Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why can't we be friends? ❯ Chasity is a curse in itself ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Why can't we be friends?
Chapter 4: Chastity is a curse in itself
Author: agent rookie grl
Rating: R, bada boom! This chapter says it all!
Disclaimer: uh…. I might own the character in this chapter but I'm still not sure…
Everything seems to be going nowhere with the group. Right now being lead by an extremely perverted satyr, who if given the chance would try to make a move on every girl in Genkai's temple including Kurama's mother. It seemed like hours they were walking, the lush green forest of the nymphs seemed to have no end.
“Hey could we pick this up a bit!” Yusuke complained crossing his arms irritated. Hiei was just as annoyed as the detective was, but after his last adventure by himself Kurama instructed that he should not venture out alone.
“The forest is quite vast my impatient child.” Zeth told making big steps as he walked, “I am merely going a pace that I know best.”
“Yea and that pace is about as fast as a person in a coma.” Yusuke remarked frowning.
“Oh thank you Zeus! My prayers have been answered!” Zeth praised in front of a bunch of bushes. The team was curious as Zeth stuck his head in the bushes, his tail wagging furiously. Kuwabara poked his head in after to see what the fuss was about.
“Holy cheese on rye!” Kuwabara yelled pulling his head out blushing madly. Yusuke hurried over to his friend side to see what was wrong, “Urameshi, there's girls looks like a dozen of them, bathing…naked in a lake!” Kuwabara was talking to a cloud of dust, as Yusuke was right next to Zeth gawking at the naked nymphs.
“Those my young lad are Naiades, or more specially Limnades. Nymphs of freshwater lakes and streams.” Zeth explained drooling over the pasty naked bodies of the nymphs. They looked all the same, but everyone had a different shade of blue, green, and violet hair.
“Great, there's no way your going to get Urameshi away from there.” Kuwabara sighed looking at the pathetic state his friend was in.
“That's completely pathetic to be overcome by a mere woman bathing.” Hiei snapped glaring at the two. “Kurama, let's leave these fools behind and go ahead.” Kurama flushed madly at the thought of walking passed a bunch of girls naked.
“And how would you go on doing that Hiei?” Kurama posed keeping his calm.
“Hn, simple we'll just walk right pass them. There are plenty of trees to leap on. We can get out of here without getting our feet wet.” The fire demon stated.
“That's disgusting!” Kuwabara gagged, “not that I don't enjoy seeing a hot chick but I'm not going to be a pervert like Urameshi and walk right pass them while their bathing,”
“Bathing each other.” Yusuke corrected from his spot in the bushes. A sweat drop went down Kuwabara's head as he gave Yusuke a look.
“Yes Hiei could you please find a better way of getting passed those nymphs without disturbing them?” Kurama asked,
“Your dam human emotions are getting the best of you fox,” Hiei spat “I'm not going to be overcome by being seen when I'm doing something to benefit myself.”
“Then walk out there already.” Kuwabara pined glowering at Hiei. “You can talk but can you do it?” Kuwabara knew Hiei's weak spot, his pride and nothing was going to let the ego-driven fire demon give it up so easily. Hiei cursed Kuwabara before leaping out of the bushes; he looked back giving a smug look.
The sound of splashing water and happy laughter stopped as all eyes laid on the demon. Not even a cricket chirped as all of the nude nymphs stared at the intruding male. Hiei's eye twitched as he did his best to keep a blush down seeing so many naked women at once and all looking at him.
“You wenches can go back to cleansing yourselves I'm leaving.” Hiei put nonchalantly about to make his departure,
“Wait, don't leave stranger.” One nymph with long sea green hair and deep ruby colored eyes pleaded swimming over to Hiei's feet. Her face reminded Hiei much of his younger sister Yukina, even her hair and eyes were identical. He clutched his fists to keep them from shaking in awkwardness. “It's been so long since we've seen a male.” All agreed swimming over to the lakeside where Hiei was.
“Tell us your name.” Another asked softly her long cerulean hair and mauve eyes sparkling, all of the nymphs praised in saying the same thing, asking Hiei for his name.
“My name is Hiei now leave me the hell alone.” Hiei growled making his point clear as some nymphs back away from the lakeshore.
“Please don't be angry with us.” The nymph with ruby eyes pouted lifting her soaking naked body in order to grab one of Hiei's legs. “We wish for you to bathe with us.” All nymphs agreed in what that one asked. As Hiei looked down at the nymph a picture in his mind of Yukina popped right in, he quickly pulled his leg away blushing a bright pink.
“Ha I knew Hiei couldn't handle so many women.” Kuwabara gloated as more nymphs clambered onto the land to drag Hiei into the lake.
“He is able to get those nymphs to attract to him so swiftly, like the wind.” Zeth mused, “I must learn from his ways so I may become as irresistible as he is.” Yusuke just gave Zeth a strange look as he daydreamed of getting womanizing lessons from cold emotionless Hiei.
