Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wind Knoll's Curse ❯ Chapter 33

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Scarlet had fallen asleep, one day, with the fairly lengthy book covering her face that Touya had asked her to read from cover to cover. She had managed to get to page 200 or so, from what she could remember last, before deciding to shut her eyes to enjoy the warmer weather that summer. However, as she was trying to enjoy herself, the book was soon lifted off of her face to reveal the ice master standing there with a not so impressed look in his narrow eyes. “Hard at work as always, I see,” he grumbled a bit, causing Scarlet to look unimpressed at his remark. “I swear, you're getting as lazy as Jin these days.”
Snatching the book back from Touya, Scarlet sat upright on the bench about the Ice Temple. “Sorry, but the warm weather was just begging to be relaxed within.” She stretched her arms outward to get any unnecessary kinks out of her body.
“Ever heard of reading in this horribly warm weather?” Touya couldn't stand the obsessive heat that summer. He knew he was risking his health at just being outside at that moment. “Exactly what page are you on?”
“I don't know,” mumbled Scarlet as she tried to remember exactly. “I guess maybe…page 235 or something?” At that moment Touya was quick to whack her on the back of the head with the book. “Owe! Jeez! What's your deal!” She exclaimed, covering the back of her head.
“Scarlet! I gave this book to you a year ago!” He scolded, remembering the time well enough himself. “And you haven't even finished it!”
Scarlet bit her lower lip as she took the book back from Touya irritably to whack him in return for what he did to her. “Jin has been keeping me busy, and that's why I haven't been able to!”
Touya crossed his arms over his chest to lean forwards with an unimpressed look upon his face. “More like you've been lazy this summer!” He growled, narrowing his eyes. “I know Jin has been giving you all the time in the world to read that book and complete it—and it should have been done several months ago!” He raised his voice upon the last set of words, showing how agitated he was at Scarlet wanted to commit to his ways, but not trying to even open herself to doing so in the least.
Looking up at the sky, Scarlet rolled her eyes at the lecture she was receiving. “It is just so damn long!” She griped, opening back up the book. “It was easier being a servant!” She brought her legs up to crisscross upon the marble bench, so she could continue reading against her desire to do so.
“A lot more is involved in being a priestess, so you better be prepared for that.” Touya could feel a cool breeze blowing about, prompting him to look off in that direction with a bit of a smile sensing it was coming from the Wind Temple. “Besides, this is what your mother wanted from you. If you need motivation, think on that.” With that said, he pulled from Scarlet's side to make his way back inside where he'd be less likely to burn up in the heat.
Scarlet sighed to herself, thinking about that tidbit of information before opening up the book once more to begin reading seriously. A year had gone by, indeed, making Scarlet go up in age of 26. The year had been a pleasant one with a few nasty, demonic surprises here and there, but she had found herself catching back up to a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to the doctor's help, she was able to get back on her feet and not worry about cutting any longer. It had been almost a year since she last touched herself with a sharp object of any kind. She knew that coming Saturday would mark the year point of that as Jin had been keeping notes of it. She had been trying to keep up with her studies with both Jin and Touya while getting better.
Catching the time on her wristwatch, Jin had bought her for her last birthday seeing as she didn't have any means of knowing when to go where at what time without searching for a nearby clock. “Almost time for my appointment with Donavon!” She nearly panicked at the time upon getting to her feet to hurry towards his office.
Donavon was still within his office reading up on a few of his patients when he heard a knock upon his door. “Come in,” he called, removing his glasses from the slope of his nose to place upon the desk. Spying Scarlet coming through the door, he smiled upon her entering. “Well, nice of you to show up…somewhat on time,” he joked lightly, pointing to the open seat before him.
“Sorry,” she apologized while taking her seat. “I had to get into it with Touya, because I am not reading is massive book fast enough.”
“Neh, I just think this weather makes you a bit lazier then usual,” Donavon teased as he rummaged through the papers in front of him to find the ones on Scarlet. “So how have things been lately? Is everything still on track?” He began writing a few notes on the piece of paper upon his clipboard.
“Everything is going good as usual,” said Scarlet, as she gazed off to the side a moment. She couldn't help but also gaze down at the watch Jin had given her as a practical gift. The young woman couldn't help but smile before Donavon's voice brought her back to the present. “What? What is it?”
