Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wind Knoll's Curse ❯ Chapter 26

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Like I promised when updating MNK, I didn't die. =x I just got way too into WoW again. I was hooked for a month. I am trying to play it in moderation, but it becomes hard for me. lol I just sneezed my way through this chapter no thanks to a cold I know have. Thanks work for once again getting me sick. V_V Anyways, next chapter! Enjoy!
With the spirit activity more overwhelming than ever, Scarlet found her-self interacting with some in her sleep. She was standing in her backyard at her old house. Watching her and her mother interacting with one another again, she sat down on the bench to watch the dream play out. Resting her knuckles on her cheeks, she sighed a bit to herself. “I do miss you, mom…”A shadow soon casting upon Scarlet caused the young woman to avert her attention nervously over her shoulder. The dark figure taking the appearance of Jin well enough, she sighed a breath of relief. “Oh, Jin, it is just you.” Seeing the wind master put her at ease though she wasn't really paying attention to the hidden dark smirk upon his face. Scarlet pushed herself up from the bench she was sitting on to turn to the wind demon.
“You look like you're sad,” Jin said with a sly look in his red eyes. Scarlet seemed to shrug as the redhead reached for her to place his hands upon her shoulders. “I can help with that.” He grinned.
His hands touching her spirit form, Scarlet felt her entire body ache in an agonizing way. Moaning in a bit of misery, she threatened to pull away. “Your touch…it is hurting me…!”
With Scarlet threatening to back away, Jin grabbed onto her neck as if to warn her he would strangle her if she moved. He narrowed his eyes down at her irritably this time with a bare of his fangs. “Don't move, or you'll regret it!” He growled. With a blink of his red orbs, they went from a dark red to nothing but white to show it was not the wind master she knew. When Scarlet continued to struggle, the demon in the disguise of Jin pushed her down towards the bench she was originally sitting on.
Her head hitting the cold cement of the bench, her mind subconsciously told her she should be bleeding from the force her skull exerted upon the object. Scarlet grabbed onto the hand, which was soon about her neck, to try and pry it off of her or at least lessen the pressure he was putting upon her. At that moment, she wasn't sure what was hurting the worse, the injury she sustained on the back of her head or the negative power that was touching her. The mere touch of this spirit was making her entire spirit form feel as if her body was painfully expanding to its limits. “Let…go…of me…! Please!” Scarlet begged through her labored breaths and struggle.
The disguised demon grinned as he moved in towards her mouth. “It will all be over soon,” he whispered eerily to her as his tongue crawled up her right cheek.
Scarlet could feel his painful touch moving down to her left thigh making her scream best she could to attract any positive spirits to come and help her. She had a feeling nobody would come quick enough making her panic. It's my dream, Scarlet thought. I should be able to banish him! Closing her eyes tightly, Scarlet tried her hardest to change the scene only to be knocked off of her concentration from the tighter grip the demon put on her. “AH!”
Razz was making her way back to Scarlet's bedroom to wake her up on the hour as Jin asked of her. She tied her hair back in a bun upon making it to Scarlet's door to be rid of the annoying hairs getting in her face. Knowing it was unlocked, Razz opened it to allow herself inside. Upon setting one foot inside, the high priestess paused and began to shiver from the evil chill she suddenly got. “What is going on…Scarlet!” Seeing Scarlet trembling and arch her back in pain, Razz hurried over to the bedside to shake the sleeping woman. “Scarlet! Scarlet, wake up!” With her being nonresponsive, Razz pulled out her talisman she wore about her neck. “In the name of the Wind Lord and the powers he grants me, I cast you out of this woman's body!” Pressing the neckwear against Scarlet's mind, she witnessed as the young woman screamed before her eyes finally flew open and she quickly sat upright in bed. “Thank goodness,” breathed Razz. “Are you okay? What happened!”
Scarlet could hardly find the time to catch her breath as she held onto her rapidly beating chest. “So much…pain…it hurt just to be touched by him!” She seemed to ramble.
