Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wishes of a Young Boy ❯ chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mina: chapter 6…enjoy

The gang looked around hearing sounds of cruel laughter coming from every direction. "Where the heck is that laughter comin' from?" asked Kuwabara. Yukina screamed as they saw a figure floating in the air above laughing cruelly. The figure disappeared "We have to find it now!" he said almost running out the door on the other side of the room. Kurama stopped him, "I know you want to kick some butt…we all want to, but we must think this through…it might be a trap!" Kurama said. Yukina nodded in agreement. Yusuke nodded, "Lets get going!" he said. They walked to the door.

Ana sat down next to Hiei, she felt sorry for slapping him. Again, she hugged her knees to her chest and looked at him. They sat there not talking. The silence was starting to creep her out so she gathered her courage and decided to speak. "Uh…Hiei…" she started. Hiei kept his back to her. She put her hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off. "Look I'm sorry for slapping you!" she apologized. He still didn't respond. She was starting to get ticked at the little fire demon. "Oh…just because I slapped you, you think that you can just sit there thinking that I`ll leave you alone…well you're wrong! Very wrong!" she said standing up. "Now are you going to help me find a way out of this hell hole or will I have to do it alone?" she asked standing next to him. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. Ana grabbed his shirt and pulled him to his feet. For some reason he didn't fight back. She turned his face towards hers. Hiei looked away.

Yusuke and the others found a staircase that went down and another one that led up. They decided that they would go down and try and find their missing teammates. "It's awfully dark!" said Yukina grabbing hold of Kuwabara's arm. Botan stayed rather close to Yuusuke and Kurama. They reached the bottom of the stair when Kurama started to sense Hiei's Ki. "Their nearby I can sense Hiei's ki…and Ana's ki." he said walking forward the others following close behind.

Ana gently let go of his shirt, turning away from him. "Fine…if you don't want to help I'll understand…" she whispered, and then walked away to find a door. Hiei turned his head and watched her walk away into the darkness. He slowly followed behind her. Ana walked around the dungeon looking for a door. Hiei finally caught up with her. He kept his gaze on the ground for most of the time. Ana glanced at him while she walked. *Geez what's his problem?* She wondered. She stopped walking, letting Hiei continue on his own. He walked on past her not even noticing that she had stopped. She waited a while before she started walking again. She silently crept up on the little fire demon…until she was directly behind him. Ana smiled to herself as she scooped up the fire demon in her arms. Hiei glared at her. "Put me down!" he said giving her a look as if death were to come if she didn't. Ana frowned, "I don't wanna!" she said smiling evilly at him. He raised an eyebrow and sighed. It was no use to try and fight her, plus he didn't even know what her weaknesses were. Ana cradled him in her arms. "You look so adorable!" she said with a sheepish grin. Hiei wasn't catching on at all. He had no clue to what she was talking about. All of a sudden they heard a crash and a small scream. Ana put Hiei down with a thud. And ran off to the left side of the wall. *How come I didn't inspect this wall first?* She wondered as pulled a lever down. The lever opened a stone door to reveal nothing. "Well…" she said turning her back, and walked into the dungeon like room. Hiei stood up rubbing his butt, cursing silently. *What in the world gave her the idea that I was a toy for her to throw around?* He wondered as he watched her push the switch up. She walked over to Hiei and sat down, Hiei doing the same, even though his butt was throbbing in pain. "So…?" he asked after an odd silence between them.

Hiei quickly stood up and looked around, his hand on his katana ready to attack whatever it was that was emitting a large amount of Ki. Ana stood up as well, pulling out her daggers. The Ki was getting closer and closer. "I don't know where it's coming from…do you?" she asked Hiei. He shook his head, which made Ana very uneasy. A shadowy figure appeared across the room. "Here you are Ana! I've been looking all over for you!" it said then whipping out this tentacle type arm and wrapped it around her neck. "Don't you remember me?" it asked with an evil smile. She couldn't see its face cause of the hood, but she knew it was smiling at her. Hiei swung his katana at the tentacle…but his katana broke at impact. Ana tugged on it, trying to breathe. It lifted her up into the air. "I guess I'll have to refresh your memory!" it said pulling back the hood with its other hand. There stood a rather young woman with scars all over her face. Ana gasped or at least tried. "Yura…I thought you died in that fire?!" Ana managed to say. "Well I didn't…it was your entire fault that I look like this now!" she said tightening her grip around Ana's neck. "Now because of you, I work only for one purpose…and that's for revenge…when I found out that Karaka needed some fresh youth, I offered you…so now we go!" she said then disappeared, taking Ana with her. Hiei punched the ground with his fist. "Shimatte!" he said over and over.

Mina: *blinks* what will happen next???