Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ You Said You Loved Me, Right? ❯ Case Three: Attack of the Gel pet! Who is our new enemy? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Narrator: Instructed to take on another case, Yuusuke enforces it reluctantly. Only a few hours after fighting the supposed enchantress Seiiukaru, the Rei-Kai Tan-Tei still remains battered. He manages to confront, and capture, the ki-sucking oni, Yasha, but that was only half of his case. The more powerful Yofune-Nushi, is hidden from Yuusuke’s youkai compass because of Yasha--forcing Yuusuke to seek the help of the wombat youkai. Trying to make peace with Keiko, Yuusuke rushes off to gakuen, hoping that after this predicament is settled, he could finally get his vacation.

Aishiterutte itta yo ne?

Case Three---Attack of the Gel pet! Who is our new enemy?

“Made it, now all I gotta do is find Keiko.” Yuusuke said to himself in a hushed tone as he walked through his school’s gate. The students really didn’t waste much time at getting started so early. They were already building the stands and hanging up lanterns on trees. Yuusuke overheard a couple of his classmates talking-well, he thought they were in his class, he really didn’t know since he mainly never went to class.

“I can’t wait to see the other dancers at the shrine, I’ve memorized the movements already for my sect’s dancing.” A girl with short black hair spoke.

Another girl with longer black hair replied to her. “Let’s hurry and get our booth up. My relatives live all the way Tokushima. I get to go there every year with my parents and watch Awa odori! Odoru aho ni miru aho; onaji aho nara odoranya son son!”

A boy joined in their conversation. “Me and some of the guys are going up to the graves tonight and scaring all the visitors there. HAHA!”

“Okijou, you’re so rude!” The girls said together.

‘Everyone’s so excited. Lucky for them they get to actually have a vacation.’ Yuusuke sighed. He soon noticed through the tight crowd of busy student workers, one of Keiko’s friends was instructing others to do certain things with different booths.

“Hey Natsuko, seen Keiko around?” Yuusuke quickly asked as he walked up to her.

“Hai, make sure you get the right kind of fish. And you Hijame-san, don’t forget to check all the masks for accuracy. Oh, ohayo Yuusuke. Now, I’m going to need you to-” the auburn-haired girl went on like the never-ending flow of a river stream.

“Slow down, I just want to know where Keiko is, I’m here to talk to her, not work... believe me I have enough of that.” Yuusuke yawned finally noticing how early it was.

Natsuko pushed up her glasses. “Honestly Yuusuke, you could at least do something more productive instead of lazing around. Don’t you do enough of that during school.”

Yuusuke’s eyebrow began to twitch. “Where’s Keiko, pleeease.” He said getting very annoyed.

“She’s out by the gym storage helping the guys in the science club move in some equipment left out by the gym teacher. She’ll be back any minute, but in the mean time you can help me carry this big fella’ to one of the stands.” Natsuko held up a gigantic fish that appeared from behind her. It was flopping and struggling in her arms. “Huh? Where’d he go. Ugh, truthfully, I don’t know what Keiko sees in him. Wah!” Natsuko was toppled over by the outrageous fish.

Gym Storage-

“Feh... No one’s even here. Damn that Natsuko.” Yuusuke punched the wall of the storage shack and slumped down to the ground. “Well it is still open so they should be coming back soon I guess. I’ll just wait a while over here then.” The boy dug into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette and plopped it in his mouth. He began feeling around for a match or a lighter. “Darn, I remember taking my mom’s lighter this morning while she was asleep, where is it.”

“Care for a light, Urameshi.” A menacing voice loomed behind Yuusuke as he shot up from the ground to encounter two of the teachers that opposed him.

“Iwamoto and Akaishi. What’s up?” Yuusuke smirked with the cigarette between his teeth, not caring what they did.

“Possession of drugs, that can lead to your suspension, Urameshi.” The sniveling Akaishi said, hunched up beside Mr. Iwamoto.