“Calm down; calm down,” whispered Razz as she held onto Scarlet's hand, which was closest to her, using her other to try and wipe some of the sweat from the woman's brow. “Now, what happened? What attacked you in your dream?”
“It was some demon,” Scarlet answered with a harsh swallow. “He was in the disguise of Jin, and I didn't realize it till he was touching me and just his touch was so painful to my body.”
“A shape-shifter,” mumbled Razz. “A good majority of them are Virgin Hunters. He was trying to take your virginity, wasn't he?”
Scarlet nodded eagerly as she began to cry from the fearful rush her body got. Bringing her legs up to her chest, she allowed Razz to mess with her slightly dampened hair about her face. “I hate when this happens. It makes me never want to go back to sleep for awhile.”
Razz sighed through her nostrils, knowing the feeling all too well herself when she grew up aware of the darkness surrounding Wind Knoll. She held onto Scarlet's wrist, squeezing it almost reassuringly. “Did you ever talk to Jin about the ritual he had in mind for you?”
“No,” Scarlet answered with another shake of her head. “It is too embarrassing and scary to think about.”
The high priestess raised a brow with a slight shrug. “Why? I can imagine it is going to be a little nerve-wracking for your first time, but it is better to be claimed by someone you trust; especially a demon. If you're marked by him, demons won't be coming as frequently to your door to rape you. You'll have Jin's energy signature on you.”
“But they will still come to me!” Scarlet felt need to point out as she ran her fingers through her hair. She buried her face in between her legs as if to hide for a moment. “It isn't like I can completely save myself with this ritual, and I am so scared to have a demon perform it on me…”
Razz intertwined her fingers there upon the bedside with a shrug. “Would you like to slow the attacks or make them continue frequently until your sanity breaks and one actually succeeds in marking your spirit to haunt you eternally?” When Scarlet looked at her finally with a bit of a startled appearance, Razz explained. “When a spirit connects with you for the first time, the energy signature is there on you for some time until the next time you couple. The energy signature draws in the male that coupled with you. That is why Jin will have a better connection with you if he does this. If a Virgin Hunter couples with you, he will continue to come to you to rape and abuse you!”
Scarlet was speechless, unable to think at that moment. The silence was broken when the wind master himself did eventually make it back to the temple to Scarlet's room to continue her schedule as he had planned. “Jin…,” she said breathlessly.
Jin raised a brow at the scene before him, feeling that something went wrong. “Scarlet?” He began in wonder as he made it over to her side. “What is the matter?” Scarlet didn't answer the wind master as he was embraced by the startled woman. Holding her tightly to his chest, he looked over at Razz mouthing, “What happened?”
“Another Virgin Hunter,” Razz sighed softly between the three of them. “It was in disguise of you.”
Moving his strong hand to cup the back of Scarlet's head, he looked off to the side as if to think on a way to protect her. “With the demon portal open and flooding in demons as it is, nightmares are going to cause problems to those sensitive to it and negative spirits are going to be running like crazy about the realm to attack spirit projecting humans.” He shifted his attention over to his high priestess to nod at her as if to hint he wanted to be left alone with Scarlet for a moment. Razz took the hint and got up to make her way out of the bedroom.
Scarlet heard the door close as she held tightly onto Jin still. “His touch to me was so painful…,” she admitted to the wind demon as she pressed her forehead against his bare chest. Scarlet could feel his chest muscles flex slightly when he moved, comforting her. “It felt like my body was distorting under his touch in painful ways.”
“That's because he was a negative spirit,” Jin explained with a worried frown. “When a negative spirit touches you, usually the results are harmful. As Touya said to me one time, it is because our spirits are so highly charged of energy that sometimes a connection can prove deadly. Each one has a different energy source,” he explained with a raise of his finger. “Like with Touya, he has cold spirit energy and it is easy to tell when he is near. Sometimes people can connect with him and accept his touch while others are repelled by it. He has actually nearly killed some people by just touching them.” Jin moved some of Scarlet's hair about to try and ease her. “With this negative spirit, as soon as he touched you, it caused your spirit to want to repel, but it couldn't, so it was paining your body.”
