Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wind Knoll's Curse ❯ Chapter 32

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Sorry for the wait on this one. I was marking a story off of my to-do list. =)
Stirring in her sleep, Scarlet steadily aroused from the deep slumber she was within. Her eyes managing to focus to the surrounding area, she was able to make out that someone was hovering over her. Scarlet's heart leapt within her throat at realizing that the wind master was watching her sleep ever so closely. “My God!” She exclaimed quietly, grasping her breast.
“Good morning!” Said Jin rather excitedly, jerking his head backwards out of her way when Scarlet's body jolted as it did. When Scarlet threatened to smack him, the wind master hovered away from her with his legs crossed and his hands within his lap. “I know it is early, but it is time for your daily routine to get started.” Jin watched as she grabbed her pillow and buried her face within it. Seeing her wanting to ignore him, the demon puffed out his cheeks with an irritable, nostril sigh. “Scarlet, you need to get up! Besides, Touya wants to talk to you as well today!”
Growling within her throat, she removed the pillow from where it was resting over her face. “Well, somebody just had to drain my energy last night!” While she craved the interaction with the wind demon, she never knew it would get her feeling so lethargic in the morning hours.
His eyebrow twitching a bit in irritation, Jin pouted and looked the other way with his arms crossed. “Well, and here I thought you wanted me to. What was all that begging you did once just to be taken by me?” The soft pillow soon met with Jin's face rather harshly as Scarlet threw it directly at the wind master, knocking him from the air and prompting him to land firmly on his back with a load thud.
“You're so horrible!” She yelled with a bright blush across her face.
Jin removed the pillow from his face with a dazed look before bringing himself back to reality with a few shakes of his head. “Now, now don't be that way.” A mischievous grin was upon the demon's face as he got to his feet. “I know you enjoyed it and so did I.” Seeing her threaten to throw another pillow at him, Jin was quick to react by bringing the one he had up close to his face. “Okay, okay, no need to get feisty now.” He peeked slowly over the pillow to make sure it was safe to come out from hiding before getting to his feet with a grunt. “Anyways, make sure you go get yourself some breakfast, and I will meet you outside for exercise. We're going to jog our way to Touya's place.”
“Is it about my training under him?” She inquired curiously, letting her legs hang over the bedside as she stretched out her exhaustion.
“Quite possibly,” said Jin as he made his way to the door, tossing the pillow back at her for her to catch. “I expect you to grab breakfast and then to meet me outside of the temple.” Turning from the doorway, Jin made his way down the hallway cautiously, as he knew some malicious demons were wandering the area. He watched as some of the worshippers bypassed him as if it were nothing at all. Jin nodded to those who could see him and moved out of the way of those who couldn't. Making it to the main worshiping room, Jin slowed his stride to a complete and total stop. The silence in the room was deafening to him. Wiggling his ears a good bit, he looked left and then right to find the torches either unlit or slowly dying in energy. Hearing the wind around him, Jin became a bit nervous as he listened to the souls whispering across the temple. The voices hissed sharply and with worry, putting the wind master on alert.
Behind you…BEHIND YOU!
Hearing the warnings, Jin was quick to jump out of the way and just in time as a demonic creature with many spikes protruding about its brown, charred skin lashed at him from behind. Blood tainted the beast's mouth, elongated talons and spikes. The demon was hunched over with a very slender appearance—it almost looked anorexic with the skin clinging so tightly to the skin.
Jin growled angrily at the beast having made it inside of his temple, his features relaxing into a sort of shock at the blood all over it. “Blood…what have you been eating!” He demanded to know, his right hand turning into an enraged fist, as Jin had an idea as to what.
The demon grinned wickedly at Jin's question, showing his fangs. His scissor like nails rubbed together as he came slowly closer to the wind master. “You won't need them,” his warped voice remarked eerily.
His eyes widened, he saw behind the beast, lying in the darkness, probably fifteen bodies at most covered in crimson on the floor. Each was stained with blood, limbs ripped from the bodies and flesh torn. “You bastard!” He growled angrily as he lunged for the beast with his fist reared back.
The monster was quick to avoid the attack. Dodging to the side just in time, his nails clawed at Jin's side, cutting the wind master's hard, demonic skin. Jin fell to the floor with a harsh thud, his wounds bleeding immensely from the attack. Slowly, he tried to push himself up from the ground to gaze at the dead bodies in front of him while immersed in pain. They were too weak against him…he is too high of a demon.