“Better yet, expulsion.” Iwamoto said slyly. “So wonderful to see you’ve made it to school on time when it wasn’t even mandatory due to the holidays.”

“Eh whatever, I’m sure you remember my mom and her little friends that visited the Principal to get me back into school. Let me tell ya, her friends hate to see her unhappy. And if I’m kicked out, she’s gonna be pretty unhappy. Whatcha gonna do?” Yuusuke mused arrogantly.

“Like I always say, like mother, like son. Both are such low life hellions frightened to accept the hard points in life and rather take the easy way out. Can’t fight for yourself huh? You know, you should’ve stayed dead, still the same sleazy trash you would have always been. Just like your mother.” Iwamoto struck a nerve.

“You take that back!” Yuusuke was readying a punched aimed right for Iwamoto’s nose.

“Oh, do it. It will be such an honor to see you expelled.” Akaishi choked out in a chortle.

Yuusuke was just about to do it when out of the blue came Akaishi’s science club with Mr. Takenaka at the head of the group.

“What’s going on here?” Takenaka demanded sternly. Iwamoto and Akaishi snapped to attention.

“Mr. Akaishi, there you are.” Takai spoke as he pushed up his glasses. “The club’s finished with all the moving of the gym equipment. Why are you slinking around over here?”

“That’s what I would want to know.” Mr. Takenaka crossed his arms and tapped his foot.

“Obviously these two can’t even afford a hotel so they practice their little ecchi acts back he-”

“We were making sure the equipment was moved without any damage. And doing so, we caught Mr. Urameshi here breaking a school code of conduct.” Iwamoto cut Yuusuke off.

Takenaka diverted his eyes to Yuusuke and shook his head in disapproval. “Urameshi, I must say that this is becoming very stressful” Iwamoto and Akaishi beamed with glee as Takenaka continued. “I already have enough on my plate with being the one to show the new industrial arts teacher around tomorrow, but now I have to worry about yo-”

“EEIIEE!” A sharp, spine-tingling shrill came from around the corner of the school and threw everyone off guard. Everyone’s head snapped towards the direction of the scream.

“What was that?” a student in the science club whispered.

“That sounded like Yukimura-san!” Takai exclaimed.

“Where is she!” Yuusuke gripped Takai by his collar and threatened him if he didn’t speak fast enough.

“Urameshi, that’s enough.” Takenaka began.

“She said she had to help Natsuko with one of the booths, I don’t know where it is located though.” Yuusuke slung Takai away from him and took off.

“Urameshi.” Takenaka murmured to himself.

School Entrance gate-

“Eckah.” Were the only words that escaped Keiko’s mouth. She was being held by her throat and could barely receive enough air to stay conscious. She was on the verge of fainting at any given moment now. And her assailant, by no surprise, was the suspicious Akumada Kyoumi, with an already unconscious Kitajima Maya draped over her right shoulder. What has gotten into Kyoumi? Why was she going after Maya and Keiko? Did she know of the certain relationship specific people had between them? And why did she choose to torture both Kurama and Yuusuke? Was there someone else she was destined to go after as well after this?

Kyoumi felt something strike her in the back of her head. This caused her to come from off the booth she had been standing on and to come face to face with the one in question-Keiko still held by her neck.

“Let Keiko go!” Natsuko tried to keep a backbone as she stood up to the other girl. No one else seemed to have the courage to take on the intruder because they were too busy bunched up together mortified at the scene as they retreated into the school. She had thrown the huge fish she had been carrying at her and was now cowering before the older girl. Closer Kyoumi got, the more terrified Natsuko was. The blonde girl took her right hand from Keiko; her left being enough to still constrain her victim, and pointed it right at Natsuko’s face. “Yikes!”