“I don't want them to come near me anymore,” Scarlet practically whimpered against Jin's body. “I am so tired of all of this…”
“Well, has it helped you decide on the ritual?” Jin asked bluntly and without much thought.
Scarlet grumbled a bit at how insensitive that question was. Her knuckles meeting briefly with his chest, she heard him grunt from the impact. “That was rather obnoxious of you to say!” She growled, narrowing her eyes at him. “But,” Scarlet sighed, “I guess I have no choice in the matter now.”
Wincing a bit, Jin rubbed his chest area where he received her punch. “I wasn't trying to be insensitive! I was trying to be the opposite!” Jin insisted with a pout. “Scarlet, things are going to get worse before they get better. Why not let me help you a bit through this hard time? I can do it! I promise!”
To Scarlet he appeared like a little kid begging to show he could do anything. Sighing with a title of her head, she managed a nod. “A-Alright, I will consider doing the ritual. What do I have to do besides plan it with you?” She closed her eyes tightly at having to admit she would, opening one a moment later to look up at Jin nervously.
“That is basically it,” Jin said with a nod, his wild hair shaking. “Other than that, you need to prepare to couple with me. Apparently, you need to psyche yourself up mentally being a nervous virgin.”
Scarlet looked at the demon nervously. “Is it…going to hurt?”
Jin coughed into his fist almost to avoid the subject. “Well, it just might.” He kind of mumbled his words knowing she didn't want to hear that part. “But, what would you prefer: for this ritual to hurt for a little for a moment or for a negative spirit to hurt you for a lifetime if you couple with it?”
“Point taken,” said Scarlet as she blew some of her hair out of her face. “So when should we discuss this?”
The redhead shrugged as he moved back from the hug he had given the scarred woman. “Right now I had in my mind to train you for your servant duties.” He turned to her and smiled brightly, showing off most of his teeth. “But I guess afterwards we could do that.” Gathering some of his wind powers, Jin lifted himself up off of the bed to hover slightly with his legs crossed before bringing himself back down to the floor. “So, come on, let me get you a few things to study.” The demon outstretched his hand to the startled girl. “Shall we?”
Scarlet studied his hand for a moment before looking up at Jin, taking his hand as he had offered. Pulled up quickly from where she is sitting, Scarlet was escorted back down to the Study Hall where all of the books were that she could use. The wind demon opening the door for them both, she tried to keep up behind Jin as he made it down the walkway to look up and down the shelves to find the one he was looking for. As she hurried behind Jin, she noticed that some of the worshippers didn't care to look his way or the wind demon would dodge somebody coming right at him. Scarlet was confused at first until remembering that some worshippers were still blind to what the demon actually was. “I guess some can't really see you, hu?”
“Nope,” Jin answered simply as he continued on his way. He made it to the center of the room where beautiful mural seemed to be painted on the ceiling above depicting him in his `angelic' form summoning the winds in a large circle. There was a mural on the floor to accompany the one on the ceiling as well showing a bit of Celtic wind designs. Jin had stopped in the center of that area to look at the bookshelves lining the circular patterns as he was trying to remember which way to go for servant training books. “A good many people here don't know who or what I really am, and it is a shame,” he said once more, cupping his chin to think with a raise of his brow. “Ah, this way!” Jin pointed off to the east of the building before strutting down that way with a pleased grin.
Engulfed by the books once more, Jin made it down the rows of books to the point he could raise his finger to the titles to find the one he was thinking of. “Ah, here is the one!” He exclaimed with excitement pulling an old book from the shelf. Checking the title to make sure it was indeed the right one, Jin handed it over to Scarlet to have her look at it. It was a very simple book with nothing but a blue-black, leather binding and the title The Servant Girl in gold letters. “That was written by one of my very first servant girls 400 years ago. It is a very old book and a favorite of mine so don't go losing it!”
Scarlet eyed the author's name. “Anne Tailor?”
