Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ A Dark Day ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I do not own InuYasha or Yu Yu Hakusho!!



"Hey!! Where is Hiei?" Yusuke looked around for a moment. Then it hit him." He went to go find Kagome!!! The little squirt I'll kill him!!"

"What about Keiko?" Kurama asked Yusuke.

"You know how you heard a vibrating sound earlier today?" Kurama nodded. "Well,it was my cell phone and she called me and told me that she found another guy named, I think it was like Hojo or something's now we are not going out anymore." Yusuke dropped his head in sadness.

"I see."

"A cell-fone?" Kouga looked at them like they were nuts.

"We will explain later." Kurama replied.

"So where is Kuwabaka?" Yusuke looked around for his walking punching bag but didn't find him.

"Let's go look. I'm sure Hiei can take care of the Kagome problem." Kurama followed the idiots scent.

"Are you kidding?! Kagome could beat Sesshomaru if she wanted!!! "Yusuke just followed Kurama and left Kouga.

"Yeah. Okay. Sesshomaru has MY woman. I got to go get her!" Kouga ran the opposite direction.


"GUYS!!!I THINK I LOST YOU!!! HELP!!!" The monkey I mean Kuwabara was 'lost'.

"Hey you! Big idiot!" A voice called.

"Who you calling a-YUSUKE!!!OW MAN AM I GLAD TO SEE YOU!!!!I GOT LOST!!!" The big idiot hugged Kurama and Yusuke.


"Please let go of me Kuwabara."

"Sorry. So what now?"

"We got to find Kagome." Yusuke said.

"I think Youko might know where the Lord of the Western Lands lives."

Youko screamed for release!

-Very well.- Kurama said back. "Guys Youko is coming out." Kurama turned into a silver kitsune known as Youko.(I take it you know what he looks like.)"This way!" Youko then ran back to the same direction Kouga went.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Yusuke ran next to Kouga.

"Positive! I haven't stolen from Sesshomaru in ages!" Youko ran a little faster.

"YOU STOLE FROM HIM!?" Yusuke called back.

"Wait for me you guys!!!!" Kuwabara was leaning over panting.


"Sesshomaru...I-I'm not dressed." Kagome was covering herself by her feathers.

"Here are your clothes." Sesshomaru tossed her uniform(no socks or shoes)to her." Go in that room to change." He pointed to a door to bedroom." When you come out we will see Jaken and Rin."

"Rin? A little girl with dark brown hair, a red kimono, and is about this hight?" Kagome raised her hand out of her feathers and raised it to about mid waist.

"Yes. You know her?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Let me get dressed please." Kagome went to the room.

*She knows Rin. How?* Sesshomaru mused to himself.

"I'm back!" Kagome walked out but because she was in her Core Catcher form her wings went through 2 little holes in her shirt and her red tail fit through a hole in her waist line.

"Come now." He motioned for her to follow with his one arm.


"Kagome-chan!!!" Rin ran to Kagome with open arms.

"Rin-chan!!!" Kagome lifted her up in the air and they both giggled to each other.

"You look like an angel Kagome-chan!! Rin wishes she looked like Kagome-chan!!" Rin felt Kagome's soft wings.

"Thank you." Kagome put her down when a toad came into the room.

"LORD SESSHOMARU!!!AN INTRUDER HAS COME!!!" Jaken jumped up and down in panic. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?!"

"Sesshomaru, Lord Seshomaru. Let me take care of the intruder. I wanna kick something's butt!!" Kagome walked over to him and begged.

"Fine." Sesshomaru walked to a window to look outside." I'll watch you from here."

"Thank you!" She bowed and left.


"Kagome." The intruder said her name. A little man a little taller than her but not by much. He had gravity defying hair and had a black attire on and a katana at his side.

"How do you know my name?" She came closer.

"I heard a hanyou yell it. I am here to save you from Sesshomaru." He jumped forward in front of her.


*What is she doing?*Sesshomaru wondered.

*Does she know him? I don't recall ever seeing her with him.*


"Let me fly us out of here! Hop on my back!" Kagome bent down.

"Are you mad?" Hiei turned his back.

"No." She flew up behind him 'quick like flint' and picked him up from behind." Just trying to leave." She flew with Hiei on her back.

"Put me down woman." Hiei demanded.


