Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ chapter16- if i kiss you, will you go away? ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: Um….I don't own YYH? I think that's right…..


If I, kiss you, will you go away? Like in the game my mother used to play.
You're so; much hurt, I wish you wouldn't stay. If I, kiss you, will you go away?

//My mom, would come, when I get hurt at play, she kiss, my hurt, and it would go away;
But now, I'm grown, I don't know what to do. I've never known, a bigger hurt than you\\

If I, kiss you, will you go away? Like in the game my mother used to play.
You're so; much hurt, I wish you wouldn't stay. If I, kiss you, will you go away?

I seen, a kiss, make sorrow disappear, a kiss, can dry, away the biggest tears;
A kiss, can make, a heartache vanish too. I don't see why it wouldn't work on you

If I, kiss you, will you go away? Like in the game my mother used to play.
You're so; much hurt, I wish you wouldn't stay. If I, kiss you, will you go away?

If I, kiss you, will you go away?

LynnAnderson- If I Kiss You (will You Go Away)


A/N:- ch16 at long last! And personally I think this song makes a decent theme tune for this chapter (if you ever get to hear it, you'll notice that it has that innocent/childish tune). Esp the one marked with // \\. Don't forget to R&R plz!




"Whaaaaat?? You've gotta be kidding me mum! You and Shori are going to spend the weekend away with grandpa?? In a health spa??"

I was on the end of the phone, virtually freaking out. Don't get me wrong, I love it when my mum goes away but I'm living in a total stranger's house! Well, not a complete stranger - it's Kurama's house.

"Calm down dear, Shori says you two will need to spend time together by yourselves now and again if you want to pass that extra credit work. Oh could you pop over to the supermarket please? You'll need to get a few things for your dinner tonight and don't forget to visit the old lady up at that temple thingy today ok?"

"Whaaat?? Why!?? I'm absolutely dandy! Yusuke and Kuwabara have gone off to do whatever boys my age would do - have an afternoon brawl and Hiei's…somewhere. I'll be fine - I'm with Kur- I mean Shuichi. I don't need to visit lady Genkai…..she hates meeeeeee"

"Like hell you're ok missy! Shori told me that when she did your bandages up they were weeping! Thick, green ooze was pouring out!! You're lucky if it doesn't go septic so please, go to Genkai and ask her to get that sorted out for you. She doesn't hate you; she just thinks you're a slacker"

"Oh gee, thanks mum…have a nice time at the spa won't you?" My voice flat-toned.

"I will and don't forget to do your homework -"

Waving the conversation off, I struck the phone down and looked around the house. Where did Kurama go? I'm sure he was here just a second ago…..#confused#

You know that feeling you get when you're either being followed, or stalked? Yeah, it gets all eerie like and you wished that you never took those laxatives yesterday.

I'm looking at all possible areas like the kitchen and the hallway but to no avail, I couldn't see where he was.

I began calling out his name from the kitchen, I was also ducking an' diving behind various objects like some FBI cop.

"Kurama? Are you playing tricks on me? Where are you by the way?"

I noticed that there was a post-it note on the fridge door, well there was also a note that was used with alphabet/number magnets but that just said 'No Greenhouse Mina'

The other was written perfectly clear (and rather long-windedly) but basically it mentioned that he would be at the temple with the others after doing some detective missions with Yusuke. Botan still hasn't told who the two demons were that were working with them.

Shit! I've gotta meet Tsuki and Keiko at the fountain in less in…..FIVE MINUTES!! Oh man!! And Tsuki wanted to speak to me so badly!!

~At the fountain~

#wheeze# #gasp# remind me…#wheeze# to enter myself #hack# in the Olympics #gasp# if I haven't died by then!

"You're ten minutes late" Tsuki said, tapping her black stilettos impatiently. I can't help it if I had to quickly jump into my pair of flared jeans (the ones that are totally shredded but look so cool!), a denim shoulder gypsy top and then run out the door carrying my trainers!

I Hung onto Tskui's and Keiko's shoulder as we made our way to the temple.

"Sorry Tsuki, Keiko….I'll fix my alarm clock when it decides to wake me up properly alright? Now that we're here ready for Genkai's …what did you want to talk to me about?"

Keiko pointed a finger up in thought.

"Well, it's one - no two things really"


"Tsuki's noticed that Ami doesn't say a lot in class"

"Maybe she's just shy"

"Mina, she clings onto Kurama for dear life"

"That's normal for a fanatic"

"Oh and I guess it's also normal for her to eat dirt and freak out at plant pots huh?"

"Eh?? You're bloody kidding me!....Tsuki is she all there??"

My childhood partner-in-crime nodded, agreeing with Keiko's report just as we stopped outside the temple. That's just weird, a girl having dirt and plant feed for lunch! It's no wonder she's dead or summit!!

"When I spoke or should I say 'tried' to speak to Hiei about this, he just told me to mind my own business. But even I think he's knows something but isn't just telling anyone for the sheer fun of it. Kinda sexy huh?"

What the hell did she just say?? D-did I hear right?? #shocked#

I snapped my head towards her.

"Tsuki!! Please don't tell me you actually fancy him! H-he's one fries short of a happy meal! He went on loopy roller coaster and forgot to come off!!"

And now we're having a 'sibling-fight'.

"So! Unpredictable men are much more attractive than boring old farts you see at chess clubs"

"News Flash! Shorty's got a sword!"

"It's a Katana dumb shit"

"Sword, Katana - what's the difference!? They can both make a mad man VERY happy!"

#whack! #

#dazed# What the fuck!?? Me and Tsuki went to turn around to punch the asshole that did that - only to stop in my tracks when I realised it was Lady Genkai.

"If you two have finished bickering over the demon Hiei, I have some basements that need dusting…."