Jin nodded with a smile. “She was a pretty one. She had auburn hair and fair skin and a bit chubby. She's still at my side in the afterlife. A good woman, that.” Waving his finger for her to follow him again, he made it out of the book aisle and to another section of the Study Hall that had a few tables for people to read and write in their book of shadows in private. Jin took flight once more to make it over to the area he wanted Scarlet to sit at. “You have a book of shadows, right?” Sitting cross-legged in front of her, he tilted his head slightly.
“Y-Yeah, Rachael got me one awhile ago. I didn't bring it with me though,” Scarlet answered quietly between them so as not to disrupt some of those learning.
He huffed through his nostrils with his arms crossed over his arms. “Alright, I'll go get it from your room. Stay here.” Gathering up his wind, Jin took off back towards Scarlet's bedroom.
Scarlet covered her head as the rough wind currants tossed her hair about. “Crazy ass demon,” she mumbled to herself with a narrow of her eyes. Hearing an odd and eerie laughter hissing throughout the room, Scarlet looked up nervous. She could tell that the laughter was evil and a demon was about the area. The more she concentrated on the sound, the more it seemed to escalate with others. Bringing her head down, Scarlet rolled her hands up over her ears to make the disgruntled noises from piercing her skull.
A hand coming from behind her, the fingers gracing her shoulder caused Scarlet to jump and spin around to find it was just the high priest Justin. “Gracious, didn't mean to startle you.” Justin blinked his eyes a bit startled by her reaction though he could sense why she was. “You must hear it all too. There are demons in the Study Hall.” Sitting next to Scarlet, he opened his book down next to her that he was reading. “Don't worry, it will end soon enough. The rift may be a bit stronger between our world and hell, but not strong enough. Eventually the sounds will stop.”
“I still am surprised some people can live like this,” Scarlet whispered between the two of them. “Living in constant fear only to find out you may die and be raped and haunted in the afterlife…makes me wish I could just escape from here.”
“You can try to escape, but even if you did successfully do so, your past would still be tied here.” Justin rested his knuckles against his cheek, gazing down at the encrypted words in his high priest book. “It isn't exactly a place you get out of your dreams. The damned will always find a way to drag you back here if your soul is born here.”
Before Scarlet could say anything else, Jin appeared once more with her book of shadows she left behind in her bedroom. “There you go!” Spying his high priest next to Scarlet, Jin smiled at him widely. “Hey, Justin, how are you?”
“Hey, Jin, I am doing just fine. By the way, some demons appear to still be loose about the temple,” he felt need to warn the demon. Upon mentioning that, he saw Jin get serious and listen closely to what was going on. “Scarlet and I heard them moaning and laughing. Do we need to up the barrier further?”
Jin looked from the left to the right with a raise of his brow. “We might have no other choice but to. I don't plan on losing anymore of my worshippers.”
“How goes the sealing of the portal?” Justin wondered as he knew the demons were working on that as well. The energy level of a C class demon catching his attention for a second, the high priest went stiff. “My Lord, directly behind me.” He appeared almost afraid to breathe at that moment.
“Duck!” Jin demanded as he quickly shot one of his powerful gusts of wind at the ghostly spirit, obliterating its form. Taking a breath of relief, Jin looked back down at Justin to answer his first question. “Kurama and the others are still working on it. They think they might have an idea on how to seal it permanently, but they need the help of those who created it to begin with.”
Hearing Jin say that, Scarlet thought of Silvia and the others. She often wondered how Silvia and Blossom were doing after losing contact with them for the past few days. Scarlet was snapped out of her thinking when Jin slammed his palm down on the book he had given to her to read. She frowned up at him in his method of snapping her out of her thought trance.
Jin pointed down to the book's first page upon opening it up. “Now, get to reading. If there is anything you need to remember or find important, write it down in your book of shadows. It will come in handy later on for you.” Using his wind powers, Jin lifted himself off of the ground to sit cross-legged right before Scarlet. “If you need me, let me know.”