"GET HER!!" Sesshomaru commanded his servants. They immediately ran outside but he didn't have any flying servants so none could catch up with her.*I'll get her later. I know her 'well' secret.*

(back with Kagome)

"I feel really bad for just leaving him." Kagome chanted something and little lights came out of her Shikon Mark in her forehead.

(With Sesshomaru)

The little sparkly things flew to Sesshomaru. "What are these?" They then turned black and formed letters that read,


I'm sorry I ran away. To appologize, as a gift I will give you your arm back. Trust the little sparks that fly to you. They will not hurt you.


The sparkles then flew to his arm and turned pink. Almost in second his arm was returned to him like new." AMAZING!"

He moved around his arm to see if it was real and it was." Thank you."


"What where those?" He asked.

"Sparks. Only Core Catchers can create them. Usually they send messages and then do something. I sent them to Sesshomaru and they healed his arm."

"Why did you do that?" He became confused but didn't show it.

"Because I feel bad for him." She flew over to his friends." Are these your friends?" She flew down to meet them.


"Yes then. Hello! I'm Kagome." Hiei had already jumped off.

"KAGOME!!!" They all yelled.

"I have to go home now you can come if you like." She walked towards the well.


"Thank You."

"You're really pretty."


"Okay this way."

(I'm too lazy to write a lot so I'm just going to say like I dunno....20 minutes later.)

"NARAKU!!!" Kagome took a fighting stance.

"Kagome. You really have changed. My minions didn't lie." He appeared behind her making her freeze." You're stronger. And, more radiant." He grabbed her waist making her act in basic stiffness of true fear. "I want you to join me. You would make an excellent mate." He squeezed her waist a little and flew away saying," I left a present for you at your part of the well." He then disappeared.

"Why me?" Kagome looked at the well and then at the Yu Yu Gang," You can come with me to my house if you like. I know you are from my time. Fox if you want you can change back to your human form. Just jump inside the well." She then jumped in.

They ran over and looked inside, she was gone.

"So how do we know it works?" Kuwabara looked in.

"Simple." Hiei pushed Kuwabara in. "We use a guinea pig."(I suck at spelling)Everybody nodded when Kuwabara dissapared. They then jumped in, Kurama(He changed),Yusuke, and Hiei.


"Hey Miroku. I think Kagome went home. "InuYasha pointed to an iced up kitsune with no nose.

"How-di-did Kagome do this?!" Miroku looked the sculpture over.

"Smells like she did."(I don't care if InuYasha can't really tell who did what. It is MY Fanfic!!!)

"HEY GUYS WHERE IS KAGOME?!" Sango saw InuYasha and Miroku and walked into the clearing.


"Oh. HEY! Did you make Shippou unconcious?" She held out the kitsune.

"No! Why are people always blamin' me for stuff! I didn't do nothin'!! I'm going to go get Kagome!!" InuYasha jumped away.

"I didn't say it was him." Sango looked at Miroku and he just shrugged. then they got Kagome's backpack and headed towards Keade's village.


Kagome walked outside of the well house door and to her back door and opened it."Grandpa, Souta, Mom!!! I'm home!!" When she didn't get an answer that is when she noticed the blood on the walls and floor. The Yu Yu gang was close behind.

She began to worry. She walked into the kitchen and flipped the switch. But when the light came on she nearly Up chucked. Kuwabara did.

Her Grandpa lay on the kitchen table with his parts cut up in little pieces. The ceiling fan sliced off the connection of his neck and shoulders.

He had numerous forks and knives pokes into every other part of his pieces of skin. Blood covered the walls and flooded the floors. His eyes had been ripped out and shoved in his mouth. Forks of his flesh were pinned to the walls all over the place. The light was dieing. So she flipped it off.

"Gramps." She cried softly. Yusuke was throwing up along with Kuwabara. Kurama was trembling wide eyed and his mouth hung open, gagging. Hiei,eyes wide, mouth slightly open. "Come on." She waved for them to follow.

She walked to the livingroom. It was also dark so she turned on the light. Feathers in blood were everywhere.

Splats of her mother's liver, stomach, and heart covered the walls.

Her mother lay in the middle of the floor with her upper body torn apart and ripped open. A large wooden pole was inside of her forehead. Brains hung from the end of the pole, slowly falling off in little chunks.

