Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Stop the Fight! ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Aeka's body shook a bit as she slowly began to regain consciousness. As soon as her eyes focused, her body began to remind her of the pain she had endured before being knocked out cold. Ouch…my back… Reaching behind her, she touched the area that was attacking her with pain. It was possibly bruised…doubtful, she was, about anything else being wrong with it.
Trying to situate herself over the side of the bed, Aeka forced herself to try and remember what happened before she blacked out. Placing her hand on her forehead, the young girl closed her eyes, searching through her jumbled up memory. Jin! She panicked, getting to her feet quickly, regardless of how much her lower back bitched at her. Yuske! I am coming!!
Yuske kept at Kurama's side thanks to Gama and Bakken's attack on him to speak with and make sure his only semi-functioning team member would make it. Knowing that Jin was up next only made Yuske's heart do flip-flops since he knew what rested on this one, one on one battle.
“You are planning to fight him regardless?” Kurama asked sensing Yuske's anxiety from where he laid near the fighting ring. A plant, of his own creation, was growing out of his torn body, causing him to use his energy to stay alive.
“I have to do it, Kurama,” Yuske answered, kneeling beside his partner. “I can't let him take Aeka from me.”
“Then tell me, Yuske,” The fox demon whispered, looking up at the angry detective. “Why is it you feel the need to keep your sister here?”
Upon hearing that, Yuske cocked a brow at him wondering what had gotten into him to ask such a stupid question. “What are you getting at, Kurama?”
“Aeka loves Jin and Jin loves Aeka…do you not trust him with her?”
Getting to his feet, Yuske rubbed his forehead with his arm to wipe the dirt from it. “I am not about to go home after this tournament and tell my mother that her daughter was taken away by a demon!”
“Is it not every parent's wish for their children to be happy? “ Kurama asked.
Yuske stopped heading towards the ring to look at the demon once more with the same confused expression he presented earlier since he felt he was doing the right thing.
“If being with Jin is what makes Aeka happy…then let her go…” Looking away from Yuske, Kurama leaned his head against the fighting ring, closing his eyes for a bit. “It may hurt for me to do it but—what I do matters little to her.”
Yuske said nothing to what his partner had to say as he hopped onto the ring to face Jin who was heading towards Yuske with his elfin ears present to show his eagerness to battle the great Yuske Urameshi. Aeka's my sister, for God's sake! He thought as his eyes kept on the wind demon heading towards him with a smile on the demon's face. I am not about to let her go!
The two fighters soon met in the center of the ring, staring one another down with a smile on their faces regardless of what was swarming through their heads. Truth be known, Yuske really liked Jin…he just didn't like the fact that this demon was determined to take his own sibling away from him and his mother. “You still despise me for asking for your sister's hand?” Jin asked in that fast Irish voice of his.
Smiling to the side, he narrowed his eyes up at the tall demon keeping that grin on his features. “I don't hate you at all, Jin. I just don't like the idea of you taking my sister.”
“I see,” Jin answered. “I don't hate you either, Urameshi, I just see you as an obstacle in my way.”
The smile that remained on Yuske's face showed that he agreed.
Powering up, the wind around Jin began to go crazy as he floated just an inch above the ring floor. “Aeka is out like a light in my hotel room so she won't be able to witness this fight. So don't hold back and lets have a fair fight!”
“Next match, Jin verses Yuske Urameshi,” Koto announced from the off center of the fighting ring, “Let her rip!”
The young Aeka ran frantically to the entrance of the fighting arena, only to find the entrance surrounded by demons. It made her nervous sure enough since nobody was there to protect her and she was a powerless human girl. It was one of those rare moments where Aeka wanted Kurama for once at her side. As she tried to push her way inside, a demon guard jumped in her path. He was fairly large and his skin was colored green making her cringe at how gross it looked. “Sorry, human. You cannot pass unless you have a ticket.”
Taking in a shaky breath, Aeka tried to look over his shoulder to see exactly what was beyond the guard seeing that it was a lounging room with a maze of hallways beyond that. Either way, one of them would lead her to her brother. Well, she thought, looking back at the guard. I could beat him down and make a run for it…but then again—I don't know if this guy has friends. Looking up at the demon, Aeka tried to reason with him. Please, she signed, my little brother is fighting in there and I need to see him!
