Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ ch 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Your words cut rather deeply,
They're just some other lies
I'm hiding from a distance,
I've got to pay the price
Defending all against it,
I really don't know why
You're obsessed with all my secrets,
You always make me cry
You seem to wanna hurt me
No matter what I do
I'm telling just a couple,
But somehow it gets to you
But I've learned how to get revenge
And I swear you'll experience that some day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me
I'm not trying to avoid you,
Just don't wanna hear your voice
When you call me up so often,
I don't really have a choice
You're talking like you know me
And wanna be my friend
But that's really too late now,
I won't try it once again
You may think that I'm a loser,
That I don't really care
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me
Kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay,
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me
Kinda invisible
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
But sure I wanna join you for one day.
Lene Marlin - Sitting down here
A/N: I've found chapter 14! But I've had to re-write it because half of it's missing #sweatdrops#. Enjoy!
P.s: Me vs Youko Vs EVERYONE is being re-written after chapter 2. soz for any inconvenience.
So …. Here I am, inside Mr.Takenaka's office - trying to explain what happened last night.
“And so my much much hard work that I've spent so long and desperately on; has been eaten cruelly by the savage flames….”
Ok…..making him cry wasn't the ideal plan but hey #shrugs# it's better than getting a higher DT.
He started to lean back against the wall, whether he passed out or not is another thing but - oh wait, I think he's just drying his eyes….and giving me that concerned `I'll give you summit else to do' look on his face. Hmmm…I'll suggest before he does!
“If I'm not being to bold here Mr. Takenaka, it is also important to learn about the people or what we call today as `society'? Let's see, um….I guess it would be an honour or even as I'd like to call it; a `boost' to the school if one of the pupils here went and became a psychologist because of your idea hmm?”
heh heh heh …. Smooth-talk is my middle name! well actually it's Akane but hey, everyone's a critic….
“Well yes! Of course! And since you are going on this school trip for cultural studies, I'll accompany and choose you a suitable partner or `case' in which you MUST write a 500 page document by the end of May, we're in February so that should give you enough time to make notes, draft and type it up in neat. It would be preferable if you didn't tell anyone about this discussion hmm?”
“hmmmm….Ok Mr.Takenaka I won't tell no one person about this - noone, nuh-huh! Not even a soul!”
Walking away I couldn't help but think that the way sir was talking was…a little off key #looks at her wrist watch# ack! I'm gonna be late!! I promised mum I'd meet up with her at lunch time at the café! Mrs Minamino's gonna be there #grumbles# with her son…..
{A touch of class café }
“It's so good of you to come Shiori, are you feeling any better?” My mum sat her down in the non-smoking area - man that must be killing my mum! Being deprived of her much desired fags….
“Yes Sakura I am thanks to my son looking after me - he'll be here in a minute, he's just ordering the drinks”
Pff, knowing him he'll put rat poison in my lemonade and blame it on the waiter! Ok, ok, try and remember what Keiko said to me …something to do with judge and jury…. Oh I know! `Who are you to be judge and jury?' it's the same as never judge a book by its cover….
I'm working on it ok!?
“I hear that you blew up your house and that you need a place to stay Mina while your mother convinces Mr.Haku - your grandfather so that both of you can rebuild the house. Is that true young Mina?”
“Yes Mrs Minamino, It'll only take a few weeks to rebuild that's all! So, if it is ok with you, could I….um, could I stay at your place please? I can pay you rent money from a little part-time job I've been doing just recently so…could I? Please?
Yes I was begging Kurama's mother - was it so that I could try and see what his girlfriend looked liked? Nah! I just wanted to see what his body looks like after -
“Mina?? Are you there?? MINA!”
“Huh? wha? Oh sorry mother I was just um, #blushing# daydreaming again that's all”
Mum quickly shoved her blond hair up into a tight ponytail; she always appears younger (as in she looks like a uni student) #Sighs# my mum's so pretty….why doesn't any man with half a brain want to date her?
