Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ Looking for Naraku ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

CHAPTER 10 `Finding Naraku'

They have been flying on Scorch for quite some time. Kagome had asked him to let the burnt suspects ride him without getting burnt, it worked. They are looking for Naraku.

Kagome was holding the very long reins of Scorch and was constantly looking for Naraku.

They had run into a few demons with jewel shards, even ones that worked for Naraku. But every time they asked about Naraku and where he is, the demon would either disappear or they would refuse to tell and die. They had collected most of the Shikon No Tama and they knew Kouga and Naraku had the rest. It dangled peacefully on Kagome's neck, acting as innocent as ever. It was the cause of all of this.

Kagome gripped the reins out of frustration. "I'm sick of this!" She screamed loud. She closed her eyes, before she knew it, she was a Core Catcher. Her shirt didn't rip though. Only a hole for both wings and her tail was formed. Yet, there was something different about her wings. They were black with red tips. Kagome's tail had stayed the same. Her eyes were a bluish-silver color now. (I found a good code for the colors of her eyes!)

Pink- sad

Light Blue- determined

Silver- strong

Gold- a little upset

Black- nothingness

Green- silly

Red- angry

White- bloodlust or in rage

Navy Blue- regular

Brown- weak or useless

Purple- depressed

Orange- confused

Yellow- so happy she is crying

Turquoise- frustrated

(Sorry! But I had to tell you that!)

She stood up and flew down with Scorch close behind. She knew a lot of demons would come but she also knew Naraku would come as well. He couldn't resist her, remember?

"Guys, Naraku will be here soon." She walked foreword a little. She could start to fell the auras of different demons and men, mostly monks. "Get ready." She could sense Naraku next. "He is here."

No one said anything. Not even InuYasha complained. They all took a fighting stance. That was until the Yu Yu Gang received a call from Koenma. Yusuke whined, "Koenma we are working how could you call us now?!" Everyone could hear Koenma's yelling clear.

"Yusuke, you big oaf! What I say is an order, not a request! Now I want the gang here now! Or I could just take your spirit and send Hiei to jail. Maybe I could even take away the Youko inside Kurama. Would you like that? Hmmm?" Koenma hung up.

"BASTARD!" Yusuke threw his communicator to the ground. "Kagome, we can't stay." Yusuke dropped his head.

"Hello! Botan here to pick you up!" A cheery annoying voice said. Kagome looked up and her eyes went orange.

"The GRIM REAPER?" She flew up and shook her hand. "It is such a pleasure to meet you! I have always wanted to meet a Death Sorter!" Kagome flew down. "Okay Botan. You can take them away. Will they be coming back?"

"Probably not, dear. I am so sorry." Botan opened a portal and they all said their goodbyes and left.

"I will miss that Yusuke guy." InuYasha said.

"Kurama was a very kind man. I shall miss his wise words." Miroku looked at Sango.

She said it quickly but with happiness in every word. "Kuwabara, the stupid yet lovable retard." Kirara said a cry of sadness and rubbed her head against Sango's.

Kagome said something too. But not even InuYasha could hear it. "Hiei." Kagome wanted to cry. She did. But she did it silently.

"Kagome! What's wrong?!" Shippou and InuYasha asked.

Kagome wiped her tears and said coldly, "Nothing." She walked out a little bit in the field they were all in. "Naraku! Stop your hiding! You fool! I know you are here!" Kagome's eyes went to a Silver color with Gold, Black, and Red specks. "That was an order!"

Suddenly Naraku appeared in front of Kagome. InuYasha drew Tetsusaiga and Sango readied her demon bone. Shippou with Fox Fire and Miroku with wards and his staff. Naraku's insects were everywhere so Miroku could not use his Wind Tunnel. "Kagome. I have missed you dearly." Naraku said.

"Save it Naraku! This is personal!" InuYasha charged foreword with his sword ready to slice off Naraku's head. Before he knew it, a tentacle went through InuYasha's heart.

"INUYAHSA!!!" Everybody yelled.

"Naraku!" Kagome charged just like InuYasha accept she was more elegant and graceful with her move. She managed to slice off the dummy's head. "DAMN HIM!" Kagome's eyes were now Red, Silver, and Light blue. She was going nuts. Then the real Naraku appeared. "I'll kill you!" She tried her last move but couldn't even move. "What have you done to me you Bastard?!" Kagome's eyes were flickering to Orange, and Red, and White, and Gold, and Silver, and Light Blue.

"It is a small yet powerful detain spell. It should hold you there for a few hours." He looked at her group. They were all ready to kill. Then he looked at Kagome's eyes. They were White. Pure White. With a hint of Black. She was also getting larger. Before he knew it she looked like (just put in the description for the thing she transformed into in chapter 4). He was amazed at the power that emitted off of her. It was like it 10 fold.

A loud roar came from her mouth as she tried to get loose from the chains. She thrashed and pulled on the invisible chains that held her. Many demons fought Naraku to try and free her. But they were lesser demons, and were demolished quickly.

"Naraku!" InuYasha tried to yell as loud as possible but he was dieing slowly. Then Kikiyo came.

"InuYasha. Come to Hell with me. Your pain will be spared. You are slowly dieing anyway. Live with me in Hell." Kikiyo lifted him slowly and a hole formed in the ground so they could go to Hell.