Using his foot, the demon pushed Jin's head into the ground with a twisted groaning sound in the back of his throat. “Now that you have come out, demon,” the beast hissed within the wind master's head as if to taunt him, “I don't have to worry about hunting you down in this human infested maze.” His mouth opening widely in an abnormal way, the demon appeared as though it would sink its fangs into Jin's neck just to break it.
A pillow being thrown at the morbid creature caught him by surprise. “Get off of him, ugly!” One of the priestesses said bravely. It appeared to be a rather feisty strawberry blond, though Rachael and Justin accompanied her with two other priests and another priestess.
“Sarah!” He exclaimed, coughing on his own blood for a moment as he struggled to catch his words. “Get out of here…!”
A smirk appearing on the demon's features, he turned towards the bold humans, who dared to stand in his way. Throwing its head back angrily, it let out a furious, warped sounding howl. The six humans knowing he was going to attack, nervously stood their ground from where they were standing side by side. They all knew they couldn't take him on, but they were willing to try for the sake of their master.
Seeing the creature make a beeline for his worshippers, Jin scrambled to get to his feet with a disgruntled growl. His hands able to grab onto the demon about the neck, he managed to wrap his muscular arm around its throat to try and strangle it. “You are not going to hurt them!” With Jin so weak, he wasn't able to put much force into it, causing the demon to throw him across the room till his back smashed against one of the pillar structures.
A scream coming from one of the archways, the demon shot his gaze over towards the horrified Scarlet. The other worshippers in the temple spying her as well, Justin hurried over towards her upon seeing the malicious demon making a mad dash for her. Grabbing Scarlet just in time, the high priest raised his free hand to create a powerful windblast to knock the creature away from the frightened woman. “It's okay!” Justin whispered between them in a labored tone, his flowing robes wrapped about Scarlet in a tight embrace. “Just stay close to me.”
Rachael saw the injuries on Jin from where he was lying unconscious for the time being. “He's hurt,” she whispered to Sarah. “You must help me heal him!”
“Yeah, but how are we going to keep the demon at bay?” Sarah asked with a shake of her braided hair, which reached down to her knees.
“We'll distract him!” The other priestess in the group answered as she was in a Japanese martial arts kind of stance. Her short, black hair nearly covered her right eye as her brown eyes darted about the room, watching the demon slowly coming their way. “Chris and Jonathan, come with me!”
As soon as the three took off towards the high-class demon, Rachael and Sarah headed for Jin hastily. Rachael helped Jin to at least his knees while Sarah gathered what energy she could to try and heal the wind demon. The power being gathered in between her hands, she pushed her palms outward to place them upon the wounds Jin had sustained.
“My Lord, you must wake up!” Rachael exclaimed as she shook the wind demon to try and rouse him. When he didn't respond, she took her hand to slap him across the face in hopes that would work.
Moaning softly, Jin opened his eyes slowly to let everything come into focus. “What happened…?” He asked, grabbing onto his head, shaking it briefly. “Damn, my back. That hurt…!” Jin hissed in pain as he rubbed it. Hearing the screams of the demon being attacked and stalled by the three worshippers, he was quick to recall what had gone on previously. “That bastard!” He growled angrily only to withhold from joining the fray as the pain struck his side.
“Be still, my Lord!” Sarah demanded as she kept her hands over his wounds regardless of how much blood was pouring over them. She was putting as much healing energy as she could to try and give him back his energy and conceal the injury. “They will be fine. You have trained them well.”
Jin had trained some of his higher ups the art of Ninjutsu as he was a long time ago under his master. He wanted to make sure the humans were able to fight for themselves should he ever not be able to arrive in time. Watching as the demon managed to claw at Jonathan, sending the high priest to the ground in pain, Jin's anger began to rise again. “I can't stand and watch this!” Jin roared loudly as he pushed Sarah and Rachael out of his way. His expression the most angered anybody had ever seen him, Jin brought up his fists to focus the wind around them before attacking the monster with one swift punch to the face. “Leave them alone!”
The demon was knocked out for a moment, only to get back to his feet slowly with a sick and twisted grin. He seemed to make his way slowly back towards the aggressive wind master only to stop when the demon hunched over in pain. “It…it BURNS!” He growled loudly, falling to his knees with his arms around his body.
