Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ You Said You Loved Me, Right? ❯ Case Seven Continuation ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“Genkai?” Tori-Gomoku came looking for his master around the koi pound but for some unknown reason she had dispersed out into the forest somewhere. ‘Wonder what set her off to run into the forest all of a sudden.’ The handsome man looked down by one of the rocks of the pond to see Kyoumi’s Oi. “Hm? Genkai was suppose to give that to Kyuu-chan... I’ll do it, I always wind up doing something.” Tori-Gomoku reached for it.

“Don’t touch that, boy!” Genkai’s blared out from the forest but soon her voice was muffled.

“Huh?” It was too late, as soon as the man’s fingertips traced over the straw, a bright light began to emit from it. All of a sudden, Tori-Gomoku was hurled back into a post on the shrine as the Oi floated up into the air. Birdlike, green talons sprouted from the bottom of the Oi and a grotesque demonlike head emerged from the top. OI NO BAKEMONO

“Nani!” Tori-Gomoku’s ivory eyes, seen for the first time, shone through his bangs and were filled with terror.

The being began to snort fire from its nostrils and gaped open its mouth to reveal its rotting fangs. It spurted for the cowering male, ready to take him out in one swoop.

“Surf of the Blue Flame!” The twenty-seven inch long sickle from Kyoumi’s wrist whirled at the monster like a boomerang and thrashed it right between the eyes. The monster was launched off into the distance by the blade.

“Kyuu-chan.” Kyoumi helped Tori-Gomoku off the floor this time.

“What the HELL happened to my Oi!” Kyoumi said just in time before she was knocked away by a fireball.

“Kyuu-chan!” Tori-Gomoku watched as Kyoumi was slung into a tree and the fireball deteriorated into the air.

Her upper torso was singed and parts of her sash that went around her waist to hold up her kimono was peeling off. Kyoumi flipped her blonde hair out of her face and got back up. “Naguru zo!”

The Bakemono was perched on the roof and snarled embers of fire out of his nose. It leaped from its position and had its claws fixed on Kyoumi. The sixteen-year-old wasn’t just going to stand there and take a beating, especially not by her own luggage!

Kyoumi jumped at it as well and just when both of the combatants were about to collide, Kyoumi thrust her left foot forward as it made contact with the creature’s face. The Bakemono twirled in air and hit the ground hard.

“Kyuu-chan, Kyuu-chan, Go! Go! Go!” Tori-Gomoku was cheering for Kyoumi and waved around fans with the Japanese red sun symbol on them.

“Heh, arigatou.” Kyoumi had her right hand behind her head with a look of domination as she touched solid ground again. Kyoumi had let her haughtiness go to her head. With her being too arrogant because of the praise she received, the Oni no Bakemono used this to his advantage.

“Wvaaar!” The Bakemono jerked up from the ground and was now in a mad dash for Kyoumi once again. This time his head had headbutted her right in the stomach and slung her up into the air.

“Gah!” Kyoumi went pretty high up as her back arched inward even more. She was feeling the stings once again from her previous injuries and felt weaker and weaker. Her momentum upward began to decrease as she began to fall back down to the earth again where the Bakemono was waiting.

The creature opened its jaws extremely wide so you could see the immense fireball forming inside. Kyoumi wasn’t going to make a costly mistake, at least not this time. She regained her poise and felt an onrush of energy coarse through her veins. Just before she fell on the monster she completely froze her position! But she didn’t stay suspended in air for long, or she would’ve been a perfect target for the Bakemono’s fireball. Her entire body floated backward right when the fireball shot into the air.

“I’ve had enough of this, kora!” Kyoumi, still hovering in air, reached in the folds of her kimono and brought out a... rice-ball?! It began to glow a bright red in her palm. “Now to educate you in Kome Ken, the Everything Goes Kome Arts Style!” The Bakemono egged her on with a growl. “You asked for it!” Kyoumi winded up her arm as if she were a pitcher in a baseball game. She let lose the blazing rice-ball. It whirled toward the monster until it was as big as a melon from his point-of-view and without warning, the ball blew up! ONIGIRI BOMB

“Hah! This battle’s won... huh?!” Kyoumi watched as the red smoke cleared and the monster was still alive. Impossible! His head should’ve been ripped clear off! He had to have had some sort of weakness, furthermore, she wondered what had tainted her Oi in the first place. There had to be a good reason behind it because this never happened before. ‘I need to distract him right quick.’

