Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Progress, is it? ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm baaack! Sorry for the wait, but when I got back from Orientation I had to work consecutive days, even today. But I'm sneaking quickly in the hopes of updating. So—enjoy!
Disclaimer: As far as ownership is concerned, I own the plot, the OC's (not Ray) and—what do you know, the plot again. =)
Chapter 10: Progress, is it?
Very carefully, Kurama decided to press himself a bit more onto her on the pretext that he heard something. “Don't move.” he whispered in her ear for a third time.
Kurama slid down against her so that his head was at her thighs' level. “I'm going to take the cast off, since your ankle's fine.”
Ray's face looked like it was burning. Thank goodness he was too far to see anything! She seriously thought he would—do something only a guy would do. But you know, she was glad he wasn't a hypocrite like that bastard Yukio.
Using a thorn from the rose he discreetly pulled out of his hair, Kurama cut down Ray's cast until he was able to slip a hand inside it and break it in half in order to pull it off. Then, very slowly and carefully, Kurama stood back up and stared at the gray haired girl in front of him.
If he kept that up, he seriously wouldn't be able to hide the growing bulge in his pants. So much for torturing Ray, he was torturing himself!
'Aah! There it is again!' And by that, Ray meant thinking of Shuichi as a very attractive guy, not pretty girl! Too close, way too close though!
Kurama couldn't help it, their faces were way too close to each other for him to ignore the feeling of Ray's hot breath against his skin. Slowly, his eyes still staring into hers, his face descended on hers, his nose touching hers before his lips closed the small gap that separated their mouths.
For some strange reason, Ray's stomach either did a flip or disappeared, or maybe both. It felt like a spark of electricity had just crashed on her lips, and her legs felt numb because of that. She didn't remember when, but her eyes had closed, although that didn't prevent her from swaying on shaky legs.
Kurama could feel the immediate effect his surprise kiss had on her and gently yet quickly, slid his hands around her waist so Ray wouldn't fall down and be separated from him. Very clumsily, Ray put her hands on Kurama's arms just to keep her balance, her fingers clenching the soft fabric of his sweater.
'We're making progress,' internally chuckled Kurama, 'now she won't see me as a girl anymore... Unless she's a lesbian.' But judging by her reaction, he'd have to say he highly doubted that.
Ray's heartbeat was erratic. Why was her first kiss with the guy she used to despise the most? And why were they in a closet, of all places!? But she couldn't lie: she wasn't exactly fighting the kiss, but she wasn't making it any easier for him either. Ray had only seeing couples kiss at school or in movies, she wouldn't know what to do if—
Crap. He did. Ray couldn't help the shudder from spreading all over her body when she felt something moist lick her lips. Was that his tongue!? Just the thought sounded disgusting, but somehow, with him pressing onto her, it seemed her body was on auto pilot because the next thing she knew, her tongue was being brushed by something soft.
By now, Kurama had put a hand behind her head to deepen the kiss while his other hand firmly grabbed Ray's waist. Not that she was about to fall given he was pinning her to the wall while trying to control a heat wave from controlling his body. Damn hormones, but he was provoking them.
Kurama was sucking on Ray's bottom lip when she started giggling and wriggling to get away from him. Abruptly ending the kiss, he looked at her in puzzlement. “What's so funny?” He couldn't help but lick his lips.
Ray tried to stop laughing but pulled his arm off her back and away from her waist. “You tickled me...” she finally answered after taking a slow breath.
Blink. “I—did?” Ray nodded and encircled her stomach with both hands just to get rid of the tickling sensation. Her sides were extremely ticklish. “No I didn't, not yet anyway.” smirked the devious fox.
Ray looked up and froze, “No. Don't you dar—“ the rest was lost in a high pitched squeal as Kurama's deathly quick hands were already tickling her sides she had weakly attempted to protect.
Struggling in a closet with no place to run, Ray had a real disadvantage. Doubling over, short of breath and laughing loudly, she finally lost her balance. Her head connected with Kurama's shoulder as she fell forward, pushing him against the door.
Naturally, a simple door cannot hold two humans up unless they're leaning on it on the opposite side. So, of course, Kurama stumbled backwards, the doors flew open and his back hit the floor rather brutally, but the part that hurt the most was the girl falling on top of him.
It seemed all the air was knocked out of his lungs as the laughing stopped and everything went silent after a rather loud thud. In the midst of things, Ray's left elbow was digging into Kurama's sternum, her face conveniently fell right next to his while her left leg inconveniently rested in between both his legs.
Blinking slowly, Ray took slow breaths to regain the oxygen Shuichi had been depriving her of. About to stand up, Kurama nearly whimpered. “Please—don't move.” he begged.
“Why?” frowned the gray haired girl, not really paying attention to the way their legs were intertwined.
“Let's just say... don't apply pressure with your left leg.” replied an exhausted Kurama. It was really tempting and inciting. 'Not the time to have perverted thoughts.' he caught himself but found it really hard not to when an attractive girl was laying on top of him.
