Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ The Truth ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“What's the matter with you?” Touya asked once they were in her room, his risen voice muffled to those that walked by the hotel room door. Aeka wasn't in the mood for this right now but she sat there on her bedside just the same watching Touya sign as he spoke. “Jin loves you and I thought you loved him back!”
Of course I do, Aeka signed slowly looking like she was pouting.
“Then why aren't you acting like it? You got what you wanted, how much more selfish could you be?” Touya was getting rather furious with every word that surfaced from his mouth and it more or less made the human girl feel a bit intimidated but she tried not to show it.
Jin came to me at the wrong time! Aeka signed angrily narrowing her eyes at the ice master. Right now, I have to worry about my little brother and my best friend Shuichi! I love, Jin, of course I do! But my family comes first!
“You have no idea what all he has done for you, do you?” Touya said quietly and in shock letting Aeka read his lips that time.
Aeka cocked a brow at Touya wondering what he meant by that. What are you talking about? Of course I know Jin does stuff for me but just because I want to take care of my family and friends who are still in this tournament, you want to call that selfish?
“Then, let me tell you something, Aeka Urameshi!” Aeka didn't like what he may have to say since he just said her first and last name and whether that came from a total stranger or from her mother, it never brought anything good. “What if I told you that Urameshi isn't your real last name?”
Aeka was praying she didn't read him right. Staying put on her bedside she looked up at him confused and a bit hurt that he would reveal this. Wh—What? What do you mean…?
“I guess your adopted mother didn't tell you this,” Touya remarked situating himself from one foot to the other. “Well, Yuske isn't your blood brother and Atsuko isn't your birth mother.”
How would you know? Get out of here! Aeka ordered, getting to her feet and heading towards the door so she could push him out.
Grabbing onto her wrist, Touya stopped her and spun her around. “Aeka, listen to me!”
NO!! She thought, trying to jerk away from him as Touya kept a firm grip on her arms.
“Listen!” He ordered yet again trying to calm her down. With one final jerk of her body from Touya made Aeka stop squirming and looked him in the eyes. She was a bit angry at him for doing this but she refrained from hitting him at the current time since she feared what that might bring from an ice demon. “Your town was burnt down by rogue demons and your real parents will slaughtered by them.”
How the hell would you know? Aeka asked one more time just as angry as before.
“Jin and I were sent to take care of those demons and arrived too late. As soon as we got there and destroyed them, the town was destroyed and all that was left was…you.” Aeka signed nothing as she stood there not wanting to believe him. “Jin heard you crying in the rubble and pulled you out. You were five at the time.”
I don't have any memory of this, Aeka signed before she jerked out of his grasp furiously.
“Of course you wouldn't,” Touya replied with a heavy sigh. “Tell me one child on this earth who can recall what happened to them all through their fifth year of living.”
You would think I would remember something like this! The young teen motioned in her defense.
“Do you not?” As he said this it looked as though she was trying to force herself to remember but not one single picture popped into her mind about these two from her early childhood. “We took you from your town and flew you all over Japan looking for a suitable home for you. Jin wanted to raise you but I made him let go of you so we could give you to Atsuko.”
I don't…believe this! Aeka was beginning to feel herself break down. She couldn't take this much longer. Why now? She signed before covering her face for a moment not wanting the tears to come again. Why do you tell me this now?
“Jin has done so much for you that I cannot even begin to list it all. He saved your life and offered to find you a home when that wasn't in our line of duty as a Shinobi. When he couldn't find one, he was willing to take you in himself! Jin found a way to the Human World after he promised you—he promised you, Aeka when you were five that he would come back for you and he did and he fought for your life defending you against everything that came at you and you feared! He has also offered to give you another family of your own by asking for your hand and yet you continue to push him aside because you cannot be selfless and think about Jin for once!” Touya stopped for a minute letting it all sink it for a moment before releasing a frustrated sigh. “As for why now, I figured since you're hurting Jin, you might get a taste of what it feels like to be hurt that bad,” Touya answered not showing any signs of remorse of what he had just said. When Aeka refused to sign anything in return to that, the ice master shrugged briefly, walking towards her, “I will leave now. Obviously you need time to think about this alone.” Stepping by her, he left the room to hunt down his team member hoping he was okay after all that went on.
When he finally left, Aeka didn't know what to do now. She was left with believing her only family…was not her real family and it was quite the shock and blow below the belt. Yuske was still clocked out, dead tired from whatever he endured and Kurama was busy watching the next few rounds. The only person she could really go to know was Jin…but she blew him off. Where would he be? Having to think about Touya's words over and over again, Aeka embraced herself and collapsed on her knees letting her long hair cascade over her face to hide her sobbing.