I turned to Shiori again, waiting for her answer. She smiled warmly.
“It would be nice to have another woman in the house….”
Yes! I, Miss Mina Akane Asako is going to stay at Kurama house! #Has stars in her eyes#
“Oh, hello miss Asako, Mrs Asako, I hope I've got the drinks right”
It was Kurama - with a girl!!
Don't panic, don't panic! It could be his cousin, a friend or even some stalker!
“Hi, I'm Ami Kendo, I'm pleased to meet you.”
“uh, yeah, likewise”
“Mina be civil towards his girlfriend” My mum suggestively stamped on my foot - owwwwwowowowowww!! Arrg Mum!??
Might as well do this properly and I suppose `kiss-ass' #grimaces# Jeeze she looks so fake! What the hell does he see in her??
#stands up#
“Hello Miss Kendo, I'm Miss Mina Asako and this is my mother, Mrs Sakura Asako” #sits back down#
Ha! Put that in your pipe and smoke it! Maybe I should become an air hostess…or the pilot…#smirks#
The whole 20 minutes was a slow, torturous and an excruciatingly painful experience. Ami seemed just TOO `girly' and well, just plain pathetic in my opinion whilst I was the complete opposite.
“So how did you guys meet?” My mum, being excited and all (considering that she knew Kurama from when he was a tot) plus, she was the type to gossip to a certain extent.
“Well like most people, we met up at the arcade. I asked her out and she accepted and I've never looked back since!”
Pass me the sick bucket
“What was that Mina?”
“I said I need to go before they make a ruckus”
Quickly going back on myself. Whaaat? I've gotta go anyways! #mumbles# I don't want to hear anymore about how he met her at school now do I? I meet people at school but do you see ME brag about it? No.
I said my goodbyes and walked back towards where the bus was waiting - only to find a huge crowd by the school gates with the lettering: `I love you!' `Marry Me!' I want your babies!!'
I could see Keiko scooting away from the masses so I decided to see what the hell was going on - I mean it was something you saw in a horror movie now what was the movie I saw last week….Oh yea! `Resident evil'
“Hey, Keiko. What's going on? I mean are we expecting to see someone famous?”
She leant against the graffiti wall, laughing.
“oh no, no….that's the `Shuichi fan club'”
“You…..are bloody joking!”
“If I was joking I would say `yes, we're going to visit someone famous'”
“I think I'm actually going to be sick…..”
Well I am! These….these…I can't classify them as humans - I mean who in their right minds would go psychotically insane with infatuation over some #grumbles# smarmy git who thinks he's prince charming?? Really??
“Right girls, all know the rules of the Shuichi Fan club…”
Oh god I know that snotty/girly voice anywhere!
It's Sui, wearing the summer edition - only more uh…girly? Um, not slutty but not decent. If you get my drift.
I couldn't help my self at this point; I just HAD to blurt something out.
“Yeah, keep yourself away from humanity to prevent spreading the T-virus! HAHAHAA!”
“Mina….” I think I've embarrassed Keiko.
eh-heh #sweatdrops# o-k they're looking at me with those…freaky looking eyes.
“Who let you on this trip Mina?” One of the members sneered, giving both me and Keiko dirty looks.
“The same people who let you out of your cages”
“Whoa, nice one Keiko!”
“Thanks Mina”
We were at the back of the crowd as we began walking towards the school; taking in the scenery such as the cherry blossoms falling over us like light snow. Some of it fell into our hair and it seemed as if we had the case of bad pink dandruff #laughs#
“oh yea, why are all the girls at our school going here again?” I asked, confused as always.
“Because we're doing culture studies. I'm researching about the difference between these two schools in the education sector”
“Whoa Keiko, isn't that a bit much?”