The book wasn't all that much to absorb. It talked about the pattern most slave women were given upon being baptized under the demons. It also depicted their important role to serve the demon they were baptized under. They were trained to bring food, drink, and often asked to dress the demon whenever he woke or was to perform certain ceremonies. They were also a primary source for energy feeding, so whenever they slept or were asked to physically, sexual ceremonies were performed for that.
Their clothing was a strapless top in the colors of their master to appeal to the breasts (as most of the servants were usually female and rarely male, and in their case, they would wear no top) and piece of fabric to act as a belt about the waist to keep up the cloth, which hung between the legs in the front and the back that stopped about the ankles. The hair on women was always kept tied back in some form to keep it from being a burden to some tasks they would be asked to perform on command while the men would need to be shaven and their hair at least to their chin in length. In the past, however, the servants were given shackles on their wrist and ankles, chained together, as they were often abused if they didn't perform correctly in some manner, thus they were always trying to escape.
Upon reading that part, I found it almost difficult to continue. It reminded me of the dairy that Jin had given me to read to tell me how awful the past used to be even if it was nearly 500 years ago when it all occurred.
When Jin noticed she had paused in her reading and almost threatened to close the book, he tilted his head to the side. “Did you finish already?”
“N-No,” Scarlet answered rather nervously, looking off to the side for a moment. “I was just pausing for a second.”
Jin placed his hands on his hips with a disapproving frown. “Then hurry up! I don't have all day to sit here waiting for you to finish! It isn't but 150 pages!”
Scarlet rolled her eyes a bit at his impatient attitude before looking back into the book.
It took nearly an hour or so, but Scarlet managed to finish the book Jin had offered her. She was asked later to follow the wind demon down the hallway back to his bedroom to discuss a few things. “So I basically have to just serve you?”
“That's what the title implies, yes,” Jin responded nonchalantly. He guided Scarlet down the hallways back to his bedroom. Making it to his door, he opened it to allow the woman inside first before coming in behind her to shut it.
Scarlet was a bit hesitant to ask the next question, fearing the answer as she made it inside of the demon's bedchambers once more. Her hands close together and just under her chin, she looked over at the redhead. “Did you ever kill or beat any of your servants?”
Jin was closing the door behind him when he was caught off guard by that straight forward question. His eyes wide for a moment as he looked down at the floor from the shock of it, he frowned sorrowfully and shifted his sight off behind him with a bit of a growl. He didn't like to answer those kinds of questions—it was a reason he gave that old book to Scarlet. His blue eyes moving back to Scarlet, his frown a bit more serious and angry in appearance, he raised a brow at her. “Do you really want to know the answer to that?”
Straightening up, Scarlet nodded with a clear of her throat. “Y-Yes. I can handle it.”
His sharp nails digging into the wood on the door, he tapped the tips against the woodwork. “Yes, I killed and beat many of them.” Jin rested his back against the entranceway with his arms crossed upon his chest. “One of the servant girls I had under my care was only nineteen when she threatened to run from my temple one night into the fog surrounding Wind Knoll I thought I so gracious kept out of the town's way.” The wind master closed his eyes having to remember that stormy night when the scrawny, blond haired teen was trying to run to what she viewed as safety. Her shackles were chiming and alerting Jin to where she was. “When I caught up to her, I wrestled her to the ground, breaking several of her bones to the point she couldn't move or had little desire to.” He could remember the loud screams that echoed in his ears that night when he did successfully maim the blond girl. The toothy grin spread across his features that night almost made him sick to think about at that moment. “At that time I had little desire to touch any human with my body sexually, so I did with my spirit or with my hands. So with my hands, I basically raped and tore up her vaginal wall before the smell of her blood consumed me, and I devoured her.”
Scarlet inhaled sharply, covering her mouth upon hearing him admit that to her. She took one step back towards his bed unable to believe the happy-go-lucky demon would ever commit such a horrific act. “And…she was only…19…!” Scarlet breathed in a rather panic. Backing up a bit more, the back of her legs met with the side of Jin's bed causing her rump to fall upon the covers. “How could you think of doing that!”
