Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ You Said You Loved Me, Right? ❯ Case Two: I am enraged to meet Kyoumi’s twin! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Narrator: Before her departure, Botan informs an important piece of information to the Rei-Kai Tan-Tei; describing loose facts about a new mission the young boy would need to carry out. Unfortunately, Yuusuke took Botan’s words lightly and soon came face to face with what seemed to be the youkai-a young onna-that he was instructed to restrain. The youkai had gotten away, leaving Yuusuke to fight for another day. The next day, after quarreling with Keiko, Yuusuke discovered that the youkai onna had returned-sending her rage out on Kuwabara. Yuusuke stepped into the battle and had supposedly killed the youkai onna. Now with the Bon holidays just around the corner, Yuusuke still hasn’t gotten his vacation.

Aishiterutte itta yo ne?

Case Two
---I am enraged to meet Kyoumi’s twin!

Through the dingy, poverty streets of downtown, a wombat the size of a football flew in a frenzy. The face and upper body of the bat creature was that of a topless female with the winged arms of a wombat. She was shrieking to the top of her tiny lungs as she dodged pedestrians still trying to finish shopping for the Bon Holidays. The rain began to pour harder as flashing lights from cars, street lamps, and numerous X-rated bars blinded the bat.

“What the hell was that!” a man dressed in a soiled T-shirt and ripped jeans had spoke up; his filthy hair being drenched by the shower from the clouds.

A woman ran past the destitute man and after the bat-like animal. She held a very bright pink umbrella that kept her red, loose turtleneck and purple stretch pants from getting soaked from the heavy sprinkle. Her pale blue hair, held behind her in a ponytail, whirled in every direction.

The wailing bat turned the corner into a dark alleyway. The blue-haired woman also turned into the same alleyway as her feet sloshed into a deep puddle. The female’s right foot had gotten caught in the muddy puddle and she had to stop her hot pursuit after the bat just to get her foot out of her now ruined, purple dress shoe.

“Darn.” She sighed a little peeved. The woman continued to run with only one small heel shoe on. She had been hot on the creature’s tail until now. She began to lessen her swift pace to a slow jog while she went through the narrow back street. Her only hope at catching that monster now relied on her partner being able to cut it off before it got back to its nest.

One block away, still in the alley-

Yuusuke had punched the wombat creature square in the chest. The bat-like woman moaned in pain from the impact as she fell face first into a tiny brown puddle the size of a small notepad. Yuusuke stood before it and crouched low to the ground to get a good look at it-his hands resting on his knees.

The wombat’s human upper body had yellow skin that radiated a bright peachy color while the rest of her body-which was her fur-was a steel gray color. She rose up onto her clawed feet, her pint-size lion’s tail stood tall. She swabbed the mud off her fur as she twisted a quarter way around, just to see the Rei-Kai Tan-Tei that wanted to capture her.

Yuusuke stared at her with slits for eyes; he then crossed his arms as he was still stooped over the youkai. Yuusuke had Band-Aids all over his face from his last mission that was only a few hours ago, but most of them were only minor.

She double flipped her jet-black hair. As it fell back down to her shoulders, she placed her hands on her hips and scowled at the underworld investigator. Her chest was clearly seen now. Her breasts were full and perked up, but Yuusuke didn’t bother diverting his attention there because of the fact that she had no nipples.

“Yah’ll ain’t rheally gon’na take mah in for trial? Ah beautiful bat child like mah!” She spoke with a southern accent, her voice, rather seductive, yet filled with honey. The miniature female’s tail brushed up around her legs as her gray eyes sparkled.

Yuusuke itched his head.

The bat woman waltzed over to the Rei-Kai Tan-Tei and began hugging his leg, “Com’on sugah... Ah’ll promise tah be fine an’ dandy from now on. Y’see, Ah’m not the lil’ ol’ monstah you been hearabouts, deah.” She nuzzled his leg with her cheek.

Yuusuke cuffed his fingers around the youkai all in a flash. She huffed and squealed like a piglet. Yuusuke stood as he clutched her tighter.

“Oof! Tah manhandle mah is da worse! Ah reckon you oughta be lettin’ mah sweet self go! Ah’ll fry yah’ll like ah catfish.” She growled as she struggled against his hold, making her fangs emerge from the corners of her mouth.

