Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ 5 Long Years ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

CHAPTER 10 `5 Long Years'

When Kagome got to the other side of the Bone Eaters Well, she went to the library to search for her grandmother, Genkai. Kagome successfully found her grandmother. This cheered her up a little, but not enough. She still missed her friends and her closer family.

Her grandmother was thrilled to see her again and she gladly accepted her into her temple. Her grandmother was an Elemental Holder, not a Core Catcher. Yet, this gave Kagome the bloodline of an Elemental Holder, making her stronger than most anybody. Her grandmother never turned to her true form.

Kagome has been living in her grandmother's house for 5 long years. She has almost finished her training with Midoriko, Rikku, Yuna, and Paine. Genkai also taught her Martial Arts. Kagome was now very fast. She practiced in the gravity room for all this time. She still did, just not as much. She ran everyday. Even when it would rain or snow, she would keep running. She had a very impassive look on her face always. She never let anything get to her. She barely ever even cracked a smile. Her stoic mask never moving. She never showed any sympathy for anyone. Her eyes were usually Black or Blue, mostly Black. She only wears Black, Red, or other dark clothing, sometimes Silver or Gold.

She had finished school and is currently 22 years of age. Genkai still insists she stays with her to train and live a better easier life.

She lives a lonely life….for now.


Yusuke was in the park with Kurama, Kuwabara, and Hiei. They were bored and looking for something to do. "Hey guys. I got an idea," Yusuke stopped the gang. "You know how the Dark Tournament is coming soon right?" They all nodded. "We should go check up with Koenma to see if we are going." They all nodded again and they went off to a secluded area. They called Koenma and he sent Botan to make a portal for them to see him.

When they got there, Koenma was pacing quickly on his desk like a nervous wreck. "You are here! Good! I need you all to go to the Dark Tournament in a few months! You need to get ready to fight! You also need one more person. Go to Genkai's Temple and train. Ask her if she can join your group for the tournament. Good luck!" He had Botan push them (even Hiei and Kurama) into a portal before they could contradict his order.


Kagome was working out in the underground room for advanced fighters. She was really mad. Her eyes were Gold with Red and Black swirls.

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She had gone to the store today to get some weapons Genkai wanted. When she got out some tall man blocked her way. "Hey baby, what's your sign?" He licked his lips seductively.

Kagome looked at him like he was nuts for coming up to her. "Do Not Enter." She said coldly. He shivered a little at the tone of her chilling words.

"Haven't I seen you some place before?" he leaned foreword.

Kagome could smell the alcohol on this guy. He also reeked of drugs and smoke. "Yeah, that is why I don't go there anymore." She kept cold and scary but her eyes were slowly going Gold.

He was getting mad. "Your place or mine?" He just knew this would work.

"Both. You go to yours, I'll go to mine." She attempted to go the other way but another guy, in the same drunken state, blocked her way. "I suggest you move before pain is the only thing you feel besides numbness all over." She attempted again. Now she was surrounded. They were closing in wobbly but quickly.

She managed to front flip over them all but one caught her plastic bag. It ripped. Her eyes were Gold and Turquoise now. She punched, kicked, and beat them all until they were unconscious. She didn't kill any of them but she left them injured. She took out about 20 men in under 2 minutes at the time. She picked up her stuff and put it in the other spare plastic baggy and walked away like nothing happened. She stayed frustrated though.

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She focused even more on her energy. It was increasing quickly and greatly. Midoriko had taught her how to control her energy and Miko powers to the max. Kagome was only at 20% of her power though. And that is without Miko energy or spirit energy, just plain strength. She didn't notice the 11 eyes that watched her; she was too caught up in her goal, to reach 50% of her power just by thought.


Yusuke and gang came to Genkai's temple and they felt a huge power coming from underground. They went inside the temple. Genkai already knew they would be coming. She walked to them and motioned for them to follow her.

They walked for at least a half mile. It was definitely an underground training room. When they got there they couldn't believe their eyes.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$**** HIEI'S POV****$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Impossible. There is no way. It can't be her. Can it? Kagome… It is her. It smells and looks like her. I remember now. She lived in the future and the past. She has gotten much stronger now. Much stronger. She is stronger than all of us, even Genkai, put together. Wait! Her power…is rising! Quickly too. Is this just a little bit of her power? Amazing! Wait. Where are her other friends? Interesting…

Hiei watched with the others as Kagome raised her power.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$**** YUSUKE'S POV****$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

No way!!! KAGOME!? HA! Wait a… SHE IS STRONGER THAN ME?! She looks a lot cuter too! Maybe… Nah! Well, maybe. I don't go out with Keiko anymore. Yeah. Hey! Where is InuYasha and the others? I'll make sure to ask. Yusuke watched with the others as Kagome raised her power.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$**** KURAMA POV****$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Kagome. I knew we all would meet again. I missed you so. As did Yusuke and Hiei. I think Kuwabara did as well. Wait. Where are her other friends? Maybe back in the well.

