Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why me? Why now? ❯ The realization ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho (Japanese spelling).
A/n: This is about Hiei and Kurama. It's a yaoi which means there will be some guy on guy here. It's also my first mpreg so please don't flame me for it. Tell me if there are any mistakes and I will change them as best as I can. Oh and I don't condone violence of any kind. Please read and review.
Talking” “Thinking”
Kurama sat on the bathtub in the bathroom trying to think of how the hell this could have happened. He'd been careful really careful. He'd made sure it wasn't his heat. How could this be happening? He'd thought he'd have some more warning in this matter. But no it just up and kicks him in the ass. How the hell was he going to explain this to his lover? Worst of all how was he going to explain it to his mother that he was…that he was… damn he thought how am I going to tell my mother about this she will never understand she's a human she was definitely not going to understand and even is she by some small chance she did understand then I'm going to have to explain how it happened and what I am. Will she still love me if I do tell her? Will Koenma get mad at me for telling her what I am? How the hell am I going to tell Hiei this and the others? Damn I can't tell anyone they won't understand especially my mother but how am I going to hide this from everyone. I'm already starting to show and I know Hiei he'll smell it right away. Ok then its settled I hide it from everyone including from Hiei cause if he finds out he'll leave me I know he will. That was all there was too it. He sighed and then there was a knock on the door.
He said, “Yes mother?”
Shiori said, “Shuuichi are you alright?”
He said, “Yes mother I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute.”
Shiori said, “Alright you have about half an hour before you're late though darling.”
He said, “Alright I'm coming. Fuck me
Kurama came out of the bathroom and went into his room to look for some cloths that would fit over his slight stomach. It really sucked because most of his cloths were meant for his former build now with this new weight his cloths were beginning to run out. He'd have to go shopping for some more and that really was annoying.
Once downstairs his mother offered him a ride to school while she was on her way to work so he wouldn't be late. He accepted but she knew something was bothering her son. And this was the perfect time to out. So once in the car and on their way to his school she decided to start the conversation.
Shiori said, “Shuuichi is there something wrong?”
Kurama stiffened slightly and said, “No mother why would you think that?”
Shiori had seen how her son reacted and said, “You can tell me anything. Is it a girl?”
Kurama looked at her and said, “No it's not a girl.”
Shiori said, “You sure?”
Kurama said, “Mother this may come as a shock to you but I have no interest in the opposite sex. And anyway I am already seeing someone and they are most defiantly not a girl.”
Shiori said, “Oh well then. Does have something to do with him then?”
Kurama said, “Mother there isn't anything wrong. We are doing fine Even if I am having his child. And if you want to meet him he should be coming over tonight.”
Shiori said, “Alright. How long have you been dating him?”
Kurama said, “A couple of months its nothing to worry about.”
Shiori said, “Are you two having sex?”
Kurama said, “MOTHER!”
Shiori said, “What it's a legitimate question?”
Kurama said, “Yeah but still I'm not telling you that.”
Shiori said, “Shuuichi its ok you can tell me anything. I promise it's nothing I haven't heard before.”
Kurama said, “No mother I am not going to talk to you about this no matter how comfortable you are with it I'm not. So can we please change the subject?”
Shiori said, “Well I guess the upside to you dating another boy is I won't have to worry about him getting pregnant. Huh?”
Kurama said, “Yeah I guess that is an upside. That's because I'm the one who got pregnant. Damn it how could I have let this happen.”
At school Kurama was at his locker when he felt small arms wrap around his waist. He stiffened at it and the arms were released but now he had a very worried fire demon on his hands.
Hiei said, “We need to talk.”
With that Hiei left to go to where they were alone and Kurama sighed and went after him. Once they entered the empty class room where Hiei promptly shut the door with a snap. Kurama flinched knowing Hiei was pissed at him for what he'd done earlier.
Hiei said, “What the hell was that back there?”
Kurama said, “Hiei I'm sorry alright. I didn't mean to do that.”
Hiei said, “Then why did you do it? Do you not want me to touch you anymore is that it?”
Kurama said, “No that's not it alright. It's complicated.”
Hiei said, “Why complicated? You better start explaining here fox before I just give up.”
Kurama said, “Hiei please I'm sorry alright. You just caught me off guard alright. I wasn't concentrating and I didn't notice you coming up the hall. Please don't be mad.”
Hiei said, “So I scared you then?”
Kurama said, “Yes love you did. I'm sorry please don't be mad at me.”
Hiei sighed he knew the fox was keeping something from him but he wasn't going to force him to tell him right away. He'd give him a while to tell him in his own time but Hiei knew that if Kurama didn't tell him soon he was going to force him to tell him.
Hiei said, “I'm not mad. I was hurt. You know that with me being a forbidden child it's hard for me to trust people and you fox are one of those few people I do trust. And when you did that I thought you were rejecting me like everyone else.”
Kurama said, “No love I would never reject you. I love you way to much too ever reject you.”
With that Kurama kissed Hiei but they were abruptly interrupted with a fake cough was given from the door way. Both of them broke apart with a blush covering their face at being caught in such a vulnerable position by a teacher.
Teacher said, “I think that you two should head to class don't you?”
Kurama and Hiei said, “Yes sir sorry.”