The doctor couldn't help but chuckle at her ability to get sidetracked so easily these past few months. “Something is obvious been on your mind.” He put his pen down, intertwining his fingers upon the clipboard to show he was listening.
Scarlet was a bit embarrassed just thinking about it as she moved her fingers over the cover of the watch. “I know you're not going to say anything to anybody about this because it is confidential, but I do have something I want to hope you'd never bring to the surface.” She witnessed as Donavon instructed her to continue. “Ever since my ceremony with Jin, I've been feeling a big desire for him lately.” Scarlet was a bit hesitant to unleash her feelings on the subject, as she felt it was all very personal. “And, I am a bit torn about it all seeing as Silvia went a bit crazy over her connection with Shishi…sometimes I wonder if what I feel for him is natural or should be allowed.”
The young doctor couldn't help but chuckle against his hand a bit, hoping she wouldn't find his first reaction unprofessional. “I am afraid in cases like Silvia's are not so few and far in between. Many men and women who have experienced such events fall pray to the feelings afterwards that you are experiencing. Some just have better control over it then others,” Donavon explained with a few movements of his hands to illustrate the situation better. “Seeing as you don't seem to be having a negative reaction out of Jin, I'd say you have a decent handle on the situation.” He reached over for his glasses to place back upon his nose to read what it was he was jotting down.
Her mouth was hesitant to form words, but she managed to do so upon finding the courage. “But, the thing is…I am the first he has taken physically, and he himself admitted it was almost an addiction upon that moment.” She noticed how Donavon paused in his writing to look up at her with a sort of serious look. “He told me that he wanted to control himself when he did it the first time, so he went out to be alone. We talked about a few things on the second moment he did so, and more then anything, I wanted him to say he loved me…but,” Scarlet paused momentarily, “…he refused.”
“Wow,” said Donavon, sitting upright to have most of that soak in. “So he actually did a physical ceremony that year ago?” He couldn't help but chuckle again. “You must have been something to him for the stubborn ox to finally let down his boundaries to do such a thing.” He looked off to the side, as if to reminisce about something. “For as long as I've known him, Jin has been pretty much to himself. He'll help those he cares for, but he never seemed the type to devote himself to one person. I know he had his servants he held in high regard, but not one did he touch in such a way.” Donavon paused this time when he gazed back at Scarlet. “Now, for him to say such a word to you, tell me when, because he sure has come around if he ever does.”
Scarlet excused herself from her seat to walk over to the lengthy window in the office that showed the outside world, basking in the summer sun. “But, the thing is, my heart is torn in two over this. Should I try to say something about this to him or just move on and find someone else?”
“That depends on your willingness,” said Donavon honestly as he spun his chair slowly to continue facing Scarlet. “The way I view Jin is a wild stallion that cannot be easily tamed. He is as free as the wind itself, and if you are willing to try and put up with his antics of avoiding your advances for awhile, well, he just may eventually cave.” Scarlet gazed upon him with a bit of exhaustion in her gray-green eyes at the mere thought of such a thing. “Though, you can very well look for someone else. It is all up to you and what you desire. I warn you though that either path will be riddled with quite an emotional ride, which I hope you can make it through.”
She shook her head with a bit of a smile, turning from the window Scarlet had taken her time to gaze out through. “I am sure. Don't worry about me. I know disappointment comes along every now and then.”
When her appointment was over, Scarlet found herself walking back towards the Wind Temple with the cool breeze brushing against her face and layered, bi-colored hair. She couldn't help but look down at the sidewalk in front of her, bemused amongst her thoughts. “You know,” a voice beckoned, “if you stare at the road much longer, you might burn a hole through it.” Scarlet shot her head up to see a redheaded Kurama standing before her with a tender smile to greet her with. “What has you troubled?”
Scarlet pushed some of her wild hair behind ear with a brief smile, still surprised to see the fox demon, as she rarely did. “O-Oh, hi, Kurama. I didn't know you were out and about.” She stuttered a bit when she spoke, knowing of the other, darker form buried within the demon she didn't wish to provoke out. “H-How is Blossom?”
“She is doing okay,” answered Kurama, as he looked over in the direction of his temple. His wild, red hair blowing about in his face, he took care in placing his hand to the side of his head to prevent it from blocking his view. “Nobody has caught on to who she really is, so that is all that matters.”
