Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Aftermath of the Fight ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yuske jumped off the fighting arena to speak with his younger sister for a few seconds before the next fight which would be with Risho. Kneeling down in front of his sister he sighed before asking, “How is he?”
Aeka looked over at Jin whose eyes were shut tightly while struggling to breathe correctly. I dunno, Aeka signed as she shook her head. Trying to move Jin's wild bangs from his face, Aeka kept her eyes on him as worry consumed her expression. I don't think he's doing too well, Yuske!
Yuske felt a little horrible for beating Jin that bad as he sighed. “Aeka,” He tried to comfort, making her stand as he placed his hands on her shoulders. “Why don't you take Jin to the infirmary and stay by his side. I am sure he would want that.”
Aeka looked from Jin over to Touya who was still crouched in pain worried about him as well. Not to emotion Kurama who was right next to Jin in the same amount of pain. What about Kurama…and Touya is hurt as well…!
Yuske didn't know Aeka cared that much about Touya as well but he was on the other side of the ring. It would be dangerous to travel over there and if he did, it would be breaking some rules he was sure.
“I will be fine and so will Touya,” Kurama managed to say. “Tell her not to worry about us…”
Aeka followed Yuske's sight to see he was listening to Kurama as she caught the fox demon speaking just in time. I can't just leave you here, Kurama, Aeka signed squatting down in front of him. You may annoy the hell out of me but I am not about to leave you here in this condition.
Kurama tried his hardest not to laugh at her comment as he embraced his stomach. “I will be fine,” He coughed looking at her with a sincere expression. “As will Touya. He may be run through, but I assure you, I let him live…” When Aeka showed that she was not about to leave anytime soon he continued best he could, “The fight is almost over anyways, Aeka…one more fight and everybody will get tended to…just go…”
Sighing, the white haired teen reached down for Jin yet again helping him to his feet best she could. Good luck, Yuske, Aeka signed, Please don't die on me…
Yuske pointed his finger at her as if he were going to unleash his attack on her. “I promise I won't. Now go on. I will see you later.”
Slowly Aeka began to drag Jin out of the fighting arena and head towards the infirmary. She kept her eyes on him hoping he would at least form his lips to something but he said not one word as he kept his eyes closed tightly. He was extremely heavy however since he stood a good 6 feet tall and was completely built of muscles. Aeka could only get so far with him.
Once she was near the lounge area, the young girl placed Jin down on the ground looking at his expression. Placing her hand on his cheek she hoped that would at least force him to open his eyes a bit. Jin, please at least look at me! Aeka thought trying to force herself to at least say `Jin' again. God, it sucks not being able to talk! Why am I cursed to be deaf? She thought as tears streamed down her pale complexion.
“What happened here?” A nurse asked coming to the wind master's aid with two helpers. She had been informed of an injured fighter being accompanied by a human. The woman looked to Aeka for some answers wondering what caused the demon to look so out of it.
He's a fighter and he got beat real badly by my brother! Aeka signed frantically before grabbing onto the female demon nurse's arms.
The nurse watched her hand movements confused at what she was trying to say to her. She was aware it was Sign Language but that didn't mean she could translate it. “Okay, okay, calm down, ma'am,” The nurse begged, placing her hands on the teary Aeka. “I need to get this demon some help.”
Aeka sniffed a bit, rubbing her right eye with the back of her hand nodding. Thank you was all Aeka could think to say at the moment glad that the demons she ran into were not evil like Risho.
“Now, what are you?” The nurse asked since she couldn't allow just anyone into the room with the demon. “Are you family?”
Aeka wondered what to say to that guessing that their hospital rules were the same as theirs. Biting her lower lip, she answered to the best of her ability even if it was a white lie, I am his wife…
The female demon nodded slightly looking between the two noting that she had seen the two together at some time or another and why else would a random human girl drag in a powerful demon unless it was something to that nature? “Alright then, you can come with us.” Taking Aeka's hand, she let the other two handle the demon as they hurried them off to the infirmary.
Aeka watched sadly as Jin was punctured with needles to add to his pain so that the blood he lost could be placed back inside of him. Sniffling back her sadness, she ran her fingers gently over his head as she kept an eye on his sleeping expression praying it wasn't eternal. Bringing her hand up to her cracking expression, Aeka tried to hide her trembling lip before burying her face into her hands at what she witnessed before her.
