Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's Wrath ❯ The Loss of Friends ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Damn it!! I don't own this show. okay?

A.N.- hey there peoples!! sorry that I haven't updated in so long, you see there's this thing that I got recently called a job and I got my first pay check from this job and I had to buy a DVD player and a DVD to go along with it, so I bought the Full Metal Panic! first volume (i don't own it either) and I had to watch all of the episodes on that and then I remembered that I had bought the Rurouni Kenshin Samurai X movie on DVD a while back and I had to rewatch that, so I've been watching alot of TV... (breathes after the long explaination) so again I'm sorry!! gomen nasai!!

on with my fic


Wint er's Wrath

ch. 5

The Loss of Friends


Kuwabara stopped suddenly as he heard the back fire of a gun through the trees. _That came from where Kurama's ki is located._ Thinking that Kurama had been shot, his senses went haywire and he didn't notice that it hadn't been Kurama who was shot. A dark ki in the back of his mind disappeared as he watched Hiei hit the ground in front of a transformed Kurama.

"HIEI!!!!!" Yusuke yelled from behind Kuwabara. A green blur ran passed Kuwabara as Yusuke ran through the trees to his fallen comrade. Turning him over, Yusuke discovered a bullet hole that ran clean through the middle of his chest. Blood oozed from the hole and between Yusuke's fingers as he tried to stop the bleeding. Kuwabara finally woke from his shock and ran to his friends. Kurama followed soon after.

Trinity stood there. She didn't know what else to do. The black clad figure had saved Kurama's life at the expense of his own. She hadn't known anyone with that kind of loyalty for a long time. Memories flooded her mind again as she remembered the day of her own death...


The corridor they ran down never seemed to end. There were no windows, no doors on the walls, absolute silence reigned supreme in this place. Mari's hands started to shake. *Kuronue,...* she spoke telepathically to him.


*Be careful. This place doesn't feel right, or smell right for that matter.*

*Understood. But you do the same alright? Kurama would kill me if anything were to happen to you.*

She didn't reply to that. She didn't know how to. She knew that Youko had some kind of feelings for her but she never knew what kind. He'd never told her or spoken to her about much of anything before. For some reason they just seemed to stay with eachother. They didn't have anything binding them to the other, they could easily leave the little pack they had started, but it was as if they just,...couldn't. To Mari, it seemed as if some magnetic force was keeping her with him. Lately, she had to admit, that she was getting to like,... maybe even, to love, the silver kitsune.

Without her really knowing it, both she and Kuronue stopped in front of the foyer of a large, gaping room. Across the room, Mari saw a group of cells much like those that held Kuronue earlier. But instead of being nearly empty like the others, each one was filled with at least one or even two demons. *Can you sense him, Kuronue?*

*No. There are too many kis here.* he replied.

_Damn it all!! They don't have him here_, she thought. Just as that thought seered her mind, a bright flash of light and a loud bang sounded through a door nearest the cells. She slowly recognized the sound from the one time Youko had smuggled her into the human world and ran to the door.

She saw Youko pinned to the closest to her with blood running down his right shoulder. A hole about the size of a dime was the cause. "Youko,..." her voice was no more than a whisper but somehow he seemed to hear it.

"Mari! Stop! Kuronue get her out of the door way!!!!" he yelled.

She gasped as another shot rang out and she was pulled out of harms way. She scrambled to get out of Kuronue's arms and back to Youko but he wouldn't let go. "Kuro, stop! We have to get him out of there. Please, Kuro!!!" Tears threatened to spill.

"I understand, Mari, but right now we have to find a way to distract that guy with the gun. Then we'll go get Kurama, do you understand me?" he demanded while pinning her hands down at her sides.

Slowly, she nodded. "Please help him, Kuro. I can't stand to see him hurt."

"I know that. But right now he's not thinking about his safety, he's thinking about your's. He doesn't want to see you get hurt either. Trust me. When you're asleep that's all he talks about. You, Mari. That's it. He doesn't think about the next job, me, or himself. And sometimes that's damn frusterating. We'll both help him, but right now we need clear heads."

