Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wind Knoll's Curse ❯ Chapter 31

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Touya turned back to the mirror as the images had paused right where they were. “Mirror, show me the death of Cynthia Leanne Baker.” At that moment, the mirror sped up. It seemed to fast-forward to the day that Cynthia was so ill the doctors knew they wouldn't be able to save her. The physician at Cynthia's bedside, he finished checking her heart with a saddened frown knowing the woman was going to pass.
“How do things look?” Chris asked, as he was worried over Cynthia's well being though he preferred to hide it sometimes.
“I need to talk to you outside, Mr. Baker,” the doctor insisted as he put his things away and made his way past the young Scarlet, allowing her to stay for the time being.
Scarlet knelt next to her mother's bedside, holding onto her slender hand. She could hear the doctor and her father talking about her condition, but ignored it for the time being. “Mama, are you going to be okay?”
Cynthia took a rather deep, rasping breath inwardly before managing a weak smile to her daughter. “I am trying my best, sweetie.” Her hair was such a mess as she never had the energy to brush it much anymore, and it was too painful for anyone to move her. From where she was resting, she caught the tears on her daughter's face. “Don't be so sad, Scarlet.” Her slender, shaky hand reached for her daughter's face to stop the tears herself. “Know that when I do die, I at least will be in a better place.”
Quiet for just a moment, she listened to the muffled words being exchanged beyond the door. “There is not much more I can do. Her organs are failing her,” Scarlet heard the doctor say somberly. “Sometime tonight, she may very well die.” Grabbing onto the bed covers tightly, the tears overwhelmed Scarlet, and she brought her face down onto the free space beside her mother to hide her crying. “I am sorry,” said the doctor to Chris before obviously taking his leave down the stairs.
Having to watch that scene again from her life, Scarlet felt the tears streaking slowly down her face to pool at her chin and fall to the marble flooring. She didn't bother to wipe them away, keeping her focus upon the mirror as it changed to later that night.
Cynthia was coughing quite hard and obviously in severe pain every movement she made. It was storming, putting a bit of peace to her as storms often calmed the woman. The lightening lighting up brief glimpses across the darkened room, Cynthia opened her eyes for a moment, as she seemed to feel something was there with her. “Hello?” She called weakly as she found herself gazing leerily about the empty bedroom. Her eyes falling upon her statue of Touya, she expressed a weak smile to it. “I guess I'll be joining you sometime soon.”
Lying upon her back, she brought the covers up to her chin to find herself staring past the foot of her bed to an empty chair near the window and her vanity. The way it was resting there in the corner of her room, she couldn't help but feel pulled to staring at it. Within the next lightening flash, Cynthia was more then shocked to find someone was actually sitting there within it. The outline was brief, but she could see the eyes of the person looking back at her through the darkness. “Who-who are you!” She demanded to know fearfully.
Touya looked back and forth realizing she was speaking to him directly. He could sense she was terrified as he moved himself from the chair he was sitting within, waiting for her to pass. “Don't be scared,” he assured her quietly as he made his way over towards her bed slowly. “I am not here to hurt you.”
The lightening lighting up his features once more, Cynthia shook her head, still terrified. “What do you want? Who are you? Answer me!”
“Cynthia, it is me,” Touya answered as he placed his hand upon his chest to introduce himself. “Touya, the Ice `Lord'.” Seeing she was still in shock, he reached for her hand to touch it with the blanket to try and get her to see that it was indeed him. Her eyes continuing to gaze into his, he smiled reassuringly, hoping she would indeed notice it was the man she had always worshipped.
Coming to the realization that it probably was him, her jaw dropped open in shock. “T-Touya…? My Lord…!” Cynthia happened upon her statue of the ice demon to find the two completely opposite of one another. “You're…!”
“No, I look nothing like that,” he answered, aware of what she was about to say. “As you know as of now, most of the towns people are unaware of what I truly look like. And I am not some god, Cynthia…I am a demon.” He could tell she could hardly act shocked as it hurt her to do so. Making sure not to touch her body as he could instantly kill her with his touch, he grabbed onto the covers to keep her where she was. “Don't move so much. You may hurt yourself!”