One of the demonic nurses seeing her distress walked over to her, placing her hands on Aeka's shoulders. “It will be alright. The needle won't harm a demon such as him and the attack may have broken a few bones, but he will be up and about in no time. Demons heal faster than humans.”
Aeka nodded, resting her hand on top of the nurse's thanking her in that gesture for at least being there to assure her through this since she was in the dark. Reaching for his hand that had the IV in it Aeka held it gently in her own.
“Why don't you stay here with him?” The woman suggested keeping her hand on Aeka's shoulder reassuringly. “I am sure he would want that. We have to go help out the other fighters soon enough so we will need you to watch over him.”
Aeka nodded again showing she was willing to do so, taking the chair she was soon offered by Jin's bedside.
Aeka stayed at Jin's side for what seemed like hours and he didn't dare open his eyes to her. During the time she was watching him, Touya eventually was drug to the same room as Jin was to be tended to so he could be with his team member. Hurrying from Jin's side to Touya's Aeka looked at the ice master with worry in her expression. Touya, she signed slowly looking at the pain that consumed his expression.
Touya looked up at her best he could trying to force a smile on his face. “Hey…your team won…don't look so down…”
Aeka's tears began to crash down onto Touya's pillow as she was forced to look upon the two and what had become of them. I am sorry, she tried to sign while crying heavily, her body jolting with her over powering feelings. I can't believe all of this is happening…I didn't mean for you or anyone else to get hurt.
Touya was confused at her actions as he kept his eyes on her watching her signs. She loves Jin so why is she concerning herself with me? He wondered. Seeing that she was in a lot of pain over this regardless of the outcome, Touya managed to move his blooded hand from his belly to her own hand catching Aeka's attention. “Everyone is fine, Aeka. Don't worry…”
Sighing, Aeka looked over at Jin who was still out like a light before looking back at Touya. What about your leader…? He wants to fight Jin and Jin is not well enough to fight!
The ice master shook his head as he kept his eyes on Aeka. “Risho got knocked out pretty good in the final round with Kuwabara so I doubt he will be instigating a fight with Jin anytime soon.”
All Aeka could do was nod as she headed back over to sit near Jin's bedside, her eyes lidded and threatening to fall to show her emotional exhaustion.
Seeing her movements, Touya could guess she was tired. She needs to rest…she looks worse than I do.
But regardless of this, Aeka stayed beside Jin waiting for him to at least move. When she became tired, she would rest her head on Jin's chest so she could listen to his abnormally beating heart. The steady rise and fall and the rhythm helped her fall asleep in that position.
Feeling something heavy on his chest prompted Jin to gradually open his eyes later that evening. “Damn,” He swore silently, reaching up to his forehead, “Did I pass out?” Wondering what was with the pressure on his chest, Jin looked down to see Aeka resting her head on his chest. Pressing a smile on his face he reached for Aeka, placing his hand gently on her head.
Feeling someone touching her caused Aeka to shoot her head up and away from whatever was touching her fearful of who it may be.
Seeing he startled her, Jin tried to settle her like a wild mare by gradually reaching for her face, “Shhh…it's just me.”
Too grateful to know that he was ok to sign anything, Aeka embraced his neck best she could from where he was lying down on the bed. Thank God he is okay!
Jin's eyes widen in surprise at her sudden embrace but he eventually returned the hug with his weary left arm patting her back to try and comfort her from all she had seen during the fight and quite possibly while he was out.
“She's been watching you for just about nine hours,” Touya answered from where he lied on his hospital bed. “Was Urameshi's attack that powerful?”
Jin kept running his hand up and down Aeka's back as she continued to cry into his neck softly as the demon tried to recall the attack that brought him to his knees. “It sure was something to be on the other end of, I'll tell you that much,” Jin answered turning his attention back to the young girl. “Hey,” He whispered to himself as he tried to lift Aeka's chin off of his body.
The elder Urameshi looked with embarrassment into his eyes as she felt he was trying to push her gently backward.
Laughing softly he reached up and tried to gently brush her tears away asking, “How many times do I have to tell you not to cry? I'm alright and so is your brother.”
I'm sorry, Aeka signed best she could as she helped him wipe away her tears that were rolling down her cheeks.
Jin smiled best he could while lowering his arm which hurt too much to move at the moment. “No need to be sorry, love,” Jin replied with a slight cough, “I just hate to see you upset.”