“You are one sorry onna.” Yuusuke murmured as he squeezed her even harder. “After hearing so much about you, I would’ve definitely expected better.”

The bat creature stopped struggling as she grew big, puppy dog eyes. “So yah’ll heard ‘bout lil’ ol’ mah... Are yah intrigued? Do yah’ll want some of this...” Her risqué tone returned as her fangs shone.

“Hell no!” Yuusuke bonked her on the head lightly. “You aren’t really my type, don’t ya’ think. Besides, all you are trying to do is sweet-talk your way out of my clutches so you can get back to that nest of yours. You’ve been sucking the life ki from humans, just to feed the stronger youkai that lives dormant within that damned nest. Why don’t you just tell me where you hid the nest... Yasha.”

Yuusuke hit a sensitive spot, the female youkai-known as Yasha-began screaming at him, “Don’tcha every call mah that! Mah name is Curvaceous Cannibal! Ah won’t follow orduhs from anyone but my Oni-kaichou! Yah’ll ain’t gon’na make him yah’ll prisonah without mah doin’ a thing to stop yah!”

“And what can you do besides sucking ki away!” Yuusuke spat at her, Yasha got a little paranoid. “You have no attacks at all, pretty sad huh! The only thing you are good for is by feeding your big baby of a sempai! And after he awakens again, fully charged, what do you think would happen to you! You’ll be kicked to the curve like-”

“Well ain’t yah’ll a regular ol’ spy. Gracious me... Oh mah stars...” the youkai said sarcastically. “Why don’t ah sho’ yah what ah can do tah yah...”

“I don’t take offers, especially not from animal girls...” Yuusuke ridiculed her.

“No no, Ah mean this!” Yasha’s fangs bit down on Yuusuke’s wrists. He winced in pain as the bat youkai brutally dug her canine teeth deeper into the teenage boy’s flesh. He had to let go of the youkai as he began blowing his flesh wound. Yasha flapped her wings as she hovered before her competitor.

“Teme!” He shouted as he looked back at the bat creature. Yasha had, all in a split second, flown towards Yuusuke’s face. She began scratching his cheeks with her clawed-feet as he tried batting at her. She dodged each of his swings as she displayed her teeth, tarnished with Yuusuke’s blood. Yasha then bit down and shredded the Rei-Kai Tan-tei’s nose with her fangs-leaving a deep slash in the shape of a frown tattooed to his face.

“KUSO!” Yuusuke growled as he pinched his nose and bent over.

“Ha-Ha! That’s tha way tah doit!” She began to fly away from Yuusuke. She flapped in midair and turned around, glowering at the underworld investigator. “It be mah pleasure if yah’ll ever want tah see what ah can do off tha battlefield, sugah! You’d just have to find me again, bye now-”

Yasha had slammed right into an aluminum baseball bat as she tried turning around to fly away from the scene. She fell unconscious to the dirty ground once again-her eyes in swirls as a stream of blood rolled down the side of her lip from her left nostril.

Yuusuke regained his posture, still clasping his nose, as he looked pissed.

Botan bent over and picked up Yasha by the feet. “Yasha: Kyuuketsuki; fifteen previous convictions. Has stolen the ki of many life forms to restore her sempai-Yofune-Nushi-so he will then be able to devour humans completely after being exiled from their world ever since he was born with ‘interesting’ qualities.” The ferrywoman tapped the aluminum stick on her left shoulder as her pink umbrella rested on the ground beside her. The rain had stopped.

“The punishment of this Class E positive youkai is two years in confinement...” Botan reached behind her back with her right hand still holding the bat creature and, out of nowhere, came a spherical cage. She maintained the bottom of the cage with her left hand, which still held her baseball bat, and placed Yasha in the cage, locking it up tight.

Yuusuke removed the hand from his nose as he cracked his knuckles.

“Oh my! Yuusuke do you want me to heal that for you!” Botan said alarmed, Yuusuke just shrugged. “... Well... Did you find out where the nest could be...” she tried changing the subject, Yuusuke wasn’t acting like himself ever since his last mission.

Yuusuke shook his head. “Botan, it’s late, I just want to go home and sleep now.” He rubbed his eyes. Maybe it was all in the ferry girl’s mind; Yuusuke was just tired.

