Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why can't we be friends? ❯ Athena's wisdom ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Why can't we be friends?
Chapter 2: Athena's wisdom
Author: agent rookie grl
Rating: R, I think it explains it in the next chapter?
Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own the show
“Ow easy!” Ocypete whined as Cheiron placed bandages around her wound. Yusuke sighed as he finished helping Kurama. The group decided to take a stop at a deserted shop to heal up before moving on. “I wouldn't be in this mess if that low life Asian brute didn't stop my meal.” She growled getting a glare from Yusuke and Kurama.
“FYI she bitch,” Yusuke indicated, “Kurama is a fox demon.”
“A kitsune?” Ocypete repeated the traditional name. “Humph, dam demon foxes thinking there so high and freaking mighty.” She crossed her arms pouting, “After we were banished King Yama had the balls to bring those dam demons into the world. My name was feared throughout and now I'm known as a myth in one freaking country!”
“What?” Yusuke questioned a sweat drop going down his head.
“Ocypete, is angry because all over the world, when the Greek gods ruled her name was known. Now only Greece speaks of it, other countries do rarely.” Cheiron translated. “She believes, that King Yama gave you special treatment by having your name known throughout all of Asia. In other words she's jealous.” Smack! “Ah.” He cried as Ocypete whapped him in the head, a vein bulging on hers.
“Great not only is she whiny but also bitter.” Yusuke sighed,
“You want some of this!” Ocypete bellowed getting looks and sweat drops from the two mortals.
Meanwhile Botan, Genkai, and Kuwabara were anxiously awaiting the return of their team. That was until a thump and the sight of Hiei came into view.
“Hiei!” Botan sighed relived, her eyes and mouth stopped when he carefully placed Shiori down. “Oh my that's Kurama's mother!”
“What the heck happened?” Kuwabara questioned as Botan and Genkai picked Shiori up, placing her into a spare bedroom.
“We had a run in with a harpy.” Hiei informed plainly.
“And she tired to eat Kurama's mom, gross.” Kuwabara remarked gagging, “so did you kill her?”
“No, that dam horse wanted her as an ally. If it was me I would have killed her long ago.” Hiei sniped Kuwabara seeing that something happened between him and the harpy to really make him mad.
“Which is why I'm glad you're not in charge.” Genkai commented arriving back in with Botan.
“Along with some view scratches and bruises, Kurama's mother should be a okay!” Botan piped bubbly. “Hiei you should get back to the group, they're probably worried.” Hiei just grunted disappearing in a blur.
He still had a look of annoyance as he ran at phenomenal speeds to rejoin his group.
“Your look of exasperation intrigues me demon of Asian blood.” A calm feminine voice cooed in Hiei's ear making him halt. His hand immediately removed his sword ready to fight the enemy. “Quiet jittery aren't we?” The source of the voice came into view as the woman came from the shadows. Her emerald eyes gazing into his ruby ones, her long wavy ginger hair covered by a sleek shining metal helmet brilliant armor covered her from head to toe, a metal skirt replacing a normal one. Two swords were straddled at both ends of her hips.
“Just who the hell are you?” Hiei demanded a glare going her way.
“Why I am Athena, Greek goddess.” She introduced bowing. Hiei charged at her only hitting owl feathers as she disappeared. “Your temper reminds me of Ares.” She snickered from behind him.
“What do you want?” He snarled, that fact of not being able to quickly kill her infuriating him.
“Well I was sent by Hera to recruit any demon of King Yama's hand, that just so happened to be in the human plane.” Athena told blinking.
“Hn, sorry but I don't take orders from any one, especially a woman.” Hiei smirked walking away from her.
“Would it interest you that the demon world would also be in stake if my brethren continue their rampage?” Athena posed perking an eyebrow. A scroll materialized into her hands as she read from it, “you have a younger sibling, Yukina is it? A Koorime, hmm interesting breed.” The scroll vanished as it was sliced into two pieces, Hiei's sword coming dangerous close to Athena's throat. Once again to escape harm she ebbed into owl feathers reappearing behind the fire demon.
“How do you know of my relation to her?” Hiei commanded getting a look from the war goddess.
“Well I am also known for my wisdom, Hera found some unique information about the mortals wanting to eradicate her glory.” Athena told starting to laugh loudly, “but you see your mortals!” She cackled covering her mouth with a hand to stifle it. “Even a demon from King Yama's breast is nothing compared to us! You are so weak that Hera thought if it as a waste of time to worry of your crusade to vanquish us!” Hiei's eye twitched in anger as Athena continued to laugh at him; he made another attempt to strike at her throat. This time she did not move as the cold metal pressed against her flesh.
“Though we are gods, that doesn't mean we're undefeatable.” Athena smirked stepping away from his sword. Hiei lowered his sword as she took a more serious position. “I came to you because you are not a fool when it comes to handy information.”
“What do you want to tell me wench?” Hiei barked, just as he finished his sentence Athena was gone. She came behind him yet again her soft words whispering in his ears.
“You cannot let this vital acquaintance escape your lips, young Japanese warrior.” She whispered so supplely. “I am a goddess of war but that does not mean I won't find a peaceful way to solve a problem without bloodshed. I use that method as a last resort.”
“So why betray your family?” Hiei posed “I've heard of the cryptic void you were placed in, why go back to it?”
“I know in my heart that my lord Zeus will return, and when he does he shall be our savior from our own darkness.” Athena mused solemnly. “We were placed in that void for a reason and I want to go back there until Zeus comes to free us. It's the only way.”
“Guess there's a dark side to everyone.” Hiei mocked making a smirk.
“Listen well sword wielder, we gods cannot be defeated when we are immortal but if something were to happen to make us mortal then that is another story. Becoming a mortal is something only we can do on our own, and no god wants a mortal life.” She explained glancing at him.
“So is there a reason to your drabble?” Hiei implied bored.
“There is a reason for everything,” she sighed “what you need to do is to deceive my family into making each other mortal, this trick will only work on half of my family.”
“Why only half?” He asked turning to look at her.
“Because Hera will suspect after half is defeated. Do not run off, there is more to my plan; when you fight a god when they are mortal do not kill them, give them an ultimatum. Either they can die a mortal or join your forces, when you know their trust is guaranteed use your third vision to contact me, also if you need some extra wisdom use it to get me as well. Having a god on your side will help greatly. As for me I shall stay on the god's side for now, when the time comes I will regroup with you and then we may wage war on Hera and the other gods.
But be cautious; choose the gods for your side wisely. That will greatly affect the outcome of this combat. It may seem long and dangerous but trust me it is the only way to victory.” Athena finished leaving only Hiei with an owl's feather.
I must return to the spirit world for now. She murmured in his mind, that feather in your hand is my way of keeping our bargain. As long as you have it I will always be by your side. Her voice faded in the cool wind as Hiei looked down at the silky brown feather in his bandaged right hand, perhaps a truce with a god maybe helpful.