
Against All Odds
[T] by: Dejana Talis
Anime/Manga: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: November 01, 2007 22:43 PDT | Chapters: 19 | Words: 216.8K | Visits: 8.2K
Summary: A Silver Millennium story. A twist of fate casts Endymion as a stable boy working as a servant in the Moon Castle, where he meets the Princess by chance. With Serenity engaged to another man, can the miracle romance triumph over the barriers of class and n read more
Review(s): 2 Reviews

Full Circle
[T] by: Dejana Talis
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst / Drama | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: September 28, 2006 14:50 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 6.6K | Visits: 617
Summary: Growth is harder for some than for others. Alone of all the Sailor Soldiers, Venus views her power as more of a burden than a blessing. Will she ever experience the harmony her friends enjoy?

No Place
[A] by: Dejana Talis
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: September 28, 2006 00:32 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.8K | Visits: 542
Summary: Luna and Artemis visit a place they had never expected to see again, and with it, the memories of a long-lost lifetime.

Deus Ex Machina
[T] by: Dejana Talis
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Angst | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: September 28, 2006 00:31 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 5.4K | Visits: 614
Summary: God in the Machine. An all-powerful force that manifests in impossible situations and makes everything all right again. A staple of many a fantastic world, to be relied on when all else is unreliable. But what happens when the saving grace is refused?

Final Exam
[A] by: Dejana Talis
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: September 28, 2006 00:28 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 2.1K | Visits: 1.0K
Summary: Based on the anime version of Sailor Stars. If Mamoru wasn't expecting Usagi to see him off at the airport, why did he have the ring with him?
Review(s): 1 Reviews

I, Ginzuishou
[A] by: Dejana Talis
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: September 28, 2006 00:24 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 4.1K | Visits: 697
Summary: Throughout all the eras, all the battles, all the time traveling and reincarnations, only one entity experienced it all firsthand. What is the true nature of the legendary Silver Crystal, and the women who act as its host?
Review(s): 1 Reviews

[A] by: Dejana Talis
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: September 28, 2006 00:22 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.7K | Visits: 953
Summary: It was all so clear now. Tsukino Ikuko clung to the railing as she stumbled down the stairs and headed back to the family room. What kind of a mother was she, to be ignorant of something so huge? What was she supposed to do now?

True Soldier
[T] by: Dejana Talis
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: September 28, 2006 00:20 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 2.8K | Visits: 813
Summary: A serious injury suffered during battle brings Sailor Mars a fresh perspective regarding her princess and their roles as Sailor Senshi.

[A] by: Dejana Talis
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: September 28, 2006 00:18 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 5.3K | Visits: 676
Summary: The town of Sunset was the black hole of life, a desert sea of boredom that devoured dreams and never let its inhabitants go. On the verge of giving up, a young man picks up a very special hitchhiker determined to turn it all around.
Review(s): 2 Reviews

[T] by: Dejana Talis
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Angst | Type: Divergence
Latest Revision: September 28, 2006 00:13 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 15.7K | Visits: 843
Summary: Born of a queen and king who loved their daughter long before she was concieved, I live in the shadow of a child who never existed. Nothing I could ever do could fill the void she has left in their hearts. Will they ever love me as they loved Small Lady?

Golden Afternoon
[A] by: Dejana Talis
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Shoujo / Romance | Type: Divergence
Latest Revision: September 28, 2006 00:10 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 6.8K | Visits: 762
Summary: It is mentioned in canon that Queen Serenity's original intention was for her daughter and the Sailor Soldiers to live peaceful, happy lives on Earth. What would have happened to the five girls, had they not awakened as soldiers?
Review(s): 1 Reviews