Jin brought his hands up slightly to look at them. “Ever since I was created thousands of years ago, I had not a caring notion in my mind when it came to the human race. Maybe some honor code was there but when it came to humans, I cared little. To demons, humans are nothing but cattle that can be used in different ways.” He gazed up at Scarlet unflinching. “All of us demons felt that way at one time or another. I am sure a small part of us all still do.” Jin smiled for a moment to try and lesson the fear he could sense was coming from Scarlet. “But, this was many years ago that all of this happened. Right now we are trying what we can before we are all re-judged or do somehow pass on.”
“What-what would happen if that were to happen to you? Wouldn't we all be left open to an attack by the demons in this town?” Scarlet wondered in a bit of worry as she watched the wind demon come over to where she was.
Jin sat down beside Scarlet, placing his hand on her cheek. “If that were to happen then I would be reborn and need to be watched over to come back to help you all once more as I have. Truthfully, we are all trying to make sure most of the people in this town move on or out safely. We know that not everyone wants to live an eternity in the pits of hell while living or dead.”
Scarlet looked away from Jin's blue eyes, finding herself unable to stare at them long without blushing lately. “Do you honestly think Koenma will allow you to be reborn in a pure form ever again after all that has and continues to go on here?”
“I don't know,” Jin answered honestly as he brought his hand back to his side. “I guess 500 years of evil deeds compared to nearly 500 years of `pure' acts is a fifty, fifty chance for me and everyone else.”
“That is a long time to be alive and wait to be judged,” Scarlet pointed out as she looked back at the wind demon upon finding the courage. “Why not wait 100 years and be judged again?”
Jin widen his eyes briefly at her comment before his body was overtaken with spasms of laughter. Opening one eye to look at Scarlet's confused expression, he raised his finger to her and shook it. “You would think it is that easy, hu? But let me tell you something, a demon doesn't age like that of a human. A demon can be 200 years old and still be the appearance of a 10 year old. We age much slower than you do. As far as judging goes, I have to first die in this form to be re-judged.”
Scarlet was still confused. “So…why have you held onto the form you're in for so long?”
The playful nature of the demon stopping once more, he looked at Scarlet seriously. “Because, be truthful, if you had an all powerful body and could control one of the very elements given to this world, would you not want to live as long as you could?” Jin shrugged, twisting his frown to the side with his eyes closed. “If I am going to live to be 9,000 years old than I am going to see if I can. If I die, then I die when I do.”
“It sounds like a part of you doesn't want to be re-judged again,” Scarlet nearly whispered between the two of them.
“Like I told you back at Teresa's house, I haven't a reason to be in a rush to do so. I have little desire to recycle my spirit back into any other form. Anyway,” Jin sighed as he slapped his hands together to rub them against one another. “Now, about that ritual you are oh so dreading. How do you want to do this?”
Scarlet's fingers tapped nervously upon the bedcovers beneath her, rolling her teeth over her lower lip. “Well…ummm…what are my choices here?”
Jin placed his index finger to his cheek. “Well, let's see. First thing is the cleansing ceremony, and we can either do that together or separate.” He could see her about to be resistant to that idea. “But, let me tell you, being together will make things easier for you later on when I actually do have to see you naked and you me. I'll change with your back turned if you want me to.”
“I guess that's okay,” Scarlet said, rubbing the back of her neck. “Just a little nervous about the ceremony still, I do suppose.”
The wind master chuckled. “That's only natural for a virgin. The next part would be me coupling with you. We can either do this in private or in the Breeding Room.”
“Breeding Room?” Scarlet asked, finding the name a bit weird.
Jin shrugged, looking off to the side as if to avoid her gaze. “Long ago, we wanted to breed our humans to keep our numbers up. We had a room called the Breeding Room put in for them to do that. In the beginning, many were resistant to even doing that, so we forced them to by giving them medicines that would increase their desire to and paired most of our priest and priestesses up. Most of the medicines were made by Yoko Kurama and distributed amongst us. We would oversee their activities with one another and make sure the woman got pregnant. If the female never did, she was often deemed as unfertile and tossed out, being seen as worthless. But that was back in the darker times,” he admitted as he lied back on his palms. “Lately it is used as that when humans want to, but so many will be in there at one time some people will refer to it as the orgy room.”
