Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wind Knoll's Curse ❯ Chapter 27

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Or warning—depends. Anyways, the last part of this story had to be chopped up, butchered, and reworded for the sex scene in it for fanfiction network, so people on mediaminer are going to get the longer, wordier version. The link of which is in my profile to those of you who want to read it on fanfiction. I had to make this chapter a bit longer, because I didn't want to censor it and leave the edited version only 5 pages long. xP Anywho, enjoy.
Kurama waited for the town clock to strike midnight as he watched the time from his bedroom balcony he was given. The clock chiming three times the hour, he released his grip on the marble railing to hurry back into his bedroom to meet with the priestess there. She was sitting on his bed, covered completely in a hooded robe. Kurama reached for her hands as he could sense her fear. The woman eyeing him, he smiled tenderly at her. “Don't worry. Nobody is going to hurt you.” The fox demon helped the priestess stand. Kurama held onto her wrist gently as he led her towards his bedroom door. “This way, Blossom.”
Blossom had been called to help seal the portal she had helped open and create over time unknowingly with the others. She was frightened that if she was spotted closing the seal, even at midnight where most of the people were at home or at the temples, Blossom would be beheaded.
With most of the temple asleep or off elsewhere, Kurama didn't have to worry about running into any of his priests or priestesses. The vines removing themselves from the front doors of the temple, the demon opened the large doors to escort Blossom out into the open. He held onto the candle he had lit before handing it to the priestess. “Go on now. We have to be there to seal this portal for good.”
Staying close to the fox demon, Blossom held the lit candle closely as she made haste towards the area where the store once stood only to be nothing but burnt and destroyed merchandise and several piles of bricks thanks to the demons breaking free. The store's remains coming into view soon enough, Blossom stopped a few feet away to see other demons she never knew of before standing there overlooking the destruction and the portal. “Who are they?” She asked Kurama nervously.
Kurama looked over at Chuu, Suzuka, and Rinku with a smile. “They are friends of mine that wish to help.”
Hearing Kurama's voice, Suzuka turned around to greet him with a serious nod. “Are the others on their way here?”
“I spoke to Hiei thirty minutes ago,” Kurama explained as he urged Blossom forward to position herself near the wreckage. “He said he was on his way here with Patricia. Touya is unable to make it and Jin is tied up at the moment, so Shishi went to Touya's temple to bring Lydia and Maria.”
“I guess we wait then,” Chuu remarked as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Are you sure we'll be able to do this without Jin and or Touya?” Rinku was a bit worried about trying to close the portal again without two other high level demons. He was keeping himself occupied in the mean time with his yo-yo, rolling it up and down on the string contently almost appearing not worried about the situation either way.
“As long as we have the ones responsible here, it shouldn't be all that difficult,” Kurama said reassuringly.
“Then this better not be a waste of time,” Hiei's voice barked angrily from the fog surrounding everyone as he made his appearance with Patricia. “I have had enough of these low level bastards coming into my temple to destroy what followers I have left. The smell of human blood is unappealing.”
Patricia looked down at the small demon with a bit of pain in her heart that the demon she worshipped cared that little about everyone there. She had always been deaf to his words and never knew he felt such a way towards people. “It is a wonder why you even stay there if you despise us so much, my Lord.”
Hiei casted a quick disapproving glare at the pink haired woman. In his eyes, he demanded that she was quiet. It was enough to make Patricia look away from him sorrowfully. “To every demon the smell of human blood is unappealing. It isn't just me.” Hiei closed his eyes angrily as he pocked his hands in his black cape. “Maybe those other fools don't mind be catered to by the human race, but I find some of those here to be of little use to me even as servants.”
“Hiei,” Kurama scolded in a whisper to the fire demon. When the demon refused to say anything to him as he walked past the fox demon, Kurama looked to Patricia. He hated to see her so hurt by what she had discovered from being forced to see the truth and hear it as well. “Don't take his words too harshly, Patricia,” he advised with a tender smile. “Hiei has his own ways of hiding his true feelings.”
Feeling a familiar energy signature, Suzuka hurried across the rubble to make his way up a hill of remains from the store to look off in the direction he was sensing it. “Shishi is on his way here now with the others. Should we get started or something?”
“It is wise to wait for him,” said Kurama as he focused on the energy as well. “We can't do this without all the girls here.”
