Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wind Knoll's Curse ❯ Chapter 45

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Touya made his way up the stairs to find the old room Cynthia was content to be within in the afterlife. He was relieved to see the chains still in place, as he released each one to enter inside of the bedroom. Closing the door behind him, the ice demon saw something near the bed as soon as he entered. “Cynthia…?” He wondered, as he inched closer to the sobbing spirit.
The spirit looked at Touya before it removed itself from the bed it was upon to dart to the other side of the room. “What do you want?” The female asked in fear.
“Cynthia, it is me,” Touya said, as he moved closer to where she was attempting to hide. “You remember me, don't you?”
Cynthia was quiet for a bit trying to place the face and everything. It had been a few years since she last saw the ice master. “I remember your face, I think. But I have not seen you in so long. It feels like an eternity.”
“It's me, Touya,” the demon went onwards to explain, as he inched a bit closer to her. He could tell that Cynthia was frightened. “I am here to help you. I am going to take you with me.” He showed off a small, glass orb in his hand that he was going to use to keep Cynthia's soul safe. “Where is everyone else? Are there other spirits in this temple still?”
She shook her head sorrowfully while remaining behind the pillar in the center of her old bedroom. “A majority of them disappeared or were tormented. I could only hear it all from outside of my bedroom door at night.”
“I am sorry to hear that,” Touya sighed, hating to think of all the spirits that were probably dragged to Makai or worse. “But I came here to get you out. Maybe I can help find a way to set everything straight. I promise you I will.”
Cynthia looked at the orb in Touya's hands. She was nervous about heading out of the temple with the demon. Admittedly, she found more comfort behind her bedroom door. “I guess…I worry what is awaiting me outside that door.”
“I won't let anything happen to you. I promise.” Touya stood before Cynthia, hoping to entice her into the sphere he currently held.
Elsewhere in the town, Jason grabbed up a nearby crowbar he found within the desolate Wind Knoll. “So he said the old Wind Temple was located near the mountains in the woods? This should prove interesting.”
“I really don't know about this,” said Carol, staying behind Jason who had the weapon for the time being. “We could get lost in those woods again if this fog keeps up. It is hard enough to make it through this town let alone a maze of trees.”
“Well, I can go in there if you want me to. You guys don't have to come along as well.” Jason was hoping that he could make her think otherwise, as he wanted Kirk and Carol to come with him.
“Are you kidding? I don't think I could trust you to make it out alone, Jason.” Carol held onto his jacket tightly while following behind her friend. Looking about the fog covered town, she found less comfort in walking the streets knowing that anything could be anywhere. “I so badly want to leave this place. How did Justin even stand it here?”
“I can imagine it wasn't all like this,” Kirk guessed as he twirled his pocketknife. It wasn't much of a weapon, but it was one all the same for him. “I guess it is wise to never piss off a demon.”
Before Jason could agree, he stopped in his tracks when he began to hear warped sobbing. “Shhh,” he demanded to the others, listening to the crying. “Sounds like someone is hurt.” His eyes darted about the town before pointing behind them. “It's coming back that way.”
“I don't know, Jay,” Kirk said, looking in the direction as well. “Something doesn't seem right about all of this…”
Jason looked beyond the fog to find a figure heading in their direction. “What…is that…?”
From the darkness, the Demon Mother began to steadily rise from the streets. Her long hair covering her eyes, it peeled from the cracked pavement she was rising up out of. The sobbing obviously coming from her, she continued down the street. She could tell that there were humans nearby, causing her to scream a horrific, high-pitched scream. Getting on her hands and knees, she began to scurry towards them quickly with the shadows, which acted like strands of her hair, heading after Jason and the gang at a faster pace than she could go.
“Christ! Run!” Jason yelled, pushing Carol in front of him.
They ran as quickly as possible towards the woods at the end of Willard Drive. Kirk pointed towards them as he was trying his best to keep up. “Head for the forest! We can lose her in there!”