“Fwaa!” the creation began to run for Kyoumi once again but this time she was ready for it. She brought out another rice-ball but this time it was glowing yellow. She threw it right between her feet as a smog of yellow gas engulfed the scene. ONIGIRI DECOY

It cleared to show a Kyoumi with yellow skin! This obviously being the fake. The yellow-skinned Kyoumi danced about and took off around the shrine, the Bakemono closely behind.

“Good, that buys me some time.” Kyoumi began to think over the situation, she was standing next to Tori-Gomoku.

“Coward...” The man ridiculed jokingly. Kyoumi whacked him in the back of his head.

“You! Come on, you would know this! You know everything about... EVERYTHING! That’s why you’re here right? To study all these Ningen creatures and apparitions! What do you know about a Bakemono!” Kyoumi shook him by the upper part of his temple robe.

“Hm... Oi no Bakemono... They’re created when a tainted piece of straw is used in the weaving of the Oi...” Tori-Gomoku thought over it.

“But it wasn’t like this before... a week since I’ve been here, did anyone touch that Oi since I left?” Kyoumi demanded. Tori-Gomoku shook his head in a no. “Someone attached it to it then! Grr, I hate when someone messes with my things!”

A yellow fog of smoke escalated into the air from behind the shrine, the Bakemono must have caught up with the fake already. This was Kyoumi’s chance.

The Bakemono was enraged now and was heading for the two on the deck once he rounded the corner. Kyoumi, using her quick wit, grabbed Tori-Gomoku by the arm and flung him at the monster.

“HEY!” Tori-Gomoku yelled as he hit the being and both of them fell over. Kyoumi jumped off the deck and sprinted closer to a big elm tree by the forest. The Bakemono, not caring about Tori-Gomoku at all, got up from the ground and scrambled after her. “Why am I always the victim?”

Kyoumi backed up against the tree and it looked as if the monster cornered her once and for all. “Oh no, please, spare me... hehe, not!” She hopped up and somersaulted over the monster. “Blue Flame Chain!” Kyoumi shot her blue ki sickle in midair at the creature. It sliced right into its forehead and stuck it to the tree. The monster struggled to get free but to no avail.

Kyoumi recoiled her fighting stance and wiped the sweat from off her brow. “Phew, that was a nice workout, now to find that cursed straw. Hm, let’s see.” She walked up to the Bakemono and looked it over. “Eck, such an ugly thing.” Tori-Gomoku joined her at her side. “Ah-ha, found it, found it.” Kyoumi tugged on the purple straw pulsing with power located on the bottom of her Oi. Once she completely dismembered it from the other straws, Kyoumi used her energy to override the tainted straw and it burst into dust.

“WVAH!” The Bakemono screamed it’s last scream as the fire-breathing head and the buzzard talons vanished. Kyoumi’s Oi fell to the ground, the contents inside rustling around.

“Finally...”Tori-Gomoku gasped in relief. “That’s the third time in a week...”

“Third time? This happened before?” Kyoumi hugged her straw backpack close to her.

“Four mornings ago, we had a rush of visitors to the shrine and I guess this Kyuuketsuki thought it was an easy deal. Sucked the ki out of about twenty people. Resembled a she-bat, she got away unfortunately... Then, the first day you came to drop off your Oi, a gel man attacked us as well. Genkai easily took care of both accounts thanks to her Reikou Hadou Ken, but the person behind these attacks is unknown to me yet I bet Genkai is holding out on me and already knows. Hey, where is she anyway?”

Kyoumi thought over the situation. “Is that so? Hm... I forgot that Genkai-sama’s principles focus mainly around Ryou, Ei, Shu, Sen, and Gi... So she’ll be okay wherever she ran off to... Huh?”

On cue with Kyoumi’s words, Genkai staggered out of the forest looking pretty battered-her clothes were ripped in various places and smudges were on her face.

“Mestra Genkai-sama!” Kyoumi looked at her superior with shock.

“What happened? Are you quite all right?” Tori-Gomoku ran to her side and checked to see if she wasn’t badly injured.

Genkai popped a lit cigarette into her mouth.

“Guess she is all right if she can still smoke.” Tori-Gomoku snorted.

“Shut up, boy, this is no time for joking around. Kyoumi, what kind of trouble have you gotten into now?” Genkai glared over towards the other female.

“Eh?” Kyoumi looked at Genkai a little dumbfounded.