“Get off of me!” Hiei yelled trying to pry the numerous nymphs from his body, but it was useless as they lifted him up tossing him into the lake where other nymphs began to strip away his clothing. Soon Hiei was naked in the water as the nymphs swam around him some taking turns in soaking his hair. Yusuke and Kuwabara had the same jaw dropped look as they saw Hiei be taken down a peg and seeing him naked.
“Ah!” Kuwabara screamed covering his eyes. “I never wanted to see shorty like this!”
“I will kill you all in cold blood,” Hiei stammered from the sudden rush of cold from being dunked in the water. His threats fell on deaf ears as he did something every cute, “Achoo!” He sneezed. The girls awed in the action hugging him and giving him necklaces of flowers and reefs.
“Okay” Yusuke laughed hysterically seeing Hiei in that position. “We should get Hiei out of there before he really does kill them.”
“Why?” Zeth posed confused, “He is in the position many men wish to be in. No nymph has ever taken to a male so quick. He truly is a god among men” Kurama shook his head following his teammates out of the bushes.
“Hey ladies!” Yusuke called getting their attention from admiring the fire demon. “I know you've really taken a liking to Hiei but we really need to get going.”
“Friends of yours?” The nymph with ruby eyes asked Hiei while scrubbing his back.
“Yes now stop touching me!” Hiei barked trying his best to get away from the nymphs, but they found it cute and continued to cuddle him.
“Although Hiei never wants to admit he needs help, now is the time he really needs it.” Kurama told grinning. How can you blame him, this was a priceless moment in their history as friends. Zeth was slowly dunking his body into the water padding his way over to where Hiei and the nymphs were.
“Oh Hiei I wish to be your wife and bare your children.” The nymph with ruby eyes sighed laying her head on Hiei's shoulder. “You can even give me a name for I do not have one to go by.”
“Yukina” Hiei whispered every time he saw her face it reminded him of Yukina. Unluckily she heard his whisper and took it as an offer,
“Then my name shall be Yukina” the young nymph smiled staring into Hiei's eyes. “I Yukina will be your wife.” This placed a horrible picture in the little fire demon's head as he dove into the water. Sadly the nymphs saw this as an offer to play, they swam around him taking turns rubbing his butt seeing who can get the most rubs. Hiei shot up out of the water after the nymphs began the perverted game.
“I dare you bitches to try that again!” He threatened a vein popping on his forehead.
“Man I would kill to trade places with Hiei.” Yusuke sighed as Kurama and Kuwabara sweat dropped. Gladly Hiei's fun would end very soon.
“Greetings ladies!” Zeth greeted popping up out of the water “I Zeth am here to join Hiei in his wonderful frolic with you.”
“Aren't you cute!” The nymph called `Yukina' cooed stroking Zeth's hair. Oh how fickle a nymph can be. Yusuke was about to try his luck with the females but Kuwabara and Kurama held him back. Snap! Crack! Branches fell abruptly as Ocypete finally showed up hovering above the lake as the nymphs screamed diving under the water in fear of the temperamental harpy.
“Look who decided to come back” Yusuke muttered disappointed, he wished she'd just go away.
“A harpy…”Zeth squeaked diving behind Kurama. “Zeus why have you betrayed me!” He cried.
“Dam nymphs” Ocypete cursed but soon noticed a naked fire demon surrounded by the said nymphs. “Apparently, a life of chastity doesn't suit” she remarked making a landing on the other side with the rest of the boys.
“Whoa, your like a bird kind of.” Kuwabara gawked mouth agape. Ocypete smirked happily smelling that Kuwabara was a human.
“Oh decided to give me a little meal?” She cooed about to sink her talons into Kuwabara's shoulders.
“No.” Kurama sniped getting between her and her meal “Kuwabara is a teammate and has decided to rejoin us.”
“What's the matter had to change your diapers before your could find your nerve?” she mocked with a smug smile. Even Hiei smirked as her insult, pretty good for an amateur.
“Hey! For your information bird lady I was busy protecting my sensei and a girl from freaks like you!” Kuwabara bellowed sticking his chest out.
“Stick that chest of yours out longer, I'll be glad to rip your heart out!” Ocypete snarled about to attack Kuwabara if it wasn't for the nymphs suddenly disappearing into the water or turning into plants; actually it was mostly Zeth's morning for the nymphs.
“No my maidens! Don't leave me!” He sobbed by the lakeside after Hiei had to drag him out, and changed when in the water.
“Urameshi something's wrong.” Kuwabara informed his body shaking, “I can feel a bad aura heading our way.” Yusuke grinned getting into a fighting position.
“Then let's get ready to kick their asses!” He declared ready for a good fight.