Crossing her arms over her chest, Scarlet attempted to relax under the redhead's shadow. “So, what are you doing out here anyways? I don't think I've seen you out and about a lot lately; especially since you last had to take up the barrier.” The demons would often take turns every 6 months or so to rotate who kept up the barrier, so the attacking, malicious demons couldn't put so much energy on bringing down one of them. It had been Kurama's turn that summer.
“I just thought I'd walk outside to get some fresh air,” said Kurama as he pocked his hands into his jean pockets. “Being in a temple all day does get tiring.” He shrugged, continuing his walk next to Scarlet. “How have things been with you? I hear you've been getting better.”
“Yeah,” said Scarlet as the two made their way down William's Road together. The chirping birds made her feel a bit more relaxed considering the company. “Jin has been making sure of that lately. I've gotten used to my schedule he has given me, so I go about studying, exercises, and counseling on my own now without him there to escort me.”
Kurama nodded at her comments. “That's good; that's good. What about your dreams and all of that?” He inquired, as Jin often talked him to about these events. Jin was always curious about humans, and the wind demon knew Kurama had his fair share of being around them. “Are they any better?”
“I have a better control over when I project my spirit, as Jin calls it,” explained Scarlet. “He's been having some of his higher priests and priestesses teach me how to have a better handle on things. I still get attacked here and there, but Jin is always there to make it better.” Realizing how she said that last statement, Scarlet swallowed hard, hoping Kurama didn't catch onto that. When she heard him chuckle, she covered her face with her palm.
“No need to be embarrassed by your emotions,” insisted the redhead as they continued about their walk. “I am sure, with all things considered, we're not going to find it odd. We have had our fair share of people fawning over us.”
“I guess I don't like to seem desperate; especially if my feelings aren't going to be returned anytime soon.” Having to think about such a thing made Scarlet's heart ache, though she tried to push it to the side. When Kurama merely nodded, she continued. “I don't know, maybe I should just look for something a bit more tangible.”
“Whatever it is you decide, I am sure it will be for the best.” Hearing the clock chime twelve, Kurama looked over at the town's clock with Scarlet with a smile. “I guess I should go on about the town. I have a few people to check up on before I head back to that stuffy temple.” Here, he patted Scarlet on the back gently. “Good to see you. Take care of yourself, Scarlet Baker.”
“You too, Kurama,” whispered Scarlet this time. She watched as the fox demon headed off on his own at a slight jog before she bothered to head back into the woodland area where the Wind Temple was buried. Walking through the forest didn't seem as eerie and creepy as it usually felt in the winter. The trees were alive, and the sun always shined through the above canopy to light the lush ground. Seeing the temple doors, Scarlet resisted the urge to walk in right away. She just didn't feel like going back into a place where her emotions were going to override her again. “I can't do this!” She grumbled, plopping down on a nearby rock formation.
The front doors opening, Scarlet looked up to see some of the worshippers running out in their warmer attire with a few beach items in hand. Confused as to what was going on, Scarlet pushed herself up from where she was sitting to inch a bit closer to the nearest tree to watch the commotion. Resting against the bark of the tree, she didn't hear the rustling of the branches above her where Jin was hiding.
Hanging upside down, his wild hair all over the place from where he was behind Scarlet. “So, you're just going to stand there or what?” He asked with a cheesy grin to greet her with when she spun around by surprise.
“One of these days I am going to smack you for surprising me, and you'll deserve it!” Scarlet scolded, shaking her finger at him.
Jin jumped from the tree limb to land upon his feet with a grunt. “I told everyone to head to the beach for the afternoon. I figured with it so hot and with everyone working so hard, they all deserved a vacation.” He leaned against the tree as well with a chuckle. “Care to join us?”
“I don't have a swim suit,” Scarlet said, trying to think of a good excuse not to go. “I had no reason to buy one.”
“Who says you have to swim to have a good time at the beach?” Jin wondered with a roll of his eyes. His hands upon Scarlet's shoulders, he pushed her further to the east of the town where the beach was located, regardless of her protests.
The beach was hardly accessible during the winter time, as Jin left the roads to it closed via the fog. It was a bit detached from the town and was quite the distance, but regardless, everyone stockpiled into cars and drove there with Jin resting on the top of one. Feeling the wind rustle his wild hair, he grinned widely before jumping off of the car he was upon to fly out to the beach with the others when the engines stopped.
