Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Jin Vs Yuske ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“You have one minute until both fighters are to come back into the ring,” Koto announced to both sides and to the still disappointed audience.
Touya kept his arm over his open wound that Kurama had inflicted on him earlier as he looked up at the wind master. “You plan on fighting in front of Aeka? Don't you worry that may change her judgment about you?”
Jin stood there letting the wind toss his hair gently about behind his back. “I have to do it, Touya. I'm sorry if this may hurt Aeka or that the realization of what I can do will startle her, but I want to do it.”
“Aeka,” Yuske began as he pushed his elder sister towards Kurama. “I want you to stay right here and don't move this time, ok?”

Aeka could tell he was getting frustrated with her but she nodded, kneeling down to Kurama. If she couldn't help Touya, she might as well help the fox demon who was in obvious pain.
“The fighters have 30 seconds left and then I will call a ten count to whoever isn't in the ring,” Koto announced again to the still booing crowd.
Yuske sighed, placing his hands in his pockets as he headed back towards the ring.
Aeka wanted to stop him again but she sighed letting him go. Looking down at her hands that were in her lap she tried her hardest to force back the tears that were insistent on coming. They are still going to do it…and I cannot stop them…
Seeing her sadness, Kurama reached over and placed his hand gently on hers making her look him in the eyes. “Don't worry, Aeka. Yuske will be fine…as will Jin. Just sit and watch.” The saddened look she gave him made Kurama continue. “I know it's hard. But it will only make you stronger, Aeka.”
Yuske got back into the ring followed by Jin once the time was up and now the crowd was satisfied. “The wait is over ladies and gentlemen. The fight between Yuske and Jin will begin!”
“Sorry about that,” Yuske apologized, getting ready to fight. “As you know Aeka cares for us both.”
Jin smirked a bit, calling upon his wind to lift himself up off the ground again out of Yuske's reach. “I know she does and I don't plan on killing you, Urameshi. Now let's finish this fight and decide the victory, shall we?”
“Begin!” Koto announced once more with her hand coming down.
Aeka wanted to watch the fight but she was so worried about Kurama's death plant that she kept switching her attention from one to the other. Is there anything I can do? Are you going to be ok? Aeka signed in worry.
Kurama smiled at what she was signing. It was the first time Aeka had really shown that she cared about his well being. “I will be fine…I will use my energy to get rid of it…don't worry.”
Aeka sighed looking back over at Jin who was starting to rotate his right arm at an incredible speed—something she never witnessed him do before. Whoa…what is he doing? She wondered keeping her eyes on him. The young girl was amazed to see a small tornado form around his right arm; the same thing that nearly took her life by accident earlier. So this was it-this was how Jin could use wind to attack, wasn't it?
“Get ready, Urameshi,” Jin announced, straightening out his right arm pointing it at Yuske. “I am going to win this fight and take your sister with me to Makai.”
“You're dreaming, Jin,” Yuske said with a smile as he stood still waiting for Jin to move in for the attack.
Aeka kept her eyes on the action that was going on in the fighting arena as she kept her arms around the wounded Kurama's neck. Jin was descending from the sky with that twister pointed at her younger brother. Her mind went blank upon wondering who she should hope would win. Either way, it would be too much on her to lose either one. But as she continued to watch she realized that her brother wasn't moving out of the way of Jin's attack. Had Yuske gone mad? Was Jin's attack that weak or was Yuske that strong? What is he doing?? She signed pretty much to just herself.
Kurama watched with Aeka and the others not really paying attention to Aeka's signs.
Yuske already knew that Jin's tornado attack was dangerous but he was waiting for Jin to get closer so he could show off his trademark to his elder sister.
Jin was only so far away when Yuske raised his arm pointing his finger like he was going to fake shoot at the demon. All Aeka could do was sit and wonder what Yuske was doing since she could not hear what he had to say and the only view she had was his back. “Hold on—don't be crazy!” Jin begged still heading towards Yuske.