They both ran out the door and down the hall and around a corner where they laughed and headed for their homeroom class. Where they took their seats on opposite sides of the room and the students watched them as they had entered the class room because they had run inside it.
The student in front of Kurama turned and said, “What were you two running for? You guys have a lot of time before Mr. Ikeda gets here.”
Kurama said, “No reason we were racing nothing more.”
Student said, “Really then you two run the same speed because you both got here together.”
Kurama said, “No, Hiei is much faster then me he wasn't trying.”
Just then the one behind him walked in and sat down only to lean forward to talk to Kurama.
He said, “Oh really cause I could have sworn I saw you two in Mr. Oshii's class in a very compromising position.”
Kurama said, “I have no idea what you're talking about.”
He said, “Really cause if I'm not mistaken weren't you two in there swapping spit or did I see wrong?”
Kurama said, “You saw wrong.”
Hiei came over and stood before Kurama and said, “Is there a problem?”
Kurama said, “No Hiei. Why?”
Hiei said, “Well nothing except I think that Makoto should leave you alone before I make him.”
Kurama knew the threat wasn't empty and also knew that Hiei couldn't do it because of the law. So he grabbed Hiei's arm and pulled him down low enough to reach his ear.
Kurama whispered, “Hiei just drop it alright he's human and you can't hurt him. I know he's being an ass but he caught us kissing in Mr. Oshii's classroom and is lording it over me. Just leave it alone please love. I don't need you going to jail ok.”
Hiei growled and said, “Fine but only because you asked it of me.”
Hiei looked at Makoto said, “You're lucky cause if Shuuichi here hadn't told me to leave it alone I'd have broken you neck without a second thought.”
With that Hiei walked away and Kurama let out the breath he'd been holding. He had thought for sure that Hiei was going to start a fight and not let it go. But he did let it go which was surprising to Kurama.
Makoto said, “Yeah well whether you like it or not I know what I saw and trust me I will tell everyone about it.”
Kurama turned and leaned closer and whispered, “You know if you so much as breathe a word of what you saw to anyone I will not only come after you myself but you will have Hiei, Kuwabara, and Yusuke on your ass as well and trust me you worthless excuse for a human you don't want to run into me. I may look harmless but trust me I'm not.”
Makoto whispered, “Oooh I'm really scared Shuuichi.”
Kurama moved so he could see his eyes and they weren't green anymore but gold in color. Makoto saw this and his eyes got huge. He went to say something but was cut off by Kurama.
Kurama whispered, “Yeah well you should be because I am going to tell you something that only my friends know. I'm not human. I am a demon and if you so much as want to live to see your next birthday I wouldn't push me. Cause there is a reason Hiei calls me fox when talking to me because that is what I am. I am a spirit fox and trust me little boy I am far older than you may think. If you think that just because I look 15 I am your wrong I am over a thousand years old and like every other human in this damn world you were always taught to respect your elders so I suggest you do so since I and Hiei are your elders you will show us the respect we deserve or damn to the rules I will kill you. I don't care if I end up in jail in the spirit world it would be worth it. So I suggest you behave yourself or I'll let my little fire demon over have you. And trust me he is good at what he does and trust me if I tell him to do it he will. All those legends about the infamous thief Youko Kurama well they were all true want to know how I know. Well see I know because I am Youko Kurama. And I will not hesitate to kill you off you worthless excuse for a human. So are you going to tell anyone what you saw or heard?”
Makoto whispered, “No sir I won't.”
Kurama said, “Very good. Now pay attention to the teacher and do your homework.”
With that Kurama turned around only to feel Hiei trying to get into his own head.
(A/N: This is how this conversation will come out as. Thank you)
Kurama said, “Yes love?”
Hiei said, “What did you do to him? He's positively scared.”
Kurama said, “He saw us and was going to tell everyone and you know what will happen when that happens.”
Hiei said, “Yeah I do. But what did you do?”
Kurama said, “I told him everything.”
Hiei said, “What do you mean everything?”
Kurama said, “I told him who I really was or I should say Youko told him the truth about us and I don't think he's going to be fucking around anymore with us. I told him to respect his elders which are us. He is so totally freaked out its funny. I was expecting him to loose control of himself.”
Hiei laughed and said, “Yeah I was watching I was waiting for it too and about half the class. But if you were to hurt him then you'd get the same punishment I would.”
Kurama said, “I told him about that and I also said it would be worth the time in the spirit world jail to see him beg me to stop.”
Hiei said, “Ok you're scaring me. Put Youko back where he belongs and being Shuuichi back.”
Kurama said, “Oh I'm just having fun. Don't worry he's not going to harm anyone. He knows better. Anyway I think we've got another mission.”
Hiei said, “What makes you say that?”
Kurama said, “I just saw Botan behind you. So I think we will have to find the other two and get to the roof after class.”
Hiei said, “I'll tell them now so they will meet us there. Why don't we just go now I mean our teacher's not here.”
Kurama said, “True come on lets go. Get the others.”
With that both Hiei and Kurama got up and grabbed their things and walked out with all their classmates watching them leave. Once up on the roof Yusuke and Kuwabara were already waiting with Botan. They went over to the others and stood there.
Botan said, “Well now that I have all of you. Koenma wants to see all of you immediately.”
Yusuke said, “Now what does the toddler want with us? We just got back from a case.”
Botan said, “I am aware of that but I am only doing my job. Come on lets go.”