“You’re right Yuusuke, I think we’ve been pushing you too hard. It is almost midnight and you had to go after this case right after you beat that Seiiukaru.” Botan began itching her cheek with a slight smile.

Yuusuke’s expression saddened. He still hadn’t told Botan about Seiiukaru meeting her demise; he was going to go back to that building where their fight had commenced-just to find her again.... To give her a proper burial at least. Botan had asked him what he had said about ‘Akumada Kyoumi’ resting in peace; he just changed the subject. Yuusuke began to walk off.

“Hey wait, Yuusuke!” Botan grabbed him by the shoulder. “How did you know just where to go to capture Yasha anyway, I didn’t tell you that I would lead her this way...”

“Easy.” Yuusuke lifted up his left hand and pulled his green sleeve back; revealing his youkai compass. “When you told me I had another mission to take on, I went home first to get a cigarette, and second, to get my compass...” He gave her a devious smirk as he reached into his pocket-taking out his cigarette and plopping it into his mouth.

“Oh, so you used your head for once.” Botan giggled. Yuusuke got a little irritated at what the ferrywoman had said to him. He bashed her in the back of her head.

“Ow! What was that for.” She demanded as she held a swollen bump that popped out of the back her head. “You have no sense of humor at all!”

Yuusuke grunted; he had been walking towards a dumpster that lined the bottom of a building. He jumped onto the opening and began digging through the trash. Sweat broke out all over Botan’s face. Yuusuke had jumped from the garbage bin, clinging onto an assortment of bags.

Botan’s eyes widened, “OI! Aren’t those-”

“Ja ne, Botan.” Yuusuke spoke in an undertone as he interrupted her. He walked off and disappeared deeper into the back street, leaving Botan by herself.

‘Heh...’ Botan spun around on the balls of her feet and bent down. She picked up her umbrella with her right hand, still occupied by her aluminum bat. As for the other bat, Yasha had become conscious and was snarling at Botan.

“Ah told yah’ll! Mah name is Curvaceous Cannibal...” the youkai crossed her arms with a pout.

The awakened bat creature startled Botan. “Oh, hello again Miss Yasha, I hope you enjoy your confinement in Rei-Kai.” The ferrywoman said full of joy.

“Doubt’it, without lil’ ol’ mah yah’ll nevah find mah Oni-kaichou... And ah’ll nevah tell.” Yasha gave an impish grin. “That compass of yo’ lil’ spy can’t detect Oni-kaichou... Jus’ because of the barrier that contains him... It grows stronger each Bon holiday that passes, unlike that Mire Sutra ah’s heard you and your spy talkin’ ‘bout...”

Botan kept her smile, ‘So, she was there at Yuusuke’s junior high school... That was the youki I felt then... If Yuusuke had his compass, he could’ve sought her out.’ The ferrywoman tapped the cage with her baseball bat. “Well Miss Yasha, we’ll see how you’ll change your mind after your trial... If you haven’t, we have other ways of finding where your nest is.”

Yasha huffed, “Mah name is Curvaceous Cannibal... Only Bishonen and Oni-kaichou can call me ‘Yasha’...”

“Bishonen? You mean Yuusuke.” Botan started to laugh hysterically as she began to walk in the opposite direction where her partner had exited. Yasha’s eyebrow began to twitch as she decided to be quiet and shut off the giggly woman from her thoughts.

Botan finally stopped laughing as her facial expression got a little sedated; she glared at the ground as she walked on. ‘Yuusuke needs to rest... I’ll just have to tell him in the morning... I still don’t believe it... That Seiiukaru... Master Koenma was monitoring Yuusuke’s fight with her... Why didn’t he tell me? Master Koenma had told me to retrieve that youkai’s body when I left Yuusuke as he went home before starting his next mission... When I went back to the scene, Seiiukaru... No... Akumada Kyoumi was gone...’

The ferrywoman’s eyes grew dim; Yasha saw the change in her. The bat creature didn’t decide to call her out on it, she just kept her eyes glued to the floor of the cage. Both drifted off in a calm silence as they wandered into the night; one resting in a cage, and the other, walking off in a rut-one foot with a shoe, and one foot without...

At the Yukimura Diner, a few minutes later-

“Don’t worry, it’s probably just a stray kitten wanting something to eat.” Mr. Yukimura called behind him. “Just finish up cleaning, okay.”

