Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ Aeons and Such ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everybody! I am so bored. I tried putting my chapters on spell check to see if they were spelled correctly. A lot of mistakes I'll tell you that much! I do not own anything but the Aeons!

CHAPTER 8 'Aeons and Such'

Kagome woke with a new energy filling her. She felt great. It was still slightly dark, but the sun would be up soon.

She got up quietly and looked around. Yusuke was lying right next to Kuwabara with his right hand in his mouth. "How cute." Kagome whispered. Sure not to wake her friends.

She looked over to Kurama e was still leaning against the tree but was breathing through his mouth not his nose. "Sinus issues." Kagome looked away.

She looked over to where Sango fell asleep. Shippou was on her head sleeping calmly. Miroku had found his way over to her in the night and now has his hand upon its favorite spot. She was clutching her boomerang like a lifeline with a scowl on her face.

*Maybe I should look into her mind.* Kagome looked into her dreams and saw Sango in a battle field of blood. Sango was looking at her brother slaughter helpless people.-Sango wake up!- Sango didn't wake. She only kept watching.

"I guess I won't be able to help." Kagome stopped looking into Sango's mind and looked around to InuYasha's tree. He had his hands in his sleeves and his head was down. And a sound came from him. Kagome leaned a little closer to hear a little bit of.... SNORING! He is snoring in his sleep. *Something to pick on him for later!* She thought.

She looked over to Hiei. His sleeping position was the same way as when he hopped in the tree. Kagome concentrated harder to see his emotions. He was, in pain, emotionally. Kagome tried looking into his mind. His eyes snapped open and looked back at hers.

It was like he was looking at her soul. He wasn't reading her mind, he was just staring. She leaned foreword a bit to read his emotions again. He was amused this time. *Amused? Why amused? I would understand upset. But. Amused?* She started to open her mouth to say something but he beat her to it.

[I suggest, that the next time you want to talk that you don't stare and try to peek into my thoughts, woman.]

Kagome was on his bush in a flash. She didn't make a sound. The tree didn't rustle at all. Not a single sound.

+You, will address me properly. Not, 'woman' or 'wench' or 'ningen' or 'bitch'. Only Kagome. Ka-Go-Me. Got it?+

[HN.]He looked back at her like he did before only this time he was inching closer and closer.

"Come on guys! It is time to get up!" She saved herself. Hiei's face was a few inches apart from hers. Good thing she woke everybody up.

Before their eyes snapped open. She instantly transmitted to the side of Sango. "Sango. It is just a dream. I promise it will never happen again. Wake up." Sango stirred a bit but woke.

"Kagome!*sniff* It was so scary!" Sango cried in her friends arms.

"It's okay Sango. Your friends are here. He's not coming back to kill you. I promise." Kagome let her friend go.

Miroku's hand was noticed even though he was 'asleep'. "HENTAI!!!" Sango bashed him with her boomerang. Hard.

"What is all the fuss about, Kagome?" InuYasha came up from behind her and held her throat.

She grabbed his hands and flipped him over." You guys needed to wake up! It is around 7:00 you know." She picked up a dizzy InuYasha and leaned him against a tree. That is when she saw Yusuke and Kuwabara sleeping. She leaned over Yusuke and the first thing she got was a pull down. "Yusuke. You're holding me. Could you let go? PLEASE?" She tried to squirm from his grip. It didn't work. "Ahem....YUSUKE URAMESHI!!!! GET YOUR BUTT UP AND LET ME GO!!!!" Kagome was pushed back and a woman's scream was heard from Kuwabara.

"Kagome! You scared the crap outta me!" Yusuke got up and rubbed his head. He looked at his wet hand and rubbed it against his back.

"Sorry. You were holding me and I had to wake you up. We are leaving after breakfast." She walked over to Kuwabara who was holding his knees saying, 'She is a girl. It is okay Kuwabara.' Kuwabara. Get up."

He got up really fast and made a salute. "YES MA'AM!" Kagome poked his breathed in chest.

"Alright! Who is the breakfast cooker for today?" She looked around until Kurama spoke.

"I will." He got up and walked out of the clearing.

"Okay! Now we just wait." About 2 minutes later Kagome got tired. "Alright. I am getting bored. How about I summon one of my Aeons?"

Everyone nodded. "Back up." Kagome needed at least 5 feet of room on each side. Everybody did as she instructed.

Kagome opened her arms and her outfit changed.

She had a long golden staff in her left hand. It had rings like Miroku's staff. But these rings went down the length of the staff and the appeared to be floating around it. The staff had different carvings in silver and jewels that no one has ever seen before. At the top was a large white stone. It was very big. It had a blue glow to it.

Kagome's outfit was similar to Yuna's only her skirt was black and her ribbon thingy was red with blue and green and yellow designs. The designs were dragons and phoenix birds. It was a lovely outfit. She had one earring on the right that was identical to Yuna's earring. Kagome had a necklace on that was golden with the same white stone in the middle. Only smaller.

She did a dance and swished around her staff. A huge, red, dragon thing came out of flames in the sky. The dragon came to Kagome and she pets its nose.