“Not at all. Besides, I could do with some extra credit”
Walking through those Meiou high gates was ….nerve wracking. Everyone is in pink? And there seems to be more girls than anything else here in addition that I swear that they have tea-parties with those little crumpets on china plates.
Keiko was walking away to meet up with her own age group of friends, after all, it's the first 3 classes in the school that are here today, lower, middle (keiko's class) and upper (mine).
I turned around slowly as ….only to be tackled by a huge mass of curly green hair!
“Tsuki!? What are you doing here!?”
“I go to this school remember?”
“Oh yeah...heh heh”
Tsuki, as you know was my childhood friend, kinda funny considering that her family is strictly religious and possibly in the money - in contrast I'm in a public school living off of mum's wages (hence that's why I'm also working part time in a coffee shop downtown).
“Oh, we all got word that you were on a special project with our top classmate”
“Which is…?” I wanted to know a little too much.
“Can't tell you, Knowing you, you'd probably bolt the minute you find out.”
“eh-heh..really…how the hell could most of these sissies know about me?? C'mon, that Sui Is 4 times more famous than I. y'know?”
#gritting her teeth# “What?”
“In the female school world….you're pretty famous”
“Meh, whatever…where can I-”
“AHA! Already trying to cause trouble young Mina! I knew this was a mistake to them bring YOU here!!”
Oh give me a break!! I don't know him!!! Who is this lanky lout?? Even Tsuki was looking annoyed/ peeved with this guy.
“Mr Kosaka sir she hasn't done anything - apart from talking to me, if I may suggest sir, wouldn't it be wise to let her wait for her partner in the library?”
Thankfully he nodded and led me the way.
Y'know it feels as if I was going to face execution or something relating to that? Because everyone just disperses, creating a long and dismal path towards the dreaded library.
I could hear a few people whisper in the background, similar to that of annoying crickets that need to be stamped on. Badly.
Right! I'm in the Library (or should I say Museum??) it's big…very big…intimidating even.
Huh?? Now where did that teacher go? He was here just a minute ago…
I suppose I could sneak around the school for a bit huh? What?
“Hey, there's a pretty girl sitting in the library”
“You are joking right? That's that Asako girl”
“I hear she tried to blow up the science lab - and succeeded!”
“How barbaric”
“I wouldn't mind dating her”
“You date any female on two legs”
Great, more anonymous whispering #growls# that's it, I'm getting my ass out of here - I'll just tell Mr. Takenaka that they threw me out for no reason or my mum called me to pick up some important stuff.
Now…where's the exit….
My walk soon turned into a run as I tried to find the exit hmmm…ahh….here's something that looks like a way out…
I know, I know I should of looked at the sign properly but my mind happens to have a habit of being one-tracked when it comes to `escaping'.
Uhhh….I think I made a wrong turn…..#nosebleed#
I've just stumbled into the boys changing room! With either naked or half-naked boys inside! #goes light-headed#
The once calm atmosphere of them happily getting ready for P.E, soon turn to both panic, and pervertedness.
“Oh lord my mother's going to kill me!”
“A girl in… here! COOL!”
“Where's my #wheeze# inhaler #wheeze#”
“Who nicked my towel??? I need my towel!”
“I feel so exploited…”
“More like exposed…she saw my butt!”
I was standing there; wide eyed, paling by the minute (due to nosebleed) and the worse thing that could happen is that the PE- Yes the PE teacher walks in!
“What the…HEY YOU! What are you doing here?? this isn't a place for young ladies like you!”
Shit, I quickly dashed out the room, made a sharp left after 4 mins of running and ran smack into this huge cauldron of gravy (must of ran into the canteen area) causing me to knock it over and spill over the bug zapper that was on the floor.
Obviously I slipped over and whacked my head against a nearby shelf and had succumbed to the darkness…hearing a faint call in the distance….
`come to me….give in to me…..'
A/N: blimey! 9 pages!! Um, read and review and I'll get the rest sorted out ^^. Bye!