“You're not supposed to be a demon! That is not what I was raised to believe…!” Cynthia insisted almost hysterically. She shook her head several times, unable to believe the news she was just given even though she was staring right at it. “You can't be a demon…you, you can't!”
Touya sighed somberly at her reaction but expressed a smile regardless. “All of the `Gods' in this town are demons. The only thing Godly about us is our powers. But, Cynthia, we are not evil. We haven't ruled a dark rein for some time now.” Grabbing the covers near her face, he used it to shield the coldness of his hand, so he could place it upon her pale cheek. “I am not the one here to hurt you. The evil, malicious, and mutilated souls of the damn you often saw lately in your dying days, those are the ones you need to be aware of.” He frowned angrily at the mere thought of them coming to devour and torment one of his worshippers. “I am here to protect you from them until you are safe in my temple.”
Cynthia noticed his actions. It was as though he refused to lie a hand on her. “Why won't you touch me? What is wrong?”
He showed his palms to her from a distance. “If I touch you, the chill alone may kill your body. I cannot risk sending you under so soon. Your body is so frail that even the chill in my temple could overwhelm your human body. So do not touch me unless you are ready to go.”
She was quiet, unsure of what to say as she brought the covers closer to her chin. “I am going to die, aren't I?” Sucking in her lower lip, she shook her head not wanting it to be true. “I am going to be dragged to hell, leaving my daughter and husband here.”
Touya felt bad for her as it was indeed true, but he couldn't help but remind her of one thing. “But, Cynthia, your first husband is there in my temple waiting for you.” Seeing her look a bit shocked, Touya nodded as he placed his hand on her knee. “Tray James' soul is still there after all these years. He is waiting for you on the other side.”
“How-how is he?” Cynthia felt the need to ask as she turned slightly only to hiss in pain from her weak body raking her with pain.
Moving his hand to her side, he gently guided her upon her back once more. “Don't move, Cynthia. You're in pain.” Upon her getting settled once more, he sat close to her to make sure she wouldn't move again. “He is doing fine. Upon you falling ill, he has been checking on you every now and then with me guiding him here. I didn't want him with me when I knew you would be passing this night.” Closing his eyes, he outstretched his hand over her body to move it up and down her form with a heavy sigh. “Your human spirit is quite weak.” He opened his eyes and lowered his hand after checking her energy level. “Even me trying to feed you my energy is in vain. I cannot continue to keep you alive.”
Cynthia moaned slightly to rub off a bit of pain she was feeling. “You've been keeping me alive…? Why would you do that?” She was still confused as to why a demon would bother trying to keep her from passing on, as she imagined them being beasts that fed off of the souls of the living.
“Because you didn't want to die,” Touya answered quietly and with meaning. “I didn't like to see you suffer, but I knew you wanted to live for your daughter.”
The sick woman was quiet as she tried to soak in his words to her. “You are my Ice Lord,” she seemed to whisper to herself though Touya heard her as well. Deep inside, she knew that he was all along even if his outward appearance and origin was a shock to her. “I thought demons were all evil creatures.”
Touya smiled tenderly at her, seeing her coming around a bit. “Most are, but some just did the wrong things in life and are slowly seeing the light.”
“I never would have guessed after all these years that it was truly demons we were worshipping,” she said quietly.
The ice master made his way to the other side of the bed to look at the statue of himself that had been carved long ago. “I am sure a part of you was aware as you recently have been seeing the damned wandering about the town.” His fingers wandered over the handmade statue before placing it back down where Cynthia had it. “With you so close to death, the world of the damned started to awaken to you.”
Cynthia stifled a cough she had with her frail hand. “I used to think they were just nightmares brought on by my sickness. I was beginning to think the demons of this town had me and were trying to pull me under with them.” She looked over at the ice demon that was hunting through her nightstand drawer now. Touya getting out a match, he lit the blue candle to light up the room a bit better. Her weary eyes watched as he brought the match close to his mouth to blow it before tossing it into her trashcan. She couldn't help but feel lured into his enchanting eyes.