The fog parting once more, Shishi appeared with the three girls he had to retrieve. “Now that we're all here, let's get this over with. I am ready for the panic to stop already. The death toll keeps rising, and I have been working nonstop since this incident.” He felt Silvia move slightly beside him upon him saying that. Shishi placed his hand upon her shoulder to keep her still and calm her.
“Alright then. Silvia,” Kurama began, knowing it was her even under the hood. “I need you to stand right here to the north, and Shishi, you stand behind her.” The fox demon made sure the two of them did as he asked before moving to Patricia next to escort her to the west with Hiei standing behind her. “Blossom, you'll stand to the south with me behind you in just a moment. As for you two,” Kurama paused a moment to think on what to do with them as they both had the same demon parent. “I want, Lydia to stand to the east with Suzuka behind her, and Maria, you stand to the southeast with Chuu.”
Maria looked over at the large demon with a rather nervous frown at his size. “So, what exactly are we supposed to do?” She asked as Chuu positioned himself behind her.
“Rinku, you're going to stay there off to the side in case we get attacked and need healing,” Kurama said in completion to his instructions before turning his attention to Maria and her question. “You are going to seal the portal with Silvia as the lead to it. She was the one who opened it and led your gatherings, so she will lead the closing of the portal. The demons behind you will act as a barrier best we can while giving you our powers as well.” The fox demon positioned himself behind Blossom at that moment. “Now, take one hand of the demon behind you and position the other out in front of you.”
Blossom felt Kurama tap her shoulder eagerly to get her to take his open hand. She was hesitant but reached for it to hold onto tightly.
“We have to hurry with this,” the redhead pointed out as some of the humans were acting a bit sluggish. “We don't know when a demon attack may occur, or when the portal will release more demons into this realm.” When he saw everyone in position, he nodded at Silvia across from him and Blossom. “Silvia, begin the ritual.”
Silvia opened her book of shadows, placing it on the ground to remember the closing ritual spell Shishi had taught her. She placed the book down at her feet to read from where she was standing. “The darkness of night that has consumed this world, depart from us now,” Silvia began nervously. “Depart from the world now tainted in our joined crimson remains. Leave us from the hell you have created. Leave us and go back to your world of torment and madness.”
The more Silvia continued, the more aggressive the winds became as did the eerie feeling creeping over the human females. When the females threatened to budge, the demons locked them back into place, not letting them leave behind what they had started. Blossom closed her eyes tightly as she tried to remain in place in front of the earth demon. As she remained there on edge, pain lashed at her right side causing Blossom to cry out in agony as her flesh was torn at quickly, causing her side to start to bleed. The scream itself caused Silvia to stop and Rinku to snap to attention.
Kurama smelt the blood and quickly covered the wound with his free hand to try and heal it himself. “Keep going!” He demanded eagerly as the winds were picking up worse than ever, forcing him to yell over them. “Rinku, heal her fast! Guys, raise your barriers!”
The glow illuminating from each of the demons in respective color, they began to guard the human women in front of them. Blossom tried to concentrate on the closing of the barrier though her sobs of pain made it difficult even though Rinku was trying to use his healing power to heal her back to normal. When she threatened to lose focus and break the circle, Kurama grabbed onto her shoulder tightly to shake her briefly, demanding that she stay focused.
“Depart from us now! Depart from our world and go back to where you belong!” Silvia yelled over the roaring winds. “Join me now, everyone in demanding their departure from this world and sealing the portal!”
“Focus on closing the portal while chanting!” Shishi called out in return.
As everyone in the group began to do so, the demons that were already loose in the town began to make their way towards the portal to prevent it from being closed. The weaker demons attempting to tear through the barriers raised by the other died right on the attempt while the stronger ones continued to claw away at it. The disgruntled sounds of the enraged demons catching the human girls' attention, the demons shook them back into focus.
“Stay focused! It will be done in five minutes!” Suzuka said over the howling winds and angry demons.
Rinku raised his barrier to prevent from being attacked as well as he stood beside Kurama just in case his aura barrier was broken. “There are too many of them! Once the barrier is down, they are going to kill us!”
Hiei growled angrily as he tossed his dark fire at a group of the oncoming demons to obliterate them. “If they want to fight after this then so be it!” He smirked before turning his attention back to the demon portal, which was growing smaller in size and weaker in energy.
“Depart from us now!” Silvia yelled once more in unison with the others in her circle.
The power of the portal becoming unstable for a moment, it erupted with a powerful explosion causing those in the circle to be blown back. The humans falling back against the demon guardians behind them, the demons in charge of the woman in front of them grabbed onto their weak forms to hold onto them tightly and block them from any possible attack.