Scarlet was the last to step out of the green, paint-peeled van Justin had in his possession. Seeing the beach waves crashing contently upon the shore brought a bit of wonder to the young woman, as she had never been to the beach before. She had seen it on TV but never in person. The sea breeze was almost instantly infectious, as she walked out onto the sand. “Wow, the waves are a beautiful sea-green color,” she said mostly to herself.
“Never been to the beach before?” Jin asked with a raise of his brow, finding that a bit odd and curious.
“No, my mom and I never had a reason to. Besides, she always thought the roads were closed to anything outside of Wind Knoll.” Scarlet watched as some of the worshippers put down beach towels and set up umbrellas to protect themselves against the hot sun. “I cannot say I exactly know how to swim either, so I don't think I'll look into going out there.”
“I cannot say I swim much either.” He waved Scarlet over towards one of the nearby towels one of the worshippers had put down, seeing as it wasn't occupied at the moment. “You might want to sit under the umbrella seeing as your skin is pretty pale. I wouldn't want you getting burned to death out here.” Getting punched by the feisty blond, he hissed and rubbed the spot. “Ouch! I can tell you got your energy back!” Before he could retaliate further, someone came from behind the wind master to cover his eyes. Jin could tell by the size of them alone, they were from a little kid. He smiled and chuckled briefly. “Let me guess, Yusandra?”
The tiny hands pulled away from Jin's eyes with a bright, giggling smile. She was probably only five or six years old with tan skin and black hair. “How did you know?” Yusandra asked, hugging the wind demon about the neck.
“I have my ways,” said Jin as he spared her the actual answer of spirits talking to him as well as the energy from her he could sense. Seeing as they were near a few of the greenery, Jin reached over to pluck a flower from those growing nearby to plant in the young girl's hair. Hearing the mother calling her, Jin looked up at the African American female before looking back at the daughter. “I think your mom is calling you,” Jin stated with a wink.
Scarlet witnessed as the young girl skipped back to her mother quickly with her arms open to receive the woman's hug. “You seem to do well with kids,” she noted, as the wind master turned back around to gaze over at the sea. “Have you ever thought of having any of your own someday?”
Jin waved away the thought with a light chuckle, “Neh. I don't have time to think on such things.” He overlapped his arms behind his head to relax and enjoy the cool weather. “I am in no rush to settle for a family of my own just yet.” Jin closed his eyes and let the breeze mess with his wild, red hair.
“I see,” said Scarlet mostly to herself. She was hoping the somberness of her tone wasn't hinted, as she turned her focus back out at the ocean with him. “I am thinking maybe I should start looking for another job.”
Hearing her say such a thing caused Jin to open one eye to gaze at her back mostly, as that was what was facing him at the time. “What brought this along?” He asked curiously, not moving from his position.
Scarlet didn't want to tell him her true reasons behind it all. She knew she just needed a distraction from her feelings about the wind master, as her heart couldn't take the mind games much anymore. “I don't know. I feel like I should be doing something instead of staying at the temples and studying all the time.” Scarlet brought her knees to her chest to think on her decision a little bit, finding it more appealing every second. “I know my first job didn't exactly work out right, but I am sure I can find another one even without my college degree.”
Jin sighed through his nostrils, closing his eyes once more. “You forget that I also have a say in the matter of such things considering your position and our union.” His tone almost sounded possessive, catching Scarlet off guard and almost making her view the wind demon as a pig.
“That's a rather jerk like thing to say,” Scarlet said straightforwardly. “Can I not be allowed to work wherever it is I please just so I can take my mind off of a few things?”
The demon couldn't help but growl angrily at her comment towards him. “Why would you want to work when you have enough to do as it is?” Here, he pushed himself up slightly from the towel to look Scarlet directly in the eyes. “A job is pointless at this moment. Why not just try to better yourself in your studies?”
“Maybe because that's all I do and maybe getting a bit of extra cash wouldn't hurt anyone!” Scarlet exclaimed, moving herself that moment from beside the wind master to go elsewhere amongst the beach. Her sandaled feet kicked about the sand as she made her way towards the ocean caves further down. A few of the coconut trees were growing abundantly there as well to give her a place to stay from the blazing sun. “Stubborn, irritating, possessive, annoying bastard!” She growled to herself, her hands turned into fists. Leaning against one of the trees nearby, she sighed heavily through her nostrils to try and let out her frustrations.