Catching her staring at him, Touya shifted his eyes to peer out the corner of them before turning his head fully to her. “What is it?” He asked with a light chuckle, as she refused to remove her eyes from upon him.
“Your eyes,” she mentioned softly. Cynthia tried to reach up for his face only to watch him withdraw. Remembering why, she brought her fingers back and lowered her hand back to the bed. “They are so pretty.”
“I am glad you think so.”
“They are almost like angel eyes,” she went on to say.
Touya paused upon her saying such a thing to him. He raised his brows briefly as if to shrug off the thought. “They are anything but. I guess if you say so.” Opening his hands and facing his palms upright, the ice master created his violin out of ice. The ice shedding off of the instrument and appearing like that of a regular, carved violin, he brought it close to his left shoulder to position it properly and begin to play a melody, which popped into his mind. It was almost sorrowfully in sound.
Cynthia listened contently with a slight smile upon her weary expression. “How could something as caring as you be evil previously?”
The strings screeched slightly as Touya halted what he was playing. Opening his eyes to think back on his past, he remembered blips of it. As the ice master was recalling that part of his life, parts of it appeared upon the mirror. Fires engulfed the mirror, showing that a town had been consumed within it. Thick smoke filling the night air, Scarlet watched as the mirror seemed to break up and crack a bit as if it were having a hard time recalling the memory.
Touya stood on the platform regardless, shaking his head several times as he appeared to be sweating. “No-NO!” He yelled as the images began to get racy. One after the other, in no particular order, they began to flash. Burnt and decimated bodies were shown on the ground with women and children screaming. A man soon seen cut in half by a samurai sword, Scarlet watched in horror as he fell to the ground in pieces. The blood drenched sword coming into focus, the mirror panned over to the wielder to show a young boy, probably in his teens, with brown hair within a ponytail and very narrow, blue eyes. He had a very dark, and uncaring frown upon his face. Blood had splattered upon his cheek, and it bothered the boy very little to have it tainting his fair skin. The mirror breaking up again, it seemed to flash a bit closer to his face, to show it was unmistakable that the boy was indeed the ice master once when he was human.
“Kérka durón nók!” Touya growled angrily in demonic, pulling from the mirror to cause it to stop working. He covered his face almost in dismay at having to reveal that part of his life to Scarlet when that wasn't his intention.
Scarlet was scared to move over towards him as he stood there in a hunched over position with his face in his hands. “T-Touya…?”
“I am sorry,” he responded in a muffled tone behind his hands. Slowly he removed his palms from his face to look up at Scarlet apologetically. “I didn't mean to show you that.” He could sense that the girl was frightened from what she had seen as well as his reaction to letting it be seen. He massaged his forehead as if to relax his mind before turning back to the mirror. “Now, where were we?” Touya wondered with a labored sigh.
The mirror lit back up again to flash back to the moment Touya was shocked over Cynthia's question. “It-isn't important,” he responded hesitantly. “The only thing you need to know is I am doing my time and repenting for my sins.” Closing his eyes once more to focus on the melody in his mind, he carefully struck the strings with the bow. Opening his eyes for a moment, he spied the blanket Cynthia had been working on resting upon the rocking chair on the opposite side of the nightstand. “Your favorite blanket that you made for Scarlet. Do you plan on giving it to her when you pass?”
“She will no doubt have a hard time with me dying,” Cynthia admitted quietly between the two of them. She pointed to the quilt with her hand shaking. “My Lord, take it.” Seeing him look at her doubtfully, she continued. “Please, take it and keep it till she is ready to accept it.” With Touya about to get up, she stopped him for a moment. “Touya…if I am going to die tonight…I am ready to go now.”
The ice master looked at her with a slight raise of his brow. “Are you sure?” He watched as Cynthia struggled to sit up at the very least. Touya was tempted to reach for her, but he withheld the desire to assist her, as he knew that would require touching her frail body.