“They're going to attack!” Rinku yelled as he got back to his feet. They had been surrounded from closing the demon portal and with their success, angered the demons even further. One of the demented beasts lunging for the yo-yo boy, Rinku covered himself with his arms waiting for the pain to be inflicted only to hear the creation of ice. Bringing his arms down, he was stunned to see the demon completely covered in ice.
“Touya!” Kurama expressed with a mixture of worry and relief.
The ice master was still weak and not up to his full health, but he had felt the commotion and was worried ever since his two worshippers took off under Shishi's orders. He was accompanied by his high priestess Jessica. Some of the demons turning to Touya, they lunged for him only to have the ice master raise his ice barrier about him and his priestess. “You will not cause more havoc then you have already!” He growled angrily at the disgruntled demons.
Desperate to save the ice master, Kurama unleashed his plants from the earth to coil about and prick the flesh of the monsters to the point it caused severe bleeding. “Attack them now!” He demanded to the demons protecting the human girls still.
Hiei blasted some of the oncoming demons with his dark fire again with Suzuka using his rainbow cyclone beside him. Rinku hurried behind Chuu to fight off what enemies he could for his lower power level, leaving most of the fighting to the taller demon.
Most of the demons were still determined to knock down Touya's barrier as he had appeared to have the most threat against them. Touya continued to keep his ice wall up only to fall to one knee eventually in exhaustion. His high priestess knelt down beside him in worry, trying to transfer some of her energy to him best she could. “My Lord, please don't fall! I am here for you!” She called out over the sounds of battle.
Taking in a deep breath, Touya tried to remain awake and well enough to stay alive. Kurama could tell the ice master energy was getting lower by the second and almost at the critical level. The fox demon made it over towards his friend to make sure he was okay. His hand resting upon Touya's shoulder, he knelt down beside him. “Touya, you shouldn't be here! You are still weak and very sick from the last encounter!”
“I am fine,” he insisted as he tried to push himself back up to his feet.
“Keep it up!” Shishi yelled over the slaughtering of the angry monsters. “The waves are lessening!” Pulling out his banshee sword, the demon of death planted the sword into the ground, causing the dark souls he had under his control to erupt forth and tear through the last bit of demonic resistance that stood to confront them.
Hiei blasted through any others that dared to venture closer with Suzuka backing him up with his colorful attacks. When the demons did stop their assaults, the fire demon turned to Patricia to help the stunned woman to her feet. He cared little if she was alright as he turned to where the demon portal once stood. “At least that's over,” Hiei said unenthusiastically.
“Is the portal closed?” Blossom asked as she got to her feet with Rinku's help.
Rinku looked over his shoulder at where the energy used to be to find it had dissipated. “It looks like it.” Sensing Suzuka coming to his side to check as well, he smiled up at the blond. “Least we don't have to worry about many more flooding in, right?”
“No,” panted Touya as he got to his feet slowly thanks to Kurama and his priestess, “but we do have to control those that are still loose in the town.”
Kurama sighed with a nod of agreement before shifting his ivy, green eyes at Jessica. “Take him back to the temple. Don't worry about things here, Touya. We've got everything under control. One can only hope this will be the last of something like this.” When Kurama said that last line, he shot a scolding glare at the girls who caused it. “You all should consider yourself lucky with all things considered.”
The girls responsible looked at one another and lowered their heads. It was always bad when being scolded by your parents, but when it came to the demons that watched over them, it was more difficult to listen to. “We're sorry,” Silvia said on everyone's behalf. “We didn't mean for this to happen… I only had my demon lord in mind when I was doing the rituals I did.”
Shishi was silent hearing Silvia say that even though he knew it was true throughout the years she did her dark worship. “While some demons are attracted to negative energy, some aren't,” he finally explained to his high priestess. “And while we thrive off of human energy, it doesn't mean blood is necessary from any human or animal.” With Silvia quiet, he sighed with a roll of his eyes and waved her over. “Come on; let's get you all back to the temples.”
“Chuu, Suzuka, Rinku,” Kurama called out to the, his tone full of order. “I want you to stay here and make sure the portal is closed. If anything abnormal happens alert me at once.”
“You can count on us, mate,” Chuu assured the redhead with a nod.
Kurama smiled at the demon giant before helping Blossom back to the earth temple. He was hoping with the portal closed, everything would be slightly back to normal. No more senseless sacrifices would be made and no more frequent demonic attacks from demons of all levels. He pressed a bit of a smile, which conveyed relief.