As soon as they ran past the outskirts of the woods, Jason stopped to look behind them to find that the demon chasing them had stopped. “Whoa-whoa-wait!” He demanded to the others, raising his hand to prevent them from continuing onwards. “Look…she-she stopped following us.”
Carol stood behind the two boys regardless, watching as the Demon Mother stood there in the darkness staring at the woods they had disappeared within. “What is she doing? She looked intent to kill us and then stopped.”
Kirk pulled himself away from the nearby tree he was peeking beyond to hurry deeper within the woods surrounding them. “I don't know about you two, but I am not going to stand here while she decides on what to do next.”
The Demon Mother remained outside of the woods her victims had disappeared within. A part of her recognized the area. Her mind flashbacked to the times she spent within the forest when living with the wind demon. Slowly she made her way forwards to look about the area with intrigue. The Demon Mother backed up a bit before disappearing within the night that had engulfed Wind Knoll.
Jin's blooded sword dragged against the broken gravel beneath him, as he headed towards Scarlet's old house. Hearing the howls of the demon dogs, he paid them little mind upon finding the old sign that had remnants of the wording Lavender Lane on it. He turned up the road to find the old house Scarlet once lived in further up the sidewalk. Taking to the air, Jin made it to the window he destroyed years ago to make it to his wife. “Scarlet?” He called, as he stepped upon the stained carpet. His feet feeling the liquid beneath him, the redhead looked down to find himself standing in fresh blood. Making a displeased face, he moved from the window to look about the room.
He looked all over the space to find bloodstains everywhere. Keeping his sword out, Jin cautiously walked about the bedroom. “Scarlet, are you here?” He called again, as he made it to the restroom to look there. Looking over at the tub, he was shocked to see the collection that the demonic Scarlet had going on. Jin had seen and done worse in the past, but he couldn't deny it spooked him a bit. “That curse must have really done a number on her…”
The sound of something opening the door downstairs, Jin snapped his attention to the bedroom door. He hurried to the banister to look down the stairs to find what it was. Making it to the front of the stairway, Jin saw the demon dog at the foot of the steps sniffing around the house. The dog sniffed with its rotted nose over the shattered glass while moving it about with its flesh-covered paw. It could smell Jin nearby, causing him to look up at the redhead with a low growl.
“Easy,” Jin said, outstretching his hand to get the dog to settle. “Easy, boy.” He slowly made his way down the stairs to greet the dog with his hand. “I am like one of you.” The dog sniffing his hand, he brought it back when the demon creature began to whimper like a submissive house pet. “Where is Scarlet?” Jin asked, as he pulled out a part of the old quilt she used to use whenever at the temple. “Can you find her?”
The dog smelled of the fabric he was being given. His right skeleton paw rested on Jin's forearm to try and get a better smell for it. The nose instantly going to the ground, he began to sniff for Scarlet's scent. Making it back out of the house, he made it down the driveway and across the street.
Jin knew instantly where he was heading. “She's going back to the Wind Temple.” Taking to the air, he stayed close by the demon dog just to follow it and make sure that he was right in his assumption.
A majority of the upper floor was damaged when Jason and the others arrived at the Wind Temple. Most of the statues of the wind demon were either eroded away or demolished in some form. “This has to be the place where my brother is,” said Jason to the others, as he slowly made his way up to the front doors.
“I don't know if it is wise to go in there,” Carol pointed out, as she embraced herself to stay warm from the chill in the air. “We got attacked by one of the worshippers just going into the Ice Temple. I can only imagine what is going to get us in there.”
“Would you rather stay out here where that demon woman could find you?” Jason wasn't about to stay in the woods any longer. He had a feeling that the Demon Mother was still trying to peruse them, and he wasn't about to test his theory. He pushed open the doors to allow a way for them inside. He knew he was closest to finding his brother, causing him to hurry through the main room and to the hallway to look for a map.
“Jason, what's wrong with you!” Carol hissed, as she hurried behind him into the hallway on the left of the main room. “We are supposed to wait for that Jin guy! And I would rather have a demon escort us around here than us do it by ourselves!”