Cynthia looked at him with a tender smile before suddenly reaching over to grab onto his cold form. The chill rushing through her like a thousand knives, she held onto his shoulders tightly at feeling it hurt her figure. The pain soon residing, Cynthia began to relax a little bit. Her body seemed to be void of the pain. “It-it doesn't hurt anymore,” she whispered as her eyes gazed out the window almost void of life. “It doesn't hurt…anymore…”
Closing his eyes, Touya embraced her dead body in return. “I will protect you from the darkness,” he whispered, lying her body back down on the bed. Her eyes still open, he closed them for her, so she could rest in peace. Covering her body back up, Touya reached his hand over her chest with his palm facing towards her whilst closing his eyes. Bending his fingers, he turned his palm upwards towards the ceiling to beckon the spirit out of the body. The spirit orb coming from the woman's corpse, Touya kept it in between his hands with a tender smile. “At least your suffering is over.”
The images fading from the mirror, Touya looked over at Scarlet to see in the dim lighting she was shedding tears over having to watch her mother die. Stepping down from the platform, he made his way over to the trembling woman to embrace her tightly. His hand cupping the back of her head, he rested his cheek upon hers, as they were almost the same height. “Her death was quick, Scarlet,” he whispered to her. “She is happier where she is.”
Scarlet held onto Touya's shirt tightly as she managed to force the words out of her mouth that were on the tip of her tongue. “I am sorry,” she whimpered sorrowfully. The ice demon's gaze shifting over to her though she refused to look at him, she knew he was curious as to what she was apologizing for. “I didn't mean to blame you for her death all those years. I am so sorry.” Her body jerked in his embrace from the heavy crying.
Touya didn't know what to say to her words at first. He knew that anything that could be said would make it seem like she was wrong prior. His hand continued to rub her back to console and comfort her as he kept her close. “Shhh, it will be okay.” Knowing it was late, the ice master guided her out of the private chamber and to his bedroom. “It is late. Why don't you just stay here for the night?”
Drying her own eyes, Scarlet sat down on the side of his bed. “I can't say I want to walk all the way back to the Wind Temple, but it sure is cold here.” Still sniffling, she rubbed her goose bump covered arms.
“Don't worry, I will get you many blankets to cover up in,” said the ice demon as he made his way to his closet to pull a few out. “Not a lot of my worshippers can handle the cold as well, so I have some lying around just in case.” He placed the fleece blankets over near the foot of the bed so Scarlet could grab which ones she needed. “If you don't have anything to wear to bed, I can grab something for you to wear as well.”
Scarlet rubbed her nose with the back of her hand before answering. “All I have is the clothes I brought with me.”
Touya raised his finger to ask for a moment as he searched through his drawers for something she could barrow for the night. “Well, whenever Jin or Kurama would come over to my temple, they would sometimes leave some of their clothing here whenever they would sleep in my temple. Ah, here is one.” He pulled out a red shirt with a pink rose sewn onto the bottom, left side with pedals falling from it with red, baggy pants to match. “Kurama's obviously,” Touya said mostly to himself as he made his way over to Scarlet to hand it to her. “With how tall he is it should cover you a great deal.”
Scarlet took the fabric and held it out from her to nod in approval at his comment. “I would…say so! God, what is he, 5'11?” She was trying to lighten the mood on herself a bit by cracking minor jokes.
“Indeed he is when he is not in his Yoko Kurama form.” He headed for the door of his bedroom though stopped to look over his shoulder at Scarlet. “I will leave you in peace for a few so you can get undressed for bed. I will return shortly.”
Left alone for the time being, Scarlet looked about the icy, cold room with a soft sigh. “I know you're here, mom,” she whispered to the emptiness about her. “I promise I won't continue to be a disappointment to you. I will do my best to make you proud of me.” Looking back at the fox demon's clothing she had to put on, she couldn't help but sigh a bit at the thought of how much the attire was going to engulf her.
Scarlet drifted off into sleep upon getting warm for the night. Her spirit wandered into a realm that was like no other. Her fingers touched the cool leaves of the bushes before her to make way for herself. She peered out into the thick forest that was lit up by a few fireflies. “Where am I?” She asked herself aloud, making her way through the jungle. Scarlet found herself walking for some time until finally hearing some rather enticing flute music. “What is that?”
