Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's Wrath ❯ More and More Questions ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer thingy:

Luraia: do I still have to do these things?

AG: YES! you want to know why?

Luraia: Why? *sad sniffling*

AG: 'cuz you could get sued that's why.

Luraia: oh yeah. *look of amazement* Hey, I gots an idea! AG why don't you do my Disclaimer!!

AG: I don wanna *walks away from Luraia and leans against a wall like Kai from Beyblade*

Luraia: I hate you! you know that?? well, anywho, I don't own YYH and you can try to sue me but you won't get nothin' out of it!! ne ner ne ner neeee nnneeeerrrrrrr. :P
GIGANTO KEY OF STUFF- when you see these "..." thingies, they're talking regular. when you see these *...* thingies, they're talking telepathically. okay? finally, when you see these _..._ thingies, they're talking to themselves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Win ter's Wrath

By Luraia Soul

ch. # 2 More and More Questions

Kurama ran with Trinity until he started to hear his friend's voices. He realized suddenly that he didn't want them involved in this. He didn't want them to get hurt. Who knows who they were running from? Another realization came to him, he'd agreed to help Trinity, this much was the truth, but what did he really know about this girl anyway? That would have been the first question that Hiei thought of if he were in this situation. What had she done to mkae this person chase after her? He slowed to a walk as the questions materialized in his head.

Trinity saw his hesitation and stopped just in front of him, panting heavily. "What is it? Why have you stopped, Shuuichi?" she questioned. The only thing his green eyes gave away was an emotion of determination. Through that look she also saw the questions begining to form. She knew that she would probably have to tell him sooner or later. Right at this moment she wished that it would have been later but it didn't look as if that was going to go her way. They had run a long way, far enough that she couldn't even sense Him anymore. She figured that Shuuichi deserved some answers before they went any further.

"I need a few answers before we continue. We seem to have lost the person chasing you. Can you tell me anything that would help me to understand why this man is hunting you? And why, exactly, is he after you? What did you do?" All of those questions had begun to irritate him. His foolishness was another thing that irritated him. Kurama had no idea why he had agreed to help Trinity so quickly. He barely knew the girl. _Hiei might have been right to say that my time in the human world has turned me soft. I may have to remedy that soon_, he thought to himself.

She could feel his irritation, though, she didn't know if it was directed completely at her, or at another source. _Why did I ask him to help me? What is it about him that reminds me of a life I can no longer remember?_. Now she was becoming confused. She felt as if she'd known him forever, when in fact, she had just truely met him for the first time a few minutes ago. *Who are you?*, she asked silently.

Kurama heard the silent question. He questioned the wisdom in replying to it. The possibilties are endless as to what might become of that. Could he tell her the truth? Would she keep the secret when they went back to school after this mess was attended to? His heart told him that he could trust her, but his mind told him another thing entirely. If she has the power of telepathy, what other tachniques did she know? He had to know more about her before answering, his head told him. His heart made the final decision for him, though. *Would you really like to know?*, he replied with a question of his own.

A gasp issued from her as she heard his voice in her head. It hadn't come through her ears. She had never known of another who could hear her thoughts. Sometimes, if she was completely silent and she was in a deep trance, she could hear the thoughts of those around her, and, other times, the ability came completely out of left field. She hadn't known that someone could actually have the same ability. *How is this happening?*

*Telepathy* he answered. *You asked who I was and I will answer, but only after you tell me who you are first. I know that you're not an average person, so don't try to deny that.*

Could she tell him? <AN- notice that they are asking themselves the same questions? Creepy, no?> How would he react? But, would he still help her if she didn't tell him? And, could she trust him enough? The answer to that question came quickly as her heart told her that she could. She had felt no hostility in him, no hatred towards her, though she had felt that he hated someone. She had been taught a long time ago to let her mind make the decisions about life, but to let her heart guide her when she was searching for the truth in something. That leason had been taught to her before she had been taken from her mother. She oppressed that memory to the back of her mind and finally decided to tell him. Not everything about her, just the reasons why He was chasing her.

*I think that you know my first name and that's all you need to know right now. I don't want you to get anymore involved than you have to be. The man that is chasing me, well,... He's sort of like my trainer. I was brought to Him when my foster family found out that I could run faster than most people could. He had been a trainer for some Olympic gold medalist that died a few years back. <AN- I don't own the Olympics> Today I had a meeting with Him to discuss some of my options and I came a little early. I over heard Him talking with my foster father and they were talking about me so I decided to listen. They were talking about some underhanded deal that they had thrown together and He asked if my foster father wanted to bring me in on it. I left after that, but that was just the begining.

*Later, when I was training, He called me something that I'd never heard him call me before,...*. She didn't want to tell him this part. This was the one thing that she'd never told a soul about. But, somehow He had found out what she was. Trinity didn't know if she could tell Suuichi just yet. Her heart trusted him, trusted him enough that she was prompted by it to tell him the whole story, not just part of it. She had to tell him. With her head bowed, her long hair falling from her ponytail, she told him with their mind link. *It was something that I'd never thought that anyone would call me again, after all these years that have gone by. He called me Mari.*

Kurama started at the name. He immediately closed his side of the mind link and turned his back on her. He could feel her surprise at what he'd done, and knew almost as soon as she did that he'd hurt her in some way. _She's still alive?_ he thought. He knew the name Mari from his youth when he was in Makai. His friend and confidante since childhood, they had grown up together. Kurama had the sudden urge to sit down. He couldn't catch his breath. _It was so long ago she probably doesn't even remember me. I shouldn't be surprised, I didn't recognize her either until she told me. How had she survived?_. That one night would haunt him forever, it seemed. The one time that he'd let his guard down to let someone see who he really was would haunt him 'til his dying day. He thought that he'd lost her then, but, just like a one of the miracles that his new found friend Keiko talked about, she was here. Alive and seemingly in the same type of situation that he'd found himself in so long ago, when he'd first come to Ningenkai. As his thoughts lead to other things, Trinity continued her tale, but out loud this time.

"I knew then that He knew I used to be a full blood neko youkai. I barely remember those years. All I can remember is the color silver for some reason." <AN- I'm referring to Youko Kurama's hair by the bye> She started to feel a little guilty for not telling him the truth behind how she'd gotten involved with Him, her mind just didn't trust Shuuichi enough yet.

Kurama was stunned by her tale. Now, he had to debate whether or not to tell her his side of the story. He would never get the chance as a sing song voice floated through the trees singing, "Oh, Trinity. Come out, come out, where ever you are."

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good or bad? please tell me so I can make any changes to the next chappy okay? don't forget to push that little button!!! :P