“Scarlet,” a voice beckoned from her dreams as if to call her back from the dreaming world. “Scarlet, wake up.”
Moaning softly at being disturbed, Scarlet's weary eyes gazed up at the high priestess who was trying to get her attention. She didn't recognize the priestess, even when everything came into focus. “Who are you? What do you want?”
The priestess removed the covers on Jin's bed to pull Scarlet from them. “My name is Christina, and I was asked to get you up and head you over to the Cleansing Hall.” Even though the young servant girl was resistant to move, Christina made sure she did even if it meant tugging her down the hallway to their destination. “Come on! You're wasting valuable time, and the demon lord is waiting for you!”
“J-Jin is waiting for me?” She stammered in her words at the thought, waking up a little. “I didn't expect him to want to do this at this time.”
The priestess raised a brow as she gazed over her shoulder. “It is almost noon! What time did you want him to do it?” She was a bit surprised at how late she was willing to sleep, finding her desire to sleep so much bizarre.
Scarlet didn't say anything to that as they were soon standing before the Cleansing Room's doors. She felt her heart starting to beat wildly at the thought of what was to follow and nearly bolted back to her bedroom. When she threatened to, the priestess grabbed her wrist quickly and kept her there beside her. “I think I've changed my mind!”
“Don't be that way,” Christina grumbled as she kept Scarlet still. “It will be over and done before you know it.” She opened the doors to make sure she only sensed the wind demon. “Alright, he's in there somewhere. Just go in there and don't be worried. He'll walk you through it. I have to be out here to make sure the doors are locked and closed until it is over.” With Scarlet still showing hesitation about the matter, Christina practically pushed her in causing the scarred woman to nearly stumble over herself as she was forced into the Cleansing Room.
Hearing the doors close behind her, Scarlet panicked a bit only to be slightly relaxed by the voice of the wind demon behind her. “I see you finally decided to wake up,” Jin replied as he made his way around the pillar he was hiding behind.
Scarlet looked over her shoulder, relieved to know he still had his clothing on. “More like I was forced out of bed.” She sighed through her nostrils, resting her arms over her chest still holding her nervous stance. “So what should we do now? Do I need to get ready before washing myself off or something?”
Jin chuckled, “No. I will, umm, just stand over there.” The wind master pointed to the western part of the building. “I'll keep my back turned, and I won't watch you get undressed. Just to make sure I don't turn around, you can watch me.”
“You're not going to be undressing yourself….are you?” Scarlet wondered with a raise of her brow. “Because if you are, I'll take your word on you not watching me.”
Throwing his head back, Jin laughed at her reaction. “No, I won't be changing in front of you.” He rubbed the side of his nose with his thumb with a grin. “I will just stand there with my back turned.” Jin moved his fingers towards him. “Come.” Making his way over to the western wall, he walked up to the bench to grab a cup of water he had there. He took a sip before explaining again. “You will go in undressed first, and I will follow behind you when you're ready.”
“Okay, I guess that's alright,” Scarlet said with an anxious sigh.
Jin nodded towards the clear waters. “Are you ready?” He could sense Scarlet's fear alone in the situation, prompting him to smile to relax her. “It is going to be okay. I am not going to intentionally hurt you.”
“Okay, okay, just turn around so I can get this over with,” the woman begged eagerly.
Chuckling to himself, Jin did just that. His back facing her, he continued to drink his water he had a priestess grab for him. His pointed ears could hear the fabric rustling behind him as Scarlet got unchanged. “Don't be nervous,” he said in attempts to break the silence as it was more deafening than anything. “I am not here to judge you, and you don't have to feel like you need to meet my expectations.”
“Do demons even have expectations?” Scarlet asked as she removed her shirt and bra, tossing them off to the side, keeping her eyes on Jin's back.
“When it comes to humans, not really,” Jin responded with a tilt of his head to the side. “Demons crave human interaction that they don't care what you look like so long as you're human.” His water finished, he put it down on the bench in front of him. “We just enjoy humans that much though we don't want to admit it.”
“If that's the case why didn't you touch anyone on this plain physically?” Her fingers worked on removing her bottoms next.
“Because I found them to be so beneath me that I didn't want to touch them with my physical body,” said Jin with a sigh, hating to admit that. “It is a different thought when it is just my soul touching theirs. So this moment is going to be special for the both of us, I would think.”