Heading in the direction of the music, the confused woman was led to an opening within the woods. A waterfall cascading from the hills crashed tranquilly down upon a pond. The moonlight attempted to make its way through the leaves of the trees that covered most of the night sky. The light of the full moon lit up some of the foreign areas within her mind. Her gray-green eyes shifted about to find a rock formation in the middle of the pond where the wind demon, Jin, was sitting to play his flute contently. “Jin?” Scarlet wondered with a raise of her brow.
Jin's keen ears catching her muttered words, he stopped playing his flute to look over at Scarlet with a toothy grin. “Ah, so you made it to me after all.” Picking himself up off of the rock thanks to the wind, he glided over towards her to land on the bank of the pond. He could see she was a bit resistant to come closer to him. “No need to be scared. I promise it is me.”
Scarlet made her way out of hiding eventually with a soft smile on her face. “So where exactly are we?” She sat down within the cool grass all around her, gazing up at the wind demon.
“We are in a dream of mine. I come here ever so often to practice playing.” Jin leaned slightly over her with his index fingers both pointing upwards as if to motion for her to listen. “I beckon my worshippers here sometimes by playing, and I was hoping I would get you here as I wanted to talk to you. But first, watch this!” Jin rubbed his hands together with a grin. “So, what do you like? You like satyrs?” Seeing her nod, the wind demon placed his hands together to the left of his body before gradually pulling them apart. His right hand slightly above his head, he lowered it quickly to change his appearance into that of a mythical satyr.
“Wha-how did you do that?” Scarlet asked in disbelief even though she saw him do it. “I thought you couldn't alternate your spiritual form!”
“It takes some doing to be able to do it at will, because you believe what you are is what you are,” Jin explained. “But with a bit of practice, you can change yourself into anything you want.” Taking in a deep breath, the wind demon worked on changing his appearance again into that of a red and white colored Clydesdale. His hands turning into hooves, they pounded into the ground at quite the force. His blue eyes gazing at her, he moved his muzzle over to Scarlet to gently nudge her with it. “I can be anything you want and take you anywhere you desire.”
Scarlet couldn't help but laugh at having a rather large horse talk to her. “It is funny seeing you in animal forms.”
The horse grinned at her comment before having Jin shift again to something smaller. Scarlet looked down at Jin as he transformed into a red and white looking Cheshire cat. “You like Alice in Wonderlandbooks, right? I remember looking through your book collection at the house.” He chuckled as he grinned largely like the mischievous Cheshire cat would from ear to ear. Without warning, he shifted again back to his normal form but with the Mad Hatter's clothing.
“Have you ever read those books?” Scarlet wondered with a raise of her brow. “Or even seen the movies?”
“No,” he answered simply as he took his top hat off to tip it to her. “All I need is to look into your mind and see what is there. So, where would you like to go?”
Scarlet twisted her mouth to the side in thought, bringing her index finger up to her lip to tap it. “How about a city, glittering in the night sky where nobles show their best?” She got to her feet and spun around with a slight giggle. “A place with fancy dances!”
“Alright then!” Clapping his hands together and rubbing them, he took in a deep breath to disturb the dreaming sequence and change it into the one Scarlet described. The sky remaining dark, the forest turned into a city littered with many lights and noblemen and women dressed in nothing but their fanciest outfits. “Is this what you wanted?”
Her mouth opened in shock, Scarlet watched the women pass by her in the finest silk dresses and fans covered at the tips with feathers and the men dressed in tuxedos of different colors and variations. “Wow, it all looks and feel so real!”
Taking the green top hat off of his head, Jin only had to shake it to change the color and appearance of his outfit to that of a fancy black suit with a cane. Putting the top hat on the side of his head, he grinned at Scarlet as he pointed at her to change her outfit as well. The wind blowing about the young woman, she found her baggy pajamas transforming into that of a strapless dress with a V-shaped back colored in a sparkling red. He also gave her white elbow length gloves, loop earrings hanging from her pierced ears, and her bi-colored black and blond hair was tied back in a bun with some of her hair falling to her cheeks. Jin grinned as he outstretched his hand for hers. “In the spiritual and dreaming worlds, anything is possible.”