Jin kept on his guard regardless until he saw the demon suddenly catch on fire. Surprised, the wind demon backed up and allowed the beast to burn into nothing but a smoldering ash pile. “Only one demon I know of who could do that…” He turned his attention to the front doors to find Hiei standing there with his Jagan eye out, glowing a bright purple color. “Hiei…!”
“I understand Justin is yours as well, but don't put his life in jeopardy, because he is also mine,” Hiei remarked sternly. The fire demon tried to hide the fact he had also come to the wind master's rescue, not wishing a comrade to fall. Walking over to the burned demon, his red, narrow eyes gazed coldly over the corpse. “Worthless beast.”
Remembering Jonathan was hurt, Jin quickly hurried to the priest to help him at least to his knees. “Are you okay!”
“I'll be fine,” Jonathan insisted through the pain. “But what about them?” He nodded over at the worshippers, who were not so lucky to escape the demon and met their death at his hands.
Jin turned his attention to the dead bodies on the floor in the shadows of the temple. He shook his head at the mess the demon had made in his path. “I am so drained I cannot even hear when my people need me.”
Scarlet watched from where she was still hidden in Justin's robes, still horrified by the event. She couldn't find the words to speak as Justin helped her over towards the others to look into the situation as well.
Justin released her, making his way over to the wind master to make sure he was at least alright. “My Lord,” he whispered, “You really should get your injuries checked out before you press on today.”
Shaking his fiery red hair, Jin sighed heavily as he held onto the wound he had received. “I will look into getting it bandaged. But I need to send these souls on before I do anything else.” Sorrowfully, the wind master made it over towards the piles of ripped and half eaten bodies to start his ritual. Even if it was going to drain most of his energy, he focused on the human souls still trapped within the corpses. Slowly, one by one, the darkened temple lit up by several blue orbs of light. The souls finally freed from their physical form, Jin turned his hand around to push his palm upwards to raise them a bit further before pulling them to him with his fingers motioning towards his body. “At least you are all free from this nightmare.” Jin then sent the spirits out into the temple before losing what energy he had left, collapsing onto his front with a loud thud.
“Jin!” All of the worshippers exclaimed as they ran to the wind demon's side.
Hiei just stood there watching the body of the wind master. Making his way over towards the wind demon, he placed his index and middle finger upon his upper right shoulder to give him what energy he could before disappearing completely from the room.
With the other demon gone for now, Scarlet looked over at the redhead in worry. “Jin!” Grabbing onto his shoulders, she began to shake him to get the demon to wake up.
Jin groaned as he opened his eyes slowly, looking around the room for a second to realize he was given some of Hiei's energy before the demon left him. Rubbing his head with a soft sigh, he looked out at the corpses with a shake of his head still. “I need to get them all buried.” Looking to Scarlet, he tried to press a smile to relax her. “You wouldn't mind if I waited a moment or two on our jogging adventure, would you?”
She found it bizarre how quickly he covered up how he felt about the situation. “S-Sure…” Scarlet released Jin's arms, allowing the priests and priestesses to help him to his feet. Her eyes kept a close watch on how they were quick to escort him to at least his seat at the back of the room. Not able to stand the smell of the blood, Scarlet was quick to follow behind them.
“We'll be right back,” Sarah insisted. “We'll get some people to help bury them and give them a proper funeral.”
When they all hurried out of the main room, Scarlet walked slowly up to Jin with her hands folded in front of her. She witnessed as he appeared to be in thought with his hand cupping his chin and him looking off to the side. “Jin, are you going to be okay?” She got down on her knees to rest her hands upon his closest thigh.
Jin moved his hand from where it was so he could speak clearly. He smiled weakly down at Scarlet with a nod. “I'll be fine.” He placed his hand upon her bi-colored hair to mess it up slightly from his hand moving back and forth. “I am just getting tired of all these pointless attacks. And this is all because the demons want out into the world.”
Scarlet knew letting a bunch of high-class demons into the world was asking for trouble, so she said nothing about it. “You're still low on energy. I can sense it.”
He moved his leg slightly as if to make sure she didn't try anything. “I am fine,” he answered with a chuckle, seeing the irritable expression rising on her already. Knowing she probably didn't like him laughing at her anger, he covered his mouth for a second though the laughter could still be seen in his eyes.