The demon looked at her confused. What was all this hand waving she was doing? Not everybody knew sign language and Aeka kept forgetting that.
As Aeka stood there trying to convince him to let her in, two demons stopped upon hearing the guard yelling at the young girl to get lost. “Hey, isn't that Urameshi's sister?” The demon that asked looked human enough. It was just his height that was unbelievable. His blue hair was in the shake of a Mohawk and he was well built.
“It looks like her,” The kid demon replied from beside his partner. “It's the same girl who was dragging Yuske into the hotel from what I saw the first night before I crashed their hotel room.”
The tall demon watched as the guard pushed Aeka down towards the ground making him take a step in that direction. Her long white hair flew against her body as she fell on her backside. Looking up at him through her lavender white hair she narrowed her eyes in anger wanting to get up and pummel the guy for doing such a thing to her.
Before she could even get to her feet, the demon that was watching what was going on with his kid partner, stepped in between the two. “What seems to be the problem here?”
Aeka looked up at the demon standing before her, wondering who the hell this guy was and what he wanted. She was still on her backside when the smaller demon showed up as well, offering his hand to her. “Here,” she saw him say.
Not wanting to be rude to a bunch of demons she didn't know, Aeka took the kid's hand as he helped her stand to her feet.
“Hey Sheila, are you ok?” The fairly large demon asked turning to greet her.
Not knowing who this Sheila person was Aeka had a feeling he was talking to her so she nodded.
Looking back at the guard he grinned down at him. “You're lucky she wasn't hurt,” He remarked, placing his hands on his hips. “Now, what say you?”
The two demons eventually got inside of the dome with the young Aeka at their side. “So, you are Aeka Urameshi, Yuske's elder sister,” the younger demon replied.
Yes, she signed looking down at him confused. And who are you with the funky hat?
Not sure what she was trying to tell him, he looked up at the taller demon. “Chuu, what is she doing?”
Looking over his shoulder he caught a glimpse at what she was doing before turning his attention back at where he was leading the two. “She's deaf, mate.” The large man that was referred to as Chuu soon stopped when the hallway split up three deferent paths; left, right, and forward. “Alright, Sheila, go straight ahead and you should exit out into the fighting arena on Urameshi's side.”
Thank you! Aeka signed quickly, before running off down the hallway. The end of the hallway seemed to remain out of her reach as she continued to hurry towards the light worried for Jin and Yuske at the same time. Praying that the other was okay, she closed her eyes not ready to see what was beyond that door as she finally made it out into the light.
“Aeka!” Botan panicked seeing the young girl standing there with her head lowered.
Gradually she opened her eyes to the fight that was occurring on the ring at the moment. Yuske and Jin didn't hear Botan's fearful cries and remained fist fighting one another as Yuske appeared to be leading the dance.
No… Aeka looked over at the fight to see Yuske attacking Jin quickly with his fists at such a pace she could only catch it for at least a second. It was so fast that it was almost impossible for her to see.
Looking around the arena, she looked frantically for Touya wondering what happened to him. Her eyes eventually set upon his body, hunched over holding his bleeding stomach and not looking too well as he had his eyes clutched shut in pain and misery.
She could feel herself about to fall apart as she felt her heart just about stop beating from all she was taking in.
About to run over towards him to see if he was ok, Botan intervened, grabbing onto her arm, scaring her half to death. “Aeka, what are you doing here??” She asked, trying to keep the girl still.
Let me go! Aeka managed to sign, looking over at the hurting Touya. Touya's hurt! I have to help him!
Botan tried her hardest to read Aeka's waving arms but it was difficult since the girl was in such a rut. “Aeka, you can't go over there! Risho will kill you!” She said right in Aeka's face so she would know that Aeka heard her.
He needs help! Aeka signed still struggling against the grim reaper's arms that had her.
“He'll be fine,” Botan promised, making the girl look at her once more when she turned away. “Touya is a demon and can handle himself and Kurama didn't hit his vitals.”
Realizing that she couldn't go near the bleeding ice master, Aeka lowered her head, sighing heavily in defeat. Feeling sorry for the girl, Botan directed her away from what was going on on the other side of the fighting ring and brought her over to where Kurama was.