Scarlet smiled the brightest she had in years, it seemed, as she headed on down the cobblestone steps to explore the city Jin had created. The lampposts had candles flickering within the glass to light the way of the city blanketed in night. Leaning in close to the wind master, she rested her head upon his upper shoulder whilst watching the nobles pass by on the street. “Where are we going?”
Jin spun his cane like he was holding a baton. “You'll see,” he said with a smirk. The trail led them to a rather large, circular building. White pillars, several inches away from the other lined the outside, though beckoned the two to walk past them to the red doors handled by two men. Upon them being opened, Scarlet walked in with Jin in awe at the ballroom set before them. Many dancers lined the ballroom floor with their partners, dancing gracefully with one another.
“Wow,” Scarlet inhaled sharply at the sight as she walked out to the edge of the dance floor to gaze up at the second floor above her. Some of the residents within the dreaming world were converse with one another, adding to the many words already being spoken there. Her eyes shifted to the very high ceiling to see a crystal, crafted chandelier to light up the room covered in reds and golds—almost royal colors. A band was off to the side, striking up a song, which almost required most couples to waltz.
Tipping the hat to the side, Jin extended his gloved hand again to Scarlet. “Care to dance with me?”
“Oh, Jin, I cannot dance—!” Before Scarlet could say much more, she found herself pulled out onto the dance floor with the wind demon. Nervously standing out there with the others, she let Jin guide her hands where they were supposed to be before being led into the waltz with the others.
“I cannot dance well either, but we can stink badly at it together,” he teased with a wink.
The two of them danced for most of the night until Jin chased her playfully out of the ballroom and back outside for them to enjoy the fresh air. Scarlet laughed at Jin's previous conversation remarks as they made it back out into the city. “You're so bad!”
“I've been told that so many a times,” he chuckled as he came up from behind Scarlet to wrap his arms around her. The laughing fits subsiding for the time being, he pressed a smile to try and get Scarlet to relax as he rubbed her arms. “You told me before you were ready for me, but I didn't want to risk hurting you.” Here, he turned her around to look at him. “Are you sure you are ready for me to take you again?”
Scarlet reached up to grab onto his wrist tenderly to squeeze it reassuringly. She held his hand to her face with a nod. “Jin, I want to try and help you as you've helped me.”
“Normally I wouldn't ask such things of you right now, but I am being drained too much lately,” Jin expressed somberly as he guided Scarlet off to somewhere private. “Justin allowed me to take him and Razz as well as a few others, but it takes a lot of energy to keep the boundaries about the temple up.” He made his way through the dream world and to a private building he knew nobody would be within. The house had one floor and two rooms at the most. Lighting the candles with a simple wave of his hand, he made it over to the bed in the wood, crafted home, which rested over the sea about them. The floorboards creaked with every movement made upon them. Scarlet sitting upon the bed, he joined her while removing his top hat. “I warn you now, Scarlet, spiritual intercourse is a lot more intense then physical.” The concerned expression on her face prompted him to continue. “It might be so intense that I shock you out of sleeping,” Jin explained as he explored his messy hair with his fingers.
Scarlet's fingers gripped onto the covers beneath her gently to try and keep her urge in check. She honestly didn't care what would happen. All she knew was she wanted to be with him. “Well…what do you want me to do if you do that to me?”
“Try and stay with me best you can.” Jin began to work on unbuttoning his shirt and removing it from himself. His chest exposed to Scarlet, he tossed his shirt off to the side as the candlelight complimented his features. “If you feel yourself about to lose control of your spirit, let me know, and I will try to slow down.”
Not wishing to wait any longer, Scarlet lunged for the wind demon. Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed him sloppily upon the mouth. Jin was a bit caught off guard by the display of affection. His and her eyes wide, Scarlet pulled back with her fingers over her mouth. “I-I am so sorry!”