Scarlet kept her arms about her bare chest as she stepped into the cool water. Getting used to the temperature, she made it out to the center where it would cover up her chest at the very least. “Okay, I am in and undressed. Your turn.”
“Okay, just stay turned around, and I'll get undressed.” He peeked over his shoulder to make sure her back was turned before turning around to start undressing himself. “I am lucky that I don't have much clothing to get rid of.” Jin pulled the straps down off of his shoulders before removing his belt and then stepping out of his pants after removing his boots. With his clothing off, he made his way towards the steps, which led into the water. “I am coming into the water now. Are you ready?” He watched Scarlet hesitantly nod before stepping down the steps into the water, making his way behind her. Jin brought his arms up out of the water to touch her shoulders, which stiffened under him. “It is okay,” he assured her quietly as he nuzzled into her hair, his nostrils flaring to smell of her. “Your skin is so soft. I don't know why you'd want to cut it.” Upon saying that, he moved his hands spontaneously down to her scarred arms.
“Don't!” Scarlet begged suddenly, pulling her arms quickly to her chest. “Please don't touch me there…”
“Shhh,” Jin whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek to show affection. “I am not here to judge you. Besides, you look beautiful.”
Hearing his words made her blush a bit though she remained nervous with her heart beating wildly. She tried to relax under his touch though finding it difficult. Taking in a deep breath, Scarlet rested backwards to place the back of her head and body upon his firm figure. Feeling something moving against her hair, she looked over at the demon, who was still putting love bites on her body, to find his elfin ears wiggling up and down. “Your ears can move like that?”
Pausing for a moment, Jin grinned a bit at her looking at his sensitive ears. “Yeah, they actually can be normal in appearance if I am not excited. They prick up and wiggle when I am excited or happy. Now, close your eyes. I am going to start pouring water on top of your head.”
Scarlet nodded, doing as she was asked. She could hear the demon move the water before feeling the coldness of it grace her scalp. She hitched in breath finding it to be too cold at that moment before getting used to it over time. “God, that water is freezing! I am curious how some people could stand being baptized by Touya.”
“Well, Touya's worshippers are baptized under him, because more than likely their spirit and bodies can handle his cold temperature,” Jin assured Scarlet. “The priests and priestesses usually can create an ice barrier around them and their spirit when under attack, so that should tell you the temperatures they can handle. Besides, his temple is almost at a constant, low temperature all the time.”
“It is going to be difficult for me then,” Scarlet said, shivering just by thinking about it. “I have a low tolerance for cold.”
“You say that, but I am sure being a worshipper of his you actually can tolerate a lot better than you think,” said Jin with a smirk. “Now, do you want to turn around and cleanse me or do you want me to do it?”
Scarlet's heart nearly stopped at the thought of turning around to see him. Get over it, Scarlet; you pretty much have to look at him later, she thought to herself. “I'll do it.” Scarlet closed her eyes tightly upon admitting that before turning around to look up at him. The demon stood a good head or two above her. “Well, you are a lot taller than I thought. I forget how much as I don't stand near you a lot.”
“I am 6'5,” Jin answered matter-of-factly.
Scarlet blinked a bit in surprise. “Wow, you are quite tall.”
Jin smirked a bit as he lowered his head so she could get the water to pour over him. “Just be thankful I am not Yoko Kurama as he stands at 7 feet.” He closed his eyes when he felt the cool liquid mate with his wild hair. When it went about his scalp well enough, he threw his head back and shook it about.
“Wow, he's a giant then!” Scarlet remarked in shock.
“Most demons are compared to humans, but there are some exceptions,” he felt need to point out referring to Touya. Jin shook his head a bit to cause his wet, red hair to fling some of the droplets of water about. “Okay, ummm,” Jin paused for a moment wondering how to do this. “If you want, you can go ahead and grab your things, and I'll get Christina to take you back to my room. Don't put your clothes back on. Just stay wrapped up in the towel.”
“What towel?” Scarlet asked nervously.
Jin thumbed over his shoulder. “I have one lying on the bench for you to take. Don't worry, I am not watching.” He could see the look in her eyes that dealt with fear of him seeing her walk out of the water. When Scarlet was out of his eyesight, he kept focused on the water, listening as the young worshipper clearly made it out. “Let me know when you're covered up.”
Walking to the bench, Scarlet found the towel Jin was referring to. Quickly she wrapped herself within the warm fibers though keeping her back to Jin. “I am ready now.”