“Yea right.” Ocypete murmured crossing her ginger feathered arms. Out from the ransacked forest came Artemis riding on a muscular stag.
“It's Artemis!” Kurama called pointing at the blonde haired goddess. Her once bright crystal blue eyes were now dark and livid. Her right hand clutched her bow and arrow tightly out of pure anger.
“Harpy of Zeus and Hera!” She roared making the whole forest shake. She pointed an accusing finger at the unfazed harpy. “You are accused of stealing of the golden apple tree! A crime most punishable.”
“Uh golden apple tree?” Yusuke repeated confused, all four looked down to Zeth to get information.
“The golden apple tree is very sacred to the gods. Only they or someone they have chosen make pick its ripe fruit. Any others are forbidden.” He told shocked by Ocypete's actions.
“Not only that but Aegle has told me that not only did you steal but you also destroyed half of it!” Artemis growled her eyes narrowing dangerously. Aegle came up from behind the goddess glaring hatefully at the harpy.
“Hey if a tree attacked you what the hell would you do?” Ocypete defended her actions with a rude remark.
“I was merely protecting the fruit!” Aegle argued, but was shushed by the goddess of the silver bow and arrow.
“You do not need to defend when Ocypete is truly guilty of the crime.” She spoke.
“Well what about these guys.” Ocypete whined gesturing to the Urameshi Team. “They were getting frisky with your virgin nymphs.” Artemis' eyes widened in horror at the claim, all of her nymphs were given a code of virginity and shall never fraternize with a male.
“Nymphs tell me did your really betray your word!” Artemis begged into the lake, the one nymph with cerulean hair poked her head out; fake tears streaming from her eyes.
“We would never disobey our lord!” She pleaded, “they came into the lake wanting to have sex with us!” She cried pitifully.
“What!” Yusuke shouted enraged, “Those bitches came onto us! They literally dragged Hiei into the lake and tried to rape him!”
“Quiet!” Artemis cracked darkly. “My nymphs would never lie to me so their word must be true. Now you all shall be punished for trying to sully my nymphs and touching the sacred fruit.”
“Before you punish us,” Hiei stated remembering Athena's words of victory, “How about a deal? You're a goddess so why be afraid of it?”
“Make your claim runt.” She barked to angry to think different about it.
“Whatever you may do to us, it must involve whether we survive or not. If we do survive your game you will give up your god powers and become a mortal and if we lose we are at your mercy” Hiei explained calmly even though Yusuke and Kuwabara were freaking out in the background.
“So be it.” Artemis agreed, “Ocypete for your punishment I hereby proclaim you a mortal!”
“Say what!” Ocypete shrieked at the sentence, “Wait you can't make me a human!”
“Maybe if you don't have your incredible immortal abilities then maybe you won't break the rules so easily.” She piped readying her bow and arrow. Ocypete would have flown away if the nymphs hadn't of wrapped their arms around her legs preventing her from moving. “By my arrow I strip your powers away!” she shouted shooting her arrow right into Ocypete's heart. She let out a horrid scream of compete anguish and pain, causing the boys to cover their eardrums so they wouldn't explode. A bright light engulfed her as her feather's cut down from her arms and her once large fierce talons became small delicate human hands along with her feet.
The arrow went through her body making her fall roughly to the wet muddy floor weakened more than she ever wanted. Kuwabara being the noble man he is went to her aid helping her up to her feet. Now that she wasn't a bloodthirsty harpy anymore she actually looked attractive.
“I'm…a….” Her breaths came out short and ragged at what she had become, she couldn't even finish her sentence.
“Now, for your boys” Artemis smirked readying three arrows aiming them at Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke. “Let my arrows be your sentence!” She yelled shooting her arrows at them. They hit them dead on in the heart, their screams filled the air as the light became to intense to look at as their bodies morphed and their screams became deformed.
“Holy!” Kuwabara yelled but stopped seeing his once three best friends become a wolf, black panther, and a giant bear. Their clothes were ripped and tossed away from their animal bodies “you turned them into animals!” He yelled turning to the goddess of chastity.
“Not just animals. They are the types of animals that love to rip human flesh to shreds.” Artemis cackled evilly “that will involve the deal I made with the sprite over there.” She pointed to the dark ruby-eyed panther. “If you three can make it out of the woods of the nymphs without being killed by your friends then I will give up my abilities, if not then you three will die and then I will hunt your friends down for fun.” She finished with a triumphant smirk riding off on her stag as Aegle and the other nymphs disappeared into the woods.
Ocypete grabbed Hiei's sword regrouping with Zeth and Kuwabara.
“Why, why us?” She questioned backing away from the slobbering animals, their saliva hanging like ropes from their mouths.
“Because Artemis knew by just looking at us that we would be the worst candidates to survive in a forest with man eating animals after us.” Zeth mused leaping onto Kuwabara's shoulder “she knew she would win.”