“Whatever it takes to beat you, Jin,” Yuske smirked, powering up his special attack prompting the blue light that was building to cover the arena and two fighters. “Spirit Gun!!”
The bright sapphire light that filled the arena nearly blinded everyone that was within a good range of it. Not to mention the force that was release from the blast that combined with the wind nearly blew everyone away. Grabbing onto Kurama, Aeka buried her face into the nape of his neck, trying to make sure nothing would happen to the two of them. She may have not been able to feel the energies like the demons and other spiritually aware people could but she could tell from the force of the blast that nailed her against the wall, that both the wind and energy released by her brother had to be a forces to be reckoned with. What the hell is going on??
The blinding light eventually faded and the strong wind settled right behind it. Aeka was still cowering next to Kurama in fear of opening her eyes to see what would remain since the entire fighting ring was engulfed in that attack. Nobody could have survived that blast. It would have been damn near impossible for one such as Yuske, at least that is what Aeka thought.
“Aeka,” Kurama breathed quietly, trying to make her look at the ring once he grabbed her arm to shake it a bit.
Aeka looked up at the fox demon showing in her expression that she didn't want to look over at the ring to see the remains of Yuske and or Jin.
Nodding wearily beyond him, the redhead coughed, “Look—they are both okay.”

Swallowing hard, Aeka turned her head to look at the ring to see nothing there but the announcer Koto getting to her feet and searching for the fighters. Confused she looked back at Kurama. She was about to sign but Kurama stopped her hands and pointed near the medical tent where Hiei and that masked fighter were trapped by Ruka. A relieved smile found its way across the young girl's face as she saw Yuske gradually getting to his feet from where he was thrown. He survived! She thought placing her hand over her heart that she feared would stop. But where is Jin?? Getting to her feet, Aeka looked around for the redheaded wind master fearing he had been obliterated in that big explosion.
Yuske looked over at his worrying sister who looked as though she was about to break down in tears. Waving his arms a bit to get her attention, Aeka looked back over at her brother wondering what he was doing. “Jin is fine,” He mouthed clearly. The last thing he wanted was to say it aloud so everyone could hear.
Aeka followed Yuske's finger which was pointing upward in the sky where Jin was hovering. Oh my God—he's okay!
“Of course,” Kurama said in a whisper when Aeka glanced back down at him. “It was Jin that saved them both from the beginning of that fight. He is a smart fighter and is no fool in battling. You should give him more credit than being defeated in an attack such as that. Jin knows how to make the wind work for him if anything.”
Yuske smiled to see that Aeka was grateful to see her boyfriend alive. Around this point it made Yuske wonder what he should do as that smile was replaced with a serious frown as he blocked out Koto's count down. He kept staring at Aeka's side profile that contained that bright smile on her face as she kept her eyes fixed on Jin. She really does love him….kind of like how I feel with Keiko. Looking up at the wind master that was still hovering above the ring just a little bit he sighed to himself. Should I throw the fight and let Jin win this one? But he said he wanted a fair fight and that isn't really fair and we still need another fighter to take on their leader. Stretching out his body a bit before jumping in the ring he kept his eyes on the wind master that was waiting on the detective to get back in the fight. “I guess I can't really kill you. But I plan on beating you down and going on to take down your leader.”
“Oh?” Jin replied from up in the sky. “Just as soon as you beat me down, you say? Well don't hold your breath, Urameshi for I plan on winning this fight and then confronting my leader.”
“Fight!” Koto ordered yet again.
Aeka headed back to Kurama, kneeling down next to him once again. I don't get it, Aeka signed before the demon. What happened? What was that bright light?
“Yuske's special move,” Kurama managed to answer. “It's call the Spirit Gun. It takes Yuske's spirit energy and focuses it into his index finger.”
Aeka's eyes widened as she watched him say this. You're telling me that my little brother can fire an energy blast from his index finger?
Kurama laughed best he could, flinching a bit in pain that attacked him from doing such a task. “That's—the just of it.”
And yet that attack couldn't take down Jin's… Looking over at the fighting arena she saw that Jin was getting his tornados back and on both arms this time. He used one last time but this time he was rotating both of his arms, having two tornadoes in his arsenal. Jin is extremely strong…I can't believe it!