“I've waited long enough.” With that said, Jason grabbed the map from where it was located on the wall to hunt for his brother's room. Some of the names were smudged off, making it hard for him to find the right one. He couldn't even find Justin's name on the list. “Dammit, don't tell me his name is erased!”
Kirk was about to help look when he heard the doors open again. “Somebody is here.” Pulling from the duo, he moved back to where the curtain once stood over the archway. He could only see that the front doors were cracked. There was nobody else in the area that he could plainly view. He was confused and a bit worried upon seeing nobody in sight. When the faint sobbing could be heard, he quickly turned and ran past Jason and Carol. “That thing is back! Run!”
Grabbing onto Carol's wrist, Jason tugged her after the frightened Kirk. They weren't sure where they were going, as they made many turns without looking at the map. However, they could hear the demon woman screaming and crying behind them. As they made another quick turn, they found themselves nearly being greeted by a fire blast to the face. Jason managed to pull Carol back just in time to avoid her getting her from the oncoming attack. Looking down the hall it came from, he saw a disgruntled male standing there in charred, off-white robes stained in bits of blood as well. He stood his ground angrily in return only to relax his face when he realized who it was. “Justin…!'
Justin's skin had decayed, making him appear zombie like. A majority of his veins, however, were burning red like magma underneath his skin. The brown hair was longer than Jason's and frazzled about his skull. Part of his skin had burned off on the left side of his face, causing part of his jawbone and teeth to be seen. The curse was so heavily on him, he didn't recognize his own brother. All he knew was the fire and wind designs burned and demanded that he attack whoever was there.
“Jason, come on! He won't listen to you!” Carol insisted, not wanting to be caught be either one of the monsters.
When Jason refused to move from where he was standing, Kirk grabbed his friend and pulled him from the spot to hurry to a nearby room they could hide within. He ignored Jason's demands to be put down, as he tossed him inside of the free room to shut and lock the door behind them. “Jason, you idiot!” Kirk growled angrily, as he kept the door shut with his weight. “Justin cannot hear you! He's damned, and all he knows to do is to kill you!”
“You didn't even give me a chance to talk through to him!” Jason yelled, wanting to be let back out to find his brother. “I know he has to be in there somewhere!”
“Jason!” Kirk was putting his foot down, not wanting Jason to befall the same fate as his twin brother.
“That's my brother!” Jason yelled as loud as possible, striking his index finger downwards angrily.
“Jason, stop it!” Carol finally demanded, stomping her foot down to get the two to shut up. “I can only imagine how powerless you feel right now, but Justin made his decision years ago! He has only himself to blame for where he is right now, and unless you too want to follow behind him, we best find a way out of here!”
Finding her way through the temple just fine, the Demon Mother came upon the old bedroom that Jin used on occasion. Moaning softly in dismay, she opened the door before allowing herself into the desolate room full of nothing but cobwebs and dust. She seemed to float upon the shadows, as she made her way into the room. Her white eyes peered through the long, black strands of her hair as she looked for anything that would remind her of what she and the demon had.
Spotting a chest off to the side of the room, she made her way over towards it to open it with her long strands of black hair, which almost always worked as extra limbs for her. Opening the chest, she looked inside to find a few personal items inside. One in particular caught her eye—it was a teddy bear of some kind stored away. Taking it into her dead hands, she felt the plush of it wondering what it was bought for. It was then and there, she remembered that she was pregnant before the curse fell the town. She remembered being so excited for it until her father took her back to their house where she was beaten badly. She placed her hand upon her stomach to feel nothing was there at all. She still had some weight on her from when the baby was removed from her. Dropping the bear within her hands, she brought her hands up to her head to release several warped cries of displeasure.
Standing at the opened door, Jin walked quietly towards the woman in front of him. “Scarlet…?” He asked curiously, reaching out for the demon at the chest he often kept a few personal items within. Jin stopped momentarily when he saw the woman snap around to look at him. “Scarlet, is that you…?”