Kagome roared and screamed his name so he would snap out of it. He didn't. Sango, Miroku, Kirara transformed, and even Shippou tried to stop it. A barrier was formed in front of them so nobody could get in or out. InuYasha was soon dragged to Hell with his clay pot.

"InuYasha!" Everybody cried. Even Miroku shed tears for his friend, his brother.

Sango was the first to dash at Naraku. She tried to hit him with her boomerang but he easily dodged. This (for some odd reason) caught her by surprise and her weapon sliced her in half.

"SNAGO!!!!" Kagome cried very loudly. She spit up green ooze from her mouth that burnt the ground. Acid. She tried to spit it at Naraku but he dodged, sooner or later her acid stopped coming up and she was tired but still awake.

"Naraku! You have hurt too many people to deserve to live!" Miroku was about to open the Wind Tunnel but stopped and used his staff in stead. Naraku dodged every swipe by it and he eventually took the staff and jabbed it into the Houshi's stomach. Killing him almost instantly.

"MIROKU!" Kagome and Shippou screamed.

"I'll get him Kagome!!" Shippou yelled back at her. "FOX FIRE!!" Shippou tried Fire but Naraku didn't even flinch. He pulled out a tentacle and struck Shippou just like InuYasha.

Kagome snapped. She just lost everything in the world hat mattered to her in a matter of days. Shippou, InuYasha, Sango, Souta, Miroku, her mom, her grandpa, Yusuke, Kuwabara (that took a long time to think about), Kurama, and Hiei. She wailed, thrashed, screamed, and roared at Naraku. She looked at her friend's and sons dead bodies.

"Naraku! I will kill you!" Kagome used her mind to try and bring any type of weapon or Aeon to her aid. Nothing came.



+They're all dead!+


+Naraku has trapped me and I have transformed. I cannot use any of my powers and he has killed my loved ones.+

-I don't know what to do Kagome. I can't come out of you and I have never been in a situation like this one.-

+Should I just wait then?+

-Best to do that for now. The seal should break in a few hours.-


Kagome's eyes went Black with Red specks and she turned to a Core Catcher.

"Kagome. I'm sorry I had to take away your friends and apparently you son. Your family as well. But, I will ask your permission to claim you as mine. May I?" Naraku crept next to Kagome and nuzzled her shoulder. He wasn't wearing his baboon outfit so it was rather easy.

"Never. I cannot let you do that Naraku. I do not love you and you still love Kikyo. You are evil and you are my enemy. What did you expect me to say?" She fidgeted under his touch.

"That hurts. I was expecting maybe more like a ` Sure Naraku.' Or maybe a `Anytime.' If you will not give me the permission then I guess I shall just have to take you on my own.

He let her chains go and he disappeared into the night. But before he left she managed to take the last of the jewel. She was surprised he didn't notice. Or maybe he did ad he just let her take them. Bastard. He knew. He had to know. He was behind her for heaven's sake. Well, maybe her tail is just really gifted. No, he knew. Well, she will have to get the last three from Kouga (gulp) and Sesshomaru (shiver).

She didn't like that idea of going to either place but she would have to. She flew to Sesshomaru's castle first.


"Sesshomaru I need the shard." Kagome had turquoise eyes. He was holding the shard up in the air so it was above her head and was dangling it in a taunting way. She then used her big brain and flew up to swipe it. It worked successfully and she flew away. But remembered to tell Sesshomaru about InuYasha. "Sesshomaru. InuYasha has been pulled to Hell by the priestess Kikiyo. I am sorry you couldn't be the one to kill him." Then she flew off.


"Hey guys! Where is Kouga?" She asked 2 wolf youkai from Kouga's pack. They guarded the front of the cave in the dark while the others slept.

"Hey look Gouka, a young female approaches us. Care to have some fun my friend?" The short one asked Gouka (I don't know if that is a real name okay! Give me some credit for trying!).

"Sure Donak. I would love to." They slowly walked to Kagome.

"Guys it is me, Kagome. Remember?" Kagome backed up as they walked foreword.

"You lie! Kagome is human!" Gouka yelled.

"Yeah! Human!" Donak yelled back.

"Oh really? Smell me. I have her scent." They sniffed her and amazement filled their eyes. It was Kagome alright. They move out of the way for their sister to pass by. But not before they took a good look behind at her.(lecherous buttheads!)

Kagome walked in waking most of the wolves inside. She apologized and got okays back. "Kouga I need the shards in your legs please." He gladly but hesitantly agreed. "I can heal you after you take them out if you like?"

He nodded and scratched them out with his claws. He whimpered but got over it after Kagome healed him. "Thank you Kouga." She kissed his cheek and left by flight.

She flew to the well. And put the Shikon together. A big light emitted from the jewel and it was whole again.

-You can make a wish now.-

+Maybe later.+

Kagome looked at her 2nd home and went to go say goodbye to Keade's village. Keade cried a little when Kagome told her she was leaving. But she was also happy to see the jewel whole again. She also cried for Kagome's friends. They were her own as well.

She walked to the well and looked her home over. " I'll miss you." She jumped in the well to her own time. Never to go back again.