Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why? ❯ Win, Meet, Lose ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Resse: IIIIIIIIIIII'MMMMMMMMMM BACK! Sorry it took so long. Yo I got a dj in here. Check out his mad skills.

Chap chap 3

3 chap 3

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ch 3

Chapter 3

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" Wow." Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei said as the reached their destination.

They where standing in front of a huge castle. It wasn't dark at all though. It was glamorous. Just the outside sparkled as if it were made of diamonds.(wooooow)

"Are we in the right place?" Kuwabara asked.

"I'm doubting it. I thought we were looking for an evil demon bent on takin' the worlds." Yusuke said.

"Come on let's hurry and get to Resse." Kurma said.

To their surprise when they entered the castle there were no guards. They cautiously walked down the brightly lit hallway.


"I don't like this. There's nothing. No guards, no traps. This isn't right." Kuwabara said.

"I agree with Kuwabara. We should keep our eyes open." Kurama cautioned.

They walked through a huge double door and saw…

"Do you Resse take Nakoto-sama as you husband to love and cherish. Through sickness and health. For richer or poor. `Til death do you part?"

"She doesn't." Yusuke said.

Everyone turned to look at the intruders.

"Get them!" Nakoto barked.

Everyone got up and charged at the boys. During the confusion Resse got away from Nakoto, and ran to her friend Natasha.

"Come on let's get out of here!"

They ran down the hall, and out the front door. But they didn't see the pathway leading into the forest. Instead they saw snow. There was snow for miles. Everything was white; there was no trees, bushes, or any sign of life.

"Natasha where are we?" Resse asked confused.

"I have no idea. Maybe it's just an illusion. They are Master's specialty."

"Well we have a choice to make now. We can keep walking or go back in there. Which one sounds good to you?"


"Get down!" Resse yelled as a huge energy blast came flying toward them.

Then more and more blast shot out from different places of the castle.

"Run!" Resse said grabbing Natasha's wrist.

A minute later the castle exploded.

"Oh no! Did your friends make it out?"

"I don't know. Look we're back in the forest. You were right it's just an illusion. Come on we have to go find the portal."

"Ok. Do you have the slightest idea where it might be?"

"Um, South."

"How do you know that?"

"It was the first direction that came to me." Natasha sweatdropped.

"Come on Tasha."

They walked for a day, and surprisingly nothing exciting or dangerous happened.

"Tasha I'm bored."

"I'm relieved nothing has happed yet."

Just then boy dressed in black, with spiked hair, and the most gorgeous blood red eyes.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Resse asked getting into a defensive stance. Her eyes narrowed.

"I'm of friend of Yusuke's, and I'm here to take you home." The boy in black said.

"Prove it."


"What's Yusuke's true eye color?"


"What's your name, and are you a demon?" Resse asked relaxing.

"Hiei, and yes. Let's go."

They started walking south.

"I told you it was south." Resse said to Natasha.

"You have no sense Resse."

"I know."

The ground shook.

"Are you serious? An earthquake?" Resse said.

The ground shook hard then it stopped. They waited for the after shock, but it didn't come.

A couple of hours later they had no warning. The earth shook so hard it through them back 50 feet. The ground split in two right under Natasha. Resse saw the split start, but it opened so fast she couldn't warn or get to her friend in time.

"No Natasha!" She said running to the spit in the ground. She couldn't see her friend. The gorge went down for miles and was completely dark.

`No. I've lost another friend, and once again it was my fault. Forgive me Natasha.' Resse fought back the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes.

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Hiei's pov

Didn't cry, but I noticed her shake. She was fighting hard not to cry.

`Go to her.' A voice in my head told me.

`Go. Go comfort her. You know you want to. You know you want her.'

I didn't move, so the voice taunted some more.

`You know you love her and hate to see her this way. Comfort her, make her feel better. Take her pain away. Yes she's suffering. End her suffering.

I hesitated a second more then I slowly went over to her and placed my hands on her shoulder. Her body tensed at my touch then relaxed. I turned her around, and pulled her close.

"It's ok." I whispered softly.

I myself couldn't explain why I did this, or why I feel this way about her. but I did have these feelings and couldn't shake them.

We sat that way for a while. She pulled away first.

"We should go now." She said standing up.

I nodded and started walking though I was disappointed.

A/N: Sorry this took so long, and that it's short. But it was worth the wait. I'll try to update again soon. Peace up. A-Town down. Holla!