Jin's eyes remained wide, and his lips were still in shock over Scarlet's kiss. A grin creeping across his mouth, he tilted his head to the side. “Missed me that much, hu?” When he saw Scarlet tempting to get irritated, he laughed softly with a wave of his hand. “I am just kidding. Are you ready for me?”
“Yes, I am.”
Reaching behind her, the wind master unzipped her dress slowly to help Scarlet out of it. He found her this time not so hesitant to withdraw and hide herself. “You've gotten used to showing yourself? That is good; that is good.”
“It is because I've been waiting for you for some time. I was wondering when you'd touch me like this again,” Scarlet responded as she turned her head slightly to try and accept Jin's oncoming kiss. She was a bit nervous but accepted his lips upon her own to taste of his warm breath and saliva. Her arms wrapped around the back of his neck, she continued to kiss him deeply with a soft moan. Scarlet could feel his hand moving down to her left thigh to situate her better to where she was lying down on her back. Looking up at the wind demon, she took a deep breath and exhaled through her nostrils. “I've been waiting for you, Jin.”
“Not getting obsessed over me, are you?” He asked with a brief chuckle, moving his fingers slightly to her cheek to massage it tenderly. Jin positioned them next near her mouth. “Suck on them for me, Scarlet.” As she did so, he began working on his erection by stroking from the base up slowly. A growl of ecstasy grew in the back of his throat the more aroused he got. With his fingers wet enough, he removed them from where they were and positioned them near her eager womanhood. “Maybe you've loosened up since the last time.”
“Can I be any different in the spiritual world?” Scarlet wondered breathlessly as she recalled the wind master changing his appearance and form rather easily previously. The pressure in her lower region consuming her, she arched her back and gasped heavily.
“The spirit, even when it leaves the body, will remember how the physical form usually is. When we train ourselves enough, we can bend it to be whatever we want,” Jin explained as he was using his index finger to stroke her tight entrance before slowly adding another one. “Your walls are expanding a bit, so I might be able to make it in without much of an issue.” With his organ fully erect, he situated himself better over Scarlet. “If you feel yourself about to be shocked back to the physical plain, let me know.”
Scarlet nodded as she reached for the wind master, who was soon hovering over her. “I am ready.” With the erection parting her swollen folds slowly, the intensity of the feel suddenly came over her as expected. Her eyes wide at how her spirit shook from the feel of the energetic charge of Jin's, she nearly felt herself wake up the more powerful it became with every slow and gentle thrust inside of her.
“No!” Jin growled loudly with a shake of his head, stopping his administrations. “Stay with me, Scarlet!” He could feel that her body was threatening to slip back to the physical world, prompting him to grab onto her tightly and whisper in her ear. “Scarlet, you're teetering on the edge of the spiritual and physical worlds now. Come back to me, or you won't be able to experience this.”
“Oh my God!” She nearly screamed, holding onto the wind master tightly. “It feels like a rush of ecstasy raking through my entire body!” Closing her eyes, she tried to focus on getting herself back on track and not abandon the wind master in his time of need.
Jin reached for her hand to hold onto it tightly. “Focus on my hand and bring yourself back to me completely.” Eventually, he could feel Scarlet's spirit starting to settle once more underneath him. A smile expressed upon his face, he moved his hand back behind her head to cup the wild blond and black hairs tenderly. “I warned you.”
The frazzled woman took in a deep breath realizing she didn't depart from where they were. “What-what was that? It felt like this pleasurable charge just overwhelmed me to the point I nearly had to wake up!”
“I'll explain later,” Jin grunted, as he slowly began his pace once more. His organ engorging slowly under the tight feel of the human woman, he bit his lower lip at trying to keep himself under control. He knew in order to gain the amount of energy to feed off, he had to keep it going for some time. “If it becomes too intense again, let me know,” he panted heavily with a low growl.