“I doubt you'll be able to handle two of these at once,” Jin said with a smile. Seeing the concerned expression on the boy's face made Jin feel as though he would indeed win deep down inside. “Understand Urameshi that two Tornado Fists doesn't mean I hate you, it just means I have more respect!”
Aeka was confused at what was going on. She could see her younger brother's body language and it was telling her that he was stumped. He took down one tornado—couldn't he just do it again? Aeka continued to hold onto Kurama a bit as she looked at her brother and the one she loved wondering who would win it this time. But, then Yuske did a different stance than what he did before. Instead of just pointing his finger and firing that blue light again, he stood in another stance, his hands parallel to one another as his body began to glow a bit. What is he doing…? Aeka wondered keeping her eyes on Yuske. Is this another Spirit Gun thing?
Seeing the confusion on her face made Kurama tap her back gently to get Aeka's attention, “Don't worry,” Kurama mouthed clearly. “Your brother is full of surprises…and dumb luck.”
A lucky fool, hu? Aeka questioned looking back at her brother and Jin. I guess I can only pray for the best.
Jin could feel the energy rising up from Yuske and it caused his ears to wiggle faster with excitement. “Such power…I can't be waiting any longer!” With that said, the wind master dove down toward the powering up Spirit Detective about to blow over the detective with the tornados that surrounded his fists and body.
Aeka wasn't really sure about Jin's attack but she was betting that if that attack hit her brother straight on, it would tare him apart for sure! Praying her little brother had some sort of plan to at least use to escape with his life, Aeka kept her eyes fixed on the fighting ring as her body trembled.
Seeing the fear in her expression, Kurama rubbed her back gently so she would look his way again. “You don't have to watch, Aeka…I know it's hard…”
Not knowing who to cheer for, Aeka buried her face into Kurama's neck again not wanting to see what would happen. If I cheer for Jin, my little brother will die…if I cheer for Yuske, the one I truly love will die! Please let a miracle happen!
Jin punched at Yuske only to be stopped by Yuske's hand causing the wind master to react in amazement. “What are you doing now, Yuske, tornado in the hand no one does!” Jin questioned, trying to push the boy or blast him out of the ring.
The detective wasn't going to lose this fight for he had too much at stake. Keeping his ground best he could even if the wind was amazing, he destroyed the tornado circling Jin's right arm.
Growling angrily at what this mere boy had accomplished, Jin threw back his left arm ready to pummel the spirit detective. “I will be there for your sister now! This is goodbye!”
Not wanting to accept that Yuske blocked the next punch with his foot getting rid of that tornado as well before pulling back his fist that was now engulfed in a blue aura. “Spirit Wave!!”
It was that one punch that sent Jin the wind master straight upward into the sky and leaving the demon completely wide-eyed.
Kurama knew it would be hard for Aeka to watch but she had to know what had happened to the demon she cared for. Shaking her a bit, Kurama nodded towards the fighting ring again causing Aeka to take a quick glance. Seeing that Yuske was trying to support himself from his fatigued body, she began to wonder what happened to Jin since she didn't see the final blow dealt to the one she loved. Looking back at Kurama she placed her hand on his shoulder gently as she signed with the other. Where is he? Where did Jin go?
“Yuske punched him real hard…Jin is still in the sky thanks to that last blast…,” Kurama managed to get out from his weak tone.
Aeka got to her feet, looking up in the sky waiting for Jin to reappear as she felt her heart racing at an unbelievably face past due to this scare.
It seemed too long till she was able to see the body of Jin heading down toward the ground at a face pace. Thinking in her mind that he would catch himself with his wind power made her feel a little easy…but once his body smashed into the spectators and rolled down quite the number of seats, Aeka could have sworn she felt her heart stop.
Yuske saw Aeka's fearful glance that she shot at him but he was too warn out to say anything as he supported himself on his thighs. All he could do was shrug trying to look sorry for what he did and truthfully he did but a part of him was glad he managed to take him down. Jin was a cool guy but he wasn't about to let Aeka be taken away from him anytime soon.