The water sloshed about as Jin removed himself from the cleansing waters to the marbled floors. His body dripping wet, he made it to the opposite bench to grab his towel to wrap about his hips. Jin knocked on the door leading outside of the Cleansing Room to get the attention of the priestess on the other side. “Christina, I need you to escort Scarlet back to my room now, please.”
“Yes, sir,” Christina replied as she opened the door to allow herself inside. The elder priestess made her way to Scarlet to offer her hand to the startled woman. “Come, I will take you back to the Lord's room.”
Scarlet accepted Christina's hand. Even though she was led past the wind master, she averted her gaze still, feeling her cheeks burn with a dark blush. She kept her eyes upon the marble floor, her wet feet stepped upon before being stopped once again at the wind demon's door. Her heart beating so quickly, she thought for sure it was going to stop any moment.
“You wait here,” the priestess insisted as she opened the door for Scarlet. “Don't put on your clothing. He'll be in here soon to start the ceremony with you. I'll be outside the door if you need me.” With that said, the high priestess closed the door behind her.
Anxiously Scarlet waited for the time that passed. She watched the door closely, waiting for it to open to reveal the demon. When the doorknob eventually jiggled minutes later, Scarlet hitched in breath and straightened up upon the demon's bed. It was indeed the redheaded wind master as she believed it was. “Is there a reason you didn't want me to put my clothes back on?”
“Because what would be the point of you getting dressed only to be undressed later?” Jin chuckled as he kept just the towel on himself as well. “So, how do you want to do this? If you want, I can turn around again and you can crawl under the covers.”
“The lights aren't going to be on…are they?” Scarlet wondered. She was sitting on the bed in a way to try and cover everything about her; especially her outward imperfections.
Jin's ears perked up slightly at the lights on in his room, looking up at his chandelier over his bed and some of the candles he had lit all about the room. “Well, they can go out if you want. Anything else I can do to make it more comfortable?”
Scarlet brought her legs closer to her chest. “I guess…not…really,” she whispered to herself but loud enough for Jin to hear her.
“Alright, let me turn out the lights. If you want, you can crawl under the covers while I do so.” The wind demon headed for the light switch to turn off his main light before walking around his room, using his wind powers to blow out the candles. When he was finished, he kept his back to the bed. “Are you ready for me?”
“Well, as ready as I'll be, I guess,” Scarlet sighed as she slipped under the covers to hide her body from the demon further.
Jin turned back around to make his way back to his bed. His hands gracing the covers, he pulled up the part on his side to scoot closer to Scarlet. He was careful about his movements knowing she was a virgin and easy to scare. Jin moved his arm over her side to cup her back as he kissed and gently bit at her neck. “I don't know why you're so scared of me seeing your body. You look beautiful.”
Scarlet closed her eyes and moaned softly at the tender bites and kisses he placed upon her pallid skin. “Th-thank you…!”
His hand sliding down to Scarlet's side, he paused a moment upon feeling her tense up. “Do you want to touch me?” Jin wondered if her actually feeling him would cause her to relax a bit. He witnessed her avoiding his gaze in the darkness as he suggested it. The demon tried to pick her eyes back up to meet his. “You can if you want.”
A brighter blush formed over the virgin's cheeks at the thought, looking down at the small space in between them. “I am not…so sure that I can. I have never touched a guy before in such a way. I have no clue what to do.”
Jin found that to be a bit odd as he raised his brow at her in the darkness. “Do you think demon men are any different from a human male, or do you really not know what to do?”
Scarlet shook her head with a bit of embarrassment in that fact. When she was growing up, she was never allowed to read or see such things, and it kind of embedded within her mind to the point she refused to. “I haven't read or seen anything about men or sex. I was always advised against it growing up that it got to the point I never cared thinking about it.” She paused for a moment as she gazed upwards at Jin. “Besides, I never thought any man would care to go that far with me…let alone a demon.”
The demon smiled a tender smile in the dark. “Then let me help you.” His fingers wrapped about her small, scarred wrist to guide her down to his slightly stiff manhood. “No wonder you've been so nervous. You were a virgin in many ways.” Jin could feel her tense up a bit when her fingers graced the skin of his organ. “It is okay. It isn't going to bite you,” he assured with a chuckle. “Now, just grab a hold of it, but not too tightly. Don't put a death grip on me now.”
Biting her lower lip, Scarlet did as he asked and wrapped her fingers around the tender flesh. “It feels quite different,” she admitted in a whisper.