“Don’t play stupid! All week my shrine has been attacked by your little friend Yama!” Genkai snapped.

“N-Nan...” Kyoumi’s eyes became saucers once she heard that name. “Unbelievable! You fought him didn’t you! Where is he now!”

“He’s been looking for you in particular. Trying to force you out by getting at us. I suggest you fix whatever crap you have with him because I’m tired of getting hassled.” Genkai began to walk back to her shrine.

“I don’t believe this... It’s already time... I’ll finally get my revenge...” Kyoumi ran her fingers through her hair.

“Who is Yama?” Tori-Gomoku’s eyebrows furrowed. “Just want to know so I can hate him too...”

“Kombu’s murderer...” Kyoumi murmured.

“Nani!” Tori-Gomoku grew serious but soon reverted back to his old ways, “Is he cute?”

Kyoumi ignored the comment, she was too busy lost in thought. She knew there was no way she could take on Yama by herself if he was after her. If he had such creatures at his disposal she would certainly be walking into a trap. At least if she had a comrade or two she would have someone to watch her back. And she already had the perfect candidates since Tori-Gomoku was out of the question--he would probably just hit on the culprit. It was time to make a house call to a certain Reikai Tantei and traitor that she really didn’t feel like seeing again. An image of the redhead flooded her mind. “Eh, stupid perfect youko... It’s time for me to go back...”

Tori-Gomoku beamed with excitement, “Good, I’ll pack you a lunch!”

Japanese / English: shinkansen / bullet train, Jii-san / Grandpa, nozomi / fastest running train that leaves Tokyo and heads to Osaka (it stops at no other stations), mestra / master, mazui / disgusting, mechakucha / "it's pretty fucking good", Negimiso / rice ball filled with chopped leek and soy-bean paste, Mentaiko / rice ball filled with soaked cod roe and hot red pepper, nagura zo (nagurito basa zo) / I’m going to beat the shit out of you, kome / rice, Reikou Hadou Ken / Spirit wave style, Ryou / Healing, Ei / Defense, Shu / Discipline, Sen / Magic, Gi / Skill

New name meanings: -Tori-Gomoku is a type of rice ball filled with chicken and vegetables. Tori-Gomoku is the twin brother of Kombu and tends to flirt with any tantalizing guy (he is in fact a homosexual). He has the ability to control the body of a person and make them do whatever he pleases--which can prove to be good thing for him at times. The sad part is he can’t cook worth crap.

-Kyuu-chan is Tori-Gomoku’s name for Kyoumi. ‘Kyuu’ meaning ‘nine’ because that’s how many times Kyoumi makes rice-balls a day (about 40 per serving).

-Oi no Bakemono is a monster that emerges from an Oi (Japanese traditional straw backpack) if the straw used to make the Oi used to be cursed. The monster sprouts talons and a demon head from the Oi and it will breathe fire. When Kyoumi tries to retrieve her Oi from Tori-Gomoku, she finds out that a cursed piece of straw was attached to it and this is the result.

-Kome Ken is Kyoumi's form of fighting. The Rice Style.

-Yama no Kami is the Japanese goddess of the hunt, forest, agriculture, and vegetation. Yama in the story is a boy and brother to Musubi. He dresses quite feminine though and has a rather incest nature. He is able to create illusions and locate anyone in an instant since he is such a brutal, yet skilled, hunter.

-Author’s Note: Notice how Kyoumi only speaks in third-person when she talks to strangers or if she is playing around. YAY! We finally get to see Kyoumi’s mad rice-ball skills!!! Well, please guys, comment and critique please. How can someone get better without help? And if you like the story please say so and say why you like it. Getting comments will inspire me to write more efficiently.

Disclaimers: Nothing new to read about as of yet In no way, like I said before, by far does any characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to me. If you were thinking that I did own Yuusuke, Kuwabaru, Hiei, Kurama, Botan, Keiko, Rando, Koenma, Maya, Shiori, The Holy Beasts, Toguro, Sensui, Raizen, Mukuro, Yomi, Genkai, or any other character for that matter, you’re dead wrong! Of course I would enjoy owning them! The characters that do belong to me are my fictional, yet original, side characters and main character Kyoumi, and possibly some demons you won’t find on the show. Also, the “Mire Sutra of Bodhisattva Purgatory” was my creation. The characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to the original creator, Yoshihiro Togashi, and I don’t feel my name is listed anywhere near the original creator

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