Jin had nowhere to go or any place special to be so he sat outside in the wide open in the forest to be alone for a moment knowing Chuu and Rinku would come barging into his hotel room if he were to be there. Closing his eyes, he let the warm air pass through his hair making him feel a bit disappointed that he wouldn't at least be getting the island as a reward. When this tournament is over…it's back to Makai for me…
Jin's attention shifted quickly as soon as he heard the bushes moving and the birds flying away to indicate somebody was coming his way. He wasn't exactly on edge since he couldn't think of anyone who would want him dead besides some low class demons that he could easily defeat. Regardless, he got ready to attack if anyone wanted to start something but let his guard down once he saw it was only Touya. “Ah. It's just you.”
“Try not to sound too disappointed, Jin,” Touya remarked sarcastically.
“Sorry,” Jin laughed softly, shrugging, “Guess I am a bit out of it right now.” Touya said nothing as he joined Jin's side looking at the scenery with him so his friend wouldn't be completely alone. “The last few rounds are coming up and soon we will be back in the dark yet again.”
Touya glanced up at Jin for a moment before looking back at what was around them. “Not necessarily. Look at us now, Jin. We are all there is of our team now minus Risho and Bakken but there is no point for the Shinobi to continue. It's over—we are free to believe and do what we want.”
“I suppose.” The tall former Shinobi replied, closing his eyes, “But it won't matter either way for me.” After a moment or two of awkward silence, Jin spoke up again deciding to change the subject. “So, where were you?”
“Where was I?” He questioned.
“Yes. It seemed that after the others went to put Urameshi back in his hotel room, you disappeared.”
Touya decided not to beat around the bush and just come right out and tell him what he had done to Aeka. “I went to talk to Aeka and I spoke to her about how you were feeling.”
Jin didn't like the way that came out. He quickly looked at his partner wondering what he had said to Aeka. Knowing Touya's people skills, it might not have been good. “Dear God, Touya, what did you tell her?”
“Everything,” The ice master answered shortly.
“Everything?” Jin reiterated wondering what that was supposed to mean, “What does `everything' mean?” Touya's silence answered what Jin had feared `everything' meant. “You didn't…!”
“You were suffering so I made her suffer in return.”
Jin couldn't believe his friend had done this to the one person he held close to his heart. “Touya…!” He was so frustrated with what the ice master had done, he was about to rip out his red hair that his fingers were running through. “You don't—DO that sort of thing to people! Especially to someone as fragile as Aeka!”
“She isn't a fragile woman, Jin,” Touya remarked, turning his back to the wind demon. “She is Yuske's sister for goodness sake.” Jin said nothing not knowing what he could say or do to make him be able to rewind time and make sure Aeka never saw the words that came from Touya's mouth. “If you're interested, Aeka is probably still up in her hotel room. You can go and comfort her if you want.”
“Where are you going?” Jin asked watching him leave. “Shouldn't you be coming with me concerning what you said to her?”
“I'll leave it to you,” Touya answered, waving over his shoulder. “I'll be at our hotel room.”
Jin sighed heavily not knowing if he should go to Aeka's side or not. Yes, she did push him aside a few times for her family which currently consisted of Yuske at the moment but now she knew that her family was not her blood family. He could only wonder how well she was taking something like that. It worried him to the point of eventually taking off towards her hotel room thanks to his wind.
Aeka was so surprised by what she had just found out, she didn't know whether to be angry or break into tears again once she was through with her first break down. Who cares if they are not blood related…Yuske and my mom are…my family! She thought supporting herself on the nightstand in her room. God, I feel sick. The young teen sat down feeling weak and as though she was about to throw up from what she had just been told. So badly she wanted to go find Touya and slap him for what he had told her, knowing he had no right to do that. If anyone should tell her, it should have been her mother of all people. But then again, it was somewhat nice of him to reveal this secret to her concerning who her mother was. One thought was leading to another. When she thought she should blame one person, another name popped up. Not wanting to play this blame game, Aeka rolled over onto her back, resting the palms of her hands over her eyes uncertain of what she should do about this once she sees Yuske yet again.
Jin walked to Aeka's hotel room in a hurry not wanting her to do anything stupid knowing who she was. Hoping her door was unlocked, Jin turned the knob of the door. He was successful to be able to turn it all the way and the wind master opened it all the way to a semi-dark room. His eyes darted over to her lying on the bedcovers not looking too happy as he suspected she would be. Sighing, he walked towards her slowly wondering if he should even touch her concerning how uptight she was at the moment. He wanted to comfort her but the last thing he wanted to do was anger Aeka. Not knowing what to do, Jin just stood there with his arms crossed over his chest waiting for her to notice him.
Eventually Aeka lowered her hands to see the wind master standing there, startling her for a minute. Dammit, Jin, she signed, sitting up right. You scared me for a second there…
“I'm sorry,” Jin apologized, joining her on the bed.
Aeka sighed a bit looking away from him being able to guess why he was here at this moment. It was hard enough anyways to be able to look at him because of all she was told by Touya and she felt really horrible inside about all she had done.