“So in other words, we would be watched?” Scarlet felt need to understand before she came to any conclusions.
“Yeah, we would. It wouldn't be so private as there are usually some couples in there.” Jin looked up at the ceiling for a second. “But, if you chose in private, we would be here in my bedroom.”
Scarlet nodded quickly at the last suggestion. “I chose private then.”
“Okay, last question.” Jin brought his hands together and up to his mouth, thinking on how to word it. “Do you want Touya to be part of it as he is your other guardian?”
“Wh-What!” Scarlet exclaimed a bit caught off by that remark. “I cannot have two demons getting on top of me!”
“No, no, he won't,” laughed Jin at her expression, which he found to be funny. “If he's here, he'll be something for you to hold on to if you want. Seeing as it is going to hurt, you're going to be dragging your nails somewhere and putting pressure on something. Do you want it to be him or you can do that on my back? I mean, he could hold your hand seeing as you're so nervous.”
“Yeah, and I am nervous over the thought of being seen naked by another male!” Scarlet admitted defensively. “So to cure that you want to bring in another male? That seems a bit oddball!”
“Alright, alright, question answered,” chuckled Jin as he rubbed the underside of his nose. “Just be warned that I might get aggressive if I get into my demonic headset. I've not been inside of a human female at all, so it might be an experience I may lose control over.”
Scarlet felt a bit queasy in her stomach upon him saying that to her. She couldn't help but look down at his crotch area before looking back up at him with a raise of her brow. “How big are you anyway?”
Jin blushed a bit, scratching his cheek with his finger as he avoided eyesight with her. “Umm, well, you're better off not knowing that tidbit just now.” When he saw Scarlet not being settled by that thought, he sighed a bit. “Let's just say when I was trying to get into pleasing my female worshippers physically, I have been turned down because my size scared them.”
“But, wouldn't the spirit world copy that? What would be the difference?” The young woman wondered.
“It does and there isn't a difference. Even with my length and width, I can still fit inside of my worshippers no matter how big or small their depth is. It is possible.” Jin stretched as if he were tired before lying back on his bed with a plop, massaging his forehead with a groan. “When I am in my physical form, some people just think there is a difference. I guess more pain is involved in physical, but don't quote me on that. You'll have to ask Touya.” Jin looked over at the time to be sure it was nearing 3:30 PM. “Alright, dear, I need to get me a nap. I've been running ragged all day since I woke you up.” Jin noticed Scarlet didn't really move or appeared hesitant to do so. “What's wrong? Are you going to be okay without me?”
“Y-Yeah, I just…don't want to sleep or nap by myself right now even though I want to,” Scarlet admitted, rubbing her arms as they crossed over one another.
Jin sighed a bit as he rolled over on his bed to pat the empty space he created. He watched as she nervously took the opened spot after kicking off her shoes. When she lied down next to him with her back facing Jin, he reached over to place his hand over her side only to have Scarlet look over and almost stare him down nervously at him touching her. “I am not going to hurt you,” he insisted in a whisper, wiggling his fingers, which were a few inches from touching her. When she appeared to relax a bit, he let his fingertips grace her hip before sliding it up to her side. She was still watching him as he did this. “See?” Jin said with a brief chortle.
Scarlet finally relaxed completely under his touch, rolling back over onto her side completely to let the demon's hand rest against her stomach. She stared at the door she could see from the bed the demon slept within. Holding the pillow close to her cheek, she heard Jin sigh heavily as if contently. Tempted to look over her shoulder at him, she did to find he had closed his eyes to start his nap. Quick sleeper, Scarlet thought as she tried to do the same though found it to be rather difficult with all the thoughts and concerns swarming her head dealing with the ritual and the closing of the portal.