Rachael was nearby when she heard Scarlet's private mumbling. “Is Jin irritating you?” She asked from within the forested area right behind the young woman. When she saw Scarlet turn around startled, she stifled a laugh against her hand. “I am sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you or eavesdrop or anything.”
“What are you doing out here anyways?” Scarlet wondered as she turned around the coconut tree she was leaning against.
“I am just picking a few flowers that only grow out here as well as getting a few coconuts and mushrooms,” she explained, coming more into view with her straw basket, hanging about her arm. “I love flower arrangement by choice, and I also love to cook. I am lucky to get some of these things if at all unless Jin guides me here during the summer.” She paused for a moment, looking about the canopy of the forest. “He, uh, he says he doesn't like to guide me out here often, because he likes my coconut pies to be special and not something done ever so often.” Rachael dug into the basket to pull out the exotic flowers to Scarlet as well to let her marvel at the exotic designs. “He also likes when I decorate the temple in flowers. It says it reminds him of the outside world and its fresh breezes. So these mean a lot to him as the sea breeze relaxes him.”
“Love how he always has to get his way,” mumbled Scarlet though she knew the high priestess could hear her as well. When Rachael looked at her confused, Scarlet sighed and shook her head. “I wanted to get a job just to take my mind off of a few things, and he denied me that chance to go out and look. He basically wants me to sit at the temple and learn tirelessly under him.”
“Maybe he has his reasons for not wanting you to go find another job,” explained the priestess as she turned away to continue her scavenging. “Did you ever talk to him about all of this?”
Scarlet carefully followed behind Razz, hoping to not get bitten by anything that might be wandering about the lush, covered ground. “No, because why would I? All he's going to do is try to get his way when it comes to me.”
“You don't know that,” chuckled Rachael, as she turned around to peek over at the irritated Scarlet. “If you try talking to him, he might come up with a few valid points as to why he doesn't want you to.” Hearing Jin calling for her at that moment, Scarlet sighed not wanting to face the wind demon again. Rachael, on the other hand, smiled tenderly at the dreadful Scarlet. “Maybe now might be a good time.” With that said, she went deeper into the beachside forest to look some more.
Turning around, Scarlet saw Jin making his way towards the area she was sheltered within. She didn't bother calling out to the redhead, knowing he would find her eventually. “There you are,” said Jin as he jogged into the shade. “What is wrong with you running off like that? You're so stubborn sometimes!”
“Hah!” Scarlet scoffed, crossing her arms across her chest. “You're a fine one to talk!”
Jin puffed out his cheek before sighing heavily with a shake of his head. “I just don't understand why you need a job when you have your hands full as it is.” Reaching up, he pulled an apple from a nearby apple tree to toss about from hand to hand. “The last thing I need is for you to be overwhelmed.”
“Jin, please,” Scarlet practically begged this time. “I just need a place to go at the very least to try and clear my mind.” When he didn't respond right away, she turned away from him with her hands in her hair. “I just…need an escape from that temple every now and then.” When he threatened to speak, she turned around with her finger pointing at him accusingly. “And don't say that the exercising, attending my classes with Touya, and my appointments with Donavon count!”
Rolling his eyes at her comment, Jin kept his mouth occupied by biting into the fresh apple in his hands. “Sounds to me like you want to move out of my temple almost,” he said with his mouth slightly full. “Are you getting bored with me?”
Quite the opposite, thought Scarlet with her heart feeling like it had a thousand pounds tied to it. “I just need my space to think is all, and my room isn't exactly cutting it.” With the pain on her heart, she paused for a second feeling she might cry any minute. Covering her mouth to hide her quivering lips, Scarlet found herself unable to hide it much longer.
The whimpering catching his ears, Jin looked around before heading over to Scarlet. He tossed the apple he had finished on the ground, reaching his arms out to embrace the girl tenderly. “Am I doing something wrong?” He asked curiously, keeping her close to his chest. “I just want you and everyone else to be happy.”
“Why do I have to be lumped in with everyone else?” Scarlet asked through her tears, keeping her cheek against his bare chest.
Jin could slightly see why Scarlet needed her space upon hearing her say such a thing to him. He buried his lips into her wild, bi-colored tresses to kiss her there. “I'll help you look for a job come tomorrow,” he practically whispered in her hair. “But the job accepted has to be within my say as to what I feel you deserve.”
Scarlet didn't have it in her to complain this round. She merely closed her eyes to enjoy the closeness with the wind demon.