Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's Warmth ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer~ I own none of the characters they are the sole property of their creator and publishing companies, etc… I do have a really cool plushie though ^_~

Challenge Fic_ fic with Keiko/ Touya

~*~*~*~*~ flashback begins

~*~*~*~* flashback ends


`mystery voice'

--- scene change

Winter's Warmth

The bitter wind howled through the snow covered valley, swirling the freshly fallen snow around and causing the small icy flakes to dance around before settling down only to begin again shortly there after. The gray clouds of another approaching storm, one that the weatherman did not foretell, darkened the sky overhead.

The sound of crunching snow was the only sound in the otherwise desolate place. The noise was coming from a small dark figure walking on the horizon, trudging through the deep snow head bent down to shield their face from the wind as it picked up once again to dance with the snow.

The figure stopped, its head cautiously rising up to reveal a pair of deep mahogany brown eyes searching the barren landscape. Sighing the figure began to walk once again every now and then rubbing their gloved hands together before stuffing them back into there coat pockets.

A few stray hares peered around the snowdrifts to watch the figure as it passed by, their ears swiveling around rapidly listening for any signs of danger. The figure stopped a few feet before them and glanced their way before turning back and continuing on, the sky growing darker as the day wore on, the sun sinking lower unto the horizon.

A sudden rush of wind pushed against the figure knocking them off balance and sending them into icy cold snow below their feet.

"Just great." Came the slightly annoyed voice of a young girl as she quickly stood up and tried to clean off all the snow as she could before it soaked into her clothes.

After cleaning off and straightening up the young girl continued on her way staying close to the forest edge but still out in the open. It would probably be easier to travel in the forest with the trees there to protect her from the harsh wind and cold, however, she would not be visible and she needed to be seen.

"I wonder how long I've been walking?" she said speaking out loud before lifting her wrist up and pulling back the layers of her coat to reveal a small wrist containing a sliver and blue watch.

"Hmm…only six hours. I haven't gotten very far, I need to hurry before night falls."

Covering her bare skin she glanced up to see a buck bound across the snowfield with his doe beside him. A faint smile touched her lips as her eyes softened at the scene. It would always amaze her how nature seemed have known how to shape the creatures and their mates. Giving them the necessaries to survive this world, just like she would.

Closing her eyes briefly she let her body relax, a quick flash of a memory passing by her closed lids causing them to snap open. Letting out a somewhat shaky breath she licked her lips and began to walk.

It wasn't long before the sky became black and the temperature dropped, the icy wind did not help either as it continued to howl into the cold lonely night. With no stars out and only the dim light of the moon hidden within the thick dark clouds to provide light she started to slow down.

Her body shaking from the cold as it beat against her and slipped through the layers of her coat and clothes biting at her soft skin drawing out the heat, wrapping her arms tightly around her body she rubbed her arms trying to get heat back into her body. She could feel her steps growing sluggish, her legs felt heavier than before. It was an effort just to lift them.

Clenching her jaw she pushed on through the storm as it began to pick up small dots of ice blending in with the wind. She glanced up at the sky her brow furrowed in confusion unable to decide if the snow was the oncoming storm or just from the large drifts surrounding her.

`I can't stop. I have to keep going.'

She could hear her teeth chattering while her body shook even more, her nose and exposed face numb from the freezing cold and biting wind rushing past her. She didn't realized that she had stopped walking until she turned her head back down only to squint her eyes to see better. Her feet were planted in the snow the drifts halfway up her legs, and while she stood there looking at them the drifts began to grow larger the longer she waited.

`No! I have to keep on moving. I need to find him.'

`Why?' Came the far away reply

` I need to see him again, if only for a moment. Just to make sure.'

`To make sure of what?'

`To make sure it was real and not just my heart dreaming.'

`You should've stayed where you were. People there cared for you, you had everything you could want.'

`Yes-I did but…but I didn't have what my heart wanted.'

Dull mahogany eyes stared listlessly at the crystal white below them, a sharp gust of wind slapping against her face snapping the young girl out of her daze. Shaking the sleepy feeling away she began the agonizing task of walking once again. Her body crying out from the strain put on it, her mind whispering for her to just rest for a moment.

A wolf's cry pierced through the winds and blanketing darkness that surrounded the small figure. Glancing only once in the direction, in which it came from the young girl continued on her way forcing her numb body to move, screaming for her mind to stay awake and not to succumb to the dark haze encroaching upon her every time she stilled.

`I have to keep going. I have to stay awake.'

`Just rest. Only for a moment.'

Whispered the far away voice to the young girl.

`Iie, I can't. I mustn't stop.'

`But it will only be for a few seconds. All you have to do is close your eyes- for just a moment than you can start moving again.'

`Iie, I…'

`All you have to do is close your eyes.'

`Just close my eyes…'

She did not realize that she had stopped walking when she first began to engage in the conversation with the voice. Nor did she notice that she was now lying curled up in the snow the scenery before her blurring and fading as her vision dimmed. Her breathing coming out more shallow than before, her body had stopped trembling a while ago along with any kind of feeling. She should have been worried but she wasn't, she just wanted to close her eyes and sleep.

Only for a moment.

She would get up after and continue on, but right now she just wanted to sleep.

So she did, without little effort her lids slipped down blocking out the world around her and hiding the bright mahogany eyes that had sparkled with life hours ago. Smiling softly to no one but herself she breathed out one word before letting the darkness consume her.



Ice blue eyes gazed out across the landscape watching as the storm raged on, knowing it would not stop until it covered everything in its icy grip. A small frown found its way on the usually stoic features of the shadowed figure, their ice blue eyes flashing with emotion momentarily before the figure vanished leaving only an empty room behind.


Keiko let her gaze wander around her friends, a once small circle that included only Yusuke now held more than a dozen dear friends, all of whom had somehow been brought together by Yusuke.

