn't do anything to him!
Taking his eyes off of her for a bit, the demon looked upward at the sky that he could just see no thanks to the trees that surrounded them and blanketed the sky. “A lot of demons despise humans. They believe that they are a meaningless species that deserves extinction. However-” Jin grunted as he struggled to sit upright at the moment so he could look in Aeka's eyes. “-the few demons that are like Risho, there are some demons that actually don't mind humans and end up falling for them.” Shaking his red hair out of his face he concluded, “Someone such as me and someone such as Touya who doesn't really mind them. Risho is one of those many demons that hate the human race. He hates me because of my heritage. But he thinks I am a good fighter…he just believes you are altering my ideals so he wants you dead or out of my life. I must admit I only hate the demon half of me and admire the human side.”
Aeka embraced his right arm gently, feeling bad for him as she sighed. Well, if my thought counts for anything, I love both sides of you…
Taking back his arm, he kissed her lips gently for a minute or two before pulling back so he could grab his and her clothing. “Here you go, love. Put your clothes back on so we can head back to the hotel. I need to get back there before Risho finds me missing.”
Yuske crossed his arms over his chest, eyeing Botan angrily. “What do you mean, you can't find my sister?”
Botan raised her hands chest level, sweating nervously. “Well-I walked into our room and she wasn't there early that evening when we returned from the first Dark Tournament round. I thought she may come back during the night but—well, she didn't.”
The teen Spirit Detective huffed, looking up at the ceiling angrily. “I need a baby-sitter for my older sister! Jeez! She's like our mom.” Shaking his head a bit, Yuske looked over his shoulder at Kurama, eyeing him a bit irritated. “I thought you were going to watch my sister.”
Laughing a bit, Kurama stepped backward. “Well, unless you want me to miss the Ichigaki fight today, I will watch her as planned. I just don't want her to watch the Dark Tournament fights.”
“Why not? She can handle it,” Shizuru replied, rubbing the back of her neck. “I would think the sister of Yuske Urameshi wouldn't be afraid of anything.”
“Aeka didn't exactly enjoy the bloodshed on the way up here so it made me ask her to stay away from the arena. That…and another reason.”
As Yuske stare turned into confusion at that last statement, before Botan intervened knowing what was going on. “The girls and I will look for Aeka, Yuske. You just worry about that fight that is coming up.”
Once the girls hurried down the hallway to the elevator of the hotel, Kurama turned his back to Yuske slowly. “Hiei has gone missing. I think I should go looking for him.”
“Hold it right there, fox boy!” Yuske demanded, causing Kurama to stop dead in his tracks. “What other reason do you want to keep my sister away from the fighting ring? I think she would be fine watching me fight.”
The redhead sighed, turning around to face Yuske as he kept his hands in his pockets. “Yuske, it can't be that difficult to understand what is going to happen. Jin is in the Dark Tournament fighting for Aeka…you are in the Dark Tournament fighting for your life and for those around you. Eventually, we will have to fight them unless some team before us can beat them.”
The Spirit Detective began to shift a bit but only trying to think of a possible solution to it as Kurama continued.
“If Aeka watched that fight…what could she do about that? On one side there will be her younger brother—and on the other, will be the demon she loves more than life itself.”
“Alright, alright-I see what you're saying,” Yuske replied, trying to stop the fox demon from continuing beyond that one. Turning around on his heels, the teen headed towards the arena saying, “I promise I won't beat down Jin too hard. Hurry and find three eyes so we can do this next round.”
Kurama laughed nervously hearing him say that. “Not…a problem.”
Sensing Hiei's energies coming from the forest around the hotel, Kurama stepped out of the hotel front doors to look for the fourth member. As the doors shut behind him, the fox demon looked ahead into the forest before him to see Aeka running out of it. “Aeka?” He questioned walking towards the small girl.
As the young girl was hurrying towards the hotel, she saw Kurama heading towards her. What the hell is he doing out here? Thinking it would be okay to run past him, Aeka attempted only to be grabbed by the redhead by the wrist. What is it?! She signed with irritation.
“Where have you been?” Kurama asked calmly as he held onto her arm. “Botan said you were not in the hotel room once we returned after the first round Yuske and I participated in. Why were you in the forest?”
Jerking back her arm angrily, Aeka narrowed her eyes at Kurama thinking it was none of his business. I need to be able to do something since this place is so boring! So I decided to walk around the island.
“All night?” Kurama questioned, cocking his brow at her.
I couldn't sleep! She lied, turning her back to him, heading to the hotel.
Kurama watched her leave for her hotel room and could smell the lying on her breath. Since he didn't have time to interrogate her much further, something bit at him sensing trouble was not too far away. Not having much time to think on it, Kurama went back to looking for Hiei as he had planned to do.
Jin hopped through the open window to his hotel room that Touya left open for him. “Touya,” Jin called, hopping into the room quickly. “How did things go?”
The ice master blew his bangs out of his way for a bit since he just got up recently, looking over at Jin angrily. “Risho showed up and asked where you were.” Looking over at his friend he saw a worried look in Jin's expression. Sighing, he went back to getting his outfit out for their fight that would be coming up soon. “Don't worry-I covered for your butt.”
“What did you tell him?” Jin asked, sitting down on his hotel bed with a flop.
“I told him,” Touya began, fixing his sash, “that you wanted to look at the island that may very well be ours.”
Jin just sat there, shaking his unkempt red hair since it was getting in his view.
“Jin, I can't keep covering for you…I don't know why you don't just tell Risho what you have been doing,” Touya seemed to remark absentmindedly.
“Because, if you have failed to be paying attention, every time I do, he finds it okay to beat me till I am ready to break,” Jin answered, stretching slightly to pop his aching muscles.
