Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Caught! ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Aeka was laid out on top of her made-up bed, scrunched up in a feudal position, napping for the time being. She was exhausted from spending time with Jin and waiting for Yuske to return to his hotel room with Kurama and Hiei.
However, the young girl was unable to sleep for long as Jin flew to her open hotel window. Stepping inside, he saw her body lying out on the bed, her silky white hair flowing over the bedside and about her body just a bit.
After marveling at it for a moment, the redheaded demon knelt beside the bed, cupping her head in his hands gently. “Aeka,” He whispered even though he knew she couldn't hear him. Stroking her cheeks gently, it eventually got her to open her eyes. “Hey—have a nice nap?”
Rubbing her right eye she looked at him with the other half opened, nodding a bit. Why are you here so soon? She signed with exhaustion after situating herself over the bedside.
“C'mere,” Jin whispered, trying to embrace her gently. The wind master picked up Aeka as if she were his child; her legs wrapped around his waist as he held her. “Risho is watching the fights right about now and I doubt our next fight will be until another hour or so depending on how well goes. So, I am going to bring you to my room.”
Aeka looked up at him as he stepped onto the window, a bit fearful at going to his hotel room. Tapping his chest, she signed with confusion, That doesn't sound like a good idea…what about that leader...
“Risho can't hurt you as long as I am there,” Jin answered, before jumping out of Aeka's window so he could get to the other side of the building where his room rested. The young girl gripped onto Jin's neck quickly as soon as he caught himself with his wind powers. He laughed softly seeing her suddenly freak out and reach for his neck as if he was about to drop her. “You can't you get used to that, can you?”
Aeka laughed nervously as she saw him say that. Well, she tried to sign with one hand. I am not used to guys jumping out windows and flying in the air…not many people can do that.
Jin eventually got to his room that was on the other side of the hotel and he squatted on the windowsill so he could put Aeka down inside his hotel room before coming in after her. Looking around, the young teenage girl saw Touya sitting on the other bed reading a book it seemed.
The ice master looked up from what he was reading and glared at Jin seeing he was serious about bringing Aeka to their hotel room. “Are you crazy, Jin?” He asked, standing upward. “You are going to get Aeka and ourselves in tr-” Touya was unable to finish his sentence for the white haired Aeka's gentle yet tight hug made him stop. Lowering the finger he had pointed at Jin, Touya looked down at the deaf child that insisted on holding onto him.
When Jin caught Touya's confused gaze he urged him onward as he closed the window. “Go on! You can hug her. It won't kill you.”
The ice master was hesitant to do this. Sure, he felt responsible for Aeka just like Jin did but he didn't feel it necessary to hug her. Why was she even hugging him? Sighing, Touya gently hugged her back before pushing her off of him slowly so he could look in her eyes. Her green eyes caught his icy blue as she signed, I am glad to see you again Touya.
“Why?” He asked as confusion swarmed about his expression. “Aren't you here for Jin?”
Aeka cocked her brow at him wondering why he would ask something like that. Well, she signed narrowing her eyes at him as if to scold his stupidity, I maybe here for Jin but that doesn't mean I can't miss you, can it?
The smug wind master was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest eyeing Touya once Aeka hugged him yet again. “Yeah—she's a regular irritation, isn't she, Touya?”
“Oh hush,” Touya growled, wrapping his arms around Aeka's small body.
Feeling his hands touch her exposed skin on her arms made a sudden chill run up her body. Pushing back gently, Aeka looked into his narrow eyes, cocking her head to the side. Your touch is cold…I didn't know an ice master had a freezing touch.
Feeling Jin suddenly touch her shoulder prompted the young girl to look up at the wind master leaning over her. “He's an ice demon. What would you expect? Touya can also control the temperature around him. Making it freezing cold if need be.”
Wow, Aeka signed widen her eyes at Touya, Sounds helpful. Tugging on Jin's outfit, Aeka asked, what about you, Jin? How can wind be used as a weapon?
“Well,” Jin started out, scratching the back of his head, “I could show you but—it would be rather difficult.” In all honesty, Jin didn't want to show Aeka in fear of her getting second thoughts about him. To a human girl, wind was just a calm element at times on a sunny day. But in a demon's hands, wind could be a force to be reckoned with.