Scarlet turned around slowly to look at the demon she recognized as being more powerful than she. The energy was intoxicating, and it frightened her. She backed up against the wall with a few cries of dismay. Her body was conflicting with itself over who he was—a part knowing and the rest unsure.
Jin gazed down at her ring finger, to find the wedding band he had given to her years ago. “Scarlet, it is you…!” He knelt down on the rust and blood stained ground beneath him with his hand out to the frightened demon. “Don't you remember me?” He witnessed as the demon woman moved her head from side to side slightly as if to find a way to escape. “It is me, Jin…your husband.”
She hadn't spoken in years. Scarlet was beginning to forget how. Moving forwards, she made her way closer to the wind master. “J-i-n…?” She asked with her warped voice.
Opening his hands, he allowed Scarlet's to place hers within his own. “Yes, it is me.” He was relieved he found her but was also shocked to see what had become of her. Touching her black hair, Jin moved it away from her eyes to see how dead and lifeless they appeared, filmed over in white. “My God…” He lowered his head, feeling ashamed for what he had caused. “What have I done?” Hearing something coming through the hall to his room, Jin turned around to find Touya standing there with the orb in his hands. “Touya? How did things go?”
“I managed to save her,” Touya answered, showing off the item in his possession. The orb looked as though it had some sort of fog within it. “But there are still more back there that are in eternal hell. I feel awful for the people I promised I would protect.” Keeping the sphere in his hand, he stepped aside to allow the others through. “Also, I found these three hiding in your temple. They ran into me earlier, and they are looking for someone you might know of.”
Jin's eyes widened instantly upon seeing Jason stepping into the bedroom. “Justin…?” He wondered, as he got to his feet slowly.
“That's my twin brother,” Jason answered only to withdraw back into the hall for a moment upon seeing the Demon Mother there. “That thing is in here…!”
When the redhead realized that Scarlet was still intent to kill anything that was human, he grabbed onto her shoulders. “Stop, Scarlet! You don't need to harm them!” He witnessed as the woman was almost like a puppet to him. The demands he gave her went right through to her, and Scarlet would obey.
“Scarlet?” Carol asked, peeking out from behind Jason and Kirk. “That thing is the Demon Mother then…! That's the name she has been given from the people of this town. That's your wife, right?”
“She is my wife,” Jin sighed, as he got to his feet. “And her name is Scarlet Baker, not the Demon Mother.” He found disgust in that title. “So what are you three doing in my temple let alone Wind Knoll? I can tell you're not from around here.”
“I came here looking for my twin brother who worshipped under you, and is apparently damned for it.” Jason was trying his best not to lose it. He knew that trying to attack a demon would be stupid. “I saw him in these temple walls, and I want this curse to be lifted, so I can take him back home with me!”
Jin managed a brief smile to Jason with a shake of his head. “I am sorry, but I cannot lift the curse. The curse was placed on the entire town under Shishi's command, and it is irreversible. I am afraid there is only one thing we can do for the town, and that is to get Koenma to pull all the souls to the Spirit World to be judged and given some sort of pardon.” He swallowed hard with a heavy exhale in the dimly lit room. “Sadly, your brother won't return to this world in such a case. He'll be dead.”
“How could you do this!” Jason yelled angrily, wanting to attack Jin only to be held back by Kirk. “My brother is in a constant state of hell right now! I have been several years without him at my side, and now I have to face the rest of my life without him! How could you do this to everyone!”
“Because I already lost everything!” Jin growled angrily, getting the human to settle. He wasn't about to be yelled at any longer for the crime he committed. “I lost my servants many years ago, and they meant the world to me. And when Scarlet came into my life, I became attached to her, and I was so happy to give her anything she wanted, even when she hated me. Then we got married on her birthday, and she got pregnant with my baby.” He was trying his best to explain the situation in his defense, even if it was hard. “When I lost the baby, I couldn't bear to have Scarlet find out the truth, so I damned the town, and I walked away from everything that I held dear—your brother included.”