“I hate to say it, but it would do you some good to listen to him once and awhile,” the ice master huffed, walking into the bathroom.
Silence consumed the air as Jin lied out over the bed, looking up at the slowly swirling fan. “You don't like Aeka very much, do you, Touya?” He didn't sound too mad when he asked this. Jin's tone never did change much regardless of what was going on. It took a lot to make him seem depressed or furious and Touya knew this, thus he always was straight forward with him. “What is it you dislike about her?”
“I don't hate Aeka,” Touya answered, appearing back in front of the wind master from the bathroom doorway. “I just think when she is in your head, you can't think straight.”
“So she irritates you,” Jin pried with a grin on his face.
Taking a brush that was sitting near the sink and throwing it at his partner, Touya groaned with irritation. “You are so annoying! Fix your hair. You're a mess.”
Jin could tell he was just joking around but was trying to mask it up with anger. Taking the brush, he brushed out his wild hair that he neglected to fix after he had some fun with Aeka last night. “Why don't you come with me and Aeka tomorrow night?”
“I don't think so,” Touya answered, sitting down on his bedside. “If we both go missing, I am sure Risho would get suspicious.”
“Then I will bring her here.” When Touya began staring at Jin hard, wondering if he had lost it when it came to Aeka's life, Jin raised his hand, to stop him from questioning his sanity level. “Aeka won't be here long. Besides, Risho feels the need to watch the Dark Tournament rounds till they are over and they last till-” Jin looked over at the clock for a bit, “-about midnight.”
“So,” Touya began, crossing his arms over his chest, “you plan on bringing her here after our tournament round today…?”
All Jin could seem to do to that question was do his toothy smile and shrug, wondering why not?
“Fine-but if she gets caught by Risho-”
“We won't get caught,” Jin replied quickly, jumping to his feet finally, heading to the bathroom door since he needed to use it.
“And if we do? You know Risho will kill Aeka if he spots her in here,” Touya reminded his team mate.
“And if he attempts it,” Jin started out in the bathroom doorway, looking over his shoulder, “-I will kill him myself.”
There was soon a knock at their hotel room door causing both to look at the door at the same time before looking at one another. Seeing that Jin wasn't going to get it, Touya got up to answer it while the redhead shut the bathroom door. The ice master didn't have to turn the knob of the door for the door soon come flying open, nearly smacking him in the face. “Risho! What is it?”
The team leader came walking in quickly with a sheet of paper in his hands. “I came here to tell you two to get ready for the next fight.” Looking left and right, Risho asked angrily, “Where is that fool, Jin?”
Touya pointed towards the bathroom with his thumb, “Bathroom.”
As soon as Jin opened the door he saw the angrily look that his leader was giving him. “What?” Jin huffed, eyeing Risho back the same way, “What's with the look?”
Smirking a bit at Jin, Risho held up the slip of paper he currently held a few inches away from Jin's face. “It appears you will be fighting that human girl's brother soon enough, Jin. If they win this round, we fight them next.”
Jin's eyes widened a bit as he pushed the paper out of his face so he could look at Risho just to make sure the idiot wasn't joking around. “We fight Urameshi next?”
“You sound disappointed. Isn't it you who wants to get that weakly child at your side? The one little wench you have kept your mind on since I asked you fools to destroy those few demons who escaped Makai?”
Jin was quiet to that as he stood there, narrowing his eyes at his leader.
“Ah, I see-you fear what may happen if you kill her little brother.”
“Who said I was going-”
“Oh, I know you will fight him, Jin, because, if you beat him, it will be all the more reason for you to take that girl. You will have shown to the Spirit Detective that you are stronger than him so he won't fight you for his sister,” Risho clarified, crossing his arms over his chest.
Jin huffed yet again, placing his hands on his hips. “You make it sound like I will be taking Aeka by force. If Aeka wants to come with me to Makai then I will take her.”
“Oh? And what if she doesn't want to come to Makai with you? What if that child wants to stay with her brother and the rest of the worthless human race?” Risho asked, finding Jin's answers amusing. “What will you do then, Jin?”
The wind master sighed, looking down at his feet before glancing back into Risho's cold hard stare. “I will try to convince her otherwise. But, if she doesn't want to come to Makai with me…I'll--”
“You'll what?” Risho asked, wanting to know.
“I'll leave her alone with what family she has.” Jin frowned as he saw Risho smirking at that idea. Not wanting his leader to have that satisfying thought in his head, the wind demon humphed, narrowing his eyes once again at Risho. “However, Aeka cares for me—she nearly starved herself because I was not there. I have a strong feeling she will agree to come with me.”
Hearing him say that made Risho burn inside with rage. Badly, he wanted to punch Jin senseless for what he said but he couldn't with a fight coming up soon. “I won't allow this Jin. Even if you win that worthless girl's hand, I will not let you keep her.”
“And, once this tournament is over, win or lose, I will fight you Risho for the right to keep Aeka at my side if that is what it takes,” Jin threatened boldly knowing Risho wouldn't touch him at the moment.
Turning his back to Jin, heading towards the door, Risho laughed aloud at Jin's proposal. “You, fight me? I will enjoy tearing you apart after the tournament is over.”
Touya looked over at Jin as if he was about to pound the idiot himself for what he had just announced to their leader.
“Of course,” Risho continued once he was in the doorway, “I will be fare and let you hear your girlfriend's dying screams of agony before you die.”
Hearing Risho laugh about that made an anger rise up Jin that he had never felt in his 1000 year lifespan. It caused him to run up to the door that was soon shut in his face and pound on it with his fist once. Squatting down in front of the door with his back turned to it, he grumbled, “That bastard…”