Jin grunted slightly as he shifted a bit. “Yeah, it is going to. Okay, okay, now start to move your hand like this.” He guided her hand up and down his flaccid length. “Just like that, and because I am uncut—.” Jin paused for a second as he helped her feel the skin moving up to the point it enveloped the head of his penis. “—you can continue to do that to really get me excited.”
“The skin goes over like that?” Scarlet wondered a bit curious more than anything at that moment.
“Yeah, because I am not circumcised like most men are. On most other men, that extra skin wouldn't be there.” The wind master took in a deep breath as he wasn't expecting to get aroused so easily. “There you go; keep doing that.”
Once Scarlet felt the member moving in her hand, she released it for a second a bit startled. “It-you can move it!” She wondered a bit startled.
Coming back from his sexual high, he released a brief chortle. “No, I cannot really control it, but when I get excited enough, it jumps and grows. It means you're doing a good job. Just keep going.”
“O-Okay,” she whispered, grabbing back onto the swelling length. “It is getting so much bigger than it was…! Are you sure it is going to fit inside of me?” Scarlet remembered his warning that some women had turned him down because of his size. It made her stomach knot up a bit.
“It should,” he moaned softly, taking a deep breath afterwards to keep himself under control. “Alright, now I am going to touch you for a bit. Are you okay with that?” Jin saw her hesitantly nod. “Let me know if it is or not, and I won't do it.”
“No, no, I am fine,” Scarlet assured him quietly. “Just, go ahead. I am alright.”
“Well, relax a little bit. I promise I am not going to hurt you—at least not intentionally.” When he saw Scarlet resisting the thought of relaxation, he guided her body all the way down to the bed and rubbed her back. “Just stay there and relax. It will be worse if you're tensed up.” So he wouldn't surprise her, he guided his hand from her back to her right hip before sliding it under her thigh to move her leg up a bit. “Spread your legs for me.” Once she did so, Jin moved his fingers to her clit to start stroking it a bit to feel her body slightly jolt from the excitement. Carefully he moved his middle finger down to her opening to slide it in slowly inside with a grunt at how tight she was alone just by one finger. “Mmm, you are quite tight.”
Scarlet felt her body starting to heat up the more he played with her. It all stopped shortly when he hit the resistance inside of her. “Ouch! Stop! That hurts!” She whimpered, tensing up her body again.
“That's because it is your hymen,” Jin muttered mostly to himself. “It is quite stiff. I might have to really get you excited to have you not notice me tearing it down.”
“That's-that's going to hurt…?” She was feeling a bit nervous about the thought of him coming inside of her to rip whatever that was apart.
Jin raised his brows a bit with another sigh to keep himself under control. “It is going to. It is quite firm—not as loose as I thought it might be.” He smell her fear rising a bit at that notion making him turn his head towards her as he shifted to the side of her. “Don't worry. I am going to make sure you're so aroused, you won't pay it any mind.” Using his middle finger again, he pushed it inside of her warm body again to rub it up against the top of her walls while his thumb rubbed her clit vigorously.
The sensation raking through her body almost overwhelmed Scarlet as she couldn't help but grab onto his muscular arm to anchor herself. Her whimpering moans getting quicker and closer together, she didn't know her body was soon subconsciously bucking towards his fingers. “Oh, God, Jin…!”
The wind demon jerked his head back slightly with a snort as her pheromones were getting to his senses. Every time she pushed back a certain mark, he had to pull his fingers back. “You need to watch out, or you'll have my fingers hitting your hymen again,” he grinned. When he felt the dampness hit his fingers, he pulled them back to position himself between her legs. He grabbed onto the base of his erection to start stroking himself to keep it hard. “Alright, I am going to try and take it slow as possible to help you get used to me.”
Scarlet could only nod. Her head turned to the side with her eyes closed, she was trying to catch her breath and settle her rapidly beating heart. The feel of the head of his swollen erection parting her tight body caused her eyes to fly open and for her to arch her back. “Oh my God!” She screamed. “You're too big!”
Making his way down to his elbows, he hitched in breath at how pleasurable it was to feel her entire body around just the head. “Hold onto me…!” He demanded through his clenched teeth. He felt her arms wrap about his back upon saying that. Jin's body tensed up for a moment as he started to roll his hips forwards to start bucking into her at a steady pace. He only put an inch or so inside of her knowing the rest couldn't come until he destroyed the barrier inside of her. Biting his lower lip, he put a bit more force into his thrusts in hopes to bring it down. Moaning loudly and growling a bit, he dug his nails into the covers beneath them to try and keep himself from releasing so soon as he started to work his way past the thick skin.