Raising her hands up to her chest, Aeka laughed quietly, Fine. I see you don't want to show me.
Jin smiled his usual cheesy smile as he saw her hand movements, glad to know she wasn't gonna force it out of him.
So, Jin what's the big deal of dragging me here? Is something the matter?
Touya looked the other way as Jin sat down on the bed, waving for Aeka to sit on his knee. He knew this wouldn't end up too well since the two people she loved would be fighting one another.
“Aeka, after your brother battles the team he is currently fighting, my team has to fight his.”
The young girl's heart suddenly stopped once she translated what he had just told her. Your team—will fight my brother's?
Jin nodded sadly knowing this was probably going to be difficult for her, “If I win, my team will go onward to face the next team in order to get live on Hanging Neck Island and I can see you more often…but if I lose, I won't be able to stay with you.”
Aeka inhaled sharply, looking down at the floor for a moment before looking back into his eyes. But what about my brother…? What if he loses?
“If he loses, he loses his life and dignity I suppose depending on who he faces.” The last thing the wind master wanted to slip from his mouth was that Aeka would also lose her life to Risho if he won as well. “But, look at me, Aeka-” Jin placed the palm of his hands on the girl's flushed cheeks. “-No matter what, I don't want you to watch this fight…do you understand?”

You can't do that! Aeka signed angrily pulling from his hands. I have to see what is going to happen to my brother and you!
Touya placed his hand on top of Aeka's head, getting her to look at him for the time being. “Aeka—it will only make things difficult for you if you watch this fight. Jin has promised Risho he will take on your brother. Jin won't kill your brother…you have to trust him.”
But Yuske cannot afford to lose! Aeka signed remembering about this Toguro person he had to fight. If he loses, all those around him will die and so will he!
Jin looked over at Touya knowing this complicated things a good bit. Tapping on Aeka's shoulder, the redheaded wind master sighed, “I am not going to throw the fight with Urameshi. I plan to fight him with all I've got. And if Yuske falls…I will be the one to protect you. I promise to watch over you.”
Getting to her feet, she stared at Jin hard with uncontrollable anger rising within her. So that is all I am now to people? Just some object to be tossed from one person to the next?
“Whoa, whoa,” Jin begged, getting up with her. “Aeka, don't take it like that.” To prevent her from yelling at him any further, he grabbed onto her wrists regardless of how much she struggled and whimpered. “I told myself that I would be with you one way or another. And I have to win the tournament to be with you! I am not about to let your little brother stop me from doing it!”
Hearing him say this made the girl stop struggling against him to hear what else he had to say.
Seeing the sadness rise in her eyes made Jin kneel down in front of her, holding her hands together. “You do love me, don't you, Aeka?”
Aeka sighed, nodding her head slowly.
“Good, good,” Jin said quietly, kissing her hands as he kept his eyes on her. “Okay, question number two—do you want to come stay with me after the tournament?”
Aeka was about to ask what he meant by that but before she could, Touya and Jin seemed terrified shortly after he asked. “He's coming!” Touya panicked, grabbing on the young girl and pushing her behind his body. “Jin, you have to get Aeka out of here—.”
As soon as Jin grabbed tightly onto Aeka's wrist, the door flew open and Risho stood there, showing he already knew that the young girl was in the room since he could hear their voices from just outside the door.
The look on his face terrified Aeka so much that she spontaneously latched onto Jin, praying he would save her from whatever was to come. Oh no…! Aeka panicked feeling her body tremble.
“I should have known you were seeing this little wretch of a human girl,” Risho started out sounding surprisingly calm as he watched Aeka hide behind Jin and the wind master attempt to protect her.
“Risho, I-”
Running quickly up to the disobedient Jin, Risho backhanded the redhead causing him to crash against the wall before falling downward on his hands and knees.
Aeka began to shake uncontrollably as she saw Jin fall toward the ground with just the use of this demon's hand. If he could bring a demon to his knees…what could he do to a human?
The black haired Risho grinned evilly at the frightened young girl. “So, you are the young human who is tearing my team members apart.”
Aeka backed up against the wall wishing she were anywhere but there.
Expecting her to at least scream or cry, Risho heard nothing of the sort. “Why do you not talk? You have some bravery.”