Aeka nodded sadly to herself seeing his lips say those words as she looked up and down his injured body.
The wind master knew he just put a foot in his mouth as he sighed heavily at his idiocy. Gently tapping on her hand, he got the girl's attention once more so he could apologize for saying what he did. “Sorry, I know watching that battle between Urameshi and me was hard on you.”
It's okay, she signed slowly. Aeka rubbed her left eye showing in her expression that she was extremely tired and about to collapse from exhaustion anytime. Even if she got some sleep in, she was still out of it from all that went on that day.
“She is tired, Jin,” Touya announced best he could from where he was. Flinching a bit as he struggled to support himself on his elbows, he continued, “Tell her to go to bed or she is going to pass out. She'll listen to you.”
Jin laughed quietly as he heard this come from his partner's mouth. “I never thought you actually cared about Aeka. It's a shock to hear something such as that come from you, Touya.”
Touya faked a few coughs as he turned to his side to avoid the wind master's taunting gaze. “I was merely saying. I mean that is unless you want Aeka to get sick.”
Jin shook his red shaggy hair side to side best he could as he laughed softly on the inside out yet again. “Ah, she's wearing down on you and you just don't want to admit it.”
From where he landed on his head after the final attack, it was still a good bit sensitive for Jin. So when Touya saw fit to throw a pillow at the wind master's head, it caused Jin to flinch in agonizing pain.
Narrowing his eyes at his partner from where he lay, Touya growled as he tried his hardest to look at Jin. “I am only concerned since you care about the fragile girl so much!”
Aeka was confused at what was going on since Touya refused to sign and he had his back turned slightly towards her and Jin.
Rubbing his head slightly, the wind master looked up at the weary Aeka to see she did indeed look exhausted. Her eyes were drooping quite a bit as she looked down at him. “Aeka,” Jin whispered, rubbing her arm regardless of how much it hurt to do so. “Aeka, I want you to go back to the hotel and get some sleep.” Jin saw her about to sign her refusal but he gently gripped onto her hands and shook his head best he could from where he was lying down. “No-please, for once, listen to me, Aeka. I want you to go to your room and go to sleep, ok?”
But I want to stay here with you, Aeka signed once Jin released her hands. I really love you, Jin…
Jin nodded at what he saw, “I know you do and I love you as well which is why I want you to go upstairs and rest. You are tired from the day.”
Aeka looked from Jin over to Touya who had switched from lying on his left side to his right to watch the two. She was hoping that he would say something to allow her to stay but Touya did nothing but stare at her wanting her to rest just as much as Jin did. Bending down Aeka kissed Jin gently on the mouth before pushing some of his red hair out of his face. I will come back tomorrow to check on you two. I promise.
All Jin could do was smile softly as he looked up at her. “Now go on-get some sleep. We will be fine, love.”
Aeka nodded, turning her back to the two injured demons heading out the infirmary doors to allow them some rest while she went to do the same.
“I can only imagine how hard that was for her today,” Touya replied when Jin refused to open his mouth. Looking over at his partner again, Touya asked, “What do you plan to do now that you have lost to Urameshi?”
Jin closed his eyes so he could sleep for the night as he thought about his future plans. “I doubt Aeka is going to leave me after all we have done with one another.” A perverted grin made its way across Jin's expression and Touya could just see it from where he was lying comfortably. “I have already told you what I plan on doing with her and I don't care what it takes—I am going to get her to come with me to Makai when the time comes.”
Cocking a brow at Jin he asked, “How?”
Jin was silent for a moment as he cleared his throat a bit trying to think of a way to explain his idea without it sounding cruel. “I want Aeka to be my wife, I wasn't lying about that. But I want her to have my child as well. If I can get her pregnant then I know she won't want to leave me for sure.”
Touya tried his hardest not to laugh at the idea since he was in pain and the spasms of his laughter would shoot more pain into his body that he didn't need. “Jin…you want to get Aeka pregnant? Are you unaware of how long that will take to accomplish? It takes a woman awhile depending on when she ovulates to show that she is pregnant. You won't have enough time to get her so within the time the Dark Tournament lasts.”
Jin sighed knowing this was true but he wanted to keep his hopes up. “I know that but I refuse to give up. I will be destroyed if Aeka won't come with me to Makai…”
The two demons quiet now, they both thought it best to rest from the aftermath of the fight since they had lost and yet won their freedom from the Shinobi at the same time.