Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ Please ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

CHAPTER 12 `Please'

Nobody wanted to believe what Kagome had just told them. Kuwabara was probably most upset that his `Little Buddy' died. "Kirara is dead?" He started to get all teary and he closed his eyes really hard. "NO!!" He cried and used Kurama's shoulder as a pillow to cry on.

Yusuke was upset about loosing the only person just like him. "InuYasha is gone huh? It hurts." He concentrated on the floor so he wouldn't look as weak as his stupid friend.

Now Kurama was perhaps the most sensitive person there. He had a fixation for the monk, Miroku (not that kind of thing). "Miroku is gone as well as the rest." He did as Yusuke did and concentrated on the floor.

Hiei, though he wouldn't say anything to admit it, missed Shippou the most. So he did the one thing he thought he could do. "Shippou….hn." Was all he did. Nobody really heard it anyway, they were to busy taking in the new information. But, Kagome heard. She ached at her son's name being said. She probably missed him the most. She wouldn't let it get to her though. She was much too cold and independent to fall to such an old sore.

"Yes, they are all gone. Now, what do you want." Again like before she commanded her answer. But she didn't get it as quick as she wanted. She wasn't sensitive anymore so she decided to crank up the already flaming heat. "I am not the kind of person to wait for such a weak group of people to want to fall to their own knees at such a piteous thing." She caught their attention. Their heads jerked up, even Kuwabara's. "Better." She said coldly. "What is your business here." She wasn't one to ask questions, she only demanded them. She decided to read Kurama's mind.

We need Genkai to come to the Dark Tournament. But Kagome is probably much stronger than her by a long shot. We could ask Kagome Hiei.

Hn. I don't see why not fox.

She was determined to make them taken aback at her next move or words should I say. "Tell me more about this Dark Tournament Kurama. I am also wondering why you would think I am stronger then Genkai. She was Yusuke's teacher after all." She said it blandly. Not an emotion going to be disloyal to her and show through her voice. They were astonished. "You shouldn't not say anything; that would be called, rude." She raised an eyebrow of question to their stupid actions. "Well Kurama or Hiei if you like, I am waiting for an answer." She saw Hiei understood now. She decided he would be the one to try and pry through her brain, which to his own dissatisfaction, won't work.

He nudged for Kurama to say something telepathically. "Well, we will tell you what it is. The Dark Tournament is…. (Put in the description of the Dark Tournament)." Kurama took a breath. "We need you to go because we need a strong fighter on our side. They won't let only 4 people join a group to fight." He said it with hope she would agree to it.

"Why should I." She asked.

"Because if we loose, we die. If we win, we get a prize." He knew that the thought of them dieing would strike her inquisitiveness in going so she wouldn't have to watch them die.

"Very well. I will go." She said plainly. "But I give orders, not any of you." She eyed them vigorously.

They nodded their heads and they walked another half mile to the upstairs, on the way they talked. Yusuke was dieing to know how she had become so strong and how much power she was showing off in the other room, better question, why was she in that room? "Hey Kagome, why were you in that room?" He was surprised when she spoke back.

"I was releasing a little bit of my anger, I was also pushing my limits to see if I could get to a certain percent of my power.." She said in her usual voice.

"Oh; How much power?" Everybody waited for her answer.

"20%" She once again said coldly.

"20%?!" Yusuke and Kuwabara yelled in a combination.

"Yes, 20%." She knew she was stronger than all of the dopes put together times 2 just at 20%. Nobody could beat the Shikon Guardian. "I am the Shikon Guardian you have probably heard of."

"What!?" This time everybody said it.

"I said it didn't I?" She said in an annoyed voice. Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke knew she was getting annoyed but Kuwabara kept pushing.

"So are you like the strongest person alive?" He asked to his misfortune.

Kagome looked at a chair in one of the large rooms that they came to and it shattered. "Does that answer your question?" She walked on while they stood in shock.

"Perhaps this year the Dark Tournament will be an easy win." Hiei said, still staring at the chair, or should I say, what was left of it.

Kagome was still walking on, "Are you fools coming or do I have to drag you." She commanded that they come. They came with no hesitance of fear that they too would be torn from her arctic look.