Feeling the demon rock inside of her at a medium pace, Scarlet tried to remain where she was as the energy began to swell in her clitoris. Her toes curling at the powerful energy beginning to grow between them both, she arched her back once more off of the bedcovers with a loud and long moan. “J-Jin…! Oh God!”
He could tell that her body wouldn't be able to hold on much longer if he continued the pace he was going at. Grabbing her wrist gently, he guided her hand down to where he was entering her. “Do you feel that?” He asked in labor breaths while continuing his ministrations upon her. His erection was getting coated the more he continued, and he could feel she may come at any moment. “Do you feel the heat being gathered? That is the spirit energy I can feed off of.” He wasn't sure if she was listening or not. Her eyes were closed, as she was overwhelmed in bliss and struggling to stay connected with the wind demon. “Just keep going…!”
“I-I can't!” Scarlet screamed as sweat glistened upon her body in the candlelight.
Jin knew that she wasn't ready for the intensity of spiritual intercourse and should take what he was given and not force her to conjure anymore. “Alright, alright,” he huffed with a few low growls in attempts to keep himself under control. “I am going to come, okay?” Taking a few deep breaths, the wind demon held himself still inside of her before rocking in and out steadily upon the milky white spilling from the slit on his manhood to coat her inner walls.
With Scarlet coming shortly after him, Jin knew that was the end of the energy feeding. His spirit sucking up the energy best it could to energize the demon, he took in a deep breath and removed himself from Scarlet's body to let her try and relax her spirit. “Take deep breaths and just relax,” he urged as he did so himself, but his were almost that of a breath of fresh air when he was able to reenergize him. “That feels a bit better.” He smiled from ear to ear with his eyes closed as if to enjoy the woman's energy.
“I feel so tired now…” Scarlet almost whispered with exhaustion as she rested upon her side in order to recollect herself.
“That is because I took some of your spirit energy,” said Jin as he brought his legs in to sit Indian style. “You'll be able to get it back with the proper amount of sleep and breakfast in the morning.”
Scarlet turned to her back to look up at the wind demon with a few deep inhales. “Why was it such a shock for me to take you spiritually? I don't get that.” She gazed into Jin's baby blue eyes through the dimly lit room with a bit of a weary smile. “I mean, I know all about the positive and negative charges of spirits, but I wouldn't expect it to be that powerful.”
“It is because of the energy policies that it is so intense,” Jin explained as he shook his wild red hair about. His chest expanding widely as he took a deep breath only to let it back out again with a bright smile on his face. “Our spirit energies are creating high charges with one another when we have a sexual act with each other, and it stores there at your lower region. Think of it like walking on a carpet with your socks on. That storage of energy you create gets more and more intense the more spiritual energy you create for me to feed off of you, and it will excite your entire body. My spirit energy is flushing slightly into yours to prompt you to create more for me to feed off of. As soon as I enter you, the energy begins to accumulate. It was probably a reason why you nearly woke up right away.” Jin caught her soft blush in the room. “Don't be so embarrassed. I have had it happen before to people who weren't used to it.”
Thinking back on what Touya had showed Scarlet before she went to bed, she looked off to the side to watch the flickering flame dance about under the influence of the soft breeze within the room. “Touya showed me my mom giving birth to me and her death thanks to his special mirror.”
“Oh, he did, did he?” The demon picked at something under one of his nails as if to keep himself occupied. “I have one of those mirrors too. I cannot say I've looked at it in some time though.” He shrugged, situating himself under the covers with her. “But I do peek at it from time to time to gaze back at the old days.”
The scarred woman sighed softly. “It was…more extreme to watch that then what I just went through.”
Jin was unsure of what to say on the matter as he rested there along side of her. His knuckles against his cheek, he moved his hand to touch the bi-colored tresses of Scarlet with a reassuring smile. “Seems you've had a long day and night. Why don't you get some rest?” He reached over to help guide Scarlet near his chest. “I will make sure nothing happens to you, Scarlet. Sleep well and I will see you later.”
Scarlet had no complaints whatsoever. She rested her head upon Jin's broad chest with a relaxed smile upon her face, knowing that she would be able to sleep peacefully.