She let her eyes move to where he was standing only a few feet away joking and talking with Kurama, Kuwabara and Koenma. She smiled at the picture they made her eyes glowing brighter when she watched a certain blue haired girl walk over to Yusuke to scold him. She knew that Botan loved Yusuke and even though he was still denying it he loved her too.

She brushed a few stray hairs back, the whole time keeping her gaze on the group. She supposed she had always known that her and Yusuke would only remain friends and to her that was fine, because she would treasure that more than anything.

A small giggle passed her slips as she watched the two fight, her hands raising half way to give a small wave at Kurama. The fox was the only one who had noticed her. His deep emerald eyes smiled back at her before turning just in time to dodge getting hit by Kuwabara.

She turned her attention away from them and towards Hiei; he was currently glaring at Shizuru who was smirking down at him a wicked glint in her eye. Jin was standing by Hiei and having spotted the look she was giving him, started to make a hasty retreat backwards not wanting to be caught in the battle about to commence.

It took only two seconds before the small koorime was threatening the taller girl. For her part Shizuru only grinned and threatened right back. Making Keiko wonder how long before Hiei found himself brother-in-law to Kuwabara that is if him and Yukina didn't beat him to it.

She let her eyes move over to the quiet ice koorime currently sitting down with Genkai sipping tea and watching everyone around them. Her mind thinking about how cute their kids would look soon finding her eyes straying to another ice demon.

He was leaning against a large pine, his arms crossed, head bent down, and eyes closed and alone.

She let her eyes take in the sight of him seeming to not be able to get enough of him. His pale blue hair tied back tightly at the nape of his neck, a few strands having escaped their confines and hanging in front of his face. She let the smile slip from her face to be replaced by a look of apprehension, her lower lip currently being abused by her teeth.

Clasping her hands together she took a deep breath before starting towards him, her stomach churning and twisting in knots the closer she moved towards him, only to freeze under the piercing gaze of ice blue eyes suddenly revealed to her.

She could feel the heat spread through her, wrap around her before exploding and rushing to her face. Unable to hold his gaze any longer she broke the spell by ducking her head, her face growing warmer by the second. Taking a chance she looked up expecting to see ice blue eyes staring at her, only they weren't.

The space was empty.

He had left.

Keiko sighed before mentally scolding herself for being such a coward. Wondering how she managed all these years around Kurama and the others yet when it came to him, she felt like she was in middle school again blushing at her first crush, who surprisingly enough had the same intense stare.

Her gaze darted quickly towards Shizuru and Hiei before moving back towards the empty tree. A look of sadness sweeping over her features, her eyes stared longingly where he had been. After what seemed like forever she turned and headed back towards the warm circle of her friends to help hide the pain- if only for a while.


Ice blue eyes darted around the lower valley worry churning in their icy depths, as they seemed to be unable to find what they were looking for. Turning away they made their way down a small stone path stopping every so often to let their gaze wander the surrounding area.

The storm was getting worse, the winds having picked up becoming harsher, able to bend even the strongest pine to its will. The snow that had been spares and light was now heavy and thick, small pellets of ice mixing in with the seemingly harmless white flakes.

Growing impatient the figure quickened their pace while expanding their senses hoping to catch that elusive warmth that had called before.


Keiko slowly cracked open her eyes noting the storm was no longer raging on but had softened. She no longer felt cold but at the same time she seemed to feel immensely tired and for some reason she couldn't find the energy to get up.

`Just a few more minutes.'

Her mind whispered before her lids slipped shut and her breathing began to steadily even out before slowing down.

In her mind's eyes images of the past began to reshape themselves for her and she got to have another peek at memories she had long ago buried.


Cool hands ghosted over warm bare flesh. Skimming down the stomach to arch out and spread across the hip where they flexed before a pair of lips lightly touched the bared flesh.

Soft kisses graced the golden flesh a tongue slipping out every so often to sooth a small bite or nip. A soft whimper or gasp the only response for this as the tongue languidly made its way down the sloping stomach to dip into the small hallow before blowing lightly on it.

Another whimper and mewl was his answer before the questing tongue continued further down by passing the sensitive core to leave a few nips and kiss on the tender inner flesh of the young girl's thighs.

He could feel the body underneath him squirming trying to get closer to him. Chuckling softly he moved back up nuzzling the soft matt of curls before letting his tongue out to run along the opening a few times before slipping inside the heated warmth.

A loud gasp quickly followed by a deep moan was his reward as he continued to run his tongue over the slick inner walls, his fangs grazing her bundle of nerves every so often making the delicious liquid heavier.

The young girl arched her back trying to get him deeper inside her as the tension in the pit of her stomach increased so did the desire. She could feel his cool hands resting on her hips before they began to move once more. Gliding back up her side to curve around and cup her breast.

The wonderful sensation he was creating was causing the tightening ball to wind even tighter before one particular nip sent her careening over the edge. The tension exploding in a blinding light draining the young girl of her energy.

Blinking a few times to clear her hazy mind, a pair of burning ice eyes came into focus right before her mouth was pulled into a heated kiss. She could feel her desire climbing back up and her legs automatically slid up and open to accommodate the body above her.


The wind howled across the barren landscape picking up the fallen snow and tossing it around before settling down once more. The night sky had cleared a few hours after the storm had passed the stars hanging brightly in the dark sea above the snow covered valley below while the moon was only presenting a sliver of its luminescent self to the world below it.

Keiko could feel the world slipping away, no longer able to feel anything except an overwhelming feeling of sleepiness. She slowly opened her tired eyes to gaze one last time at the snowy scene laid out in front of her before her lids slipped closed and the sound of muffled footsteps were the last thing she heard before being consumed by darkness.