Frightened for Jin, Aeka took no time in scurrying up to where Jin had fallen, tears blinding her as she pushed herself past the demons that remained in her way. She eventually came upon his body—he was lying on his back in obvious pain and was bleeding a good bit too from the mouth. Covering her mouth Aeka's eyes wondered about the position he was in and all that she had seen came flooding back into her mind. She almost didn't see it at first but Jin opened his eyes, trying to force a smile on his face once he saw Aeka standing before him with her hands cupped over her mouth.
The young teen got down to her knees, her eyes watering over now with tears she could no longer hold back. Jin, she signed sadly, her lower lip trembling.
“I'm sorry…” He managed to say, staying where he was on the ground unable to get up, “I tried…your brother is just too strong for me…”
Aeka moved herself close to Jin's side regardless of all the stares they were both receiving from a quiet crowd. Not knowing whether or not it would be best to touch his injured body, the young girl just gently placed her hands on his cheeks trying to get him to look at her. I don't care if you lost…I love you anyways…
Jin smiled best he could as he placed his shaking hand on her cheek for a few minutes. “I…love you too…Aeka…”
Knowing it would be best to move Jin elsewhere once the ten count was over and Yuske declared the winner, Aeka gripped onto Jin's right arm, putting it behind her neck trying to help the wind master to his feet at least.
Leaning on the human girl for support, the redheaded wind master eventually began to stand on his wobbly legs. The demons around them watched this and they were all very displeased. A demon loving a human girl was unheard of! And the demon that loved this human girl was worst of all, a wind master that was highly respected as a Shinobi. He had given his eternal heart over to a mortal woman and it made all of those boo at the wind master and Aeka.
“Jin is worthless!!” One shouted from not too far away. “Falling for a wretched human girl!”
“Worst of all its Urameshi's sister!! That traitor!”
“Both deserve to die!!”
Jin merely narrowed his eyes at all of those who swore his name and said what trash he and his love were. If he had the strength he would teach them a lesson saying such garbage but he would have to wait until later for that.
Yuske watched from the ring as the two eventually made it back down to the fighting area. He, personally, was getting sick to his stomach and very irritated at all that was being shouted at his sister. “Everyone shut the hell up!” Yuske demanded at the top of his lungs, clutching his fists at his side.
The whole crowd went quiet once again at the Spirit Detective's second outburst as the first came from the fight he had with Chuu.
“You all hate Aeka being with Jin just because she is a damn human being! I don't know what sort of impact that has on any of your lives but I think it best you all just leave them the hell alone!” Here Yuske turned his attention to the wind master who was listening to what he had to say on the sidelines just vaguely since the attack did a number on the demon's body. “All I can say is there have been a lot of human boys in my sister's life and not ONE of them treated her with as much respect as Jin has.”
Jin stood there leaning on Aeka still looking at Yuske. He knew from how Aeka acted and what she had to say that not many boys liked her being the sister of Yuske Urameshi and the same could be said about it in Makai and the demon race. She was an easy target for anyone especially for being a deaf human girl. But he was the only one to come up to her and treat her as an equal to his own being regardless of how mighty a demon he was. “Urameshi…”
Yuske shook his head for a bit before looking back at the wind master. “Just because she was deaf and my sister—and yet it takes a demon to walk up to her and make her feel special…” Having to hear himself say that aloud enraged him even more, making him conclude with, “…So just lay off!”
The arena was silence. Nobody spoke. Not even Koto who, for once, had nothing to say to this as she stood there in shock and letting the detective have his moment yet again.
Aeka didn't see Yuske's little speech but she could see and feel that something was wrong. What is going on? Aeka signed to Jin when she led him down next to Kurama.
“It's nothing,” Jin answered with a soft smile, “Your brother is just accepting his loss.”
Jin looked back over at the fighting ring still smiling as he looked at Yuske's defeated frown. “We both lost…and yet, both won at the same time.”