“A kitten wouldn’t knock, anata.” Mrs. Yukimura stood by the service counter with her hands crossed over her chest. “You aren’t going to give it some milk like the last one! They’ll keep coming back.” She admonished with a rather incensed look.

Mr. Yukimura was holding a saucer of milk in his right hand as he stood in his tracks. “Oh come on...” he had a pleading expression.

“huu...” his wife suspired as she continued to clean off the counter.

Mr. Yukimura unlocked the sliding door of the entrance. As it slid open, Mr. Yukimura bent over with closed eyes, sporting a rather jolly expression. “Schk, schk. Come here kitty.”

“Uh, anata...” Mrs. Yukimura began to giggle.

“Hm?” her husband looked back at her; she was pointing to the ground below him. Mr. Yukimura finally stared at what was before him-a sweat droplet rolled down his forehead.

Five shopping bags, packed to the rim, were jumbled together by the Diner’s small sign of specials! Mr. Yukimura sighed as he picked up the bags and brought them in.

“Anata, did you call for special delivery?” he spoke as he sat the bags on the counter; sitting the saucer of milk besides the bags.

“Iie...” his wife was now taking noodle bowls from the sink and placing them on the shelves behind the counter.

Mr. Yukimura began searching through the shopping bags. “Let’s see. Someone must be very generous!” Now he was pulling out random items, “Kome, curry packages, hotcake mix, wakame! Oi, ingredients for milk cream stew and oden! My favorite-Black black caffeine gum!”

Mrs. Yukimura turned towards her husband. “Matte... Those are some of the things I asked Keiko to get today. She came home without the bags and wouldn’t say why...”

“Oi, your favorite-Black sesame cream.” Mr. Yukimura began to chuckle. His wife snatched the bags up and walked over to the farther side of the counter. A set of stairs ascending up from an entrance on the outside of the counter lay to the side of Mrs. Yukimura.

“Keiko! Could you come down here, please.” She shouted in a softer tone.

“Anata, look what fell from one of the bags.” Mr. Yukimura stared at the counter as he fiddled with the package to his treat. A small piece of paper, as if ripped from a notepad, rested before him.

Mrs. Yukimura laid the bags back on the counter and strolled over to her husband.

Mr. Yukimura had the Black black caffeine gum’s wrapper against his teeth as he handed the note to his wife.

Mrs. Yukimura read the katakana scribbled over the paper. “... Did little Yuusuke write this?”

“Hai, mother?” Keiko stepped off the stairs and walked towards her parents. Mrs. Yukimura handed her daughter the message. “Hm?” Keiko read from the paper.

-Keiko, You left these behind and I’m not your delivery boy. I’ll talk to you tomorrow-Before you set up for the gakuen festival. By then you must have enough time to talk to me... -Yuusuke

-Also- Hello Mr. and Mrs. Yukimura!

Enclosed at the foot of the message was a messy sketch of what looked like Yuusuke holding his fingers up in victory.

Keiko looked back at her parents a little taken aback. Mr. Yukimura chewed his gum in nirvana-Mrs. Yukimura had apprehended the candy package from her husband and ripped it open for him. Keiko’s mother gave a slight smile towards her.

“Arigatou...” Keiko turned to run back up the stairs.

“Did you and little Yuusuke have a fight?” her mother murmured.

Keiko clutched the note and held her head down; not turning back towards her parents. “... Of course not...” Keiko whispered her statement so low you could hardly hear her. She dashed up the staircase before anymore questions were asked.

Mrs. Yukimura sighed. She was about to finish cleaning up the diner until she looked back at her husband. She narrowed her eyes as she held out her hand. Now, Mr. Yukimura was trying to open his wife’s Black sesame cream package.

He looked up at her a little startled. “Uh-I was just opening it for you, anata.” He began to plea his case as she snatched up her own treat.

Mrs. Yukimura tossed a dishrag at her husband, “Just help me finish clean up.”

One hour earlier, A different district of the city-

“I can’t open my eyes...” a feminine tone spoke in a mumble. Her voice echoed throughout the silence-bouncing back at her as it hit the walls. Her voice sounded a little vexatious but had a trace of a frisky feeling. She felt something pressing gently over her neck and her body below. Was it a quilt of some kind.