“Like hell she's going to!” Ocypete scowled, “I'm not going to be eaten by some disgusting beasts!” the bear, Yusuke, let out a huge roar making Ocypete jump two feet. “I don't want to die!” she cried her new human emotions showing in full force.
“Then run!” Zeth proclaimed loudly as the three began the chase. Kuwabara and Ocypete ran as fast as they could from their former teammates. They soon came up to a stream jumping into it and hiding among the reeds.
“They shouldn't be able to find us without a strong scent.” Ocypete informed from the tall grass swimming beside the other two boys.
“This is all your fault!” Kuwabara snapped glaring at Ocypete. “If you haven't had destroyed that stupid tree we wouldn't be in this mess.”
“Like I was going to suffer alone.” She bit back, “I'm not going to be a human and watch those jackasses laugh at me.”
“So now your going to get eaten by them” Zeth added, “great choice.” Kuwabara suddenly felt a wisp of air hit him on the back of the neck. He slowly turned his head around to come face to face with the old fox demon turned gray wolf Kurama. He bared his sharp canines growling at the three. “It's Kurama run away!” Zeth screamed leaping onto Ocypete's back as she swam off. Kuwabara was frozen staring down the wolf,
“Sorry bout this buddy.” He apologized pulling his fist back and smacking him in the snout. The wolf yelped falling backwards as Kuwabara began to swim away. Ocypete took a big gulp of air as she rose from the stream. Sadly Yusuke was right underneath them swimming towards his prey. His massive black claws extended, ready to take the kill.
“Swim you stupid human swim!” Zeth shirked shaking Ocypete's head as she tried her best to out swim the great brown bear.
“Spirit sword!” Kuwabara summoned his energy sword busting out of the water smacking Yusuke in the back sending him into the water allowing the two to escape from the hazard stream.
“You…saved my…life.” Ocypete gasped trying to get air back into her hyperventilating lungs. Kuwabara helped her back up saying,
“Come on we can't stay here.” She nodded following him, with Zeth's uncanny knowledge of the forest; he decided to lead the way. But it looked like his memory was less than fantastic.
“Um was it right or left?” He questioned himself from his perch on Ocypete's right shoulder. A vein was ready to explode on the former harpy's head.
“If you got us lost I swear I'll rip you in half!” Ocypete screamed shaking the satyr in her arms. She dropped him on his black furred rump adding, “It's getting darker by the minute.” A comforting orange glow came from Kuwabara as he held up his trusty spirit sword.
“Don't worry we'll use this as a grade A flashlight.” He grinned goofily. “We're going to get out of this forest I promise and we're going to get Urameshi and the others back to normal as well.” He seemed to be talking to himself more than to his teammates.
“Oh Hera their back!” Zeth screamed making a death grip on Ocypete's shoulder as he heard a loud growl. Ocypete blushed a bright pink, thankfully unnoticed because of the dim light. “Oh Zeus it's back! I don't want to be eaten like this!”
“You idiot it's not them, it's” she hesitated before answering, “my stomach.” Zeth sighed a mushroom cloud easing back into a comfortable position. “Incase you morons don't know I haven't eaten ever since I've arrived from here” Zeth nodded in realization.
“Ah and because you are now human you can't go days without food anymore. Your weak body couldn't handle it.” He nodded getting a smack in the head from the girl. He chuckled adding, “even your fists are softer.”
“We can't go and have you fainting from hunger when we're running” Kuwabara posed, “Zeth is there anyway to get food in here?”
“Ah yes go to a fruit tree, but not the golden apple tree.” He slyly remarked glancing at Ocypete. Bam! She took him by the tail slamming him into a nearby tree. A few red delicious apples fell into the semiconscious satyr's lap “looky I found some food!” He wryly smiled falling over.
“These aren't half bad.” Kuwabara complemented munching on the apple, as Zeth was doing the same. They had to take a break now; they would most likely be running all night. Ocypete just sat Indian style at the apple before her. She looked like she was in a staring contest with the fruit by the way she was looking at it. “Come on eat it, they aren't' poisonous.”
“I thrive on meat, and meat alone. I don't need any dam apples.” Ocypete said what her brain told her but her stomach said `for the love of Zeus's sake eats the freaking apple!' She ignored her gut's pleas to be fed inserting, “I'd rather eat a scrawny human.”
“Ew that means you'd be a cannibal now” Kuwabara gagged, still eating his apple. “You're a human so eat the apple, cause ya can't eat humans.”
“Then find me a cow, I'll eat the dam thing raw!” She yelled tears in her eyes from the hunger she was facing. She couldn't take it anymore she snatched the apple and began ripping the thing apart like it was going to run away. Zeth and Kuwabara stared at her in bewilderment.
“You can take the girl out of the harpy, but you can't take the harpy out of the girl.” Zeth joked tossing the apple core away.