“She's deaf, you idiot,” Jin announced boldly from where he was on the ground. “She cannot hear you let alone talk to you.”
“Is that so?” Risho grinned, looking from Jin to Aeka.
Jin's anger rose when he saw his leader grip onto Aeka's neck tightly causing the young girl to struggle with her breathing. “Put her down!” Jin growled, trying to get up to attack Risho only to lose his footing thanks to the ground trembling.
He was rising her upward causing her feet to dangle above the floor. I am going to die! Aeka thought, wishing Jin would save her as she grabbed onto Risho's wrists.
Before Risho could do anything else, Touya surprisingly stepped in, his ice-sword underneath his leader's chin, jabbing it threatening into his neck. “Let her go,” Touya demanded, shooting an evil look at Risho.
“You are turning against me as well, Touya??” Risho growled, feeling the ice-sword at his neck.
The ice master said nothing as he stood his ground, wanting Aeka to be put down. “Put her down. An honorable fighter doesn't attack a defenseless woman.”
His stomach churning at Touya's honor code, he growled at him through his teeth, “Fine then-” Not releasing her neck, Risho threw the frail girl against the wall close to where Jin was currently.
As soon as her body hit the wall, Aeka released a cry of pain before falling down on the floor. “Aeka!!” Jin panicked, hurrying over to the young girl's abused body.
“Get your act together you two and hurry to the arena! We are fighting Urameshi's team in less than an hour.” Looking down at Jin, Risho huffed seeing him holding onto the unconscious human teen. “I've spared her life for now, Jin. Now get your act together and move it to! Save your anger for the fight against Urameshi—you'll need it.”
Once Risho shut the door to Touya and Jin's hotel room, the two demon masters turned their attention to the young girl. “Is she okay??” Jin asked Touya as he situated the girl in his arms.
Touya got rid of his ice-sword before he touched Aeka's neck to find her pulse. “She's ok. Just unconscious I bet. But to be safe, I would let her rest here and let her wake up on her own.”
Getting to his feet and carrying Aeka to his bed he looked over at Touya, “Are you sure that is a good idea? What about Risho?”
Touya sighed, “I highly doubt Risho will care about her once this fight is over…”
“What makes you say that?”
“Just a hunch with this being Yuske's sister he just hurt.” Nodding towards the door, the ice master turned his back to Jin and the resting Aeka, “Come on, Jin. This is the fight you have been waiting for, isn't it?”
Standing upright, looking down at the sleeping girl Jin smiled briefly, fixing the covers he had put over her weakened body. “Well, I guess it is a good thing she is unconscious. I don't want her to witness this fight. Turning around on his heels, Jin followed behind Touya. “Alright-let's go…” With that said, Jin shut the door after turning off the lights so Aeka could rest.
As soon as the Masho Team was at the arena, Touya looked at Jin through the black KKK type outfit they were wearing through the white cross he had. “Well-here we are, Jin,” He whispered. “What are you going to do?”
Causing the wind about him to pick up, Jin blew off his outfit, looking straight ahead at Yuske Urameshi who was growling about the predicament his team was now in. “I'll go take care of this and be the team captain,” Jin announced to his team knowing Risho wouldn't care so long as he was the one to take on Yuske.
Yuske smirked seeing that it was just the wind master and his team, eager for this fight to continue even if things were grim at the moment. Walking to the center of the fighting ring, they two met one another for the third time.
Jin smirked to show off his little overbite for once as he kept his blue eyes down on Yuske's brown.
“One on one?” Yuske asked, cocking his brow up at Jin.
“One on one,” Jin agreed, looking the Spirit Detective up and down. As the two circled one another like a pack of hungry dogs, Koto announced the decision made by the team captains. Before the two went to their corners, Jin stopped right beside Yuske making himself clear, “I expect to win this, Urameshi. And once I do, I plan to take your sister with me if she doesn't object.”
“And what if you lose?” Yuske asked sounding a bit defensive.
“I will still take her after confronting my leader. She loves me and I love her…I won't leave her here once more,” Jin promised as he headed towards his team members.
Yuske turned his back to the wind demon as he marched slowly back to Kurama and the others seeing that Kurama as well was listening in and frowning slightly with sadness at what was going on. Good luck, Jin, Yuske thought, you'll have to get past me to get her hand and I will fight you for her…