Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ Not the Same ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey guys! Sorry about the jokes in the first chapter and the story doubling! I don't know what is up with that! I do not own InuYasha and Yu Yu Hakusho!


(In Kagome's mind)

Kagome is in a very large field with magic and miko energy surrounding the area. "Where am I?"

"You are in a field of flowers with magic and miko energy inside of your dream state. "A voice said.

Kagome looked behind her only to see the legendary Midoriko!!! "MIDORIKO!?"

"Yup! .I have some things I want to tell you Kagome!" Midoriko sat down in the field and Kagome sat next to her.

"Yeah. What are they?" Kagome looked confused but kept her cool.(that is such a stupid thing to say. `her cool')

"Well, first off. You are not Kikiyo's reincarnation. You are mine." Kagome flipped.

"WHAT!? "She almost jumped. "Well! Then why do I look like her when I go to human stage? Hmm?" She crossed her arms.

"The Shikon has a mind of its own, when Kikiyo was burned the Shikon took some of her facial appearances and stuck them to you....it was a way to make it feel more, at home." Midoriko spoke with pure honesty.

"oh. Alright. What next?" Kagome was actually thrilled that she wasn't the clay pot's re-embodiment because it means InuYasha couldn't say, 'Kikiyo this' or 'Kikiyo that' or 'Why can't you be more like Kikiyo? 'she could tell him the truth, right?" Can I-"

"No. You can't." Midoriko interrupted.

"How did you-"Kagome was stopped again.

"That is the next thing. I will have to train you in your dreams to use your miko powers to the max. Even more than myself."

"Like what kind of powers?" Kagome was really interested in what she had to say.

"Like telepathy, transforming, calling your aeons, and making thing out of your energy." Midoriko smiled at Kagome's reaction.

"Aeons? You mean I am a summoner too!?"


"COOL! My little brother has this game called Final Fantasy and a summoner named Yuna can summon like huge monsters and stuff out of like ,fire and the sky! Is it like that!?" Kagome was so excited she could be so cool like.

"Yes. Yuna was real. She is not a game. She is in this dream and she will teach you the best of summoning as well as I will teach the witch-craft and miko abilities." Midoriko stood.

Kagome got up." How do I get Aeons?" She turned her head to look eye to eye with Midoriko.

"Sometimes they just come. Sometimes you have to pray for them. Other times they know how much you want them and they just come. But the most enchanting way is to think them up in your imagination and then to have them come. That is the hardest but most perfect way. Just the way you like...."She looked away out to the dream-sun.

"Wow. You have a lot to say. Anything else?"

"Your trainers will appear in you mind every night when you go to sleep. Every night until you know all the moves." Midoriko vanished.

"Am I waking up now?"

(Back in the hut)

Kagome stirred in her sleep which caught most everyone but Kuwabara's attention. He was playing with Kirara.

"Guys." Kagome got up. She was in her human form.

"OH MOMMY I GOT SO WORRIED!!!" Shippou cried into her sleeve and hugged her hard.

"It is okay Shippou. It is okay." Kagome held Shippou and got up.

"What's a Core Catcher okka-san?(sp? Oh who cares?!)"Shippou tugged on her shirt.

Kagome sighed. "Guys I'm going to tell you about everything." Kagome took a deep breath.*Except about Midoriko and my other sensei.*She mused to herself. But Hiei read loud and clear.

"I was born in a completely different world, with a different language, things ,and beings." She took another deep breath.

"The worlds name was 'Mystic Relm'. No high classed beings knew about it unless they live there .Only the 'Ancient Elders'. But that is another story." She took another breath.

"When I was born, I was born from the leaders of the realm. My mother....and father. My brother was an adopted child. But let's go on. "She took another breath but was interrupted.

"What happened to you at you house? You were like a dragon, monster thingy!" Kuwabara pulled away from Kirara to listen to Kagome's story.

"I promise this story will lead to that, just be patient! "She fumed a little but got over it." My mother and father being the rulers makes me the next one but....something tragic happened." She got teary but got over it. "When I was five a great lord of the 'Tragic Realm' came to the 'Mystic Realm' and started innumerous kills and injuries on many..."She trailed off a bit and the tears in her eyes fell silently.

"Kagome? Are you? Okay?" Sango patted her friend's back.

"Yeah. Thanks. Well, he killed the guards and gained access to the palace in which my family and grandparents lived in. My mother, brother, grandpa, and myself were saved. But....my father was brutally slaughtered in front of my family before we could run." Kagome cried more. "He saved us enough*sniff* time to escape.*sniff* my grandmother was unheard of but I doubt she lived very long with the Lord of the 'Tragic Realm' living there." She cried silently until Sango spoke.

"Kagome! I am so sorry! That is worse than my story!" Snago comforted her sister like friend and cried with her.

"I'm not finished.....My mother was so upset that when we arrived on earth she transformed into a 'Death Eater'. That is the stage a Core Catcher goes through when he/she or it is mad or full of sorrow. That is why I transformed into something else. But I didn't turn into a Death Eater this time. I don't know what I turned into.<y grandmother and mom would know." Kagome wiped her tears. "Now I am the LAST Core Catcher. I must represent them and honor the ones that died. The last ones. My family." She stood.

"Kagome. If you don't mind me asking, What happened to the world you once lived in?" Kurama waited patiently.

"It is now full of ash and dead bodies....the only things that live their now are either dead and walking or dead and swimming. Everything peaceful is dead. We had never had war, but when the lord of the Tragic Realm came and ruled he put my world into battle. And killed them all. Even himself." She waited for more questions.

"So, what are you considered now?" Yusuke asked.

"I am the ruler of it now. I am the Lady or Princess of it all....ash." She shivered.


"I'm going for a walk. I need some time to myself." Kagome walked out.

"Should we get Koenma?" Yusuke asked Kurama.

"Let's ask her when she comes back. Just to be sure." Kurama said with this still left in his mind *I hope she will be okay.*

<Hey Kurama! She is a princess!>

'Don't get any funny or perverted ideas Youko.'

/You spoil the fun and games out of every thing Kurama/

'Not you too. Both of you get out of my thoughts for now please.'

<Princess Hater>

/Party Pooper/

'Leave NOW!'


/Fine....Party Pooper./

"OUT!" Kurama didn't notice he had just yelled that out loud and turned a deep red. "I apologize for my shout." He sat down as Hiei left out of the hut.

"Where is he going?" Sango asked.

"Probably to meditate or something to relieve his rage." Kurama stated quietly.

"Oh. Rage? Why is he so mad?" Sango sat next to him but stayed a few feet away.(Miroku Syndrome)

"He was upset that Kagome's family died." He once again said very quietly.

"Oh. Why?" She scooted and inch closer so she could hear.

"Because....I....don't know." He closed his eyes and fell asleep.(it is dark outside just to let you know.)

"wow. He probably likes her." She got up and looked into Kagome's now BLACK bag for a sleeping bag so she could rest. She found a BLACK one and folded it out and slept in it.


Kagome cried quietly. "I could live here with Sango and Shippou. Or maybe I could-"She gasped when a rough but comforting hand touched her shoulder. She turned around to see none other than-