Yusuke had more questions. "How come you were in that room back there and not outside or upstairs?" Yusuke asked.

Kagome turned a knob on a large door and stopped. "I could have killed everyone that was outside or upstairs. Anymore questions?" He shook his head `no' and they walked upstairs. They were greeted by Genkai and told her the news.

Kagome decided the time to pack would be now. "I'm going to pack." She walked upstairs to her room.

Genkai made certain to tell the boys Kagome's warnings. "Come here." She walked to a couch in the living room. "Sit." She pointed to the other couch. Hiei stood. "Kagome is probably the strongest fighter in the world. I am going to give you safety tips so you don't get yourselves murdered." They nodded their heads. "Rule number 1: Don't get her mad. If you break this rule you are screwed. The only way to tell if she is mad is to see if her eye color is Red or Gold. She doesn't show a lot of emotion on her face so be extra careful around her." Genkai wanted to confirm they understood and they nodded their heads. "Rule number 2: Listen to what she says, even I do. If you don't it is curtain time for you. Her eyes will go o Turquoise." Genkai saw them shake their heads." Last, I have made extra papers of the color of her eyes at different times being. This took a long time for me to make because it is hard to make Kagome happy or sad. Take these." She handed each of them a sheet of paper with the different colors her eyes can change and what the colors mean. "Her eyes also mix their colors so pay extra attention to her eyes."

Kagome came down the stairs with a black bag on her back. "Were going now." They walked over to her. Kagome shook hands with Genkai and sent her a note in her head saying she'll love her for always. Kagome waited for Botan. She remembered when the woman of death came. Botan came and a quick reunion came.

"Kagome! I am so happy to see you!" Botan got off her oar to give her friend a hug but stopped when she felt the words of death crawl up her spine to get near her. This never shocked Botan before to see the living be or act like they are dead; she is the Grim Reaper for crying out loud. But Kagome's aura was cold and discarded. Feelings not even the Grim Reaper would want to have or be around. "Kagome you have changed." She back up real slow and shivered when Kagome's voice rang in her head. <Just make a portal, Reaper.> Botan nodded her head and made a portal. They jumped in the dark hole and let it consume them. Sooner then she knew, Kagome was in a big building with a desk in front of her. A small walking baby paced the desk.

Yusuke was next to Kagome and was going to tell the baby they were here. "Hey toddler, we're back." Yusuke laughed when Koenma got mad at him and yelled really loud.

"Yusuke don't call me that in front of Genkai!" Koenma looked at the so called Genkai. What kind of lotion is Genkai using she looks great! Wait, that isn't Genkai! "Where is Genkai!? Who is this?!" Koenma pointed to Kagome.

"Haven't you ever heard of respecting your elders' young one?" Kagome moved his finger with hers.

"I am not young! I am older than you I'll bet!" Koenma pointed at her again. The Yu Yu group checked her eyes. To there relief they were Black.

"Really, are you over a hundred years of age?" She poked his finger down with hers again.

"No, are you?" He pointed again. (I don't know how old Koenma is, so I'm going to say 80).

"Yes, 108 to be precise. I suggest you show the Shikon Guardian some respect." He put his finger down himself this time and bowed really, really, low.

"I am so sorry! I didn't know! I am begging your forgiveness great Guardian!!" Koenma pleaded while he still bowed.

"Rise." He rose. "You best watch yourself in my presence Koenma." She continued. "I am taking Genkai's place this year." Koenma beamed with stimulation.

"Great! Is there anything I can get you? A drink? Some food perhaps?" He put his hands together and pleaded she says yes.

"I am relatively hungry. Very well Koenma, food and beverages for all of us would be of a lot of recognition for you." Kagome looked at Yusuke and Kuwabara who had a thumb up for each. Koenma called for ogre.

(Is it George or Ogre? I'll just say Ogre!)

"Ogre! Get the bests chefs! Get enough food to feed three fighters and the Guardian of the Shikon!" Koenma yelled. (Remember how I said the tournament was in a few months? I lied. It is in a few days.)

"Koenma sir, the Guardian?" He came up to Koenma's desk.

"Yes you buffoon the Guardian! Now hop to it you lazy bum!" Koenma hit Ogre's head.