Her ears began to wiggle as she tried listening for any signs of movement in the room. Nothing-not even a rustling of the body against the clothes of another. No one else was in the supposed room with her. The female turned her head to the right of her; it began to pound as her blonde bangs fell over her eyes.

The female tried lifting her arm to her head; her muscles tightened as a sharp pain spread through her fingertips. ‘Gah. My hands are so numb...’

Through the pain, she found the strength to bring her hands to her head. She trailed her nails over the depths of her face as her cheeks began to swell. An assortment of bandages concealed her face! Small Band-Aids over her eyebrows, under her chin, and spread out across her neck were nothing compared to the larger ones that could hardly contain the blood of her more severe wounds. Gaunt wraps over her forehead were stained with her maroon hemoglobin. As for her eyes, cotton patches, held down with thin, white tape, were pressed against them.

“Who did this...” She whispered. Suddenly, she heard a cracking in a wooden structure. Someone was opening a door! The female quickly turned her head back to its previous position and jolted her hand back under the covers.

“Arigatou gozaimasu, kaasan.” A masculine voice shot through her ears. He spoke in a soft yet slightly potent tone. The male behind the voice shut the door behind him. Footsteps, heard faintly, walked over towards the female.

The man most likely sat beside her on the floor as she heard a small ‘thump’ to the tatami flooring. She now knew that she must have been resting on a futon. The man sat something besides him as she then heard water being sloshed around.

The female then felt something wet, but warm to the touch, rest over her forehead. Her cheeks grew warmer as the man reached over and fixed the cover atop her body. Her nose went into a fit of sensations when she smelt an enchanting scent. Her caregiver’s essence was just like the Camellias and Lady Irises.

Once the man had finished setting her futon with a better fit to the injured female, he then stood and walked towards the door. The female heard the wooden frame open, and then close. She was alone again.

The female was lost in her thoughts as she wondered where she was. The man called someone “mother”; was she in his house? ‘Who was that man... Was he the same one that rescued my soul from Seiiukaru?’ The female turned her head to the left now, wanting to drift off into sleep, maybe this was just a dream... maybe. It wasn’t long for her to finally fall in a slumber, as the only thing on her mind was that of the rosy smell of her possible savior.

A nightmare-

A shadowed man stood with his back facing a small child in a fiery chasm. The child looked to be about four years old and was in fact, a little girl. The small child wore nothing to cover her tan skin as her hacked, white hair was matted over her face. Her eyes were filled with terror, symbolizing that she was horrified of the man in front of her.

The darkened man turned to face the girl, his own body blocking the child from viewing what was behind him. He had no features on his face-no eyes, no nose, no mouth, no hair-as the faceless man stepped aside. The tiny child’s eyes widened in dread.

A woman wearing a revealing, sleeveless Yukata with wide splits on the sides--showing too much of her hips and legs-appeared to be in her twenties. The woman had her head held downward with her pale green hair falling in front of her-her face was covered to the little girl. The thing that really caught the little girl’s eye was that the woman was being hung from her neck by a rope!

It wasn’t just from the neck the woman was held. Five tungsten wires were dug deeply into both of her wrists and leading to the outside of the chasm-it looked as if the woman was on a crucifix. The young lady’s wrist bones were poking out from her skin-the wires wrapped around them. Brownish red blood fell from her body in pulpy chunks and was causing a puddle of the vital fluid to form under her. A gigantic sickle was driven right into the center of her chest; her still beating heart pulsating at the sharp point of the scythe as the arteries linked to it! Bleeding from other cuts on her body, the young lady’s face suddenly looked up at the little girl.

The small child began screaming to what her eyes had seen...

The woman’s eye sockets looked as if the eyeballs were brutally gauged out. Even more blood fell from her eyes as her mouth began to open. The lady began gagging as if for air while something began to bulge within her throat. Inside the very depths of the woman, the bulge in her neck had burst and out spewed centipedes, scorpions, insect larvae, and roaches engulfed in a gooey, yellow mucus. A numerous amount of Tarantulas shoved their selves from the flesh opening and began scaling across the woman’s body.

The yellow mucus spilled to the floor and began to spread towards the little girl. The small child tried to run but the shadowed man grasped hold of her tiny arms and threw her down into the substance. The creatures from the mucus began to spread over the girl as they began shoving their own selves into all of her own openings. The child began to scream but her voice was only muffled by countless roaches trailing into her tiny jaws.

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