Woa-woah BACK up! Hiei? A Demon? Jeeze Tsuki can 'alf pick them. #sweatdrops# Genkai's basements are full of those things…y'know, the furry green dust bunnies with fangs and an appetite for woollen clothes - good thing I'm wearing denim - I think.

Keiko couldn't stop for long but she wanted to make sure I actually went to the temple but me and Tsuki had to stay for the weekend. Apparently Tsuki was caught smoking in the back yard - her parents are super strict ….. and yet I can't help but call them hypocrites.

We were just started dusting the ceilings when the lads got back from their latest mission in which they had to infiltrate some fortress and retrieve classified information. No doubt Yusuke was complaining and Kuwabara was arguing with shorty.

"Yo Mina, Tsuki! Why you cleaning the old hag's place huh? Get your asses down here already"

"That's no way to talk to a couple of ladies Urameshi! You go and apologise to them!" Seems Kuwabara still keeps to his honour code, how sweet of him.

"Uh, oh yea - sorry Tsuki."

" Gee Thanks Yusuke!!! Apologise to Greenie!"

Greenie was a nickname for Tsuki (yea, yea I had to say sorry earlier on so we're on speaking terms) whilst mine was….

"Aww never mind Sparky. Maybe he'll see you as a lady one day. Oh yeah, Lady Genkai's in the other room with Kurama and Hiei - they're gonna check on this so-called 'wound' whilst me and the others go and fix up a late-night dinner; that's if these lot know how to cook!"

#laughs# "Thanks mate, just don't let those bozos near the actual food."

Yusuke piped up with that goofy grin just as I went to see the others.

"oh sure, we'll keep Tsuki from the chopping board and Kuwabara….? I'll make sure he stays away from Tsuki and the oven. Period."

I left the scene knowing full well that those two boys will be having sword fights with ladle spoons.

As soon as I went to see what Genkai wanted I was told to kneel with my back to her as she began to carefully examine the lesions. My poor shirt was ripped from the back (I guess it was noble of them considering I wouldn't be revealing anything).

"Definitely Yoko claw marks. The cuts are thin yet deep, leaving clean and unnoticeable abrasions until the infection settles in." I heard Kurama identify (is it me or does he seem uneasy when he saw it?).

Hiei didn't look too particularly happy with him, an almost 'I don't believe you're doing this' look - doing what though?

"What is that sickly stuff in the bowl??" I asked, pointing to the wooden basin containing thick, transparent gloop.

Genkai replied with a fag in her mouth.

"That would be Kitsune saliva mixed with lavender oil. Now bite on this wooden peg whilst I sponge this crap on you ok?"

The next thing I knew I was biting so hard on that bloody peg I thought she was just torturing me on purpose! Hiei was smirking - I'm sure he's enjoying this at my expense!

Then Ami walked into the room (covered in dirt and god knows what). She reminded me of those puppets on string that you see in toy shops with that blank/emotionless look on her face.

Kurama quickly stood up swiftly, being attentive towards her just as a master would be to his creation - wait, did I just say that?? Anyways, he ushered her to a corner and began checking her hair? Has she got fleas or something?

Suddenly she turned to look at me with - well I couldn't say 'with envious eyes' it more like she was saying 'I want what she's got' I suppose she was resentful I guess.

"Mina, I heard from Keiko and the others that you're being pulled back and forth into the Makai. Care to tell us how and why?" Hiei spoke forcefully.

I can't help but notice that Kurama had stopped mollycoddling Ami and was actually listening to what I had to say - which wasn't much really.

"I don't really know Hiei, according to Umi; the master had a book of ancient spells in the left wing of the palace/fortress. By performing the spells he can take my soul out of my body yet sustain the pair."

Genkai left the room to see what the ruckus was all about (apparently Yusuke and Kuwabara ended up fighting with chopsticks over who was a better chef.) Hiei was called in afterwards by a soot-covered Tsuki and then finally Kurama went in last.

Great. Just me & Ami. I feel pretty uneasy right now - maybe it's the way she looks soullessly at me.

"So uh, Ami, how did you two meet up? At school wasn't it?" I put on the provided red Kimono left on the table.

She replied back, suddenly she came to and was that perky I wanted to gouge my own eyes out!

"Oh No!" Ami laughed. "We met in his Greenhouse - you wanna see?"

"Um, no thank you Ami, anyways I'm not allowed to go there."


"what did you call me??"

"Oh I'm sorry, I meant to have called you a coward"

"Are asking for a death wish powder puff!!??"

"C'mon Mina…..haven't you ever wondered why he won't let you in there….?"

Come to think of it, I have! She's pretty good at persuading.

I hesitated to change the subject but once again, the green house was the main topic.

"Doesn't it give you the chills when you go by it's glass doors Mina? Y'know, thinking that someone or something might be lurking there…"

"Y-yeah" Man I think I'm under some sort of a trance! I can feel myself getting up and sneaking outside with Ami towards Kurama's house! This is stupid! I promised him I wouldn't go there…….. but……….I have to know.

After all, he has been acting strange and he has been disappearing quite a bit.

What are you hiding from me Kurama?

What are you afraid of?

Just as I walked inside this tropical Garden of Eden I heard a heavy slam of the metal doors, making me swing my body around to face Ami who was….laughing?

"Ami? Are you o-ok?"

"Of course I'm ok! I'm going to make myself real!"

What? Real? But she is real right? She has flesh, bone errr…leaves?

I fell over a few plants and landed on a pile of hose piping, struggling to find an exit. This is insane! I'm seeing vines and god-knows what creeping out of veins!

"Oh my god….You're….You're…a PLANT!!!!"


Hmmm what should happen next…..Read & review please.