Kurama watched with the others as Kagome raised her power.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$**** KUWABARA POV****$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Where is all of that power coming from!? Where is the kitty? Is that Kagome!? No one is stronger than the Great Kuwabara Kazuma!! (sp?)

Kuwabara watched with the others as Kagome raised her power.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ NORMAL POV @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Kagome had reached her 50% of power. Wind, fire, ice, plants, lightning, and water twirled in the large training room. She opened her eyes to see the walls. They were covered with ice but burning with fire and cracking by the wind. Plants rested on the ground and lightning flew about in random sections of the room as little sparks of light. She was wearing a black tank top with black baggy pants. She also had read lining on the pants. She had fingerless gloves on and no shoes. Her hair had gone down to her mid calves. She was standing in the middle of the room, back facing her guests.

She closed her eyes and started to let her power drop back to 2% high. She didn't need a lot of power to kill something. Her eyes were Black. All of the elements of her original power had faded. She had let go of her anger on the men who got in her way earlier that day. Then she noticed her guests. She didn't turn around. She examined them without looking back.

The one most focused on her was an ice and fire demon. Wait a sec. Fire and ice? Those don't go together! She focused more. He had a Jagan Eye. Jagan…Jagan…HIEI!!! She wanted to cry but she didn't. And she didn't turn around.

She then focused on the next person with the most power of them all. He had high spirit energy and knew her name. Yusuke? This mush mean the others are Kuwabara, Kurama, and Genkai. Without turning around she spoke to them after 5 long years. "What are you doing here Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, and Kuwabara." It wasn't really a question, more of a command. She heard a few gasps. She turned around. The whole gang was there. They all looked the same to her. But their personalities had changed. She didn't know how just yet and she didn't want to peek in their minds. That kind of action Hiei would notice immediately and he would tell her to stop reading their minds.

"Kagome? You know these buttheads?" Genkai pointed to the gang.

"Yes. I do." She replied coldly making even Hiei tremble against the words emotionless vibrations.

"I see." Genkai walked back to the way back upstairs.

"Kagome! Where is InuYasha? Sango? Shippou? Miroku? Kirara? What about Naraku!? Is he dead!?" Yusuke screamed.

Kagome then remembered that day of their deaths and Naraku's escape.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@ FLASH BACK @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before Kagome left she would have to give her friends a proper burial.

She started with Sango. Since she was in two pieces the burial would be like that of her younger brother's. She didn't cry while she did it. She healed Sango and laid her down next to the Goshinboku tree. She next got Shippou, her son. He was not as easy to handle as Sango. Salty tears threatened to fall from her Purple eyes. She healed him and laid him next to Sango. Next was Miroku. His staff was literally jammed in his gut. (I think that is what happened to him…) She fixed him up and put him next to Sango on her other side.

She found Kirara's dead body. She had overworked herself by fighting all the lesser demons. Her front left paw was broken and inside her stomach had turned. (Ewe! That happens to dogs you know!) Kagome fixed her up and put her next to Shippou. Midoriko had told Kagome a chant so the bodies would be underground in a matter of minutes. She chanted it and they were buried safely.

She walked to InuYasha's hole where he had been dragged to Hell. This time one good blink made her tears fall. But they were silent as the moon that lit her path to the well. Before she had left the hole she had gotten InuYasha's dirt from his hole and sprinkled it on her friend's burial ground. She prayed for at least 20 minutes. She left with Miroku, Sango, and InuYasha's weapons. Apparently Tetsusaiga didn't want to go to the fiery depths of the Seven Hells. She took all the weapons including Sango's sword and walked away from the burial next to the God tree.

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She stared at them coldly all of them. "They're dead." She said in a bitter sense of talk. Each of those 2 words were like giant needles piercing their hearts. Those words were words of the Devil's whistle. A cold and very uncomforting call like a hummingbird without its pleasant hum. Or like the seashell missing its ocean sound and only a cry of pain and angst can be heard. A dead silence filled the room. Nothing happy was going to become in this conversation. Nobody moved. It was like they were petrified beyond their own limits. Even Hiei felt a pang of sorrow and torment in those two delicate words.

They're dead.