For the next few minutes, the two thieves listened for a sign that they had been caught. When nothing happened they decided to go back into the room, though much quietly than before. It was miraculous that they hadn't been followed, they must have thought they weren't much of a bother. Or they thought that they've already killed the intruder, considering Kuronue said that they hadn't seen him when he had push Mari away from the entrance.

No shots had been fired since their little intrusion, but Mari knew that this was far from over. If she heard one more shot through that door,...

Just as that came to mind a shot rang out with a shout right behind it. Mari couldn't take anymore of Youko's torture and she ran through the room holding him. She pulled up short as she felt a stinging pain rip through her spine. Ignoring it, she walked to the one thing in her life that she had allowed herself to love.

Youko's eyes grew wide as he saw her get shot. A fear that he'd never felt before poored out of his heart. The fear of losing this woman paralized him. _No!_, he thought. _This isn't happening_. So consumed by the bleeding woman, he didn't even notice Kuronue killing his captors one by one. With what seemed to be her last strength, she did the one thing that he hadn't been able to since the first shot to his left forearm. She pried the cuffs that bound his hands to the wall and let them fall to the groud.

"Mari,... why?" he asked quietly. He felt that if he even breathed she would fall to the ground like his chains had.

Her final step brought her into his arms. "I had to. You were in so much pain." He could barely hear her even with his fox-like ears. He lowered her to the hard ground. A sickening pool of blood instantly formed around her body. Tears ran down her face for the first time since the day he'd met her. Her eyes slowly glazed over and he knew that he'd lost her. Even with what knowledge he and Kuronue had of healing he'd never be able to bring her back from this.

"Mari, please, don't. I can't loose you now. Not now, before I've been able to tell you,..." he was stopped by her week voice.

"I know already Youko,... I love you too." With that she went limp in his arms.

~!!!!~End Flashback~!!!!~

She had gotten herself killed for him all those years ago. Just like this person had done for him. Feeling an obligation to this black clad figure she kneeled down on his side and placed both of her hands above his heart. She had no idea what she was doing, she moved simply out of instinct. To everyone else it looked like she knew exactly what she was doing and to Kurama he knew what she was doing. She seemed to have remembered that she had saved himself and Kuronue many times doing this very same thing.

Kurama, knowing Hiei was in good hands, stood back up to face the man that had frieghtened Trinity so badly. A smug smile graced his disgusting features, thinking that he'd had the fun of killing one of Kurama's closest friends. Oh, how wrong he was. Within minutes, thanks to Trinity's healing, Hiei was on his feet again. And instead of a look of trimuph that he'd had before, a look of pure surprise plastered itself on him.

"How in the hell are you walking?! I just shot you through the heart!!" He stepped back a step as he realized that Trinity had a smile on her face as well.

"How do you think he's still alive? I healed him," she said. "Before I kill you, I should thank you for helping me remember my past with Youko. I should also tell these people a little story about you and I, shouldn't I? But I think that I'll do that after you're dead, Gero!"

Gero began backing away as all five of the teens (A.N. - can Hiei and Kurama be considered as teens if they're both over 300 years old? 'cuz I don't know) advanced on the man that had caused so much trouble for Mari and Kurama in their past and on Trinity in the past few years of the present and on the new people she had just met. Finally, after 400 years of waiting, Mari would get her revenge on the one man that she hated the most. The reincarnation of her own brother!

A.N.- did you like it? don't worry I'll tell you more about what Gero did to Mari and why he said "I'll finally take back what you stole from me!! HER!" in the last chapter too. k? Ciao!!

Nikolai: Now wait a minute. you arn't going to tell them now?!

Luraia: umm,... No.

Nikolai: why not?! >.<

Luraia: 'Cuz that's for the next chapter you stupid, evil, gay, Russian!!! (smacks Nikolai with giant fish from her other story, co-written with AG called Crossover Chaos)

Nikolai :@.@

Luraia: Nighty Night, Nikolai. ^__^ please read Crossover Chaos if you're into complete insanity involving a whole crap load of animes all in the same fic! please review!!!!! ^_________^