Still clueless, Ray glanced down at her left leg. Instantly, her face was consumed by a tenacious blush resembling a wild brush fire in a particularly dry summer. “I—um... Don't—I'll move.” she stammered and placed both hands on either side of him to support herself as she moved her leg off his sensitive male part.
Just as Kurama was standing up, a nurse entered the room. “What are you doing up? You should be resting!” she rushed to get Ray back in bed when she noticed the cast was missing.
“I'm fine... It feels normal.” said Ray casually, trying not to burst out laughing from the nurse's face. Of course it was hard to believe, but maybe it wasn't as bad as the doctors thought.
“What about your ri—”
“Perfectly fine.” assured Ray with a nod.
“Is it alright if we go back to the hotel now?” asked Kurama, exhibiting no sign of illness or pain. The nurse was at a loss and utterly puzzled.
“Uh—um, well—I don't...”
“Thank you.” smiled Kurama charmingly, grabbing Ray's left shoulder and pushed her through the door, leaving the poor confused nurse to herself.
Hurrying down the hall, Kurama found the exit and walked through it with a slightly confused Ray.
“Why are you in such a hurry to get out? The night's falling anyway.”
“Trust me, it'll be safer out of there.” he replied, thinking of Yukio's evil ways. He had already knocked him out once, he didn't want to take a second chance. Who knows what he was capable of to achieve his goal, but Kurama sure didn't want to find out.
Jerking her hand free from Shuichi's grip, Ray stopped and stared at him. “What's gotten into you? We're not even dressed properly for cold weather!” she protested, already shivering. Their jackets from this morning were still in the hospital. She sure as hell wasn't ready to relive the freezing adventure.
“That doesn't matter. We'll make it back to the hotel before we can't feel our fingers. Now come on, we're wasting time.” replied a slightly worried Kurama, grabbing her hand again before walking.
Now that they were outside, he could sense something he didn't like. In the hospital, it had been Yukio and—something else. But now, it was just the something else.
“Where are you going? The hotel's this way!” shouted Ray, pointing to the opposite direction in which Kurama was headed.
“I know... This—is a shortcut.” 'To your safety.' he mentally added, trying to think less of the something else he had detected. Was it coming from the town towards them or was it coming from the forest towards them?
Regardless which direction it was coming from, it didn't seem to have good intentions towards whom he guessed was Ray. Since that thing didn't seem to feel human, the safest place to drag out a possible battle, without involving any innocent bystanders, was Aokigahara.
Aah! I feel like I already said too much! This is a bit shorter than usual, and I apologize... Hopefully the chapter was entertaining enough. If not—well, you'll just have to wait regardless. ^^; Want to make me happy and write faster? Reviews highly encouraged! (It's almost like blackmail—except not) ^.^
midnight fox: Haha, well I'm not really in college yet... >.> But work calls... ^^;; Hope you liked the update. *hides behind newspaper shield*
Missy: ^^ The missy thing is cleared up! She added a letter to hers... @@ Now tis less confusing. Glad you liked it and thanks for reviewing. =3
missy k: ^-^ Here's to fuel your addiction... hehehe. And yes the k makes it less confusing. =D
Meep_4ever: Haha romance?? What is that? o_o You must be mistakinnnnng. xP How'd you like the twist? ;)
Nekomi_Meow: o.o I have a perfect chapter!? But what of the next one?? I mean... this one... I mean-- ?_? I don't rememeber what I meant. ^^; That's a lot of adjectives to describe my writing o.o *stares*
Leh Star: *sighs in relief* Phew! That takes off some of the burden... As for ruling the world... well-- maybe I can make you my mignon. xP Flirtatious you say? But of this chapter? *wink wink* Alright well I'll just kick back and relax, now that I know you can't threaten me... xP Just teasing! I'll try to update as soon as humanly possible. =)
duckichan87: Haha swallowing a knife could prove a challenge... Hmmm... Well, orientation was fun (hot or freezing, but fun!). Hope you enjoy the update! =)
kuramagurl: ^_^ It makes me smile endlessly that the story turns out so well. Orientation was fun, I met too many people but I have my schedule... >.> Enjoy the update! =D
Silver-arctos-star: Haha, yup. A closet. Why? ... I actually have no clue. ^^;; Maybe a spurr of the moment, or maybe because they're tiny (in hospitals) and usually dark? *evil grin* Enjoy the updaaate. :P
BBVixenXoXo: o.o Cool! You make up words too!? ^_^ Sugoiii! Glad you liked it. =D
inuyuyu_15: Haha, nooooo really? Ray is you!? o_o Shocker. And yeaah, nonsense IS fun. ^^
Kawaii-KeKe-Chan: Arigato! That means a lot to me. I hear a lot of people don't read OC stories >.> So I'm very very glad you like it! ^-^ Thanks for reviewing!