“You're so damn stubborn!” Scarlet exclaimed quietly between them. Not wanting to take no for an answer this time, she straddled his legs and forced a kiss on his lips. It was rather sloppy in nature, as she wasn't used to such kissing.
Jin's eyes were wide upon her desire to kiss him so quickly. When Scarlet moved away from the kiss, he kept his shocked expression before cocking a brow at her with an almost smug look. “Feel better now?”
Scarlet sighed, shaking her head at his actions. “I don't know what I am going to do with you. I can't seem to ever please you as I want to.” She had no desire to look him directly in the eyes at that moment. Hearing him sigh slightly, his palm cupped her chin to help her look into his deep, blue eyes.
“You shouldn't feel that way,” said Jin seriously as he kept his gaze locked into her gray-green eyes. “I just don't want to bring you onto me too soon. It isn't anything in particular about you, but more along the lines of, I don't trust myself.” His eyes were alluring for the young woman as they glistened off of the few surviving lit candles. “As long as you don't mind me possibly losing it mentally, then I don't mind it.”
She was quiet for a moment, reaching for his cheek to touch him there with her palm. Scarlet watched as he leaned into her palm to allow her to touch him there. “But I trust you, Jin.”
Hearing her say such a thing brought his eyes quickly back to hers. “You have more faith in me then I do in myself.” His elfin ears catching the sounds of the oncoming humans, he turned his head slightly towards the archway he could sense them coming from before eyeing Scarlet once more. “You must wait till later.” Picking Scarlet up, he moved her back to her feet before getting to his own. “We'll discuss this in a bit.” When the grave attendants showed up, Jin pointed over towards the bodies. “They need to be buried. Please, give them the best burial you know how to. I will help and get this all situated.”
The wind blowing contently, yet almost sorrowfully, the fifteen killed by the high-class demon were buried in the wind master's graveyard. The graveyard seemed to go for many miles when Scarlet was able to see it within the back of the temple outside. Scarlet paid little attention to the ceremony as they sang a sort of somber melody to those who died. She watched the grave markers go on for miles. With everyone's head bowed, she started to wander deeper within the graveyard, the wind tossing about her black and blond hair. None of the names struck any cord whatsoever regarding anyone she knew, though most, in the furthest part, were mostly eroded and warn away. Suddenly, one came into sight—Teresa.
Stopping for a second, she remembered the ill-stricken girl coming into the store back when she used to work there and all of the things she spoke to Scarlet about. “Teresa…” she mostly whispered upon the wind. Kneeling down in front of the grave, she saw the date she was born and the day she died etched into it.
“You remember her,” came Jin's voice from behind Scarlet. With her looking over at him in shock, he smiled tenderly down at Scarlet to show he didn't mind her wandering in the graveyard he had.
“The circumstances in which she died was…terrible,” Scarlet admitted with a heavy sigh, as her hands wandered over the arch of the stone. “How is she doing, anyways?”
Jin offered his hand to Scarlet to allow her to stand. “Teresa is doing okay. She is no longer in pain and that is the most important part.” He looked out at the many gravestones with a bit of a content smile. “So many people and so many years. Some of the years I regret with how I acted, but they were still loyal to me.”
“There are so many indeed,” whispered Scarlet as she looked out at the miles long of stone. Her eyes shifted to the left to find a few gravestones decorated in many flowers. She nodded over at them with a curious look. “Why are those so colorful while everything else isn't?”
The wind demon headed towards them with his hands in his pockets. “The reason they are is because they were my servants.” A smile came upon Jin's face making it to where their bodies were buried. “They were my special men and women and always will remain so.” He stopped at the last one, apparently there not being many in the demon's line of work.
Scarlet followed behind him to read some of the many names popping up on the tombstones. “Stephanie, Pat, Lola, Penelope, Trevor…some men were your servants too.”
Jin nodded, “More then likely they were bisexual or gay, so it wasn't awkward for them.” He looked to Scarlet with a bit of a shrug. “Anyways, we did plan on going out jogging to Touya's temple, so I believe we should do that.”
“You change your attitude so quickly. It is as if you hate to have someone catch you at a vulnerable time,” Scarlet pointed out, following behind the wind demon, as they made their way out onto the walkway.