"Yes sir!" Ogre bowed to Kagome and left when she made the okay for him to rise.

"Hey Kagome, why is everybody bowing to you?" Yusuke asked Kagome. He checked her eyes persistently now, just to be sure. You can never be way too safe.

"Have you already forgotten? I am a princess you know. Also the Guardian of the Shikon No Tama. I have the power to destroy the universe in a single blink if I wanted." Kagome said this like it was nothing.

"You do?! Wow! I remember now. You are a princess. How come everybody here knows about your world?" Yusuke saw her eyes as still Black.

"They do because in the past time with InuYasha, nobody, not even the highest of demons new about where I once lived. The Majestic Realm is now known to all because after the war most news spread fast about my father's death." She paused. "It was more of a time thing then a secret thing." She finished.

"Oh." He nodded to say he understood and sat down at the table that a few demons brought in. They ate mostly in silence besides a few `This is good' or `Try this'.

Kagome was a slow eater and she didn't eat a lot when she did. Hiei was the same. It was a kind of an intuition to watch more than eat more. It was another way to stay alert of your surroundings.

When they finished eating Koenma set up reservations for a hotel they would stay in. it was the same hotel and the same room as before when they fought last year.

When they got there they sat down and got the usual cup of coffee.

"Do you think it is poisoned?" Kuwabara asked Kagome.

"It doesn't smell poisoned. But I won't drink it anyway. I don't drink coffee. Only tea." Kagome got up and stood at the window sill to sit down. Hiei was going to sit there but shrugged it off and looked at the paper Genkai gave them.

Pink is sad, light blue is determined, silver is strong, gold is upset, black….nothingness. She always feels nothingness? Why? He planted the question in his mind and looked on. Green is silly, red is angry, white is, bloodlust. I remember when she turned into that thing when her family died. It was actually terrifying to watch that. I'll admit I was scared.

+Why?>+a cold feminine voice asked.

[Kagome?]Hiei asked in shock. [How is it you can look into my mind and I cannot tell? You did this earlier with me and Kurama's conversation did you not?] He was still a little angry at her for that, but didn't show it.

+Remember? I have been under the training of Midoriko for quite some time now. I can do many things.+ She replied.

[Yes, I remember now. Now if you would be as so kind as to let me finish reading the paper in peace.] He blocked their connection.

+Hiei you cannot block the connection that easily. I am much stronger than you are.+ She popped back in his head.

[Then I will ignore you.] He felt triumphant.

+You cannot. I know your secrets Hiei. I am no fool.+ He became nervous. She could feel it. +You really should work with your constipation problem. Or at least tell some one besides Kuwabara.+ She knew it wasn't true but she couldn't resist. It was so easy.

[Kuwabara huh?] He got up and punched the big idiot to kingdom come. He knocked Kuwabara out with one hit and Kurama shook his head while Yusuke laughed. Also, another unknown laugh was heard.

Kagome was first to notice the voice and turned her head to the doorway. A tall man with blue long hair stood in the doorway. His arms were crossed and he had blue eyes, he had on an outfit like Kurama's except it was blue and white. (Kurama's fighting outfit for the Tournament was also those colors but this guys is a little darker.) He had a small horn on his head.

"Hello, name's Hake. (Remember, I make up the names!)" He said in a Scottish accent.

"You are not welcome here." Kurama stood up. Kagome turned her head back to the window to look outside.

Hake noticed this and put a confused look on his face. "Four men and a woman. Odd." He smiled.

"She isn't just any woman." Kurama said.

"Oh really? Then who is she?" Hake asked.

"She is the Guardian of the Shikon No Tama, princess of the Majestic Realm." Kurama said with a little enthusiasm in his voice.

"Wow! I had m'self in the presence of a princess the whole time and didn't know it." He bowed low. "I ask of your forgiveness m' lady." Kagome looked over. She got up and walked to him.

"Rise." She ordered. He rose. "Not only do you speak to the princess of the Majestic Realm or the Guardian of the Shikon No Tama, you also speak to the daughter of Janan Higurashi." Kagome watched as Hake went from happy and cheery to even more jubilant and merry.