Knowing she didn't want to look him in the eyes at this time, Jin boldly wrapped his arms around her, trying to force her backward into his embrace. Right now, Jin was Aeka's best bet for comfort and she didn't realize how much she needed him until that moment. “I'm so sorry,” He pretty much apologized to himself since she wasn't looking at him. “Touya can be a worse blockhead then me some times.”
Aeka refused to cry this time like she had done in the past as she rested against Jin, shaking her head at what Touya had said to her. Pushing herself off of him, Aeka looked him in the eyes with anger consuming her expression this round. You dropped me off at the Urameshi's house…you and Touya did!
You didn't tell me this! What exactly happened? She asked with her hands.
Jin scratched the back of his neck since it was suddenly feeling stiff. “How much did Touya tell you?”
Aeka narrowed her eyes at him a bit. I want to see the words come from your mouth!
“Well,” He sighed looking off to the side to try to remember back thirteen years counting the one he was away from her when he first met Aeka as a teenager. “Touya and I found you in a small town that was destroyed by demons that passed through the barrier. Your birth parents were killed and you were almost killed due to the house collapsing in on you but we got you out in time. We knew we couldn't leave you there since there was nothing left so we flew all over Japan looking for a new home for you.”
So that is when you flew me around Japan… Aeka replied slowly.
“Yes, exactly,” Jin nodded with a slight shrug. “Well, to be honest, at the time I didn't want to let you go then like I didn't want to a year ago.”
Aeka looked up at him confused at this. Why would you want me then…? I was nothing but a trouble making child.
“Who said I wanted you to be my girlfriend or anything of the sort back then?” Jin remarked raising his brow at her. “I wanted to raise you back then and keep you as my daughter not as a girlfriend or become one. I felt bad for what happened…”
Aeka was quiet not knowing what to say to something like that. So…if it weren't for Touya telling you `no', I would have grown up calling you `dad'?
The young teen scrunched up her face in disgust at the idea finding it completely wrong concerning what they had done. Ewe…Remind me to thank Touya for making you find me a home.
“Anyways,” Jin said with a short laugh. “We found Atsuko Urameshi and her having a hard time trying to keep Yuske under control and that she wished she had another child. So, I was forced to leave you there on her doorstep. I felt really bad and heartbroken having to do that but…it was out of my hands. I am sorry I couldn't save your parents in time, Aeka. I feel really bad about that.”
Aeka could see that Jin was feeling really bad about what happened involving her birth parents. Jin…it's not your fault…I know you tried. Fidgeting for a moment, she looked back at the Wind Master thinking about the night they first met and she could remember. And that one night was why that day you were asking for me…you wanted to see me again, Aeka signed piecing everything together.
“Yes,” He answered, rubbing her cheek with the back of his hand. “And Touya volunteered to come with me so please don't think badly of him. He just…doesn't understand how fragile human beings can be.”
You make me sound so weak, Aeka complained slightly.
“Aeka,” Jin began on a different note after apologizing to her through his expression, “I need to know if you are going to come with me to Makai because I don't want to keep walking around feeling like I was a total fool having to come here and fought for you.”
Aeka was quiet as her eyes darted about the room wondering what she should say to him. Please, Jin, She eventually signed turning to him yet again. Let me talk to my brother first…I need to confront him about this issue…
Outside in the hallway, Kurama was heading back from the fights he had witnessed and happened to notice Aeka's door cracked just a bit around this time. As he was walking towards it, he stopped just outside of it since he could hear Jin's voice coming from inside of the room. Wondering what this was about, the fox demon stopped just outside the door to listen in on the two.
“Please don't tell him before the final fight, Aeka. Yuske doesn't know I bet and I doubt he needs something like this to think about all through the fight,” Jin's voice begged.
You want my brother to win the last fight? Aeka asked a bit confused.
“Who doesn't besides the other demons that despise his group? Chuu, Rinku, Touya, and I are cheering for Urameshi. He's a great guy and reminds me of myself, oddly enough,” Jin explained.
Yes, you two are somewhat similar and it rather freaks me out at times, Aeka signed matching their personalities.
Jin nodded before running his fingers through his wild crimson hair. “But, Aeka, in all seriousness, what say you? Are you coming with me or not?”
Hearing Jin ask this, Kurama could only think the same two lettered word over and over again in his head as he looked to see what Aeka would sign if it were to be anything.
Aeka signed nothing as she looked into the wind master's big puppy dog like eyes. Taking her hands she places them on his cheeks bring her lips closer to his for a kiss she had not had in awhile. Jin knew what she wanted and the two ended up kissing, making Kurama pull away from the door.
It was different when he saw the two acting that romantic in front of him. Standing in the hallway he looked down at his feet wondering what he should do now since he was going to speak with Aeka about something personal to him. Maybe telling her how I feel is a bad idea… Turning around on his heels, he walked slowly down the hallway to his own room, The last thing I want to do is cause problems…