The dragon was the size of 2 average (our time) houses. It had red scales and a black chain as the reins for riding on him. He held one pinkish orb in both hands. The tip of his tail faded to black and he had a small horn on his head.

"His name is Scorch." Kagome pet his nose again. "Would you like to pet him? Or ride him?" She looked around. Shippou hopped on her shoulder and looked up.

"What is that thing?" He pets his nose and his hand felt a little hot.

"He is my Fire Aeon. It is said that if you are evil, that he will burn you if you touch him." Kagome smiled innocently and pet Scorch's neck.

Kurama came in the clearing, "I'm ba-" He looked up at the huge monster before him. "What is that and why aren't we attacking it?" He had his hands full of fruit and uncooked meat.

Kagome walked around Scorch so Kurama could see her. "This is one of my Aeons. His name is Scorch." She pet Scorch's neck again. Scorch nuzzled her stomach and sniffed hard. She giggled a little and pets the large nose on her stomach. "Come on you guys come pet him." She pets him again.

Sango was the first over there. "Is it safe?"

"Sure." Kagome grabbed Sango's hand gently and put it on Scorch's nose.

"He his warm. Very warm." Sango pet him and nuzzled him some more.

"See. He is harmless." Kagome walked over to Miroku and put his hand on Scorch's side.

"Amazing. He IS warm." Miroku followed Sango's same moves.

Kagome looked over to see InuYasha." InuYasha come pet him. He won't bite."

"Feh! I got better things to do." He turned his back.

"InuYasha? Are you scared of Scorch?" She smirked inside. And she put on her questioning face.

"NO!" InuYasha went over to pet Scorch. But when he did his hand got burnt. "OW! WHAT THE- HEY!!! You said it wouldn't hurt!!" InuYasha pointed at Kagome with his non-burnt hand.

"InuYasha. I think Scorch doesn't like you. Or maybe you are evil. Well. There are 2 reasons Scorch wouldn't like you. 1: You are evil. And 2: You like me." Kagome pet Scorch.

"WHAT!? No way! This is a load of crap! I ain't believing that for 1 second!" He jumped up in a tree and licked his hand.

"Kagome, can I pet him?" Kuwabara asked.

"Sure! Wait! Are you evil?"


"Do you like me?"

"As a friend."

"Okay go pet him!" She pointed to Scorch. "Who is next? Yusuke?" She went over and grabbed his hand so he could pet her Aeon.

"Will he burn me?"

"I don't know! Are you evil?"

"No. And I only like you as a friend." He pet Scorch and his hand was burnt.

"What happened? I thought you said you weren't evil and that you didn't like me Yusuke." Kagome smiled on the inside. She knew what his dreams of her were. This would be interesting.

"I don't! And I'm not!" Yusuke touched his hand.

Scorch looked at Yusuke. "There is no need to lie to us, Yusuke." Scorch freaked everyone out.

"Guess I didn't tell you. I made it so he could talk." Kagome smiled.

"GREAT!" Yusuke said.

"I know your secret Yusuke." Scorch smiled.

"Don't tell. Please don't tell." Yusuke begged.

"No need. She already knows." Scorch said back.

"Huh? How? Wait a.... you can read minds!" Yusuke had wide eye. "Man this sucks! Alright Kagome. I admit it. I like you." Yusuke looked at her and went to go sulk with InuYasha.

"Good job Scorch! Who's next?!"

"I will go." Kurama went to pet Scorch and did not get burned.

"Hiei?" Kagome really wanted to know if he liked her.

"HN." He turned away.

"Hiei." Kagome commanded.

"Why should I be afraid of a young woman? I am most likely faster than you."

"Really?" Kagome I.T. (instant transmission) to Hiei. "Is that a challenge?"

"I refuse to pet that creature."


"Because. I do not want it knowing how evil I am."


"Because if that happened the hanyou would kick me out." InuYasha was too busy with his hand to notice.

"Why?" Kagome smiled innocently.

"Fine I'll go." Hiei knew that if he didn't think of something fast he would get burned. And not because he was evil. (Which he is not)So he did the next thing possible and he raised his temperature to match with Scorch's burn. He pet Scorch.

Scorch wasn't dumb. He knew what Hiei was doing. So he spoke to him. ^ Hiei that is not right. You should let her know how much you love her. ^

[HN. You have no power over me, old one.]

^ Very well. I will tell her. ^

[See if I care. I will deny it because it is not true.]

^Oh? It isn't you say? Well! That is the first time in all of my years that I have met some one that can trick themselves into thinking what they want to think.^

[I thought you were made last night.]

^I was. But I have been an image in Kagome's thoughts for a very long time. Ever since the Great Fall of the Mystic Realm. ^

[May I stop petting you now?]

^Yes. And I will not tell on you. ^

[I am grateful.] Hiei stopped petting him so he could cool off.

Kagome saw Hiei touch Scorch and nothing happened. She figured he messed with his temperature or something. But her eyes were still slowly going to a dark pink.

Wow! I don't know why the chapters double themselves. Oh well! Read the next chapter tomorrow!