“I just hate to be sad over something that has a brighter side to things,” Jin admitted as he stretched out along their stroll. “While my worshippers were killed, I got their spirits out in time, and I was able to sent them into a world where they are protected.”
“But, the afterlife,” Scarlet inquired as she stretched a bit with him, “isn't it just them being pulled under to hell?”
“You label `hell' like it is some torture chamber.” Jin appeared a bit miffed by her comment towards it. “Hell isn't some pit of sorrow and despair. It has its woodlands, cities, and marvels. It isn't all full of evil, especially if you have the right people watching over your spirit.” Here, he pointed at himself. “Now, are you ready?” Jin placed his hands upon his lower thighs. He was ready to take on a jogging challenge.
“Yes, I am ready,” said Scarlet as she was finished warming herself up a bit.
Jin reached over to place his hand on Scarlet's shoulder. “Good, now-GO!” Upon saying that, he pushed the young woman back a bit to give himself a playful head start. He laughed back at her, jogging ahead.
“Hey, you ass! No fair!” Scarlet barked in return though she knew he was just messing around with her. She still wanted to make it to the demon in time, prompting her to try and pick up speed only to have the demon remain in front of her.
“Might want to keep up!” He laughed upon feeling her hand smack him upon the back. “Now, now, don't get too angry with me!” Jin teased her for miles. “Come on, I taught you better then that!”
Touya was within his main hall of worship around the entrance of his temple when he heard the two coming to the large, double doors. Their playful, muffled banter catching his ears, he rolled his eyes and shook his head upon them making their appearance into the Ice Temple. “Playing around per usual, eh, Jin?”
“Awe, what is the point of having a straight face all the time?” He asked with a cheesy smile, placing his arms behind his head. “Besides, I brought her here, didn't I?”
“I just wanted her here to give her something. I am afraid I don't have time to spare many words.” Touya pulled out a rather worn book in black leather covering. “If you want to work on your studies as being my priestess, I need you to read and memorize this book.” He watched as Scarlet took it rather hesitantly seeing as it was a rather thick book, probably 500 pages at most. “Once you have it down to heart, just let me know, and I will begin my training with you. I am sure I will find a way to fit it in your schedule, my dear.” He couldn't help but gaze at Jin at this moment with a raise of his brow.
“What?” Jin asked with a shrug of his shoulders. “I'll give you time for her, goodness.”
Touya turned back to Scarlet with a tender look. “Anyways, read that book and be prepared for me.” With that said, the ice demon waved goodbye to them both before turning away from them.
Scarlet brought the book close to her chest, turning around to Jin. “I hope everything is okay. He appeared to be in quite the hurry.”
Hearing her say such a thing, Jin went on alert to listen and smell the temple for himself. “Well, nothing is really amiss at the moment. I would say he is probably just very busy with a few people.” Hovering slightly off of the ground, Jin moved backwards. “Come on, we're not done with our jog.”
We jogged for many miles until I found myself about to pass out. When I threatened to ball-knock Jin is when the man believed it was finally time for a break, so we headed back to the Wind Temple.
Scarlet collapsed upon her bedcovers with her arm resting over her forehead. “I don't know why you have to keep insisting on extending my jogging routine.” She breathed in and out steadily to try and regain herself, knowing that was the best way to do it. Her body was sweating from the strenuous workout.
“I just push you a bit further, because I know the more you can handle, the better,” Jin explained while resting against her closed door, his arms crossed over his chest. “I have pushed some other worshippers of mine who needed their energy back. You're not the first, and I doubt you'll be the last.” He chuckled, giving her a slight wink.
She rolled her eyes at his comment though couldn't help but remember what was said back in the main hall. “Jin, what exactly did you mean earlier?” Hearing the demon hum in question at what she was referring to, Scarlet continued. “You said it wasn't me you didn't trust, it was yourself.” She lowered her arm from her forehead, placing her hands upon her stomach.
Jin appeared to frown, shifting his blue eyes upon the ground with a slight shrug. “Well, to be honest, when I took you for the first time, it was overwhelming for me.” His mind recalling what it felt like to touch her with his own body, Jin attempted to shake the thought out of his mind. “I have never touched a human woman or man physically before, as I told you, and I thought I could handle it easily. But, when I did take you, after we were done, I just wanted to go again even if you were tired. While you slept, I resisted the urge of just raping you.” His eyes became serious and stern almost, as Jin was thinking about his problem that night. “When I opened you, I felt like I was human again…for those few moments I was coupled with you.”