However, having to look on their side wasn't any better. Kurama's weary expression met with hers and she managed to push her way out of Botan's arms to hurry over to the hurt demon. She was unable to sign for she didn't know what words to sign. The green plant was growing out of his cuts making her wonder what happened here.
Seeing the sadness in her eyes made the fox demon reach up and grip gently onto her arm leaving a blood mark there. “Don't worry about it…I'll be fine. It's my own fault I am like this…”
Tell me, she signed slowly, what happened to you??
Looking down at his body, he eyed the plant that was coming out of his body. “It's my own creation mind you…a death plant that I manipulated with my own demonic energy…I was desperate when fighting…Touya…”
Death plant? He fought Touya and hurt him? Gripping onto her head, she began to shake in fear and confusion having to try to come to terms with what was occurring before her. The team she really cared about was fighting the two demons she really cared for. This doesn't make sense!
Weakly, Kurama placed his blooded hand on her leg, trying to look at her. “Aeka…you shouldn't be here. This fight will be hard for you to watch…and Jin—Jin and Yuske can't do this with you here…”
Good! She signed, looking back at the arena to see that the two were staring one another down now. Jin said something to her brother but she couldn't read it since he was talking so fast at the time and if Yuske complied, she couldn't tell for his back was to her. She watched as Jin started rotating his right arm at an incredible rate, creating a twister around his appendage. Getting quickly to her feet, Aeka angrily blinded by her tears, ran toward the ring. I will make them stop!
“Aeka, don't!” Botan begged as Kurama inhaled sharply at Aeka's sudden take of action.
Aeka used one hand to prop herself up onto the fighting ring, hurrying quickly over to Yuske who was getting ready for Jin to attack again. The redheaded wind master began to charge at Yuske, with the miniature tornado around his arm readied. He was just about to punch the detective hard with his tornado fist he had created but then Aeka got in front of her brother with her arms outstretched.
“Aeka??” Yuske questioned. Looking quickly past his sister and at the wind demon, Yuske demanded, “Stop!!”
Jin didn't need to be told to stop. His fist just stopped short of Aeka's nose as soon as Yuske yelled it causing the wind to vanish around his arm by command of the Wind Master.
The young teen closed her eyes hoping the one she loved wouldn't hit her. Before she could open them, Yuske spun her around quickly, grabbing tightly onto her shoulders, shaking her harshly to open them. As soon as she did, she was aware she was in for a lecture.
“What are you doing?? Get off the fighting ring!”
Aeka shook her head quickly, placing her hands on his arms. I won't get off this thing, she signed to him. I won't let you two fight one another!
“I have no choice, Aeka!” Yuske replied almost through his teeth. He was getting quite irritated that his fight was being interrupted by his sister.
I won't let you hurt the man I love! Aeka signed angrily, pushing away from her young brother.
Yuske was grateful nobody could really understand what she was doing or else there would be a real big commotion over a human loving the strong demonic wind master.
Jin could just see her moving her hands wildly with her back turned to him. He could only imagine what she was saying as he stood behind her waiting for her to move off the fighting ring since he too wanted this battle to continue so the deciding victor could be made.
Looking over at the fox girl Koto, Yuske pointed at her, “Can you call a time out or something?!”
“Uh,” Koto had never had this question before and was unsure of what to say. Hearing the booing crowd that growling at her decision before, she looked back between the two fighters before raising her arm up to declare, “I guess—I can give you both just five minutes!”
Grabbing Aeka's wrist and hearing the loud boo of the crowd Yuske got her down off the ring, gripping onto her shoulders once again so she could look him in the eyes. “Are you crazy?!” He asked angrily.
Though she couldn't hear his words she could see in his expression that he was quite angered and the harsh grabbing of her arms also told her this much. Yuske, you are hurting me! Aeka tried to sign.
“With you being here it's going to make it hard for Jin and me both! Go back to the hotel room-”
I am not leaving! She signed making throating sounds wishing that for once she could say the words. I want to see what happens and not you or Jin can convince me other wise!
Yuske sighed, rubbing his forehead feeling a migraine coming on about all that was going on.
Placing her hands on his cheeks, Aeka made him look at her once again. Please, Yuske…I want to see this battle to the end. Please just let me stay…