Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's Wrath ❯ Remembrance ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer thingy: I hate these things they give me a headache!! for those of you who actually think that you might profit off of suing me, GET A LIFE!! I don't own a damn thing. I don't even own the computer I'm typing on right now. okay??

Luraia: okay, this is the newest chapter of Winter's Wrath. Read if you want to and please review when you are finished okay? thanksa bunches, oh, and AG, I still hate you for not doing my disclaimer last time but this time I did it by myself, no thanks to you. j/k AG. ciao

Winter's Wrath



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trinity froze as the voice filtered through her thoughts. _He's here_, she thought. She couldn't stop the urge to run from coming. Her breath came faster as her thoughts flew and scattered in her head. Her eyes came to rest on the figure coming thorugh the trees to her left behind Shuuichi.

Kurama followed her gaze to look behind him. A rather large man came from between two trees and leveled them with an undistiguishable glare. Kurama's eyes narrowed as he realized what this man was capable of doing to Trinity. Protectiveness flowed through him without him noticing. He didn't even stop it from coming as he found the feeling pulsing through him. The man had a strong aura around him, as if he had a strong spiritual energy. _This isn't a normal man_, he thought. Kurama's thoughts were inturrupted by Trinity's voice sounding in his mind.

*Get out of here, Shuuichi. It was wrong of me to ask if you could help me. Please leave.*

He replied to her pleading by stepping forward, shielding her body with his. *I won't leave. I said that I'd help you and that's precisely what I'm going to do. Do not question why because I'm not quite sure myself at the moment.*

Trinity stared at him for a long while before accepting it. For some reason, he wanted to help her. He had no idea what could happen to him but he was still willing to help her. _Who is he really?_, she questioned herself. He didn't act like a normal person, but then again, what is 'normalcy'? Why was he doing this? What did he have to gain by helping some woman that he didn't even know? Sure they had found that they had similar abilities, but that didn't designate him as her unsaid protector. Of course, she had no control over someone else's motives. It was his decision to help her. He never had to, though she had asked so why was he? He was a complication that she shouldn't have added to her life. _I certainly can't stop him now_, she added grudgingly.

Kurama felt her thoughts as she struggled within herself to do the right thing and to tell him to go away again. Then he felt her resolve as she accepted the fact that she wasn't getting rid of him. He had made up his mind and he wasn't leaving. He turned his full attention to the hulking figure before him.

The man had to be at least six and a half feet tall. Maybe, 280 pounds. If this were a wrestling match Kurama might have been a bit intimidated but he knew that this was going to be a match of wits and mental strength rather than brute force. It might end up in having to use force but he wasn't counting on his strength to win this fight.

"I see you have a new playmate, Trio. Who is he?" For a large man he had a very high voice. The absurdity of the situation nearly made Kurama laugh. He was able to stop himself before anything that might have offended the man emerged.

"He's no one. Leave him out of this," Trinity demanded.

"Oh, I don't think so, Trio. You asked him to help, didn't you? No matter what this guy can do he couldn't possibly beat the sheer volume of men I have at my disposal. You know that, Trio." With a snap of his fingers, fifty to sixty men came from behind him. Suddenly, the situation wasn't amusing to Kurama any longer. A few of the men had brought weapons with them. Kurama saw that a few carried knives and one even had a gun. The only thing that appeared to be on his side was that all of them were human and not demon. It still didn't look good for them. Kurama was suddenly regreting not getting to his friends.

At the command of the large man, the group spread out to encompass Kurama, Trinity, and the man. They had cut off all of their escape routes. It was starting to look like Kurama would have no choice but to fight these people. Being a fox demon in his past life, he didn't like to be cornered. This situation didn't appeal to his fighting style either. He just might have to resort to changing to Youko. He didn't want to do that without telling Trinity his part of her tale, but at this point he didn't think that he had much of a choice in the matter. He decided, against his better judgement, that he would change.

The ageless theif began his transformation. A flash of silver/white light blinded Trinity for a moment. The light went on for a short time and eventually a strong, familiar presence made itself known to Trinity. _It's him_, she thought. _This is what I remember_. The light finally disipated and a silver haired, fox eared demon stood before her. _Youko_. The memories of a life long since passed came flooding back to her on a tide of sensation. _I remember everything now_, she thought. _Youko, Kuronue,...I remember everything. Growing up with Youko, meeting Kuronue, our pact, theiving, Kuronue's accidental death,...my death_. She still didn't remember exactly how she had died but then she remembered being reborn as a human, her mother dying while giving birth, and being adopted. Then the whole mess with Him. She realized belatedly that the start that she'd seen earlier from Shuuichi had been him figuring out her past with him. _Suuichi is Youko Kurama_. An hour ago, she would have thought anyone to be insane if they had made that assumption. She hadn't pictured Youko to be reincarnated into a guy like Suuichi. The unbelievablity of it all left her stunned.

Youko knew she would remember as soon as she saw this form. He would have to explain many things to her after this. But his first concern was on the men surrounding them. A fight was about to begin and it didn't involve the snow. (AN- I'm referring to my Prologue chappy. you will understand if you go back and read it again. ciao)

~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile with the rest of the Detectives and Co. ~~~~~~~~~ The snow ball fight had started and ended before Hiei even arrived. Of course, that was entirely intentional. Unlike Kurama, he had absolutely no desire to get wet by some half solid snow. He had always thought that the old past time activity was stupid. But as he made his way to the group, he noticed that Kurama was not among them.

"Hello, Hiei," said a small voice from beside him.

He turned his head to find his sister. "Yukina, have you seen Kurama? He is one of the ones who suggested this thing."

"No. He hasn't been here at all. I don't think very many of us noticed after the first first snow ball was thrown at Kazuma (AN- Kuwabara's first name). Hit him square in the face too," she finished with a quiet chuckle.

Hiei suddenly felt a surge of energy and the familiar power signature of Kurama emitting from nearby in the forest. He looked to the dim witted Kuwabara and the spirit detective for conformation on his senses. They looked to him and they both nodded. Together the three ran off in the direction that they had sensed Kurama.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ end of chappy 3. yippy!!

Luraia: I'm not HAPPY!!

AG: umm,... why?

Luraia: AG no Baka! because Adult Swim took off Trigun before the series ended. I want Vash!! T.T WWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!

AG: shut up! *looks at readers* she's starting to act like Vash from Trigun. Kami-sama help us!!

Luraia: *stops whining* but they did add Kikaider (don't own it and it isn't all that bad. sure the animation sucks but the story is good and the characters are awsome) and I am happy with this story. please read & REVIEW!! not enough people do. and I'm probably going to delete Unshed Tears. I'm starting a new GW (don't own it) fic though starring the one and only Wufei!! ciao and thanks for reading.