“I thought you didn't want to be human again,” said Scarlet as she sat upright in bed.
“Just because a demon doesn't like the thought of mortality doesn't mean they don't desire the thought of being human once again.” Closing his eyes, he rested the back of his head against the door behind him. “To feel how warm and alive you felt nearly drove me to the brick of maddening desire. And once I managed to get the thought out of me, I promised myself I would never do it physically again to anyone.”
Scarlet was quiet, unsure of how to take what he just told her. “Did I seriously do something that bad for you…?” When Jin didn't answer right away, she sighed whilst bringing her knees to her chest. “Jin, I am sorry. I didn't mean to do that to you. But you do realize that if anytime you needed to take me, I would have done my best to please you.”
“Do you honestly feel that way?” Asked Jin from where he remained within the dimly lit room.
Placing her hand on her hurting heart, she nodded at his question. “When you took me that night, I felt so close to you. I couldn't get the thought out of my head either.” Her eyes lined with tears at having to confess it all aloud in worry of how he would take it could almost be seen from the candlelight, flickering upon her nightstand. “Do you honestly think I did a better job of hiding my desire for you again?”
The wind master grinned widely, winking at her. “Well, you were terrible at that.”
Scarlet didn't have it in her to be mad at his straightforward answer. “Jin, you were my first, and even being a virgin for so long, I know that is something special to a lot of people.” Being bold, she released the tension she had within the covers she had before standing to her feet to work on removing her top by pressing her thumb against the buttons one by one to unbutton it. Removing the fabric from her body, she let the white top fall to the ground not minding the fact Jin was staring at her now. When the demon did nothing but look down at her revealed chest only to gaze at her again, Scarlet began to slowly advance towards him with her arms open. “Jin, I know you never mean to hurt me. You've done too much to make me think that.”
Jin tried not to act upon impulses, remaining there as if what he was looking at was nothing too special. “Don't bait me, please,” he remarked sternly to her.
Getting to her knees, Scarlet looked up at him with her arms out still. “Please, Jin, I am offering myself to you.” When he refused to budge from where he stood, she lowered her head as if to bow. “Please, my Lord. I am giving my body to you! I gave it to you forever ago, and I am offering it to you again.”
“Scarlet,” Jin whispered for both of them to hear. When she looked up at him, the wind demon grabbed onto the rim of his sleeveless, black top to pull it up and over his head to toss to the side. “If you don't mind me taking you again, I will try my best to hold it together.” He got down on his knees as well, cupping her cheek, which he could feel was slightly wet—probably from tears. “Just bare with me best you can.”
Wrapping her arms tightly around his firm neck, she rested her cheek upon his shoulder. “You were my first.” She spoke softly and with a slight strain on her voice, as if to hold back her sobs. “You always will be special to me. I don't care what you do so long as it is with me.”
Holding her close, Jin smiled to himself as he picked Scarlet up in his arms so he could make his way over towards her bed. Placing her human body down upon the soft covers, he moved his over her. He nuzzled into her neck, kissing her skin gently before biting it tenderly with a soft growl. His pants still on, he rolled his hips forwards to rock against her gently. “I never meant to lead you on,” he whispered within the crook of her neck. “I just didn't want to be with you unless I believed you could handle me.”
Scarlet listened to his words closely before relaxing against the covers again. Turning her head, she kissed him within his wild, red hair. “It's okay.” When he turned his face to meet hers, she moved his strands of hair out of his face. “I love you, Jin.”
Hearing her say that, he chuckled and shook his head. “You're in love with my body,” he said bluntly with a smirk. “I drive you too crazy to have you love me.”
She couldn't resist the urge to punch him in the shoulder this time. “That is not true, and you know it.” After his playful `ouch', the wind demon seemed to pull back slightly to hover over her. Reaching up for his face, Scarlet gently massaged his cheeks with her fingers. “Maybe I always found you unbearable for a good while, but you have helped me out of the darkness. You got me out of that hellhole of a house, helped me through my depression, and you got me back into a healthier disposition on life.” Scarlet attempted to beckon him towards her, but he was clueless as to what she wanted out of him. Pushing up off of the bed a bit to reach him, she moistened her lips before placing them upon his for a loving kiss.