Her mother's eyes were wide open with a dull expression on her face. Her wings had been torn apart and were scattered everywhere.

Her intestines had been ripped out of her and were lying around her figure and on top of the puddles of blood.

Her mom's tail had been torn from her lower back and pinned to her neck chocking her.

A huge bloody mess was made in the living room. Glass from pictures covered her mom's insides and the pictures themselves were torn in little shreds.

"MOM!!" Kagome bent down next to her mom. " She had changed into her Core Catcher form! They killed her! They killed GRANDPA!! Oh no....Souta." She slowly walked past her guests. Hiei was in the same state he was before but was clenching his fists in anger. Kurama was throwing up with Yusuke and Kuwabara.

She was in the middle of walking up the stairs when her name was called, "KAGOME WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED HERE!?WHO ARE THESE GUYS!?" InuYasha marched up the stairs holding his nose from the smell of blood.

"InuYasha....I don't know....these are my new friends.....OH INUYAHSA!!" Kagome sobbed softly and fell to her knees on the stairs, with her head in her hands.

"Kagome!" Everybody cried. Except Hiei.

"I didn't ask for your pity! Do not help me!" Kagome marched up the rest of the stairs and smelled the metallic smell of a LOT of blood. "Souta." She looked in her room and turned on the light.

But everything was in order and no blood was anywhere so she walked out and took a good look at the hallway.

It was just like the downstairs hallway trails of blood on the carpet and on the walls and torn pictures lay everywhere. She looked in the bathroom but her little brother wasn't there.

The Yu Yu gang and InuYasha followed making positive not to help her.

She looked in his room but he wasn't there either. She walked to her mother's room and didn't see her brother until a drop of blood came out of no where, so she did what any other person would do and looked up. "Souta." She cried softly as she looked at his dead half shell.

Her brother was hanging by what seemed to be hooks at the top of her mothers ceiling.

Blood still dripped from the places he was hooked.

He was hooked by the shoulder blades and by the back of his neck.

More near the lower body was nothing. It had been cut off. But where was it? She looked everywhere until she came to a blood puddle that came from the closed closet door. She looked back at his face.

His face held the expression of fear and hate. His arms hung down lowly from where he was.

Kagome opened the door and looked at the other part of his body.

She saw a large hole near his stomach and his guts spilled against the floor. His pants had been slightly torn near the bottom and his toes had been cut off. They lay all over the place, all 10 of them.

"No. Why me? Why me? I will NEVER let THIS happen AGAIN!!" She wiped her tears away and concentrated hard on the killer.*Who. NARAKU!!!*"Naraku."

"What was that Kagome?" InuYasha was holding his stomach and mouth to keep him from barfing.

Hiei was in rage he wanted to kill something and fast. Kurama was leaning up his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt and Yusuke was doing the same. Kuwabara was coughing madly. Kagome had gotten up and her power had gotten 10 xs stronger.

"Leave." Kagome's eyes went white.

Inuyasha and the Yu Yu gang backed up a little bit out of fear, even Hiei.

A roar like a lions escaped Kagome's mouth. She was transforming.

Her legs had turned lion but her tail was still red and house-cat like. She had the head of a dragon and a mane to go with it, a white mane. Her wings stayed but had gotten larger and she was on all fours with her front legs like a hawks. When she opened her eyes they where pure white with no pupils or other color. She had done what Inuyasha does when he gets pissed. She was the last Core Catcher ever now that her family had died.

"I'll have to lay my family to rest. InuYasha, Hiei, Kurama, Yusuke, and Kuwabara. You will not speak of this to anyone. I will tell them if I want. "She plucked her brother from the wall and healed his wound. She then put him on her back and went down stairs.

She picked up her mom and ji-chan and put them on her back and healed them. The guys followed her the whole time. She went outside to the Goshinboko(sp?) and did as she needed to and put them to rest.

She prayed for them. About 20 minutes later she stopped praying and she walked gauchely to the shrine and burned it in one large breath.

She put out the fire with the water inside her and fell exhausted.

"Kagome!" They crouched next to her and Kuwabara picked her up. They walked to the well and all jumped inside. They walked to Keade's village and told Sango, Miroku, and Shippou what happened.

WOW! I know it isn't long but o well! Did you like it? E-mail me if you have a comment. Do not review!!!