Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why do I love You? ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N I'm not Japanese. I'm polish. Got a problem with that? Just kidding… I'm polish though….. ne ways… this is the next chapter…. I `m typing the story right now… the part for school is done but I still have more to write so I can put it up Here. Reviews are good I need reviews…. Other wise I get discouraged and I don't write… and that isn't any fun… so please review!

CH2: A puzzling revelation

"Do you have any belongings you need to get?" Kurama asked as they crossed back to Ningenkai.

"All I have is what you see. I have no money." She replied.

"Very well. I will take you shopping tomorrow. Don't worry about money."

"Arigato Kurama."

The walk home was quiet. Hiei was running from tree to tree and Kanu was lost in thought.

"Why is Hiei so cold" She mentally asked herself. "He barely says a word and when he does, it's

usually an insult. I don't get him."

When they got to Kurama's, he went to prepare dinner and Hiei disappeared leaving Kanu

alone in the living room. She looked around. Kurama told her to pick any room she wanted except the

second on the right. The living room was big. When you entered the house, you were at the left side

of the living room. In the center of the room there were a couch and two matching recliners in a

horseshoe shape, all facing the television. On the other side of the room were the kitchen and dining

room. The kitchen was quite plain. It had all the normal appliances and a few cupboards, nothing

fancy. The dining room had a table big enough to seat eight. There were eight antique chairs around

it. At the back of the living room, there was a hall. There were three rooms on each side of the hall.

The second room on the left was the bathroom and the second on the right was Kurama's bedroom.

She peered into the bedroom. There wasn't a thing out of place. The scent of roses filled the room.

She saw a desk to her left. It had large books on the right and a vase of roses on the left. Next to the

desk was his closet. It had several expensive looking outfits in it. On the other side of the room, just

past the window, was his bed. It was made with a down comforter and there were three satin pillows

at the head. She looked at every room. The one she chose was the third on the right. There was a love

seat against the left wall as you look in. About 4 feet from the love seat was the bed, going parallel to

the love seat. There was a window on either side of the bed. The closet was in the wall on the right

side of the room. There was a vanity desk in the corner, against both the front and the right side walls.

"This will do." She thought as she went to see how dinner was coming.

When she got to the dinning room, Hiei was sitting at the table. She sat down across from him.

Just then, Kurama came in with curry rice and Japanese vegetables.

"I was getting ready to get you." He said in a cheerful manor. "Did you find a room you liked?"

"Hai." She replied. "The third one on the right"

"All right. I will get some linen out for you after dinner."


During dinner Hiei was silent. Other than looking up at Kanu a few times, he pretty much

stared at his plate. The other two discussed odds and ends of things. As soon as Hiei finished, he left

the table.

"Does he live here?" Kanu asked.

"Sorta." Kurama replied. "He doesn't really live anywhere. He hangs out here a lot because there are

very few people he trusts and I just happen to be one of those people."


When they were done, Kurama did the dishes and Kanu went to the living room. Hiei was

lying on the couch with his eyes closed. She sat down in one of the recliners and watched he.

"He's quite cute when he's sleeping." She thought "Wait. What am I saying? I've already established

that he's a heartless bastard."

Just then Kurama came into the room. Hiei got up and started to talk to him. After a few minutes

, Hiei disappeared again. Kurama gestured for her to follow him. They started down the hall.


did Hiei go?" She asked.

"He went to Makai to pick up a few things. I had him run an errand for me as well. He'll be back in a

few days." He replied.

When they got to her room, to Kurama's surprise, the linen was already laid out. With it lay a

pair of black and red silk pajamas. Kanu went over, looked at the clothes, then looked at Kurama.

"It seems Hiei went shopping." Kurama said. "That's odd. Hiei hates shopping in Ningenkai. Well I

guess I'll let you get to bed. We have a long day ahead of us. Oyasumi Kanu."


As soon as Kurama left, she plopped down on the bed and began to think.

"Why would he buy me pajamas? I haven't done anything but hate him." She thought while putting on

the newly acquired clothing. She made her bed with the silk sheets and fell asleep while deep in


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

Arigato: Thank You

Hai: Yes

Oyasumi: Good night

so how was it? Let me know…. I m having a lot of fun with this story! Bye till the next update!