Jin was a bit hesitant to be that into a physical kiss from someone until he found himself relaxed into it. He kissed her in return, deeply and lovingly for a moment before pulling back to look into her eyes. Finding a stray, black hair in her face, he took care in moving it behind her ear to get a better look at her face. “I wish I could say it in return that I love you, but I cannot given the circumstances. But that doesn't mean I don't feel something special for you, Scarlet, regardless of your stubborn attitude as well.” He spared a brief chuckle within his throat upon the last word he spoke.
“Whenever you find the time to do so, I am sure it will be worthwhile.” Scarlet kissed Jin briefly upon his lips. “Now, if you need my energy, you can have it.”
Smirking, he worked on removing his pants and helped her with his own. Holding her tightly under the covers, he continued his administrations of nibbling upon her flesh while breathing heavily in the process. His manhood already a good bit hard, he reached down to mess with it himself and help get it further along. When Scarlet caught onto what he was doing, she offered to help by reaching her hand there upon the sensitive skin. Jin was quick to grab onto her wrist and make her put her hand down. “I'll be fine. Just give me a moment.” His breathing picking up, he continued stroking the shaft harshly to get himself fully erect, knowing that would be the only way to come inside of her. Upon feeling he was ready, he planted a tender kiss upon the corner of Scarlet's mouth. “Are you ready for me?”
“Yes, I am ready,” she whispered breathlessly, holding onto his back tightly.
“Let's see what I can fit inside of you this time.” Biting his lower lip, he pushed the head past her tight `lips'. The sensation catching up with him again, his body trembled as Jin refused to lose control right away. Keeping a hold of his rapidly building orgasm, he got at least five inches of himself in before seeing Scarlet's face contort into displeasure and her nails dig into his demonic skin. “Sorry,” he said hoarsely. “I won't go any further.” Rolling onto his side, he brought Scarlet closer to him. Thrusting slowly inside of her, he could feel every bit of her depth making him tense on occasion, feeling himself almost release several times.
Scarlet moaned loudly against his chest as she rested there against his demonic body. “Oh, Jin…!” Feeling his slow pace inside of her, she rolled her hips forwards to try and match his rhythm. While his size was a strain on her body, Scarlet tried to accept it.
Jin kept his arms wrapped tightly about her as he continued his administrations upon her. Growling lowly, he huffed heavily through his nostrils while holding her close to his body. Raising his head up off of the pillow for a moment, he picked up his thrusting a bit faster. “I am going to cum soon…!” Reaching his climax, Jin bit his lower lip as he finally released his sensation within Scarlet's human body.
Digging her nails into his flesh once more, Scarlet arched her back and cried out in pleasure upon feeling the milky, warm substance coat her from the inside. Feeling it leak from her womanhood to drip down her inner thigh, she took in slow, steady breaths to try and regain herself. Remembering what Jin said prior, she looked up at the wind master to stroke his head tenderly. “Are you doing okay?”
Jin nodded, his eyes closed while he breathed heavily through his slightly opened mouth. “I'll be fine. I promise,” he remarked breathlessly. Looking at her from one eye he opened, he chuckled softly. “Thanks for the energy, by the way.” Scarlet stayed beside the wind master watching him, as if waiting for something. It caught Jin's attention after awhile of sparing a glance or two at her as well. “What is it? You look like you're waiting for something.”
“After the last time we did this, you scampered off because of the feelings you had. I am just waiting for you to suddenly vanish while I am asleep,” she admitted with a slight yawn, feeling drained.
The wind demon offered her a smile before reaching over to place his hand upon her side. “I am sorry for that. It was wrong of me to leave you during such a time, but I had my reasons. You understand.”
Scarlet nodded and mouthed `I know'. “So you promise you're not going to leave me resting her alone? Last time you did that, I woke up to a demon dog attacking me.”
“Well, with that barrier now around your door, you cannot be attacked. You'll be safe as long as you are in here.” He looked beyond the bed to the door he could just see from where he was resting near Scarlet. “But, I do promise I won't leave you this time. I will remain here for now with you.” Jin looked at her with partially lidded eyes as if to show his exhaustion as well. “Now, get some sleep. You'll need it. We can both shower when we're more awake from our misadventure.”
Scarlet closed her eyes, resting her head back upon Jin's, finding it warm and inviting. The awkward beating of his heart lulled her to sleep for the late morning nap.