Jason was unsure of what to say further involving the matter. He could understand Jin's pain, but the demon's own agony caused his to begin with. “What will you do then? What will even become of your wife?”
Jin looked at the mindless Scarlet who could only act on what her master told her. “I will find a way to reverse it.” He focused his eyes back on Jason with a pitiful look within the seas of blue. “I will find a way to make her human again. Even if I myself have to stay here, I will talk to Koenma about giving these people a second chance, if that is your desire.” Getting to his feet, he walked over to Jason. He ignored the fact that the other two would shy away from him instantly. “But, if it is revenge you're seeking for your brother, I can probably give it to you.” Unsheathing his sword, he tossed it to Jason before kneeling down to expose his neck. “If you want to kill me now, you can. You can kill me for everything I have done. I know I deserve punishment for what I did here.”
“Jin!” Touya exclaimed, wishing his friend would reconsider.
The offer was tempting to Jason. He looked down at the demon, who would refuse to fight back should he decide to kill Jin. The temptation disappeared, however, when he witnessed the demon woman crawl over to the redhead to hold him tightly with a few warped cries. Sighing heavily in defeat, he tossed the blade down in front of the wind master. “Killing you won't bring my brother back—no matter what his fate is in the end.” Jason was still furious with the events, though he did his best to keep himself in check. “But you better promise me you'll do your part, demon. I want everyone here freed and returned to the physical or spiritual world in some way.”
Jin pulled himself from the floor to take his weapon back. “It is the least I can do to repent for my sin.” Walking past the three, he waved for them to follow. “Come, we must get you out of here and back home.”
Touya took one last look at the room they were within before excusing himself as well out of the temple, hoping all of it could be reversed in some way.
“He came all this way, Koenma, to speak to you about it,” Botan relayed within Spirit World several months later. “I didn't allow it at first, because he is a demon after all, but I know he is sincere in what he speaks about.”
“While I am at times deaf to the goings on in Demon World, I could only make out so much when it comes to the Wind Knoll Town. It was borderline on both Makai and Human World, so I couldn't get much. I do know that Kurama and the others cursed the town, however.” Koenma relaxed within his chair, folding his hands in front of him. “Having them live with such a thing would be punishment enough for their careless actions, but that would mean having all those others suffer, and I am afraid I cannot allow that.” He nodded at Botan. “Let him in.”
Botan hurried to the double doors in Koenma's room to allow Jin inside. “You can come in.” She stepped aside to allow the redhead within the room, knowing Jin was desperate in this situation.
“Koenma, I need to talk to you about Wind Knoll and the curse that damned the town,” Jin began with his palms upon the young ruler's desk soon enough.
“I know what it is you speak of, Jin,” Koenma pointed out, trying his best to hide the fact he was nervous over a demon standing a few inches from him. He never knew Jin too well, and him as well as the others, often made the ruler nervous. Kurama and Hiei were the only ones he was used to. “I also know what you brought with you.”
Jin acted shocked at first, but he had to admit it was the only thing that was on his mind at that moment. “I want her to go back to the way she was. I want it so badly,” he confessed. He had brought Scarlet with him, but she was locked away outside the door. “Because of the curse, she only listens to what I tell her. She's like a mindless zombie.”
“Because that's basically what she is,” Koenma said, as he hopped out of his chair and headed towards the door, so he could see this Scarlet. “When you all cursed the town, you sent them under into Makai. The entire town rests there now. So their bodies changed and adapted to their new placement—those that were baptized anyways.” Looking at the cage outside in the hallway, Koenma was a bit taken back by the way Scarlet looked. “Oh my…well…I cannot say I can make her completely herself, but I can try.” Getting close enough to the cage, Koenma held out his hands to try and reverse the process on the woman.
