First Second Date [T] by: staindgrey Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan FictionGenre(s): Comedy / Drama | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: May 20, 2008 12:19 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 11.0K | Visits: 761Summary: Justin can never get a break. Reggie can never get a break. "Nicker" can never get a clue. A short story dedicated to their haphazard friendship and what a single girl- plus hormones- can result in.
These Pads Don't Fit [A] by: staindgrey : Original Stories Fan FictionGenre(s): Drama | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: May 20, 2008 12:17 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 4.2K | Visits: 606Summary: David, one of the smaller kids in his junior high school, goes through another football practice that his dad signed him up for. He hates it, but can he find an inner strength to earn the respect of his teammates and his father?
The Shards of a Broken Krystal [T] by: staindgrey : StarFox Fan FictionGenre(s): Sci-fi / Romance / Drama / Action | Type: OtherLatest Revision: May 20, 2008 12:11 PDT | Chapters: 12 | Words: 76.1K | Visits: 6.2KSummary: It has been over a year since the Star Fox team smothered the Aparoid threat. Now, with the times of peace being shadowed by impending danger, can Fox continue working with Krystal by his side or is she too much of a burden to bear? (Fox/Krystal fic)Review(s): 8 Reviews
Perfection [T] by: staindgrey : Gundam Wing Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance / Drama / Action | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: June 14, 2006 19:45 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 9.9K | Visits: 891Summary: Relena has but one wish on her mind, but does Heero have that same wish as well? Or does he even know? HxR ficReview(s): 2 Reviews