Yuusuke came to Natsuko’s rescue, a fatal kick to Kyoumi’s own throat was enough to make her drop Keiko and Maya on the spot and fly out to the other side of the booth. Yuusuke bent down to make sure Keiko was okay. ‘Good she’s still breathing.’ The boy soon noticed Natsuko still frozen in her steps by fear. He shook her out of it by saying, “Natsuko, stay with Keiko and this other girl. Try and get them both into the school with everyone else. I’ll get rid of this temee.”

“H-Hai.” Natsuko gasped and beginning to drag Keiko along the ground to the school first...

“Show yourself now! Kora!” Yuusuke called out to the female that went after his friend-not at all seeing who she was at the start. And when she did reveal herself by standing from behind the stand, Yuusuke regained that queasy feeling. It was her!

“No way...” Yuusuke released himself from his fighting stance as he stood bewildered. “You’re my opponent! This can’t be! It just can’t!”

Kyoumi didn’t say anything, she just smiled a devilish smile, acting as if she never even met Yuusuke. She pounced at him and began throwing punches as if this were her first time fighting in her life. Yuusuke dodged and ducked each one, already coming aware of all her moves.

“You thanked me for setting you free from that freak Seiiukaru. Why are you attacking me again! Are you possessed!” Yuusuke tried to get through to her. “I don’t want to fight you, but if you push me, I’ll-”

Kyoumi didn’t take her mind off fighting to listen to Yuusuke, all of a sudden she kneed him right in the rib while he became to accustomed to her punching fury. Yuusuke gripped his stomach and Kyoumi took the advantage, she was about to knee him in the face now if it wasn’t for him grabbing her knee and flipping her to the floor.

“I’m giving you a chance to explain yourself! Talk! Or are you Seiiukaru again! Speak to me through my mind then!” Yuusuke pinned her down to the ground. “Why are you going after Keiko? And that other girl? What are you doing!”

All of a sudden, Yuusuke felt a rubbery mass loop around his midriff and hurl him from off the sixteen-year-old girl. Once again he realized he had not made sure her hands were secure, but her hands never felt like rubber?

Yuusuke, being propelled in air and falling away from Kyoumi, he knew this wasn’t turning out so good. “Fall faster!” He screamed in a rage. At any moment Kyoumi could go after anyone in the school, her main target most likely being Keiko. But something else more shockingly entered Yuusuke’s vision. Kyoumi had her eyes fixated on Natsuko running back to bring the ebony-haired girl into the school. This was not going good at all.

Yuusuke finally hit the floor on his rear, being too late to stop Kyoumi from attacking the innocent girl. What could he do, how could he stop her? Kyoumi took off like a rocket as the twenty-seven inch sickle from before emerged from out of her wrist! So close she was to slicing Natsuko and the unconscious girl in half, if only Yuusuke had help!

“Rose Whip!” A thorny vine jutted through the stomach of Kyoumi and sent her flying into a huge oak tree at the far end of the school courtyard. She laid sprawled out with the vine still stuck in her.

Yuusuke looked behind him amazed to see Kurama leaping over the school’s large, pewter fence. The redhead glanced over at Natsuko and nodded for her to continue with getting Maya inside the school. Natsuko was gone in a flash with Maya-she had enough heroism for one day.

“Didn’t expect to see you so soon.” Yuusuke got up from the ground and dusted himself off. “Was it really necessary to bring her down like that?” he asked a little worried.

“Don’t show any remorse just yet. That’s not the real Akumada Kyoumi.” Kurama murmured.

“Nani? Huh, you know Kyoumi?!” Yuusuke asked puzzled.

“I suggest we take her somewhere else, don’t want to ruin your festival. Furthermore, I don’t want my identity exposed.” Kurama gripped his whip back. The vine began to wrap around its victim.

“What do you mean she’s not the real Kyoumi?!” Yuusuke interrogated but his words fell on tone-deaf ears. Kurama lashed his vine upward making Kyoumi look as if she were suspended in air like a kite. He jumped back over the school fence and called for Yuusuke to not lag behind as he dragged Kyoumi with him.