He bowed low again and she gave him permission to stand. He turned to the hallway and called out, "Hey, Banji, Kan, Jin, Koda! Come here!" He yelled in his Scottish accent.

Four men came rushing down the hall in a big cluster. "Can they come in?" he asked Kagome. She nodded and they came in one by one.

The first was Banji, he was tall like Hake, and he had blonde hair that went down to his mid waist. He had on a green attire, much like Hake's. He had gold eyes and had a smile on his face. A small horn escaped his forehead.

The next was the shortest, Koda. He had purple hair that came to his waist with a smile on his face, his eyes were a dark green and a smile played his small face. He looked to be a little over 5 years of age and he had on purple garments that looked like Hake's too. A small horn on his forehead was visible.

The next guy looked just like Banji, he was the same height, but his hair was orange with a yellow outfit. His hair reached the same length as Banji's and his eyes were orange. His outfit was like the rest of their outfits. A small horn also came from his forehead. His name is Kan.

What is with the horns? Kagome thought.

The last guy was Jin. (YAY!!!! I LOVE JIN!!!!) He was about 6 ft. 4 and had short red hair. He had a big smile on his face, a little fang escaped the left side. He had a toga looking thing on. He had green eyes (I think) and he was eyeing Kagome. This made Hiei mad, but he didn't show it. He appeared to be the oldest and most mature of them all.

Hake smiled and said with his adorable accent, "These are m' brothers, Jin,(he pointed to Jin) Banji, (he pointed to Banji) Koda, (he points to Koda) and the youngest of the group, Kan." Hake pointed to Kagome to signify he meant her specifically. "Banji, Jin, Koda, Kan, this is the princess of the Majestic Realm, she is the Guardian of the Shikon No Tama, and she is the daughter of Janan Higurashi!" He watched them bow exceptionally low to her. She told them to rise.

Koda looked up at her with big green eyes. Her face softened. (WOW!) Kagome saw Shippou in those big green orbs of pure cuteness. She picked him up and when he smiled at her brightly, she smiled back at him. She hugged him close to her and put him down. No sooner did she put him down he wanted her to pick him back up. He reached up with little hands and made grabbing actions, signifying that he wanted her attention again. She picked him up again and held him like a toddler.

Hake seemed surprised at this and asked, "How did ya' do that?" Kagome rubbed Koda's head.

"What do you mean?" She said in cheery voice. Her eyes were Yellow with Green and Navy Blue swirls. "He seems sweet to me." She nuzzled his nose with hers and giggled when he opened his mouth to give a big yawn.

"I mean he is usually a bit of a nuisance to most people. He seems to like you a lot. Also, if you don't mind me saying, me and my brothers heard you were one of the most unmerciful, cold beings alive. But, you seem pretty nice to us." He smiled when she looked up at him and smiled.

"I am only being as sensitive as I want to for now. Tomorrow when you see me I will be as inhospitable to you or anyone else in the area." She said in a serious voice. "But for now I will be nice." Kagome winked at Koda and laughed when she did.

"He likes you a lot." Jin came up to her and made an attempt to pick up Koda. He buried his face in Kagome's neck in attempt to hide himself from the hand. "Koda, we got to get goin'." Jin smiled when Koda hugged Kagome's neck and jumped to Jin.

"He likes you a lot." Kagome smiled and ruffled Koda's hair.

"I am his favorite of us brother's. Isn't that right Koda?" He smiled and the other brothers pushed his back and left with their bows and cheerful smiles. Jin smiled and Kagome welcomed him in to sit with Koda. He sat on the couch and immediately noticed Yusuke. "Hey, I remember you!" Jin smiled and laughed at the funny times they had. Yusuke laughed at the same memories.

"Yeah?" Yusuke put out his hand as a shake and they shook hands. "What team are you on this time?" Jin smiled.

"I am on a team with all of my brothers, this little guy is on the team too!" He pointed to Koda. "Koda, say Yu-suke." Koda made an attempt to say Yusuke's name and all that came out was a mumble of words. Jin and Yusuke laughed. Kagome was sitting on the window sill in her stoic attitude again. "Say Ka-Go-Me." It was a little more successful then Yusuke's name but it was still a jumble of words. Jin and Yusuke laughed again.