“Jin!” Scarlet screamed out, her nails dragging across his back. Both the sensual pleasure and pain were mixing together to cause her body to ache. Not having enough strength in her lower body to keep her legs up and apart, Scarlet wrapped them about his body to try and help him make his way inside of her.
Jin panted heavily as he finally felt himself make it past the resistance that was there. He could smell the blood leaking from her vagina causing him to nearly go crazy at the scent. Putting more strength into his legs, he pushed himself a bit further inside of her to start rocking there only to find himself unable to continue much longer as her inner walls were so tight around him, it was becoming too much for him to handle. “Are you ready for me?” He asked through his labored panting and deep breaths to try and keep his climax in check.
Scarlet nodded best she could. “I'm ready; I'm ready!”
Her whimpering before and after her words sounded almost like pain to the demon, but he could sense her body enjoying it.”Alright, here I come…!” The demon tried to bury what he could inside of the young human girl before his erection jumped to strike her as he released heavily and several times inside of her. It got to the point some started to flood out of her and drip down to the covers. Throwing his head back, Jin cried out his pleasure as he got what he could out to mark Scarlet.
Her body tensing up a bit, she felt the final moment engulf her with excitement as she cried out with the wind demon. Holding onto his body tightly still until she could feel he was finished, Scarlet took in several deep breaths as she fell to the covers to relax.
Jin removed himself from her body completely, reminding himself she wasn't stretched to take him for so long. “You're bleeding a little bit,” he grunted as he reached for his nightstand to pull a few tissues to wipe it up from his covers and from Scarlet. “Do you feel okay?” Jin asked as he reached over to stroke her head. “It wasn't too bad, was it?”
“I am fine,” Scarlet answered wearily as she turned to Jin once he lied down beside her. “I am just a little sore right now.”
“You're going to be sore for a little bit.” Jin watched as she came closer to him. A bit confused as to what she wanted to do, he raised his arm a bit so she could rest her cheek upon his warm chest. “I forget that endorphins release on this plain that cause you to want to cuddle. I am so used to doing spiritual, sexual interaction.”
Scarlet looked up at the demon for a moment before just gazing past his side. “You don't mind, do you?”
“No, no, I don't mind,” Jin whispered as he placed his arm around her to rub her back. He was about to close his eyes for a moment to relax himself until hearing Scarlet call his name softly. The wind master opened one wearily. “Mmm?”
“I know this is kind of a personal question but, how big are you?” The human woman wondered as she rubbed his side in return.
Jin released a brief, muffled chuckle as he brought his right arm up to rest on his forehead for a moment. “I am eight inches long and two and a half wide.”
Scarlet's jaw almost dropped upon hearing how big he could become when aroused. “Wow…two inches wide? That is as big as my wrist!” She looked up at Jin with a raise of her brow. “You didn't get that much inside of me…did you?”
The wild red hair shook about as he answered her question. “No, I got at least six inches before deciding that was enough for you. You'll have to get used to me before I can completely come inside of you.” He rested the back of his head back upon the tasseled pillow on his bed with a smile. “I hope I am not surprising you with the notion you may be doing this more than just now. You did read that book entirely, right?” He rubbed between his eyes with a sigh through his nostrils to regain his composure. “As a servant under me, you'll be sexually pleasuring me too and be my main source of energy.”
“But…I am drained as is,” Scarlet felt need to say, looking into his deep, blue eyes. “How can I possibly give you enough to satisfy you?”
Jin turned his head to the side with a smile as he gazed down at her out of the corner of his eye.”What do you think the point of my training you is? It is to get you physically ready for such a challenge.” He closed his eyes once more with a stretch. “Now, you should sleep easy, so don't worry about anymore hunters coming after you. I marked you with my energy and scent, so it means `hands off' for other demons.”
Scarlet nodded as she nuzzled into Jin's muscular chest. “Thank you, Jin. I think I am going to go ahead and sleep for a bit.”
“I am with you on that one,” Jin agreed as he rested his chin upon her head. “Sleep well, Scarlet. Try to relax for the remainder of the day. Tomorrow we are back onto your schedule.”
Closing her eyes, Scarlet felt a bit safer next to the wind demon as well as knowing he had marked her to the point no other demon would dare try to attack her without Jin coming to her aid. Her body still slightly aching, she tried to ignore it as she slept in his bed with him throughout the afternoon.