By: DarkBunnyRabbit He was coming. But no one would listen to her and they would suffer for their iggnorance...
A civilaztion buried beneath the earth, a young girl and boy with a great destiny, and a world split in two.
Aquinnah has know nothing but darkness all her seventeen years. She dreams of the legandary sun and moon her frail, senile great grandmother speaks of so often. But how could it be? A place where you didn't need illumation? Impossible! But something deep inside told her otherwise...
Dalith has been a rider of one of the great beasts ever known to man. But he urns for something more, he feels there's something he must do. But it eludes him, just out of grasp. And now war is brewing...
Welcome to my first fic on! I hope you like the beginning, it's just a short prolouge that explains very little about what's going on, but I think it's a good start.
Please, please tell me what you think! Any and all constructive reviews and emails are extremly welcome!
Well, Ja ne!
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action / Adventure / Fantasy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 09.21.2002 | Pages: 1 | Words: 430 | Visits: 367 | Status: No Chapters