“Dammit. Always something, why do I have every obstacle always stopping me from talking to Keiko!” Yuusuke fumed as he followed Kurama’s “kite”, leaving some very confused onlookers from the school windows.

Vacant, abandoned lot ten blocks from the junior high school

“Okay Kurama, tell me, how do you know Kyoumi and how do you know this isn’t her?” Yuusuke demanded, finally having caught up to his friend.

Kurama had “Kyoumi” all tied up on the ground with his rose whip attack. A mischievous smirk was glued on her face while she just glared up at both of the boys.

“Better yet, I’ll show you.” Kurama declared as he brought his whip up again. Kyoumi was brought into air as the vines began to constrict her even more. From the pressure exerted onto her, it looked as if her eyes would pop out and her body would burst-spewing her insides everywhere.

“Whoa man, are you sure that’s a fake!” Yuusuke screamed with gawking eyes. It was too late, Kyoumi busted right open! Yuusuke looked away in disgust ready to heave chunks.

“It’s quite all right Yuusuke, observe.” Kurama said calmly.

Yuusuke peeped one eye open but soon shot both open when he witnessed the aftermath of the bound Kyoumi. There she was, well, it was, levitating in air, her whole upper section was burst open but there was no blood. In fact, from the parts of her that did bust open, it resembled small pieces of gel. Suddenly, the fake Kyoumi wriggled out of Kurama’s rose whip as it fell to the floor. The impostor’s body formed into a huge, crimson rubbery substance as the pieces that split away from the explosion formed back into it. The mass of ruby gelatin flopped to the ground and began to take shape again. The upper body of a bare, muscular bald man with gray skin appeared first. His eyes blended in with his skin and it was hard to see if the creature even had eyes. The lower body formed next, appearing to be that of a scarlet snake. The being snarled at both of his opponents. UWIBAMI

“I knew it.” Kurama said to himself.

“Knew what?” Yuusuke asked confused.

“I was the one that rescued Kyoumi before she hit the ground. She recovered under my aid and due to some misunderstandings, she decided to leave and never return. This is one of the reasons why I knew this creature, Uwibami, couldn’t be her.” Kurama enlightened.

“And the other?” Yuusuke asked getting in a fighting stance.

“I sensed his ki lurking around Kyoumi ever since she came here. He followed her everywhere she went until the opportune moment. But this is just a pet, and whoever was controlling him wanted him to copy the entity of Seiiukaru and not Kyoumi. Too bad Uwibami’s boss didn’t know Seiiukaru was just possessing Kyoumi unlike what everyone else thought of Seiiukaru returning. But just who is controlling Uwibami?” Kurama sighed pensively.

“Think later, we need to stop that thing! He’s trying to head back to my school!” Yuusuke jumped at Uwibami who was trying to escape. He grabbed hold of the serpent’s right arm and swung him at the wall of one of the abandoned apartments in the lot. He splattered everywhere. “That was easy.”

“Don’t be too sure about that.” Kurama pointed out. Uwibami quickly recollected himself and proceeded to attacking Yuusuke.

“Kuso. How. Do. I. Beat. Him!” Yuusuke said between breaths as he tried dodging the mad behavior of Uwibami. The serpent was doing practically anything to hit Yuusuke. His body kept disconnecting and reappearing in different spots aiming for Yuusuke. The Reikai Tantei did all he could to not get hit and even tried to return the favor, but each punch he delivered it just bounced off Uwibami’s stretchy exterior.

Kurama stood pondering on the sidelines. He soon realized the strategy used to defeat demons like the Uwibami if you ever came face to face with them. “Yuusuke, the only way to defeat the Uwibami is to capture it in a Reikai Confinement Jar. Once concealed away, the Uwibami is disposed of when the creator of the Uwibami is destroyed.”

“Oh great, just where can I buy one of those?! I Dream of Oni Dot Com!” Yuusuke remarked very peeved.