Jin watched over the ruler's shoulders as Scarlet's hair began to go blond once more with black streaks here and there. Her skin transforming back to the natural pink tone it used to be except for the left side of her. When Koenma stopped his reversing process, Scarlet had swirling black marks on the left side of her body. It was like a small portion of darkness still had her physically. “Scarlet…?” Jin wondered, as he stepped closer to the cage he had to confide her within or else she'd go crazy. “Are you alright?”
Scarlet touched her face before cupping her forehead within her hand. “What happened…? I feel so dizzy…”
Hurrying to her, Jin let her out of where he had her confined. He hugged her tightly, burying his nose upon the top of her head while stroking her long, bi-colored, mess of hair. “It's alright,” he whispered to her. “It was just a nightmare. It is all over now.”
Closing her eyes, Scarlet rested upon the wind master to try and sleep off the exhaustion she currently felt.
“You would be wisest to keep her in Makai with you now,” Koenma instructed. “I am afraid she will bear that mark upon her body to remind her of what Wind Knoll once was. I cannot reverse it, even with my powers.” Getting to his feet, Koenma headed down the hallway past them. “I will return shortly. I have to make sure I bring this mess to a close.”
When Koenma managed to pull all of the spirits out of Wind Knoll and send them to Spirit World to their respectful places as well as heal those that were damned, Touya find himself returning to the Spirit World gates with the glass orb in his hands. Out amongst the many paths in the heavenly world, he smashed the sphere upon the ground to release Cynthia from where she was confined for her safety.
The woman opened her eyes to find herself in her younger, spirit form standing before the ice master she once worshipped. “Where-Where am I now?” She asked, placing her hand upon her cheek.
“You're in Spirit World,” Touya answered with a smile. “The one place you rightfully belong. Here you will be able to live your life in a better condition than I could ever offer you.” He looked away from Cynthia momentarily, feeling ashamed for his selfishness as well. “I am sorry that I kept you in Makai. That wasn't right of me to do, even to someone I wanted to keep close to myself.”
Cynthia managed a smile as well at Touya's words to her. “I know why you did, however,” she whispered between them. “And I find it sweet you'd go through such lengths just to keep me nearby, but I really hope you understand—.” She placed her hand upon Touya's shoulder with her other hand upon her chest. “—I love Tray, and I always will. I just couldn't offer myself that kind of heartache when it came to you and me.”
“Those words still sting as they always have,” Touya admitted with a fake chuckle. “But I do understand what you're saying, and I wish you luck in the afterlife with him. I will no longer be able to reach you from this moment onwards.”
“Don't be so sure,” Botan chimed in from behind the ice demon. She walked the spirit road with her ore in hand. “I am sure every December around her birthday, it will be possible for you two to see one another again. I know Koenma has rules, but he isn't heartless.”
“I like that,” Cynthia said before sparing Touya a kiss on the cheek. “Tell my daughter I love her and that I will miss her. I have no doubt she'll be well watched over considering where she is now.” She turned around to continue her journey. “Goodbye, Touya. I will see you later within the year.”
Touya waved goodbye to Cynthia before waiting for her to disappear. “Goodbye, and I love you.” He found the weight lifted off of his shoulders, however, with his priestess in a better place in the afterlife. Smiling once more to himself, he walked past Botan to head to Makai where he belonged.
Scarlet looked out the window of the apartment building Jin was living in within Makai. She touched the black markings on the left side of her body. “This is going to take some getting used to, isn't it?” Turning to Jin, she accepted his hands once more. “After living in that hell for so many years, I am free of it…sort of.”
Jin cupped her chin within his hand. “I just hope that within time, you can come to forgive the selfish things I have done and learn to trust me again. I went back on your word and damned everyone because of my pain.” He held Scarlet close to his body, resting his cheek upon her scalp. “I protected you throughout your time in Wind Knoll, and here will be no different.” Looking within her gray-green eyes, he kissed her tenderly once more. “I love you, and, no matter your form, that won't change.”
Scarlet smiled upon his words to her. “I will always love you too, no matter the choices you make.” Closing her eyes, she rested upon the wind master's chest, feeling as though her years in torment were nothing but a bad nightmare indeed.