And then, Yuusuke’s angel in a pink kimono with pale blue hair answered his prayers. “More like I Dream of Botan!” she called jetting down towards her comrades on her oar. A clear pack that resembled a vacuum was strapped to her back with a long hose jutting from the top and wrapped around Botan’s right arm. “Yuusuke, blast Uwibami this way with your rei gan!”

Yuusuke nodded and popped Uwibami right in the chest with all his might. This sent the demon hurling up in the air, an easy target for Yuusuke. “REI GAN!” he shouted his attack and shot it directly at Uwibami’s abdomen. The serpent was heading straight for Botan. The ferrywoman twirled the hose in her hand and then pointed at the demon. She flipped on the switch on the head of the hose and the machine went haywire. A blinding light emerged from the hose and an enormous gust of wind rivaling a hurricane picked up. REIKAI CONFINEMENT JAR

Uwibami was now contained in the pack in his glob form. Botan prepared to land next to Kurama as Yuusuke ambled up to them.

“That was a no-brainer.” Yuusuke remarked hotly. “So what are ya gonna do with jelly guy?”

“Nothing right now, he can’t break out as long as he’s stuck in here and the confinement jar has its own alternate dimension inside so you can trap as many Uwibami youkai as you want. They will only be destroyed when the one that created them is destroyed.” Botan explained as she took the device from off her back and handed it to Yuusuke. “I believe you’re going to be needing this device more often in the near future. Uwibami men can only be created by demon magic.”

“Botan, do you know anything about who did this?” Kurama asked.

“And why did that thing go after Keiko and that girl?” Yuusuke grumbled, having to acquire yet another gadget from Reikai.

“Whoever is behind this attack they sure knew about Seiiukaru’s soul being released and coming here. As for the whole capturing of the two girls, this enemy must know something about you two as well. Going as far as to rile you both up by hitting you where it hurts. I have a feeling Yasha knows something about this, that little spy. Oh, speaking of Yasha by the way.” Botan looked at Yuusuke with her cheery smile. “Your appointment with her and the Yofune Nushi case’s impending closure"

“Yeh, yeh. Just give me thirty minutes to get back to the school and tell Keiko I’ll have to talk to her later.” Yuusuke sighed. “I swear, the life of a Reikai Tantei and the life of a ningen can never be balanced, ah reckon, oh mah stars.”

Botan giggled at Yuusuke’s statement, though Kurama was a little puzzled not knowing who Yuusuke was affecting the accent from.

Case three--- CLOSED
Japanese / English: Awa odori / “fool’s dance” performed during Bon holiday at Tokushima, “Odoru aho ni miru aho; onaji aho nara odoranya son son” / -chant heard when dancing

New name meanings: -Uwibami is a monstrous giant serpent from Japanese mythology which can fly in the sky, swoop down and swallow a man on horseback whole. The hero Yegara-no-Heida managed to kill it. In the story, the Uwibami are gel-like half men, half serpents.

-Author’s Note: notice anything different? Now I don’t split the Japanese words up in their syllables now that you see how they should be pronounced right? I shall do that with every new Japanese word with the whole splitting it up in syllables in the first two chapters they appear. See how I love making things so difficult.

Disclaimers: Nothing new to read about as of yet In no way, like I said before, by far does any characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to me. If you were thinking that I did own Yuusuke, Kuwabaru, Hiei, Kurama, Botan, Keiko, Rando, Koenma, Maya, Shiori, The Holy Beasts, Toguro, Sensui, Raizen, Mukuro, Yomi, Genkai, or any other character for that matter, you’re dead wrong! Of course I would enjoy owning them! The characters that do belong to me are my fictional, yet original, side characters and main character Kyoumi, and possibly some demons you won’t find on the show. Also, the “Mire Sutra of Bodhisattva Purgatory” was my creation. The characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to the original creator, Yoshihiro Togashi, and I don’t feel my name is listed anywhere near the original creator

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